His Mate And His Mistress

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His Mate And His Mistress Page 8

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 19- “Motives & Reasons"

  *Demitrey's pnt. Of view* What did I do? What did I do?! I lost control! I marked her! I couldn't even blame it on my wolf! This was all my doing. I hurt her, branded her, forced her into my claim, and now she must truly hate me, but then again I don’t blame her. The mere thought of her leaving me made me feel paralyzed, I didn't, no couldn't get too close, but I didn't want her so far away either. And now... she was leaving me for good. My mind flooded with images of her, my beauty, my sweet, my hothead, my vixen, my mate. I reminisced on and on about the moment she walked into my life, while I drowned my sorrows in vodka and gin, and anything else strong enough to numb the pain I was feeling. I thought about the sweet smiles that would pop onto her lips as she slept. Yes, creepy, I know... but I couldn't help but sneak into her room just to watch her. I would want to hold her, but I restrained myself, as much as I could. Until I was hit by the wave of having a mate in my life, the thought of having one repulsed me. I used to think that mates made you weak, they were easy targets, and easy preys. They could manipulate you, play you for a fool, control you until they had you crawling your knees, and I promised myself I would never let any mate degrade me in such a way. The funniest of all, they declared that it was all because of love. Love... Such an abused word. So many fools, lost their lives for love... not me, not this time. I grew up hating and repulsing the idea of a mate, and my father played a major role in making sure that I would never stray from the idea that mates were deadly... But then came along Adelina. CHRIST! She kills me. I mean I became her slave. She demanded my attention every second of the day, when I was training, working out, working, eating, or in the shower it didn't matter... She demanded it every single time. And when I was sleeping? Oh even worse! She was the star of my every fantasy. I couldn't escape her, nor did I want to, until I realized how easily she made me lose control, just for it to be handed back to me. She drove me crazy, and it was addictive. Once second I loathed her for making me feel all, everything, every emotion, anger, weakness, jealousy, pain, and the next I loved her for making feel all, everything, every emotion, pain, anger, jealousy, and weakness. She made me feel alive, human, instead of just the known ruthless monster, with a reputation that seems to travel, as she so put it. She is a tease, sometimes pure at heart, and sometimes guilty as charged. I can read her like a book, I know when she is lying, I know when she gets an idea, I know when she is aroused, and her emotions are so raw, it's a thrill. I love teasing her because it's so easy to tell what she was feeling, it was alien, unique, and absolutely beautiful. Not only that, but her emotions are like oxygen to my cold soul, they make me feel warm and tingly, makes my heart leap. I love the way she turns me on just by a simple action, and I like how she is just clueless of how she actually makes me feel. But then again, I don't really play fair in that department. I hold this mask on my face, and a wall around my heart. I have seen some of the greatest Alpha's fall due to the fact that they let someone in, and I didn't build a reputation just so a mate could come and destroy it all. There are days when I don’t want her around. She is lethal, a ticking time bomb, and I wouldn't take part in setting her off. Yet... I can't seem to let her go. Just the mere thought of her with someone else is just, I don’t even know what word I can use to describe the feeling. I would happily murder anyone who dares to look at her with lust in their eyes. And that fucker Peter is lucky she actually sees him as a brother, because he sure as heck sees her for more. And his cousin, who escorted her is even worse, and it's sad, my mate so pure, so innocent, so oblivious and immune to their lust. She never noticed the glances of pure lust that Peter sent her way in on his own wedding day. She was so caught up in the whole charade that she missed how he looked at her when he so called "declared his love." My wolf was angry because it was my fault that she left the hotel in the first place. I was moody, jealous, angry, foolish, and selfish, an asshole, and I was stupid, and so I hurt her by marking her. Tying her to me till death do us part. She can never love someone over me, she will never feel the same towards another as she does me, and although my actions were wrong, I am damn proud.

  I'm happy, because Adelina Veraso was mine, all mine, it was sealed forever, and nothing, and I mean nothing would change that. She is my girl, to love, punish, hurt, encourage, correct, and she was my forever, whether she liked it or not. I claimed her as my own, and I meant that. So go ahead and call me an asshole for playing with her, loving and hating her simultaneously, and making her mine. Hate me for marking her, but it won't change a thing, that girl is mine, and I loved it.

