His Mate And His Mistress

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His Mate And His Mistress Page 14

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 34- "Cat Fight! The She-Wolf Way" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* Demitrey quickly stood to his feet, placing an arm in front of me protectively. But I shook my head, and placed my hand on his arm bringing it down, causing his eyes to meet with mine. Then I placed myself to stand right next to him, and simultaneously, our eyes landed on the two figures standing at the entrance of Demitrey's cell. The first person my eyes zeroed in was a smug looking Serena, who seem to have gotten into some trouble with the wrong wolf, since her throat was scarred with canine teeth marks. She was wearing very tight skinny jeans, with a white shirt and a leather jacket, matched with leather boots. Almost similar to my black jeans, grey shirt, leather jacket, and leather boots. Her eyes were settled on me with what I believe she mustered up as a fierce glare. Too bad mine outdid hers. I could feel anger blazing through my veins just at the sight of that female. I mean, she is not ugly, as far as appearance on the outside. But we all knew what evil creature lurked on the inside. With her wavy silver blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and slightly pouty lips, she wasn't all that bad. Too bad she slept with my man, and couldn't seem to keep her paws to herself when it came to me. She seem as though she wanted to pounce, and my fists were begging for her to do so. I wanted to throttle that she-wolf. I was going to end her. And my wolf was quietly encouraging that I do end her miserable existence in the back of my mind. Anyway, I managed to move my gaze away from her and to the figure next to her, which was a man with his arms crossed behind him, and a mask settled upon his face. His hair was dark brown, gelled and styled to the side. His clothes included blue jeans, and a red shirt. His mask was a white mask, with eye holes and a mouth hole, though he did not speak. It was hard for me to see his eyes, but I could feel his gaze on me, resulting in alien goosebumps that rose uncomfortably on my skin. I took a deep breath in and managed to calm my nerves. This is why I was here, to help save the pack. Time to own up to my position. Time to play Luna. I raised my head defiantly, and trained my eyes on the two dark holes of the mask. "Who are you?" I asked calmly, after taking another deep breath."Show your face you coward." Ordered Demitrey, in a deadly quite tone. "Yeah you sneaky bastard, show yourself." I spoke up once again, standing next to the real alpha. Serena scoffed and rolled her eyes as she said "can I shut her up already?" My eyes shifted over to her quite calmly as I said "Hoe I wish you would. These walls are begging for a paint job, and I think your blood will do nicely." I smirked as I replied confidently. She took a step forward, as I mirrored her actions. She moved her neck from side to side as a cracking sound echoed through the hollow cells. And I just kept my eyes on her every move, as we circled each other. She smiled an ugly smile as her eyes gazed over at me. "Oh I have been waiting on this day for so long." She sighed excitingly."For once you and I are on the same page." I agreed wholeheartedly with a bitchy smile of my own. Her smile suddenly faded, and she made a run for me, her fist raised. With just a second to spare, I ducked and saved myself a brutal nose job. What she wasn't expecting was for my fist to meet with her nose the second she turned around. The sickly cracking of her nose bounced off the walls of the dungeon as she staggered back, aghast. She touched her nose and seemed surprised as blood trickled on top of her lips. She wiped it away, angry, then made a run for me. I wasn't expecting a blow to the nose, and soon blood was also running from my nose. My head swung back, but I quickly recovered. I got slapped by ab alpha for heaven's sake, her punch was nothing compared to that. She smiled as though she won the lotto, and made the biggest mistake. She turned her back on me, blinded by her pride. I ran up to her, grabbed her by the hair, swung her around and pushed her, causing her face and chest to come into harsh contact with the concrete wall. With her being disoriented, I took the advantage, and tripped her leg, causing her to land on the floor on her back. The second she was down, I straddled her, held her by the collar of her jacket, and my fist went to work. It was like a programmed machine. My fist continuously made contact with her face, as she laid there limp. At first she tried to pray me off, scratch my face and neck with her claws, but to no avail. I didn't relent on my attack, if anything, her feeble attempts to free herself only made me want to hurt her more. I was going to kill her, and nothing was going to stop me. When her eyes were closed, and her breathing became ragged, I stood off her, and made my way back to Demitrey. But the bitch just wouldn't let up. She laid there for a few seconds, I take it that she was reviving from my vicious attack. I caught her movement in my peripheral vision as she stood up and ran my way. I played the waiting game and the oblivious card, but the second she was on to me, I turned around with my hand raised and buried my extended claws into her flesh. She froze, surprised, and probably confused at the invasive object in her body. She looked at me, and I looked at her, then I smiled a victorious smile as I saw defeat take over the features of her entire being. I gave her a second to understand that she just lost to Demitrey's mate. That she, Serena, the alpha's mistress, was defeated by me, Adelina, the alpha's mate. When I felt as though she finally caught up with the story, I smiled again, then I ripped her throat out. Blood sputtered from her wound and her mouth as she fell to her knees. I wiped my hand then smiled again as I said "that's right bitch, bow to your Luna." Then, with my foot, I pushed her down, and once again made my way to Demitrey. He pulled me in his arms and said "that's my girl." He leaned in as though to kiss me, but then the masked figure cleared his throat, and we looked over at him. He clapped slowly and sarcastically, as he said "that was quite the performance, eh? I got to give it to you Aden, you always seem to surprise me." And my heart stopped.

