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His Mate And His Mistress

Page 6

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 14- "Not a Date" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* I've been standing at the alpha's office door for about a few good minutes now. I wanted to go in there and talk to him, well technically ask for permission, but the thing is I haven't seen him since that night he walked out of my room, and that was about two weeks ago. I didn't know what he would say, or do. I admit, I was curious, but then I was also proud, and over the past few days I've worked even harder to get him out of my system, and I think I've made progress. He hasn't crossed my mind for a while the past few days, and him being out of my sight has helped him disappear from my woman intuition-based fantasies. So that says something. I stood there biting my nails, and soon, I started pacing back and forth. I mean, I don't know why I was so nervous, I could care less about what he thought of me, and all I had to do was go in there and tell him my weekend plans, which involved me leaving the pack boundaries for a few days. So with shake of my head, I breathed to calm my nerves, then I lifted my fingers, and I knocked. It took a few seconds before he finally said to come in, and once he did so, all ounce of bravery was gone, vanished from my system and into thin air. With instant moist fingers, I gripped the handle, turned it and opened the door. When I stepped in, I made sure to focus my eyes on anything but him, lending me enough courage to close the door, instead of running out of his office like a mad woman. When I turned however, our eyes made an instant connection, and my breath who seems to always act funny around him, got into its comical routine. His gaze burned and penetrated my eyes, and it was a raging war on going within me. My submissive side begged that I look away, but my proud side was daring, no, challenging him to look away. Once he realized that I wasn't going to succumb to his lethal glare, he cleared his throat as he said "and what do you want?" "Well, good morning to you too." I muttered sarcastically, and all I received in return were a pair of cold eyes. Very sexy cold eyes, you could stare at them all day, you could even- WOAH! Stop right there! Get a grip! "Anyways..." I drawled out, clearing my thoughts "I was wondering if I could go back to my pack territory for a few days. My best friend Peter and Clarissa finally decided on doing a traditional wedding celebration, and I am invited... please." I quickly blurted out, and he just sat there... staring. Then, without a flicker of emotion, he simply said "no." "WHAT?!" I exclaimed before I could restrain myself."You heard me." He said calmly, then he returned back to doing his work."No, wait, please. I won't be alone, James has agreed to go with me, and Cilia well she can't go because she's a bit... busy... With her mate, but at least I won't be alone." I tried to reason with him."Oh James is going with you eh?" He asked almost as if he was mocking me, "the James who abandoned you at the club, where any harm could've happened to you?" He asked, and it was almost invisible, but I still managed to detect of tone of worry in his voice."Look you don't have to worry, I spoke with him and Cilia, they apologized, but please, this is my best friend, a brother that we are talking about, you have to let me go, I'll only be gone three days, I promise." I froze after those words fluently left my mouth. Did I just say that to him? Why did I sound like a wife promising her husband to be home soon? I didn't need to promise him anything! And well it was to no avail, because his eyes only got darker as he said "No." "Come on! Okay, fine! If it’s James you don't want to go with me, I'll find someone else, but all I'm asking is your permission. I'm trying to be faithful to you and the pack! Why can't you just let me go?" My chest was heaving with anger. "BECAUSE IF I LET YOU GO YOU WILL NEVER COME BACK!" He roared, and that shut me up, but only for a few seconds. "Oh so you suddenly want me around now?! Shoot I find that hard to believe, since you IGNORE ME MOST OF THE TIME!" I shot back, but I wasn't done "and you know what? That wouldn't be such a bad idea, to leave and never come back! Especially if it meant being away from you!" And in the blink of an eye, using his speed, I found myself pinned against the wall by none other than my mate. His heart was beating erratically, his hard breathing a perfect match, he looked down at me, as I looked up at him, in low yet very commanding tone he said " You will do no such thing. You will not be leaving the pack territory, nor will you be leaving Me." "Then come with me!" I matched his tone, our staring contest unwavering.He chuckled then said "me? Go with you? Nah, I would never go on a date with you." And I would lie if I said that didn't hurt as if it were a knife plunging in my heart, but I shook it off, he could be an asshole all he wanted, because right now my main care was to go see my best friends. I missed them so much, and this was the perfect opportunity for a visit. "Look," I sighed, looking away not letting him see the hurt in my eyes " if you don't trust me enough to go beyond the pack territories on my own, then just escort me, or get one of your men to do it, and when the celebration is over, I'll head straight back here, but please... sir, may I please have your permission to go." He stared at me, but then shook his head and said "fine, I'll go with you. But this is not a date." He quickly warned.But I couldn't help the smile that settled on my face, and without thinking twice I hugged him and said "thank you." Then I pushed him away and headed for the door, but before I left I said "and by the way the feelings mutual, I wouldn't want to go on a date with you either. See you later!" And just like that I exited the office with a triumphant smile on my face.