  Chapter 20- "Dance of confusion" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* Throughout the entire limousine ride to the reception hall, I was as quiet as a mouse, there was no laughter in my heart, no smile in my eyes, and no light on my face. Val seemed to notice my change in demeanor, and although he didn't question it, he tried his best to turn my frown upside down. Plus, when I noticed that I was starting to draw attention from the newlyweds, the actress in me came out, and I plastered a practiced smile on my face, which turned out to be pretty convincing. Anyway, when we reached the hall, my smile became absolutely genuine. Why? Well there was an amazing dance floor just calling my name. I mean yes, there was food, and drinks, but the ballroom dance floor was the only thing that caught my attention. The night became light soon enough, everyone was laughing, having a good time, and my cloud of rain was lifted for a bit, until of course the devil himself walked in with his slutty demon trailing in after him. I tried my best to avoid them though, if they went left, I went right, if they were going up, and I’d make sure that I was down, yet somehow, his eyes just kept on finding me. I know it was his eyes because well now I'm officially tied to the bastard, so I could feel him from a mile away, but I wouldn't let that fact dampen my mood, at least not yet. Plus Val was a huge help when it came to keeping me company. He had me laughing my butt off, not to mention that he was a flirt. When he noticed that throughout the night my eyes kept on sending love notes to the dance floor, he offered to dance. He took a very dramatic yet sophisticated bow as he held out his hand silently asking me for a dance, and when I accepted, his firm grip clasped around my hand and he directed me to the dance floor, just as the band started playing an Argentine tango. Now, mind you, I was already a big fan of ballroom dancing, so imagine having an alpha male lead you to the dance floor, and one of the most passionate dances of all time start to play. So yeah, you can understand, I was on cloud 9, my current situation completely forgotten. We took our position center stage, and the moment he clasped his arm around my waist, hoisting me into colliding with his chest, with eyes burning in dark emotion, I knew this night was going to be a very memorable night. And boy did I wish I was wrong about that. We started with some easy movements, letting the music get in sync with our bodies, then, when the time was right, the music erupted into staccato perfection, and the games began. It was erotic, the way his hands caressed my curves. There was a seductive glint in his eyes that hypnotized my brain into doing exactly what he wanted. He guided me but didn't demand that I followed, he handled me like a true gentleman.He composed and performed my body as though he had decades to practice. His touch was firm, yet his strokes of guidance, his lethal yet fluid movements was that of an artist creating a perfect masterpiece of heated passion. My limbs sang in harmony, my hips moved bravely and fiercely, as though I was unstoppable. My heart danced to the rhythm of my feet, my body floating in his arms. We glided across the dance floor, the other guests forming a crowd of admiration at every corner. Yet no matter his charm, his chivalry, I couldn't help but feel the cold stare state of my mate, my alpha. The man that held me was truly a prince, an artist, a gentleman, but the 15 seconds of fame in his arms couldn't compare to excitement I felt the moment I made eye contact across the room with my mate, while in the arms of another man. While our staring contest only lasted 5 seconds, there, in that exact moment I saw something in his eyes. Well there were multiple things, there was anger, main obvious, then there w
as jealousy, and there was something else burning there, hot and mixed with rage, but I couldn't pin point it, and then there came something clear. A promise. A promise for what? That I do not know, but it was there. And before I could dwell more on the subject, the dance ended with a professional bow, and the crowd erupted in cheers, breaking our connection. Val once again pulled me close and landed a kiss on my cheeks, surprising me, but that was quickly washed away because I could've sworn I heard a growl travel from my mate, but it most likely was my imagination, or maybe not. I mean he had no right to get jealous... He's the jerk who has mistreated me, took advantage of me, teased me, hurt me, made me cry, marked me on purpose for his sole arrogance, and now because of him I would never feel the same intensity for another as I do for him. I would have to live my life getting over him because I would never love another as I would love him. I made my way to a small secluded hall just so that I could have some quiet time. My staring contest with Demitrey left me speechless and flabbergasted, why must he have such an effect on me?! You never know, maybe he had a reason for his actions, have you ever stopped to think of his reasons? I mean come on Adelina, no mate is that cruel, and something has to be forcing his hand. Came Aden's voice in the back of my head, and I couldn't help my scoff.Really Aden, you are still trying to protect this guy, have you seen what he's done? He marked us, on purpose! Might I add? I fired back, my wolf was ridiculous. Before she could reply, a hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder, startling me, but when I realized that it was Peter, I quickly calmed down. He looked happy as his eyes scanned my face, which made me slightly uncomfortable, but then his eyes became dark when it landed on my marking spot. "Aden? What is that?" He asked carefully."What is what?" I asked playing dumb, this wasn't going to end well."Don't play dumb with me, what is that on your neck?" He asked, his voice becoming hard, his eyes darkening, as I started feeling uncomfortable."Mosquito bites." I quickly answered, trying to back away from him by shuffling my feet, that way it wasn't so obvious that he was freaking me out."Oh really? A mosquito bite that looks quite identical to that of a mate's mark." He said taking a threatening step towards me. Yeah this was most definitely freaking me out, and the fact that we were in a secluded area didn't comfort me either."It's a mosquito bite! Jeez Peter, did you actually think that I would let that asshole of a mate near me after what he's done, better yet mark me?! And to think that you actually thought better of me." I said anger actually taking me over, I mean yeah I was lying to my best friend, who was currently freaking me out, but then again I finally caught a glimpse of what he actually thought of me."I do think better of you baby, it's just I don't like the image of you with him at all, it's infuriating, knowing what he has done to you. Plus you don't belong to him, YOU BELONG TO M- eh hem, sorry, something caught in my throat." He said as he faked cough again and walked away, while my eyes stared wide as saucers.

