His Mate And His Mistress

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His Mate And His Mistress Page 12

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 30- "Inner Voice" *Third Person's pnt. Of view* "James, I can't believe you're making me do this." Whispered Adelina harshly as she addressed James."Luna, you are aware that I was the one who did the lifting right?" Said James exasperated at Adelina's behavior."Doesn't matter how or by whom it was done, this still feels wrong!" Argued Adelina, as they stood huddled over a kiosk, in the current process of booking last minute tickets back to America. "Look Aden, we could've done right by the law, get placed on the standby list, and pray that three people just don't show up for their flight today, but I already spoke to the alpha and he said to get you back to the pack ASAP, so, desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus it's not so bad," added James with a sly smirk, "all I did was lift the wallet off a very rich individual, I'm positive that few grands won't be missed by him." Appalled by James' words, Adelina struck him in his stomach. James doubled over coughing, as Adelina seethed "James, I am already irritated by the fact that we are currently breaking the law, and I am just seconds away from breaking your neck, if you want to keep forcing my hand, please be my guest, but make sure you are well aware that I will hurt you!" James took a breather, he looked over at the woman he considered a little sister, and chuckled, then he straightened himself up and scuffed her hair as he said "calm down kid, you know you love me, but I got to tell you, that's a mean punch you got there, so I have to ask you again, are you sure you're not a man?" Adelina made a move to grab his neck, but Katharina quickly stood between them and said "Aden, he's just trying to get a go at you like the pest that he is." "Ouch." Exclaimed James as he feigned hurt. "Anyways," said Katharina rolling her eyes at James' childish behavior, "Just get the tickets booked, ignore him, and save your anger to use as motivation to kick some rogues', a crazy male who calls himself the alpha's , and that thirsty she-wolf's arse." Reasoned Kat, and Aden smiled. What would she do without Kat? Adelina shook her head, pushed aside her guilt, and managed to book the last minute tickets, and soon enough, they were on their way back to America. *Adelina's pnt. Of view* This is it. It's official. I was going back to the pack. Yet I can't even determine how I feel, I just hope I made the right decision. Every intuition that I have, my gut feeling, my mind, they are all saying that I made the right choice, yet my heart is silent. What does it say? Why can't I hear nothing from deep inside? Is it because my heart is confused? Silent? Or broken with no hope of repair? My heart learned to protect itself by building walls around it. Since the minute my mind could register how cruel the world could be, my heart armored up, yet right there nipping at the wall was hope. My hope of a loving mate. Soon enough he came in the picture, and my heart became unsure. She was torn, she couldn't decide. Let her walls down, and let him in? Or keep my eyes on him and let my heart decide which path to choose? It was all up to her, my heart. She slowly started to let him in, allowed him just enough space to test the waters. Or so I thought. Maybe my heart allowed too much space. The countless moments made it difficult for my heart to choose. The switching of gears and directions made it impossible to see which way we were headed. One second my heart feels broken with harsh words, tears, and emotional havocs. Yet the next, she feels warmth as she gets mended by the littlest acts of love, passion, kindness, and the sweetest of words. One second hot. The next cold. And repeat. Then, then, after all the ups and downs of the rollercoaster called a supposed relationship, there came another individual. Not a stranger to my heart, but his declarations, his feelings and his actions became alien to me. At first, when I ran to get a breather from being marked by my mate, and being cornered by my best friend, I was confused. But deep down inside, I knew. She knew. My heart knew what Peter was going to say. But how could I come to terms with that? How could my heart come to terms with that? Peter had a mate. He just got married. And his mate, the sweetest person, understood that Peter and I were close, and she never got jealous, or felt uncomfortable because of the connection Peter and I shared. But that night, I felt betrayed. My heart felt betrayed. But it felt equally the same at being the betrayer. Hearing Peter's confession made me feel as though I was betraying Clarissa. I could still remember that night, as though it was yesterday. *Flashback* He looked happy as his eyes scanned my face, which made me slightly uncomfortable, but then his eyes became dark when it landed on my marking spot. "Aden? What is that?" He asked carefully."What is what?" I asked playing dumb, this wasn't going to end well."Don't play dumb with me, what is that on your neck?" He asked, his voice becoming