Incendiary (The Premonition Series (Volume 4))

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Incendiary (The Premonition Series (Volume 4)) Page 6

by Amy A. Bartol

  “Clouds?” I ask, confused.

  “Some kinda gas…chlorine maybe…the first hint of it smelled like a swimmin’ pool, but then it was…” he shakes his head, running his hand through his hair like he does when he’s upset. “The next thing I can remember after that is being mad at my little sister, Scarlet, for knocking over my green, plastic army men I had set up in the backyard. I was about six…in this lifetime,” he says, looking at my face across the island between us. “So when you asked me before, ‘bout why I think I’m here…I’m sure that it’s ‘bout you... ‘cuz it’s always ‘bout you.”

  Listening to the rain softly hitting the panes of glass outside, I can see the pain that I’m causing Russell because of my love for Reed. “Russell…I’m not sure why we’re here, but there’s one thing that I do know: no one is safe around me.”

  “You think I care ‘bout that?” he asks calmly. “I’ve died so many times in so many ways…but I think there’s only one way to destroy me…so I’m gonna fight for you, ‘cuz that’s all I got, Red.”

  “Russell,” I say, bursting into tears and covering my face with my hands. “You don’t understand…you’re fighting for a time bomb! I’m going to blow up in your face! It will be worse than chlorine gas…it will be Hell.”

  Coming quickly around the counter, Russell puts his arms around me, hugging me to his body. “Shh…ahh, c’mon now…don’t cry,” he whispers, kissing the top of my head.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper back. “I don’t know what happened between us, but things are different now. Can’t you feel it? Just because I’ve been the only one for you forever, doesn’t mean that things can’t change. Look at us…we’re not the same, not now. We have wings, we can fly—conjure fire and make it rain…” I trail off, sniffling.

  “And we can love eternally,” he replies, leaning down like he will kiss me.

  Pulling back from Russell, I say, “You want to know why I think I’m here?” I ask, not waiting for him to answer, I go on, “It has to be because of Reed. I know now that I’d risk anything, everything, to be with him. So stop fighting for me, please.”

  Letting his hands drop away from me, I see the tragic twist of his mouth, while his brown eyes scan my face. Looking away from me, he pauses, before turning and walking slowly toward the door of the kitchen.

  Stopping at the threshold, he doesn’t turn around as he says, “Eternity is a very long time, Red. You should be sure that you’re makin’ the right decision before you push me away.”

  As he leaves the room, I can feel something inside of me recoiling and urging me to go after him—to beg him to stay with me—to love me. It’s my soul letting me know that I still love him, even if I can’t remember the echoes of time between us.


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  I watch the rain falling outside through the glass doors of the kitchen before opening them wide and feeling the cool breeze rush in. As I step outside, I cross the shelter of the stone porch and begin to walk in the rain. The water falls on my face and mixes with my tears. Sitting down on the stone steps of the terrace, I put my face in my hands. In minutes, I’m completely soaked. Silently, Reed appears next to me and picks me up, cradling me to him. My arms wrap around the back of his neck as I rest my cheek against his chest. Not saying a word, he carries me through the house and upstairs to a room on the opposite wing from Brownie’s and Buns’s rooms. Placing me beside the crackling fire, Reed enters the bathroom, returning with a huge towel. After wrapping it around me, he pulls me against him, holding me to his chest.

  I let the towel fall from my shoulders to puddle at my feet. Pulling back from Reed, I gaze into his dark green eyes, seeing raw emotion in them. He knows that I’m in pain and my pain causes him pain. In a fraction of a second, it has become simple again. When I’m with Reed, it all fits. What I want is right in front of me. All I have to do is reach out and take it.

  Slowly, I reach my hand out to him, resting my fingertips against his damp t-shirt. Trailing them down to the hem, I curl my fingers around it. Instantly, his wings shoot from his back, tearing through his shirt and leaving it shredded in my grasp. I let his shirt fall from my hands. My fingers go to the bottom button of my blouse, toying with it as I watch Reed’s eyes zero in. His eyes grow darker as I pull the button through the eyelet, exposing my navel.