  What was he going to say? That I belonged to him? Didn't he just get married? If anything, wasn't he in love with his mate? Even worse, did he just call me baby?! Oh my, this just confused everything. Too many questions, too many voices, I was running. Yes, I bolted out the reception hall and into the woods, I ran and ran, my lungs in human form started burning, so I leaped into the air, transforming into my white furred wolf. The thing I loved most about my wolf was that if I stood in the light of a noon sun, the tips of my fur would reflect an aura of light neon pink, but if standing in the light of a rising or setting sun, the aura became golden like. I landed on the ground with a thud as my legs started pumping faster. I had no idea where I was going, but I just needed to run, get away. My life became upside down. I could've sworn Peter was going to say that I was his. It made no sense, he was acting strange towards me, he hated my mate, or the idea of me having a mate, and now that I think about it, whenever Clarissa wasn't around, he was always too close for comfort. I suddenly had the urge to empty my stomach, and before I could make it any further, I threw up all the consumed contents from my stomach. Once I could control my breathing, I once again took off in a bolt. I wasn't sure where my destination was, but all I knew is that I needed to get out of America. They say don't run from your problems, but as of right now, I wasn't even sure what or who my problem was. Oh Adelina, why do you always find yourself in these situations?

  Chapter 21- "Mystery Letters" *Unknown pnt. Of view* I stared from the shadows as the girl ran out the hall, leaving a few startled guests behind, including her mate, which was my main target. He looked ready to run after her, but then hesitated. Smart guy. I made eye contact with my partner who winked with an evil smile. We got him. He was trying his best to not show that he was into his mate, but he was failing badly. All that was needed for the plan to be completed would be verbal proof. I needed him to say that Adelina was his mate. I already knew that she was, and so does my partner, but no one else knows. My blood was raging in my veins with need for revenge, a revenge that could either land me dead, or the ruler of America’s most powerful pack. Alpha Demitrey’s pack. Never undefeated, but carried death wherever they went. I would never win a duel against Demitrey alone, but if he became weak because of his mate, she would be the key to my success, and a good sex toy if anything. I just needed to push Demitrey just a bit more. My plan has been going quite well, while the big bad alpha was acting as though he didn't want a mate, he was pushing her away and right into my trap, and the moment he realized that he would lose her by my bare hands, he would have to succumb into picking either his pack or his mate, but either way he would lose both. I had to be patient though. Now I had to track her down and keep the alpha on edge. I disappeared in the shadows as I made my way up to the secret office that dwelled in the walls of the reception hall, I took my time to write out my thoughts, and seal them in my signature envelope. Once that task was completed, I headed back to the hall, making sure that my whereabouts were not perceived to be mysterious. Once I blended back into my corner, I called over one of the waiters, and handed him the envelope. I explained it was to be delivered precisely to Demitrey, no one else. And as the waiter headed towards his target, I melted into the shadows, changed courses, and finally blended back in the crowd, all the while keeping an eye on the man I loathed and envied most. *Demitrey's pnt. Of view* I was standing by a window, looking out over the way Adelina ran off to, hoping she would come back, but to no avail. Serena was busy chatting away with some of the guests, which gives me plenty of time to go look