hard, his eyes darkening, as I started feeling uncomfortable."Mosquito bites." I quickly answered, trying to back away from him by shuffling my feet, that way it wasn't so obvious that he was freaking me out."Oh really? A mosquito bite that looks quite identical to that of a mate's mark." He said taking a threatening step towards me. Yeah this was most definitely freaking me out, and the fact that we were in a secluded area didn't comfort me either."It's a mosquito bite! Jeez Peter, did you actually think that I would let that asshole of a mate near me after what he's done, better yet mark me?! And to think that you actually thought better of me." I said anger actually taking me over, I mean yeah I was lying to my best friend, who was currently freaking me out, but then again I finally caught a glimpse of what he actually thought of me."I do think better of you baby, it's just I don't like the image of you with him at all, it's infuriating, knowing what he has done to you. Plus you don't belong to him, YOU BELONG TO M- eh hem, sorry, something caught in my throat." He said as he faked cough again and walked away, while my eyes stared wide as saucers. What was he going to say? That I belonged to him? Didn't he just get married? If anything, wasn't he in love with his mate? Even worse, did he just call me baby?! Oh my, this just confused everything. Too many questions, too many voices, I was running. Yes, I bolted out the reception hall and into the woods, I ran and ran, my lungs in human form started burning, so I leaped into the air, transforming into my white furred wolf. *End of flashback* When I thought I could manage my thoughts, I found my Inner being developing a mind of its own, and while I battled with myself to remain calm, and stay strong, I lost my strength and my heart released its inner voice. I crumbled to my knees and I cried my heart out. My inner voice expressed itself through my tears, my pain, and my hurt. Before I realized it, I was shouting off the top of my lungs, screaming out of fury, while the ground withheld the relentless beatings from my fists. Soon however, I had no more tears, and my shouts subsided when I was emptied of emotional strength. I wasn't sure how or when I made up my mind to leave, or officially leave America, yet here I was on my way back. And now, now I'd have to face the monster that took away my inner voice, my heart’s voice. I'd have to face reality. And when I voiced that thought in my head, it all became real. It felt real, my decision was final, and at the realization, I felt it. The skip and palpitation of my heart.

  Chapter 31- "Let the Games Begin" *Third person's pnt. Of view* About approximately 11 hours and a few minutes later, Adelina was being shaken awake by James, as he announced that they landed in America, more specifically southern Georgia. The minute Adelina was fully awake, she felt her heart skip another beat. She was back. With a deep breath, and a shake of tried motivation, she stood to her feet, and followed the other passengers out. After going through their final travel procedures, they found themselves on their way back to the pack's territory, however, they made a quick stop at a hotel for Katharina, where they planned to pick her up after everything was over. James and Adelina then took a bus, that dropped them off at the tip of the forest, and there, they went in by foot. Once they were sure they were well hidden by the thick pine trees, and the large maple trunks, they both transformed into their wolves, and went zooming through the forest. Meanwhile, James had announced to the alpha that they were here, and so it was time for them to start putting their plans to work. *Alright everyone, James and the Luna are on their way, so you all know what you must do. Try to be as subtle as you can, and let's get these bastards out of our territory.* announced Demitrey.*Yes Alpha.* came the pack's uniform response. An
d everyone got to work. First, the mated she-wolves started a ruckus among themselves, making sure that the noise was loud enough to draw in the rogue in charge of guarding them. The rogue appeared with a sneer on his hideous face as he said "what's going on here?" With a hidden smile, the girls already knew that their part of the plan had worked. Cilia placed an angered face, pointed at a disguised Kade, or should I say Kadie, and exclaimed in anger "she stole my lipstick, and I want it back!""What would you need lipstick for? It's not like it would help you." Said Kade, while he tried to sound as feminine as possible, though it didn't help that some of the girls were quietly giggling at Kade's effort."Well what do you need lipstick for?" Said the rogue as he looked over at Kade, lust written in his eyes. Kade surprised and angered by the man's gaze took a threatening step towards the unsuspecting rogue, but Cilia caught on to his actions and stepped in front of him and said "yeah, what do you need the lipstick for?" As she sent him a warning glare. Kade caught the upper hand on his composure and said "that is none of your business." The rogue shook his head, but then stepped towards Kade and said "well, maybe she misses her mate, so she dolls herself up to feel better. But," said the rogue, as he stood in front of Kade "baby girl, if all you wanted was some company, you could've just asked, I would've gladly take care of you, and your mate wouldn't have to know." He whispered in an effort to sound seductive, though he failed poorly, and he even had the audacity to wink. Kade's eyes widened, then narrowed in anger, he gasped over dramatically and exclaimed "how dare you?" Then following his words, his palm went flying towards the rogue's cheek, as a harsh slapped echoed around the room. And everyone stood frozen. The rogue's neck snapped to the side, as he blinked multiple times in order to come in terms with what just happened, but before he could fully recover from his shock, he was ambushed and taken out by the ladies, while Kade rid himself of his feminine disguise. Part one of the plan was complete, because now, Kade had the keys to free everyone trapped in the castle, but most importantly, he had a way out of the room the She-wolves were being held in. And with the first part of the plan complete, it was time to move on to part two. Demitrey, with the help of the keys he withheld since Kade left the dungeons, managed to free himself from his shackles, then he snuck out of his cell, freed the nearest warriors, then handed them the keys, and they nodded in silent understanding, because they knew what had to be done. Then, after taking care of his part, Demitrey went back to his cell, and pretended to be in his shackles, it wasn't time for the rogues to know of his freedom just yet. The warriors moved stealthily and quietly in the dungeons, and one by one, each warrior was freed. Now, it was time to take out the rogues that guarded the dungeons. Since Kade's contradiction, they added another rogue to the two previous guards, who apparently had more common since then the first two combined. So, the warriors would have to use a different approach to lure the rogues in. First, some of the warriors took their shackles, and beat them against their cells. The noise echoed throughout the entire dungeon, until it reached the entrance. The rogues heard the ruckus, but chose to ignore it. However, when the noise only intensified, curiosity got the best of one of the rogues, and he said "Look, let me go check and see what all that noise is about." And with that he made his way into the dungeon. Big. Mistake. The minute his body was hidden by the shadow of the dungeon, he found himself in a headlock, and before he could scream, the sickening crack of a broken neck sang throughout the dungeons, followed by an eerie silence. In fact it was so silent, that the second rogue was both dumb and smart enough to go check for his partner. Too bad the minute he disappeared from the other rogue's sight, he was strangled to death by the awaiting chains of the oppressed warriors. Now, all they had to do was play the waiting game. The third, and apparently brightest of the three rogues noticed that his two imbecile companions had yet to return. But for a minute he didn't seem phased. When about ten minutes went by, and they were still not out, he sucked his teeth and said arrogantly "you asshole better not even think about playing a trick on me. Get your butts out here." Silence. "I'm serious, stop this childish foolishness, and come on out." He demanded, yet all he was met with was utter silence. "Okay wise guys, enough of this silly rant, come out now, and I won't tell boss that you're lazing on the job." He said, his voice now unsure. When he received no reply, he shrugged, but sadly allowed his curiosity to get the best of him. He took careful steps towards the entrance, but eventually, he buried himself in the darkness of the dungeon, too bad the darkness was the last thing he ever saw. The moment he was at arm's length, one of the warriors wrapped one of the wolfs bane' covered chains around his neck, and muffled his screams with his hand, and eventually, with the lack of oxygen and the searing pain of the wolfs bane, rogue number three was taken over by death. Now that four of the rogues were taken out, they only had to deal with the greater number of them left, however, because of the set plan, everything had to go according to the system. Three of the warriors secured the rogues' shaggy clothing, and disguised themselves, then one by one, they each stood at post at the front of the dungeon, while the others laid low, awaiting the arrival of their Luna. Meanwhile, inside the castle, Kade was finally able to rid himself of the she-wolf charade and, like the others, disguise himself as the rogue they ambushed. Then he stationed himself outside the she-wolves' doors, also awaiting the Luna's arrival. From this point on, the Luna was the one who would get the ball rolling, and set off the domino effect. She was their secret weapon, and the most important player in this battle, too bad she was also the element of surprise. "The alpha" has no idea what was coming for him. The games were just beginning, and it was going to be one heck of a ride.


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