  Heat from the fire touches my skin as my fingers work the next button, pushing it through the eyelet to expose more of my abdomen. Watching his respiration increase, I feel a flush of warmth dance over my skin. Reed reaches out, but I step back teasingly, not allowing him to touch me. Slowly, he moves forward a step, beginning to stalk me while I take another step back, working on the next button and pushing it through the eyelet, exposing my ribcage and just the rounded edge of my lacy bra.

  As my knees back up to the bed, a smile forms on my lips, knowing Reed is steering me in the direction he wants me to go. Sitting on the bed, I fall back onto it, letting my arms stretch out. The mattress moves as Reed places his hands on the bed. Leaning down, his lips touch my skin near my naval, making my muscles contract as his face tickles me. If I could see my heart, I’m sure that it would be glowing at this moment.

  Reed trails kisses upward over my abdomen, traversing the linen of my blouse to return to the skin at the column of my neck. Putting my hand on his cheek, I touch the other to his hair, teasing a wet curl by his temple. Gazing into his eyes, I whisper, “All I want is you.”

  “Evie,” my name is barely audible as he touches his lips to mine. His fingers finish opening the buttons of my blouse. The fabric slips from my arms, exposing my bare shoulders. Reed trails kisses over the curve of my shoulder to the hollow of my throat, causing his name to slip from me. No more words are spoken between us, but we make promises to each other that words can’t communicate.


  As I lie in Reed’s arms, my fingertip skims over the healing tracks of claw marks etched in his chest. “I want you to stop fighting with Russell,” I say, before placing my lips tenderly to the scratch.

  Lifting my fingers to his lips, he kisses them before saying, “No.”

  I search his eyes, “Why not?”

  “I will handle it,” he replies softly.

  I frown, “This is between Russell and me. I had a conversation with him tonight. I asked him to stop fighting you for me because I’ve already chosen you.”

  “You think that will work?” he asks, looking into my eyes.

  Biting my lip, I lower my gaze from his. “Maybe…but, you don’t have to worry about it because I’ll handle it,” I reply.

  “Love,” Reed sighs. “You are a frustrating creature.” He frowns.

  “What?” I ask, startled by his comment.

  “It’s my right to fight him for you. Don’t interfere,” he replies, pulling me closer to him.

  “Explain,” I demand.

  “He has to go through me to get to you. Since we are bound to each other, he can only court you if I'm defeated by him,” he says.

  “Defeated how?” I murmur with growing panic.

  “If he can dominate me, then he could open the door between you both. Since he is your soul mate, he has an equal bond with you,” Reed admits in an even tone. “It’s an equal claim to you. I’m not going to just step aside and allow that to happen, so don’t ask it of me. I will fight for you whether it angers you or not.”

  “You’re saying I’m intruding on some male ritual between the two of you?” I ask.

  “Yes,” he replies, frowning.

  “But, that’s—why can’t I just tell everyone who I want?” I ask in frustration.

  “Because you may change your mind when you see how powerful one is verses the other,” he replies. “I’ll never give him the upper hand. I’ll never let him defeat me. When I’m challenged, I’ll accept it and I won’t lose.”

  “Brennus is right, I am pretty poison,” I mutter, pulling away from Reed’s chest and lying back on a pillow.

“He’s wrong. His words were spoken in the bitterness of jealousy and loss. He knows what you are. It’s why he cannot let you go,” Reed says.

  “What am I?” I ask.

  “Unforgettable,” Reed replies. “You’re art that cannot be concealed…danger that cannot be tamed…love that cannot be measured…a new law that denies a probable outcome.”

  “And you’re my heart,” I whisper.

  Reaching over, Reed pulls me back to his chest. “I want to discuss something with you, Evie,” Reed says, toying with a strand of my hair.

  “Hmm?” I manage to reply.

  “I had some intel from Dominion,” he says. “Molly was truthful when she said that Dominion has been engaging the Gancanagh.”

  “Did you tell them where we are?” I ask, knowing that Dominion has not been let in on our location because they want to seize control of Russell. He is a fascinating weapon to them. He attracts evil to him, just as I do, and they want to use him to lure the Fallen and any other prey they want to snare.