for her, but I wouldn't risk it. The enemy was here. I felt it, or rather him. And my premonition was proven right soon enough, because minutes later, a letter was delivered to me. And no, it wasn't just any letter, it was a unique letter, in an anonymous beige envelope, quite similar to the one I received the day I found out that Adelina was my mate. A letter familiar to the ones that kept on coming after Adelina became part of my life. The letters that held the key to everything. With no other choice, I opened it, already anticipating what it was going to say. Dear Alpha, Oh my, it seems as though there is trouble in paradise. Your mate has disappeared. Ran away it seems. Aren't you curious? Shouldn't you be looking for her? But then again no, the big bad alpha does not care for a mate, oh no no no no no, tsk, tsk, tsk, the alpha can't have anyone finding out that he has a weak spot for his mate. That would make the lethal alpha weak, and maybe vulnerable. Well alpha, if you don't care to look for her, I will do the honors, and once I do, I will take her, rape her, and torture her until she becomes my willing slave. Ah, imagine, the deadly alpha's mate is my willing slave and whore. The thought itself sends chills of pleasure and wicked happiness down my spine. Oh how I love this game, and you are trying so hard to show that you're not affected by her, it's actually cute. Well alpha, until I feel like tormenting you again, ta ta for now. Sincerely yours, and with love and honor, your worst and biggest enemy. I wanted to crush the paper in my hands, no, in fact I wanted to crush and murder that bastard by my bare hands, but no, I wouldn't react now, not when the enemy was so close. I plastered on my straight face mask as my eyes scanned the crowd. I
wasn't going to show emotion, but God was my inside raging with emotion. I did care for my mate, and my wolf was restless not knowing her whereabouts. I wanted her in my arms, I wanted to kiss her, hold her, but no, the danger was at its best. If I showed that I cared, she would die. If I showered her with love and compassion the way I wanted to, she would die. I couldn't, no, wouldn't place her in such danger. Not only so, once she died, I would no longer be the strong leader, my pack that sheltered widowed women, and orphaned children would be taken over by evil rogues, and so many innocents would lose their lives. My warriors in the pack and I, we carry a reputation, but this reputation holds a proud banner. We take over packs that are being misguided and mistreated by their Alpha's. We give those oppressed a new home and hope. Yes, we are ruthless, our strategies are cruel, but only towards evil Alpha's and rogues, no women or children were ever hurt during our attacks, and my men honor me, so yes, I have something worth fighting for. And my mate, she is now my main priority, and she was being threatened, I didn't sit well with that. I admit, yes at first I didn't want a mate, can't lie, the life of a bachelor is a blast, but once I met her, I was ready to make her mine, until that letter arrived. The first one arrived the day her dad announced the marriage to seal the deal. At first I thought it was a prank, but once the second letter arrived with threats of my mate being hurt, and a picture to show that both her and I were being watched, I had to be cautious, hence the arrogance and the attitude of a jerk. I thought If I acted careless, the threats would stop, but hey I had to admit I made up excuses to see her, I acted mean and attacked her just so that I would have an excuse to kiss her, all the while letting her think that I was ruthless. But no, this time it has gone too far. As soon as I go home, I would seek this asshole out, end his life once and for all, then, then I would shout it out to the world that Adelina Veraso was my mate, my love, my heart, my everything.


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