His Mate And His Mistress

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His Mate And His Mistress Page 3

by Irtania Adrien

  "Yes sir." I replied absentmindedly. And with that, I didn't even wait to be dismissed, I just led myself out. A part of me still couldn't believe that he actually agreed, but I was fretting more on what he said. He wanted to do things with me, yet didn't want me. I couldn't possibly live like that, at least not with my mate. Was it always going to be like that? Me making up excuses to see him? Him dictating what I do around here? Him teasing me, just to tear me apart? I couldn't believe what was going on. I don't think I can do this, not like thi- "Watch where you going slut!" Came Serena's voice as she shoved me. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realize where I was going, and I accidentally bumped into her, but she still had no right to speak to me like that, or put her hands on me. So I shoved her back as I said "and you keep your dirty claws to yourself!"

  "Why you little b-"

  "ADELINA! Your room right now!" Ordered Demitrey as he opened his office door.

  "WHAT?! ME?! HOW ABOUT YOUR LITTLE BIMBO OF A SLUT YOU CALL A MISTRESS?! She's the one who touched me." I retorted, my anger flaring.

  Demitrey breathed in slowly as he said "you have exactly 1 minute to get to your room, because if you let me catch you, you will regret it." I was bewildered. Fuming, yet bewildered. I looked over at a smug smirking Serena, then I stomped my way to my room, locking myself in until dinner time, which Cilia came to serve it for me. "Hey, haven't seen you since this morning, is everything okay?" Asked Cilia, as we ate dinner together.

  "Yep, got a new job at the clinic." I explained, trying not to let the events of earlier to get to me... again.

  "Awesome, now you can have money, and soon we can hang out in the city. There's so much I want to show you." Cilia explained happily.

  "Sure, whenever you want." I managed to smile. I made a friend. We spent some time chatting away, until it was time for Cilia to go, and I quickly found myself tucking in bed, ready to get this day behind me, but I guess the night was still young, for my door opened, and a shirtless Demitrey made his way inside my room, closing and locking the door behind him. He sauntered towards my bed, holding a captivating eye contact with me, keeping me frozen in spot. When he towered above me he said in a deep voice "get up." At first I was confused, well no, distracted. I mean my mate, a man that seem to be sculpted by the gods, stood in front of me shirtless, giving me a knee shaking, heart racing, nerve wracking smoldering gaze, and his deep tone is like icing on the cake, I had to focus on his lips this time as he repeated "get up." And I found myself blinking a few times before I caught what he said, and I slowly moved out the bed, and stood right in front of him, and without warning, the back of his hand came in harsh impact with my cheek, and I landed face first on the bed. Did he...? Did he just strike me? "Get up!" He ordered again, his tone angry. I was shaking, tears quickly pouring from my eyes. "I said get up." He declared, as he fisted my hair and pulled me up, as a cry of pain escaped from my lips. He looked me in the eyes, as his own shone with anger, as he seem ready to strike me again, but then something flashed in his eyes, and his palm came softly against my cheek, as he caressed the spot where he striked me, soothing the burn, then with no warning he pushed me on the bed harshly, turned, and left me. And just like Deja vu, sobs ransacked my body, as tears flooded my vision. My mate... My very mate hit me. He hurt me.

  Chapter 6- "Attraction" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* I stared at my body in the mirror, while my hands nervously patted down my scrubs, trying to smooth out the creases that were too stubborn to flee by the hot iron. I looked at my phone to see that my shift starts at 8:00 AM, which means I had 30 mins to get there. So without wasting anymore time, I shot myself another look in the mirror, and with one last breath, I walked out of my room, and started making my way to work carefully. See ever since my encounter with my mate, I've tried to avoid him under any and every circumstance, and so far I've managed to succeed. On my way to the clinic, I found myself pondering over my current situation, something that I found myself doing often since the past few days. My mate hurt me, technically rejected me, yet he didn't. For a rejection to officiate he must quote "I, alpha Demitrey Jackson reject you, Adelina Veraso, as my mate." And on the other hand I'm supposed to say "I Adelina Veraso accept your rejection, Alpha." Or vice versa. Either way, him not officially rejecting me is taking a toll, I am afraid of him, yet I find my wolf, Aden, becoming restless from being away from her mate. She wines in my head, and sometimes even manipulates my mind and dreams, and I find myself constantly thinking up erotic fantasies between me and the ruthless alpha. But I was quick to find my salvation this time, because I made it to the clinic. As soon as I walked in, I was hit by the strong scent of cleaning products, mixed with medicine, and coffee. Not that it bothered me, I mean I was used to the environment, but I couldn't help the jitters that seem evident in my stomach. "Good morning." Came a kind soft voice behind me, and when I turned around, there stood an elderly woman in a lab coat, holding a clipboard, with a stethoscope hanging around her neck, and a kind smile lingering on her lips.