  “I haven’t given up our location. We don’t want them here, but there’s a complication…they have something we want,” Reed says.

  I become alert, sitting up against the pillow, I ask, “What?”

  “Tau has arrived at Dominion,” he states.

  “He’s at the chateau? My father is at their chateau?” I ask for clarity.

  “It would seem,” he replies.

  “Why?” I wonder.

  “He’s looking for you,” Reed says softly.

  My eyebrows pull together. “He’s a little late, wouldn’t you say?” I ask sarcastically, feeling the heat of anger creep to my cheeks.

  “No, I’d say he’s right on time,” Reed counters.

  My eyes widen at him. “You think this is good news,” I say accusingly.

  “Yes,” Reed replies.

  “How do you know he’s not here to rip out my evil heart?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Your heart is not evil,” Reed says, frowning. “And I know because he just about tore down the walls of the place looking for you.”

  “That doesn’t prove anything other than he wants me for some reason,” I counter.

  “He demanded his daughter,” Reed says calmly.

  “Oh, so because he’s claiming me as his daughter, you think that means he’s on my side?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at him as I bound out of the bed and begin pacing in front of the fire. “Maybe he just heard I was there and felt curious—”

  “No one storms in and threatens to annihilate an entire city of angels if they don’t produce his daughter out of mere curiosity,” Reed says, sitting forward on the bed and watching my every move before the fireplace like a cat watching a mouse. A slow, sensual smile forms at the corners of his mouth, and I swear, if he had a tail, it would be swishing. “When he heard that the war council put you on trial for your life, he challenged each of them to combat.”

  I stop dead. “He did?” I breathe, feeling a deeper blush rush to my face.

  “He did,” Reed nods.

  “Oh,” I murmur, feeling confused. I turn toward the fire and my wings move in agitation. A groan sounds from the bed behind me. Looking over my shoulder at Reed, my eyebrow rises in question.

  “I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you, Evie, but it’s really difficult when you look so tempting…” he says, holding up his hand to indicate me in front of the fire, completely naked.

  “Oh!” I say, startled. I move to the bed, pulling the sheet from it and wrapping it around me.

  “Better?” I ask as I cover up.

  Shaking his head, he says, “Not really, but it will have to do.”

  A reluctant smile touches my lips, before I ask, “Who did you talk to at Dominion?”

  “Preben, but our conversation was interrupted when Tau learned that he was speaking to me,” Reed explains.

  “You spoke to Tau?” I ask with my voice becoming breathless.

  “Yes, he was uncharacteristically agitated for a Seraph,” he smiles.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Seraphim are known for their cool demeanor. Tau threatened to shred me if I didn’t let him talk to you,” he replies.

  My eyes go wide, “What did you say to that?” I ask.

  “I told him I’d tell you and if you want to speak to him, you’ll call him back,” he replies, watching me and assessing my body language. “I have his number.”

  “What does he want?” I sit down on the edge of the bed. Reed reaches out and takes my hand.

  “You,” he replies, rubbing his thumb over my skin.

  “Why?” I watch Reed’s expression soften.

  “I don’t know…maybe it’s because you’re his daughter,” he murmurs.

  “What do you think I should do?” My unoccupied hand toys with the end of my sheet.

  “Call him,” he says without hesitation.

  My throat becomes tight. “Why?” I pull my hand from his.

  “He might have the answers we need regarding why you’re here—your mission. He is also a great angel. His prowess is legendary. We could learn many things from him…” he trails off when he sees my scowl.

  “You respect him?” I ask, not being able to contain the edge in my voice.

  “Of course. He is one of the most courageous angels to have ever been created, Evie. When there is a parley between Sheol and Paradise, it is often Tau who is sent to speak to the Fallen…alone…in Sheol,” he replies.

  “So, he’s a good communicator. Bravo for him,” I say sourly.

  “It takes more than communication skills to enter Sheol. You know that. It takes the kind of courage that not many possess. You should not judge him until you have the facts, and you cannot get the facts until you speak to him,” Reed says, leaning to me and stroking my hair.

