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by Douglas Valentine

  3. Brickham, “Proposal,” p. 3.

  4. Brickham, “Proposal,” p. 4.

  5. Interview with Evan J. Parker, Jr.

  6. Johnson, A Study, p. 174.

  7. McChristian, p. 76.

  8. Interview with Edward Brady.

  9. Johnson, A Study, p. 110.

  10. Ward interview.

  CHAPTER 10: Action Programs

  1. Johnson, A Study, p. 196.

  2. Parker interview.

  3. Acampora interview.

  4. Al Santoli, Everything We Had (New York: Ballantine Books, 1984), p. 202.

  5. Johnson, A Study, p. 200.

  6. Johnson, A Study, p. 200.

  7. Brickham interview.

  8. Interview with Robert Brewer.

  9. Ward interview.

  10. Johnson, A Study, p. 198.

  11. Johnson, A Study, p. 197.

  12. “Project Take-Off” (Saigon; U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, November 1967) p. 3.

  13. Johnson, A Study, p. 391.

  14. Letter to the author from Randolph Berkeley.

  15. Milberg, p. 60.

  16. Milberg, p. 61.

  17. Interview with Robert Slater.

  18. Milberg, p. 61.

  19. Tran Van Truong, A Vietcong Memoir (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985), p. 108.

  20. Truong, p. 110.

  21. “Project Take-Off,” p. 3.


  1. Scotton interview.

  2. Donohue interview.

  3. Ward interview.

  4. Raymond Bonner, Waltzing with a Dictator (New York: Random House, 1987) p. 75.

  5. Interview with Robert Peartt.

  6. The Pentagon Papers, Vol. V, p. 120.

  7. Grieves interview.

  8. McCollum interview.

  9. David Welch, “Pacification in Vietnam,” Ramparts, October 1967, p. 39.

  10. Milberg, p. 39.

  11. Interview with John Wilbur.

  12. Parker interview.

  13. Brickham interview.

  14. Santoli, pp. 203–204.

  15. Santoli, p. 204.

  16. Santoli, p. 205.

  17. Santoli, pp. 217–218.

  18. Interview with Louis Lapham.

  CHAPTER 12: Tet

  1. Brickham interview.

  2. Acampora interview.

  3. Lapham interview.

  4. Lapham interview.

  5. Interview with Renz Hoeksema.

  6. Wilbur interview.

  7. Interview with Howard Stone.

  8. Karnow, p. 514.

  9. Interview with Tom McCoy.

  10. Interview with Warren Milberg.

  11. Karnow, p. 523.

  12. Interview with Rudy Enders.

  13. Karnow, p. 532.

  14. The Pentagon Papers, Senator Gravel edition (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971), Vol. IV, p. 578.

  15. Slater, p. 48.

  16. Huy, p. 129.

  17. Interview with Robert Inman.

  18. Letter to the author from Lionel Rosenblatt.

  19. Interview with George French.

  20. Slater, p. ix.

  21. Brady interview.

  22. Huy, p. 130.

  23. Huy, p. 136.

  24. Huy, p. 130.

  25. “Status of Phoenix/Phung Hoang for Period January-June 1968” (Saigon, MACCORDS, Phoenix Fact Sheet, August 10, 1968, LTC Lemire).