  Chapter 15- "Road trip" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* The day arrived faster than I expected, and Demitrey and I soon found ourselves taking a road trip back to my old pack. The car was as quiet as a ghost town, he didn't seem interested in talking to me, neither did I, but there was something I wanted to discuss with him. So I cleared my throat and I said faintly "so, here is the thing, Pete and Clarissa have a spare room for me, and I can crash at their place, but um, I contacted the nearest hotel, and they are checking a room out for you, free of charge, since your reputation seem to travel." No response. That was it, he said nothing, so I cleared my throat again and continued "so, when we reach the pack territory, you can drop me off by the bus stop, and Peter will be picking me up, and the wedding starts at 3 tomorrow, so I'll see you at the church, then after we have the reception and celebration, we can either rest and head back home tomorrow, or if you don't want to stay we can leave as soon as you want." Still no response. Okay, guess that's my cue to stop talking. We kept the quiet stance until we crossed my old pack's territory, and we were quickly approaching the spot where Pete has agreed to pick me up, so I had nothing else to do but speak up. "Hey um, you can drop me off here, Peter will be picking me up shortly." And once again, no response, so I pushed my limits, I placed my hand on his thigh, and slightly squeezed my fingers to get his attention, and he stiffened. "Can you hear me? I just need- OH MY GOD!" I screamed out as he swerved off to the side of the road, in the blink of an eye, my seatbelt was ripped off, and I found myself beings captured by two strong arms that impaled me onto a very strong man in a straddling position. Noticing the situation, the temperature suddenly went up, my cheeks burned, my heart raced, and my lungs, well it was their time to put on their comical act. I was breathing as heavy as he, and his eyes burned into my own. "I-""JUST BE QUIET." He ordered, he breathed in and out, as if in a pattern to calm himself, when he finally seem calm enough he looked up at me and said "do you know how hard it is for me to be in this car with you right now?" "I-""You what? Here," he said, pressing my body on his, more specifically the treasured spot in between my legs, he held on to my hips and guided them into a grinding motion as he said "You feel that? This is all I've felt since we step foot in this car, and you just had to talk, I tried to control myself, but no, you had to push it." His voice was so hard, hot, yet chilling cold. The way his eyes never left mine as he spoke was so dominating, I can't fail to admit that I was most definitely turned on, but I didn't do anything wrong. "I- I didn't do anything." I whispered, not trusting my vocal cords to come out strong."Are you sure?" He asked, his voice suddenly strained."Yes." I said, my voice sounding breathless."Well, your hips don't lie." Was all he said with a smirk."Wha-?" I looked down to find his hands gone, my hips seeming to have developed a mind of their own, as I found
myself grinding against his hard member. The friction caused by my actions sent continuous jolts of pleasure throughout my body, and I couldn't find it in myself to stop. My mind was begging to stop, but my body was begging for something else, before I could think twice, I stared dead in his eyes and I said "kiss me." He seem taken aback, but that only flashed in his eyes for a second, because his expression was suddenly replaced by that of an arrogantly sexy jerk. "Why? I thought you hated me... mate?" He said with a smirk, and I knew I was going to regret this later but I just opened my mouth and said "just shut up and kiss Me." "Mmmh, I don't think I like your tone." He said, playing with me, in one of my most heated moments. Oh the jerk! I was going to murder him! But then an idea popped in my head. I stop moving my hips, and his smirk vanished, guess he enjoyed that. I placed my hands on his chest, and I felt his heart leap against my hand. I teasingly yet skillfully started unbuttoning his shirt, and every once in a while, I let my fingers brush against his skin. Once his chest was fully exposed, I leaned down and started landing some soft pecks against his hot skin, and I could tell he was affected... just what I wanted. I slowly slid my fingers down to his abdomen, and further down until I reached my target, and he went stiff as I rubbed my palm against the bulge in his pants. I leaned my head down to his neck, and kissed his