  "You must be Adelina, the alpha told me about you." She continued, her smile never fading.

  "He did?" I asked surprised.

  "Yes, and I am ever so grateful. I've been asking for assistance since the clinic opened, and finally here you are." She chuckled shaking her head, and all I could do was stand there and smile, although very awkwardly.

  "Alright, well today is not too much of a busy day, however I do need you to update some files for my patients on the clinic's database. Each of the folders belong to a member of the pack, and we need to update their physical and medical status, so everything you need is in your office, and I'll come around lunch to see how you are doing." Declared the lady, which I still don't know what her name is.

  "Right, thank you um..."

  "Oh my! Where are my manners, my name is Diana, but you can call me aunty D, since that's what everyone calls me around here." She laughed, as she extended her hand for a handshake.

  "Right, thank you Diana." I smiled shaking her hand, then she directed me to the office as she informed "so since the pack is a bit enormous, I suggest you begin by first sorting out the folders in alphabetical order, based on the last names, and then work on updating the database."

  "Got it. Thank you." I said smiling kindly at the elderly woman, then I made my way into the office. My office. When I walked in and turned on the lights, my breath was taken away, not that I was mesmerized, but instead overwhelmed. Folders, books, papers were scattered everywhere, and dust didn't fail to make itself noticeable. I glanced around, my eyes as wide as saucers, my jaw unhinged. I couldn't believe it, I had my work cut out for me. After taking a moment to gather myself, I placed my bag in a corner, and first thing first, I opened the curtains that blocked the window and sunlight across the room, but I wished I didn't. There, right outside my window were the warriors training, and right in between was the alpha, my alpha, my mate. Shirtless. And my jaw hit the floor. I can't lie... HE. IS. GORGEOUS! I couldn't help the way my eyes traveled down his toned body, admiring his sculpted chest and abs. His dark hair glazed in the sun, while sweat beads teasingly rolled off his skin. His movements were fluent, flexible, and very agile. And his muscles contrast with every movement, making me fantasize about how it would feel to be wrapped in them in a possessive manner. He took down each warrior who attacked him with ease, and well, I couldn’t help but feel turned on by just the sight of him. My wolf didn't mind purring "mmh he could take me down anytime." And I couldn't help but agree with her for once. My vile thoughts cause my body to start tingling in a very unusual way. My breath started picking up, my vision dilating. I could feel a sudden shudder travel in my chest, and I felt something pool in my treasured placed. I was turned on. Too bad it was cut short when his eyes connected with mine, and I got caught staring, causing flames to ignite in my cheeks from the embarrassment. Without wasting a second, I hid behind the wall to calm my breathing. I was screwed. I can't deny, I'm attracted to him... But it can't work. It's
all in vain. He doesn't want me. He never will. And that's okay... I'm strong, I'll survive... I think. I took a minute to come to terms with my resolution, then after a moment I started organizing and tidying up my work area. First I started by picking up and sorting out the papers then I placed them on my desk, then I sorted out the shelves, and soon the floor was clear of materials. I looked around the room and spotted three doors. The first one revealed an adjoining bathroom, with a shower and everything, the second looked like a closet, and the third was a broom closet. Which was just what I needed. I fished my headphones out of my bag, and plugged it into my phone, turning on my favorites playlist, then I placed it in my scrubs' pocket, as I jammed and cleaned at the same time, my earlier thoughts forgotten. *Third person's pnt. Of view* While Adelina was busy dancing and working, what she wasn't aware of was the sudden change in the atmosphere, as someone made their way into her office. The intruder watched attentively as she broomed around her space, feeling as though she was secretly teasing him, by the way she moved her hips seductively from side to side. He couldn't help the way his wolf took over, wanting to pounce on its victim, and he couldn't help his own desire to dominate the vixen that was still unaware of his presence. Well, until he slid up behind her holding her hips that is. And she froze. Her breath got caught in her throat as she felt the tingles erupt from where she was being held. And she knew exactly who it was, her body can only react to his in such manner. She felt his breath on her ears as he whispered oh so sensually "you like being a tease?" Then he kissed, and nipped the tip of her ear, and a gasp involuntarily escaped her lips.