  26. Johnson, A Study, p. 275.

  27. John Cook, The Advisor (Philadelphia, Pa.: Dorrance, 1973), p. 195.

  28. Wall interview.

  CHAPTER 13: Parallax Views

  1. Brewer interview.

  2. Milberg interview.

  3. Manzione interview.

  CHAPTER 14: Phoenix in Flight

  1. Milberg interview.

  2. Milberg, p. 62.

  3. Milberg, p. 44.

  4. Milberg, p. 50.

  5. Milberg, p. 51.

  6. Milberg, p. 53.

  7. Milberg, p. 57.

  8. Interview with Douglas Dillard.

  9. Letter to the author from Bruce Palmer.

  10. Ward interview.

  11. Santoli, p. 204.

  12. McChristian, p. 100.

  CHAPTER 15: Modus Vivendi

  1. Dillard interview.

  2. Slater, p. 56.

  3. Interview with Jack.

  4. Interview with Brian Willson.

  5. Dinh Tuong An, “The Truth About Phoenix” (Saigon, Tin Sang, 1970–71).

  6. An, “Truth.”

  7. An, “Truth.”

  8. An, “Truth.”

  9. An, “Truth.”

  10. An, “Truth.”

  11. An, “Truth.”

  12. An, “Truth.”

  13. Milberg interview.

  14. An, “Truth.”

  15. An, “Truth.”

  16. An, “Truth.”

  17. Dillard interview.

  18. An, “Truth.”

  19. An, “Truth.”

  20. Truong, p. 113.

  21. Truong, p. 117.

  22. Truong, p. 117.

  23. Frank Snepp, Decent Interval (New York: Random House, 1978), p. 31.

  24. Snepp, p. 38.

  CHAPTER 16: Advisers

  1. Dillard interview.

  2. Ward interview.

  3. Letter to the author from George Dexter.

  4. Milberg, p. 46.

  5. Interview with Henry McWade.

  6. Johnson, A Study, p. 265.

  7. Brady interview.

  8. Truong, p. 136.

  CHAPTER 17: Accelerated Pacification

  1. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 716.

  2. Thomas Thayer, A Systems Analysis of the Vietnam War 1965–1972, Vol. 10: Pacification and Civil Affairs (Washington D.C.: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, 1975), pp. 40–43.

  3. Peartt interview.

  4. Wilbur interview.

  5. William Colby, Honorable Men (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978), pp. 260–263.

  6. Huy, p. 141.

  7. Cook, p. 113.

  8. Race, p. 239.

  9. Race, p. 239.

  10. Race, p. 240.

  11. McCoy interview.

  12. Letter to the author from Frank Walton.

  13. Colby, pp. 207–208.

  14. Dillard interview.

  15. Interview with Richard Bradish.

  16. Interview with Walter Kolon.

  17. Cook, p. 208.

  18. Race, p. 238.

  19. Brickham and Ward interviews.

  20. Colby, p. 269.

  21. Jack interview.

  CHAPTER 18: Transitions

  1. Brady interview.

  2. Brickham interview.

  3. Interview with Shelby Roberts.

  4. John Berry, Those Gallant Men on Trial in Vietnam (Novato, Calif.: Presidio Press, 1984), p. 56.

  5. McWade interview.

  6. Dillard interview.

  7. Interview with Ralph McGehee.

  8. Ralph McGehee, Deadly Deceits (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1983) p. 141.

  9. McGehee, p. 142.

  10. McGehee, p. 142.

  11. “Hearing on the Nomination of William Colby” (Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate, July 2, 20, 25, 1973), p. 56.

  12. The New York Times, November 10, 1984.

  13. The Boston Globe, November 14, 1984, p. 10.

  14. The Boston Globe, November 14, 1984, p. 10.

  15. The New York Times, November, 21, 1984, p. B2.

  16. “Hearing on the Nomination of William Colby,” p. 57.

  17. McGehee, pp. 127–128.

  18. McGehee, p. 128.

  19. McGehee, p. 84.

  20. McGehee, pp. 82–83.

  21. McGehee, p. 145.

  22. Colby interview.

  23. Colby, p. 266.

  24. Johnson, A Study, p. 370.

  25. Lapham interview.

  26. Interview w
ith Ted Shackley.

  27. “Phoenix Reorganization” (Saigon, MACCORDS, February 6, 1969), cited in Johnson, A Study, p. 370.

  28. Parker interview.

  29. Johnson, A Study, p. 372.

  30. Johnson, A Study, p. 304.

  CHAPTER 19: Psyops

  1. “Phung Hoang/Phoenix 1969 End of Year Report” (Saigon, MACCORDS, February 28, 1970), p. D-3.

  2. Scott Breckenridge, The CIA and the US Intelligence System (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1985), p. 170.

  3. William Turley, Far East Asian Economic Review, May 2, 1985.

  4. 1969 End of Year Report, p. B-6.

  5. An, “Truth.”

  6. Ward interview.

  7. 1969 End of Year Report, p. B-6–1.

  8. 1969 End of Year Report, p. B-3–1.

  9. “Phung Hoang Results Due Directly to Psyops” (Saigon, MACCORDS, Phoenix Directorate, December 6, 1970).

  10. Cook, p. 182.

  11. Johnson, A Study, p. 355.

  12. 1969 End of Year Report, p. B-10–3.

  13. An, “Truth.”

  14. “Phung Hoang Results Due Directly to Psyops.”

  15. “Phung Hoang/Phoenix Program” (Washington D.C.: The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, JCSM-394–70, August 15, 1970, from Major General Frank B. Clay, Deputy Director, Joint Staff).

  16. “Phung Hoang Results Due Directly to Psyops.”