marking spot, which earned me a hot and possessive growl, then I brought my lips to his ear as I whispered "well then, since you won't give me what I want, and we're back at my old pack, maybe I can find someone else to do the job for me." And the tables flipped instantly. A possessive arm slid around my waist, and I quickly found myself locking gazes against my mate. His eyes were dark with lust and the natural possessiveness, he placed his hand around my neck and held me in place, his lips brushing against mine as he said "You will do no such thing." And before I had a chance to reply, his lips crashed against mine. His tongue was roughly thrusted into my mouth in a very erotic way, and the moan that escaped me was not unintentional. My hands started exploring his body, as his did mine. Soon, his skilled fingers were finding their way to my treasured spot, and I couldn't help but encourage him as I pushed myself into him even further. Before I knew it, my jeans were unbuttoned, and his fingers found his way to my most precious gift. He pulled away from the kiss, and started kissing my marking spot, and once again a moan freely waltzed from my mouth. When he was done nipping at my skin he whispered in my ear possessively "you're MINE, to kiss, to please, to punish, and to dominate. No one else touches you, and if you ever mention being with someone else, I will hurt you myself. Now, say it, say that you're mine." His fingers slowly rubbed the entrance of my essence, and just as they were about to slide in, something snapped in front of my face. "Hellooo, earth to Adelina, girl!" Came Cilia's voice snapping me back to reality."What?" I asked, as I cleared my head of my daydream."The alpha is waiting for you outside, better get going before he changes his mind about going with you." Cilia informed me, and I quickly shook my head hugging her as I said "see you later." As I made my way to the car I couldn't help the embarrassed blush that settled upon my cheeks, I hope the alpha didn't notice my discomfort, since I was literally daydreaming about him, but when he gave me a quizzical look, I already knew this was going to be one heck of a road trip.

  Chapter 16- "A kind of Deja Vu" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* So far, the road trip has been uneventful, and by uneventful I mean there has been absolutely no interaction between the alpha and I. However, deep within me has been a total turmoil. My mind and heart couldn't seem to get over the fact that I wanted the asshole so much to the point where I was day dreaming and fantasizing about him on explicit levels, and my body couldn't get over it either. It has been hours into the trip, yet I can't seem to calm down. My cheeks were flushed, and I was just praying that he didn't notice. My stomach seem to be pulling on endless acrobatics while my treasure seem to tingle every time an erotic image of the alpha and I flashed in my eyes. I couldn't dare to look at him, I mean hello, I was hot and flustered because of him, however, I did have to talk to him, and as soon as I opened my mouth I felt a sense of Deja vu wash over me. But anyway, I cleared my throat and I said faintly "soo, here is the thing, Pete and Clarissa have a spare room for me, and I can crash at their place, but um, I contacted "La Belle Hotel" and they are checking a room out for you, free of charge, since your reputation seem to travel." No response. Why did this feel so familiar? That was it, he said nothing, so I cleared my throat again and continued "so, when we reach the pack territory, you can drop me off by the bus stop, and Peter will be picking me up, and the wedding starts at 3 tomorrow, so I'll see you at the church, then after we have the reception and celebration, we can either rest and head back home tomorrow, or if you don't want to stay we can leave as soon as you want." Still no response. Yep, this most definitely was Deja Vu. So since he decided today was his day to be mute, I decided on keeping quiet as well. We kept the quiet stance until we crossed my old pack's territory, and we were quickly approaching the spot where Pete has agreed to pick me up, so I had nothing else to do but speak up. Funny how my thoughts were exact to those in my day dream. "Hey um, you can drop me off here, Peter will be picking me up shortly." And once again, no response, so I tried to get his attention in a more effective way, I placed my hand softly on his leg, and I slightly squeezed as I said "Can you hear me? I just need- OH MY GOD!" I screamed out as he swerved off to the side of the road, in