  "I- I- Don't-"

  "Shh, don't talk." He suddenly commanded, his voice taking on a new deeper tone, as his grip became firm, just as she felt his erection on her backside.

  He started leaving soft kisses on her neck, and she couldn't fight the urge as she leaned her head to the side giving him more access. Then she felt it, his lips landed most perfectly on the spot where he was to mark her, and her eyes widened. She started struggling, not wanting to give into the temptation, "Demitrey I- I can't- "

  "STOP FUCKING TALKING!" He ordered, and her lips sealed shut. He roughly turned her around, and using his speed, they found themselves on the wall, as Demitrey held her hands above her head, and stated daggers into her eyes. He seem to struggle for a moment then he said "why are you doing this to me? I don't want you. Why are you torturing me?"

  Adelina stared in his eyes as tears welled up in her own as she said "you did this to yourself." Then she took a deep breath, allowing herself so bask in the sensation of being near her mate, for it would be the last time. She allowed the tingles to warm her shattered heart, she allowed his warmth to envelope her, and she allowed herself to feel pleasure from his touch and presence, and then she opened her eyes and declared "I, Adelina Veraso, reject you, Alpha Demitrey Jackson as my mate."

  Chapter 7- "Denial" *Third person's pnt. Of view* Demitrey stared blankly into Adelina's eyes, as they held their earlier position. His eyes scanned her face, pausing at her lips, then back to her eyes. He squinted his pupils, as if he was observing her, and debating whether she seriously just rejected him. When he noticed that she was holding her ground, he laughed. He let go of her hands, as he laughed resulting in tears welling in his eyes. He held his side as he laughed, while Adelina stood confused on the wall, wondering what was so funny. But her pondering didn't last, as she quickly found herself being slammed against the wall with Demitrey's death grip secured around her neck, and on instinct she tried to pry off his fingers, but to no avail. His eyes became dark and angry as he questioned "do you really think that I would allow you to reject me? Do you really think that I will let you get away so easily? From the day I landed eyes on you, you've consumed all my thoughts. I can't focus how I used to, and I constantly have a hard on just thinking about you writhing under me as I pleasure you to the farthest extent. You have possessed my mind, and you've hypnotized me, and you think that I would allow you to leave me? THE ALPHA?! I don't think so!" And just like that he possessed her lips. He kissed them harshly, nipping and tugging, and Adelina was sure she would bruise. She was paralyzed by fear, couldn't move, and couldn’t think. He pulled away when she wasn't responding, and he punched the wall inches from her head as he demanded "KISS ME BACK." Then he dipped his head claiming her lips once again, this time it felt as though he was branding her. She tried to keep up with him, but the way he dominated her actions was out of this world. His hand released her neck, and hoisted themselves unto her waist, as he pulled her unto him, so she could feel his erection. And she couldn't lie, it was erotic, and she felt hot. He finally ended his onslaught on her lips, just to move to his next torture target. He kissed her neck then he whispered "this is what you do to me." He pulled her bottom half harshly as a gasped erupted from her, and she felt his member harden at her core.

  "You make me lose control. But I don't want you to... I don't want you to make me lose control. But I won't let you get away either. NO ONE CAN HAVE YOU! YOU'RE MINE!" He declared possessively, and Adelina stood frozen. He then nipped her neck, a few inches above her marking spot, leaving a very visible hickey, then he looked into her eyes as he said "say it."