  17. Joseph Treaster, “The Phoenix Murders,” Penthouse, December 1975, p. 147.

  18. 1969 End of Year Report, p. B-l-2.

  19. 1969 End of Year Report, p. B-2–1-6.

  20. 1969 End of Year Report, p. B-2–1-6.

  21. 1969 End of Year Report, p. B-l-1 to B-l-3.

  22. 1969 End of Year Report, p. D-7.

  23. Treaster, p. 147.

  24. Colby, p. 269.

  25. Johnson, A Study, pp. 304–305.

  26. “Special Collection Program BIG MACK” (Saigon, MACCORDS, MACJ212–2 Fact Sheet, December 8, 1970).

  27. Dillard interview.

  28. 1969 End of Year Report, pp. 8 and C.

  29. 1969 End of Year Report, pp. 8 and C.

  30. “Tracking of Arrested Individuals” (Saigon, CORDS Public Safety Fact Sheet, L. M. Rosen, November 27, 1970).

  31. “National Police Redeployment Concept” (Saigon, CORDS Public Safety Fact Sheet, L. M. Rosen, December 8, 1970).

  CHAPTER 20: Reforms

  1. Johnson, A Study, p. 406.

  2. Ministry of Interior Circular 757, “Classification and Rehabilitation of Of fenders,” Saigon, March 21, 1969.

  3. Johnson, A Study, p. 406.

  4. Ministry of Interior Circular 2212, “Improvements of the Methods of Resolving the Status of Offenders,” Saigon, August 20, 1969.

  5. Interview with Lien Johnson.

  6. Interview with Harry Johnson.

  7. Interview with Lien Johnson.

  8. Interview with Tom Polgar.

  9. Brady interview.

  10. Karnow, pp. 440–441.

  11. Johnson, A Study, pp. 374—375.

  12. Enders interview.

  13. Cited in “The Phoenix/Phung Hoang and Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRU) Programs,” undated Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, from General Abrams.

  14. “The Phoenix/Phung Hoang and Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRU) Programs.”

  15. “The Phoenix/Phung Hoang and Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRU) Programs.”

  16. “The Phoenix/Phung Hoang and Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRU) Programs.”

  17. Interview with Jack.

  18. Interview with Michael McCann.

  19. Interview with Fred Dick.

  CHAPTER 21: Decay

  1. Huy, p. 139.

  2. Huy, p. 146.

  3. Lansdale, p. 343.

  4. Snepp, p. 15n.

  5. Scotton interview.

  6. “Hearing on the Nomination of William Colby,” p. 58.

  7. McGehee interview.

  8. McGehee, pp. 153–154.

  9. McGehee, p. 154.

  10. McGehee, p. 154.

  11. McGehee, p. 153.

  12. Michael Maclear, The Ten Thousand Day War (New York: St. Martin’s Press,1981), p. 261.

  13. “U.S. Assistance Programs in Vietnam” (Foreign Operations and Government Information Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, July 15, 16, 19, 21 and August 2, 1971), p. 105.

  14. “U.S. Assistance Programs in Vietnam,” p. 105.

  15. Maclear, p. 263.

  16. Snepp, p. 12.

  17. Interview with Ed Murphy.

  18. Erwin Knoll, “The Mysterious Project Phoenix,” The Progressive, February 1970.

  19. Knoll.

  20. Georgie Anne Geyer, “The CIA’s Hired Killers,” True, February 1970.

  CHAPTER 22: Hearings

  1. The New York Times, February 17, 1970.

  2. State Department Telegram 024391 from Clayton McManaway to William Sullivan, Subject: “Senate Hearings,” February 17, 1970.

  3. Grieves interview.

  4. Letter to the author from Nguyen Van Dai.

  5. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 200.

  6. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 201.

  7. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 201.

  8. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 201.

  9. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 201.

  10. Geyer.

  11. Colby interview.

  12. Neil Sheehan, “An American Soldier in Vietnam, Part III: An All-Round Man,” The New Yorker, June 20, 1988, pp. 54–55.

  13. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 212.

  14. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 118.

  15. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 119.

  16. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 120.

  17. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 120.

  18. Michael Drosnin, “Phoenix: The CIA’s Biggest Assassination Program” (New Times, August 22, 1975), p. 19.

  19. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 205.

  20. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 205–206.

  21. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 206.

  22. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 206.

  23. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 207.

  24. “Vietnam Policy and Prospects 1970,” p. 104.