  “Well, if you’re going to be all rational about it,” I mumble sullenly, still picking at the sheet.

  “You could call him now,” Reed says, taking me in his arms and pulling me back to his chest.

  “No, I’m tired now…maybe later,” I say, resting my head against Reed’s chest again, watching the fire dance.

  “Then rest, love,” Reed says, continuing to stroke my hair until I fall asleep in his arms.


  I awake to shafts of sunlight casting a glow over my bed. Stirring, I lift my head, seeing Reed sitting next to me reading an old, worn book. Smiling sleepily, I sigh almost inaudibly the word, “Hungry,” as I stretch out my limbs.

  Tossing his book on the bedside table, Reed says, “Me, too,” and begins nibbling on my neck. Squirming as his mouth tickles me, I laugh and pull him closer.

  “Who needs food?” I ask, nipping gently at the skin of his shoulder. Reed makes love to me again in the shafts of sunlight of the perfect morning. Sometime later, while lying in Reed’s arms, my stomach growls noisily.

  My eyes grow wide as Reed’s face hovers above mine. “I am starving you,” he says contritely.

  “Yes, you are,” I agree, not making any excuses for him.

  “Then, let’s go eat,” he says, getting up and going to the closet near the bathroom.

  “I need to take a shower,” I reply, hurrying to the bathroom and turning on the water. Brushing my teeth after my shower, I shamelessly watch Reed in the mirror as he shrugs into a pair of board shorts and a t-shirt. Smiling to myself, I walk to the closet, finding my clothes that have been brought here from our bungalow on the beach. Choosing a pair of denim shorts and a nearly backless top that ties at the neck, I push my feet into a pair of chic sandals.

  “Ready?” I ask Reed and see him smile as he grasps my hand and walks with me out of our room. “Are we training today?” I ask, because everything seems to be different now after the visit from Molly.

  “Zephyr and I discussed it. We’ll stay near the house. We can train in the ballroom or on the patio by the kitchen after the staff leaves. They should only be here to drop off supplies. The boat
will take them back to the other island. We ordered food for a few weeks because we will be suspending the staff visits from now on…so, how good are you in the kitchen?” he inquires with a smile.

  “I make a mean PB and J,” I reply, “a decent lasagna, and some killer scrambled eggs.

  “Good. Zee said Hati is putting together recipes that we just need to follow,” he informs me.

  “That shouldn’t be too hard. I can’t wait to see you in an apron,” I tease him, trying to picture him cooking anything.

  “I have prepared food before, but it’s been awhile,” he says, smiling at me.

  “When was the last time?” I ask.

  He looks up at the ceiling, “A few decades ago…more or less,” he replies.

  “Ah…before refrigeration or after?” I ask, hiding my smile.

  “Hmm, before…I believe…” he says seriously, and when I burst out laughing, he grins at my response. “What?” he asks as I shake my head, “I said it’s been awhile.”

  “You can help me make some breakfast…it’ll be fun,” I say, squeezing his hand and looking up into his brilliant green eyes. Entering the kitchen, I go directly to the sink and wash my hands. Reed follows me, washing his hands beside me. As I walk to the refrigerator, I open it and scan its contents. “Eggs?” I ask, glancing over my shoulder to see Reed watching me.

  “Yes,” he replies, coming closer, resting his arm on the open refrigerator door in a sexy way. A slow blush begins in me as our eyes meet, making me have to look away.

  Pulling out the carton of eggs, milk, and butter, I carry them to the counter. “Do you like cheese?” I ask, glancing up to see Reed nod.

  After retrieving the cheese, I go to the cabinet. On my tiptoes, I attempt to get a bowl down from one of the higher shelves. Reed steps behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist; he leans in and presses a sultry kiss to my neck while reaching up and grasping a bowl from the shelf with his other hand. I bite my lip as my entire body reacts to his touch.

  “Thank you,” I breathe, taking the bowl from him.

  “You’re welcome,” he answers in a low tone, before nuzzling my ear lobe, sending shivers of desire through me.


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