  "S- say wh- what?" Adelina stuttered her question.

  "You're mine. Say it."

  "I- I'm... no." she said, turning her head away from him as his eyes doubled to pitch black. Oh he was angry.

  "WHAT?!" He yelled, then he breathed as he captured her arms once again, "what did you say?" He questioned curtly, as though he was restraining his anger.

  "No." Replied Adelina, as she managed to turn her head and hold eye contact with the ruthless alpha.

  "Why you little-"

  "Hey Adelina- OH MY GOOOD! I am so sorry. I'm- so sorry." Stuttered Cilia, as she quickly closed the door that revealed this scene, cutting off Demitrey. He stared at Adelina for a few more seconds, released her arm, then he backed away from her, until he was by the door. Then he said "No matter what you do, no matter how many times you deny it, you are going to be mine, one way or another. You will be mine Adelina that is a promise. I may not like losing control because of you, I may not want a mate, but you belong to me. Like it or not." With that he walked out, making eye contact with Cilia, who quickly bowed her head, as her cheeks heated in embarrassment. *Adelina's pnt. Of view* As soon as the door closed, I broke down. Tears flooded my eyes, and my sobs came out harshly, as they ran to escape my bruised and battered soul. He was cruel. He didn't want me, yet no one else could have me. What kind of fate was this? I couldn't handle it. Not this time. My attraction caused me to fail. I know I couldn't deny him, at least not for long. Neither could I escape him, not unless I ran away. And that is something I couldn't do. If I run away, the treaty between my pack and this pack will be over. Not that I care about my "dad's" pack, but I do care for Peter and Clarissa. If the treaty is broken, Alpha Demitrey will kill my pack, and I can't risk Pete's and Clarissa's life, I'd have to warn them, make sure they're safe then run away. Yes. That’s exactly what I will do, but I would have to be stealthy, I couldn't let anyone know of my plan. I wiped my tears as a flutter of hope warmed my heart, I was going to escape Demitrey, if it’s the Last thing I do. "Adelina? Are you okay?" Came Cilia's soft voice, as she wrapped me gently, and just as I thought I was done crying, a new set of fresh tears erupted, and I once again broke down.

  "Shh, it's okay. I'm here for you. Take your time." She cooed.

  And that's all I needed as I collapsed, my feelings unraveling, my tears flowing from my eyes. I didn't know how long it took for my tears to dry up, but around that time I was knocked out, because I woke up to find myself in my room, with Cilia sitting across from me, reading a book. When I shifted on the bed, she looked up and smiled as she said "You're awake." Then she stood up as she said "I'll be right back." Then she exited my room. She soon came back with a tray that held a bowl of soup, a bowl of fruits, and a glass of orange juice. "Here you go. Crying takes a lot
of energy." She said placing the tray on the table next to my bed.

  "Oh trust me I know." I drawled out, my eyes burning every time I blink.

  "Oh and wash your face, it'll help cool your eyes, and lubricate them." She informed me.

  "Okay that I didn't know." I actually managed to smile.

  "Trust me, I know from experience." Cilia confirmed as a somber look slithered across her facial features, but disappeared as soon as it came.

  "Come on now, eat. Then we can talk later, or whenever you're ready. I-" she suddenly froze as her eyes glazed over, and I had a feeling she was mind communicating with someone, then she snapped back as she said "sorry Aden, I have to go." She suddenly seemed in a rush.

  "Wait? What? Why?" I asked, surprised at her sudden mood change.

  "Can't explain now, but I'll see you later." She yelled, as she practically ran out of the room. Well okay then. I took her advice anyway, washed my face, ate, then I got ready for bed. Just as I slipped under the covers, sleep was soon to meet me. My limbs became heavy, just as my eyelids started giving way, and that's when I heard it. My door opened and closed, but I couldn't seem to control my body. I felt weak, I couldn't even lift a finger. Then I felt my bed dip, someone moved in the bed with me, wrapped an arm around me, then kissed my head, and before I could think twice, I was knocked out sleep.


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