  25. Huy, p. 141.

  26. The New York Times, February 22, 1970.

  27. “Phung Hoang/Phoenix Program” (Washington D.C.: The Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 15, 1970, Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense from Major General Frank B. Clay, Deputy Director, Joint Staff) (hereafter called the Clay memo), p. 2.

  28. Clay memo, p. 8.

  29. Phung Hoang Adviser Handbook (Saigon, MACCORDS, November 20, 1970), p. 10.

  30. Colby, p. 268.

  31. Johnson, A Study, pp. 341–342.

  32. Brady interview.

  33. Murphy interview.

  CHAPTER 23: Dissension

  1. Karnow, p, 606.

  2. Interview with Lucy Nhiem Hong Nguyen.

  3. Karnow, p. 608.

  4. Interview with Thomas P. McGrevey.

  5. Karnow, p. 610.

  6. Chomsky, p. 57–26.

  7. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations: Cambodia, May 1970 Staff Report, p. 5.

  8. Interview with Philip Agee in Playboy, March 1975, p. 60.

  9. “Phung Hoang 1970 End of Year Report” (Saigon, MACCORDS, Phung Hoang Directorate, May 11, 1971), p. 43.

  10. 1970 End of Year Report, p. 13.

  11. Karnow, p. 611.

  12. Karnow, p. 612.

  13. Karnow, p. 634.

  CHAPTER 24: Transgressions

  1. McCollum interview.

  2. Parker interview.

  3. “Calley Defense Asks Disclosure of Top-Secret Data on Song My,” The New York Ti
mes, August 25, 1970.

  4. Wall interview.

  5. Hersh, p. 87.

  6. Hersh, p. 88.

  7. Hersh, p. 88.

  8. Hersh, p. 88.

  9. Hersh, p. 88.

  10. Myra MacPherson, Long Time Passing (New York: Signet, 1984), p. 625.

  11. Joseph Goldstein, The My Lai Massacre and Its Cover-up (New York: The Free Press, 1976), p. 256.

  12. Hersh, p. 93.

  13. Hersh, p. 93.

  14. Hersh, p. 95.

  15. Goldstein, p. 145.

  16. Hersh, p. 95.

  17. Goldstein, p. 339.

  18. Goldstein, p. 270.

  19. Goldstein, p. 277.

  20. Goldstein, p. 278.

  21. Goldstein, p. 288.

  22. Goldstein, p. 313.

  23. Hersh, pp. 188–189.

  24. MacPherson, p. 625.12.

  25. Interview with George Davis.

  26. Jeffrey Stein and Michael T. Klare, “From the Ashes: Phoenix,” Commonweal, April 20, 1975, p. 159.

  27. “U.S. Assistance Programs in Vietnam,” p. 53.

  28. Drosnin, p. 24.

  29. Drosnin, p. 24.

  30. Drosnin, p. 23.

  31. Don Luce, Hostages of War (Indochina Resource Center, 1973) p. 26.

  32. Luce, p. 27.

  33. Luce, p. 24.

  CHAPTER 25: Da Nang

  1. Interview with Daniel Jerry Bishop.

  2. Interview with Bill Taylor.

  CHAPTER 26: Revisions

  1. Clay memo, p. 2.

  2. 1970 End of Year Report, p. v.

  3. 1970 End of Year Report, p. 51.

  4. “National Police Redeployment Concept.”

  5. Dillard interview.

  6. Luce, p. 30.

  7. 1970 End of Year Report, p. 19.

  8. Thayer, p. 82.

  9. Thayer, p. 99.

  10. Grieves interview.

  11. Thayer, p. 95.

  12. Clay memo, p. 8.

  13. Clay memo, p. 3.

  14. Letter to the author from Harold Child.

  15. Interview with Chester McCoid.

  16. Kolon interview.

  17. Interview with James Hunt.

  18. Colby interview.

  19. “Response to Ambassador Colby’s Check List” (to William Sullivan, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, from Richard Funkhouser, Office of the Deputy for CORDS, II Field Force Vietnam, December 1, 1970).

  20. Interview with Walt Burmester.

  21. Enders interview.

  22. Interview with Donald Gregg.

  23. Clay memo, p. 7.

  24. “Internal Security in South Vietnam—Phoenix,” December 12, 1970.

  25. Interview with Paul Coughlin.

  26. Acampora interview.20.

  CHAPTER 27: Legalities

  1. Johnson, Planned Assassination.

  2. Interview with William Phillips.

  3. The New York Times, April 17, 1971, p. 5.


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