the blink of an eye, my seatbelt was ripped off, and I found myself beings captured by two strong arms that impaled me onto a very strong man in a straddling position. Oh yeah, this definitely felt familiar. He was staring daggers at me, and I stayed frozen, feeling as though I was in trouble. "Why are you in such a hurry to leave mate?" He questioned darkly."Um, just excited to see my friends is all." I answered honestly yet very faintly."Oh I bet you are, I could smell your arousal the moment you stepped foot in the car. Waiting to meet with a lover?" He demanded, his eye growing darker with each word, his grip becoming steel like."What? No! Of course not!" I quickly defended myself."Oh really? So tell me, why are you aroused? Is it because of another? And don't think to lie to me." He demanded."Why do you care? What does it matter if it was because of another?" I asked, my temper suddenly rising, but that was quickly replaced by fear the moment his hard grip latched around my neck, and he pulled me close, as his lips brushed my ear and he threatened "I will kill him, and I will hurt you, if you think for one minute that I will allow you to fantasize about another. Now tell me," he asked darkly, his grip becoming a bit pushier "who is it?" It was becoming hard to breathe, and stars started to float in my vision. My heart was pounding as though I was running a marathon, my nerves on over drive, and mind screaming for me to do anything to survive, so I succumbed. "It's you! I have been fantasizing about you!" I managed to declare, and his grip slightly loosened, as his eyes became wide with shock. But such expression only lasted a few moments before his grip once again became firm around my neck, and his eyes focused into slits as he said "you're lying." "No! No! I'm not." I quickly blurted out, tears forming in my eyes, my head shaking frantically."Then," he once again pulled me close, his lips softly touching mine as he continued "prove it." And just like that he let go of my neck, and I greedily breathed in as much air as I could in one gulp, held it, and released, and then I continued this pattern, until my heart was once again beating at a normal pace, and my nerves became calm. "Well?" Came Demitrey's impatient tone, "what are you waiting for?" I nodded, and breathed in, my head was on the line, and all I had to do was prove that he was the one I was fantasizing about. So I took a deep breath, opened my legs further, and lowered myself in the straddling position, until my core met with his already bulging member, then I reminisced on my fantasy, and started moving my hips in a back and forth motion, earning a hiss from the alpha male that seemed hell bent on making my life miserable. His gaze became hooded with lust, and my arousal just hiked up, and my actions became more vixen-like and less timid. I found the courage to lean down and land a kiss on his jaw, then down to his nec
k on his marking spot, then I started going lower, my fingers working to open the buttons on his shirt. I suddenly felt his hands grasping my hips, as he brought them harder onto his own, and each time our hips would collide, he trusted his up, and I found myself throwing my head back in ecstasy, a moan voluntarily leaving my lips. He starred kissing my neck, my marking spot, and then my jaw and finally my lips, then his thrusts became more powerful, and faster. I found myself panting, as the build-up in my uterus started to form, my claws came out, and I found myself scratching and gripping into Demitrey's skin, earning an aroused growl from him. He starred nipping at my marking spot, and I came undone. I was flushed against his body, my heart beating erratically, yet in rhythm with his own. When the stars finally returned to space, and out of my vision, he hoisted me up, and back into my seat, then he smugly said in a bored tone "fair enough." Then he continued driving. For the rest of the drive I kept to myself. I sat, leaning against the window scolding myself. This time it was no day dream, this time I didn't wake up, or snap back to reality, this time it was reality, and it was a kind of Deja Vu. The rest of the drive was quiet, I was numb, and at the moment I didn't care for anything, I just wanted to be in bed and cry. So when he passed the bus stop, where Peter's car was waiting, and when he pulled up to the hotel, all I could do was stay silent, and cry inside, but on the outside, I was boiling in anger, and it was all directed at one individual, and I vowed to make him pay.


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