  Chapter 35- "The Expected Unexpected" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* "No, it can't be." I gasped at the masked figure. Why would he do such cruel things to my pack and to the alpha? "Come on, don't act so surprised." He said casually. "No. I refuse to believe that you would hurt others like this! They've done nothing to you!" I said shaking my head. Then I looked over at as I demanded "Tell me! Why did you do it huh? Tell me Peter!" I exclaimed, my fist balled in anger, my heart beat picking up its pace. "Ha! Peter? Who said anything about Peter?" Said the figure as his body convulsed in laughter. Then he stood up straight, and his hand moved to the mask. And slowly, almost teasingly, his fingers clasped over the mask as he removed it. And for the hundredth time that day, my heart stopped. *Third Person's pnt. Of view* *Flashback to the day Kade escaped the dungeons.* When Kade managed to rile up a fight between the two guards that stood at the entrance of the dungeon, and made enough distraction for him to escape, what no one else noticed, including Kade, was the other figure that lurked in the shadows. The figure moved at a very relaxed pace, and even took the time to shake its head at the imbecile rogues. Especially when it spotted Kade sneaking past them, and into the castle. When the figure did make it to the castle however, the game changed. He stealthily snuck around the halls of the castle, trying his best to avoid the rogues that lurked around, until he literally bumped into one of them. The figure grabbed the rogue by the throat and dragged him to a room. When the door was closed and secure, he hauled the rogue by its throat and pinned him against the door as he demanded "who's in charge of this place?""Th-th-the alpha!" Stuttered the rogue, his hands up and trembling in surrender, his eyes wide in terror."And where can I find this alpha?" Asked the figure, his fingers tightening around it's prey's throat."Second floor, first door facing the staircase, it's the office, he spends most of his time in there." Blurted out the rogue. The figure smiled in a sinister way and said "thank you." And just like that, he twisted the rogue's neck, and left his body to fall limp on the ground. He shoved the corpse aside, then made his way out of the room. Then he went back to stealth mode, until he found himself standing in front of the office. With a simple shrug, he opened the door, and invited himself in. There, behind the desk, sat the masked man, who the second he heard the door close, spoke up in a makeshift authoritarian voice and said "who dares enter without permis- oh it's you." Said the mask man as he noticed who entered the office. Then a few seconds later,
his body stiffened and the mask man said "what are you doing here?" The figure who stood at the door shook his head, and slowly started approaching the desk, when he reached the guest chair facing the desk, he placed his hands on the back of the chair, and fixed his eyes right on the eye holes of the mask and said "Cut the crap, you know why I'm here. Where is she?" The masked man visibly swallowed out of fear and said "she's not here, she's gone." "Gone where?" Said the figure in a slow, angered tone."That is none of your business, if she wanted you to know I'm sure she would've told you," said the masked figure, then he leaned back casually and shrugged as he added "and hey, you never know, maybe she got tired of you breathing down her neck about everything." The figure shook his head, then stood up straight as he turned his back on the masked man, making his way for the door, while the masked man smirked, as though he won. Except what he didn't expect was for the figure to use his wolf abilities, jump over the desk and have him pinned to the wall with a knife to his throat. And it wasn't just any knife, it was a silver knife, bathed in wolfs bane. The masked figure felt all the blood run from his face as the wolfs bane started to slowly eat away at his skin. The searing pain made him grunt in agony, and he started struggle against the one holding him captive. The man shook his head and said "enough of this shit." Then in one swift motion, he grabbed the mask off of the man's face, and threw it to the ground. He looked up into the fearful eyes of his victim as said "there that's better. Now, I'll give you one last chance to tell me, where is she Peter?" And Peter went rigid. If he told the truth, he would die, if he didn't tell him, once the truth was discovered, he would die. So either way he dies. So Peter shrugged and said "I killed her." Peter watched as his captor's eyes became as black as the night sky, and just like that he felt it. The knife ran through his throat, and Peter felt his body drop to the floor. He felt as his heart went into overdrive, and blood pumped from his throat. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't heal, and the wolfs bane was eating away his flesh. He felt heavy, and he was burning up with pain. Who knew that Karma was such a bitch? Peter was meeting his end, and he never even had the chance to tell Adelina what he kept on the inside since the day he met his mate. He never got a chance to explain the reasons for endangering her mate, and her new pack. But most importantly he never got to defeat Demitrey. Many won't understand, but even though Peter had a mate, he shared a special bond with Adelina. The problem however, was that, somehow, he found himself still not over Adelina. He tried to move on, and he would make little progress, just for him to dive back in deeper than before. He knew Adelina would never see him as such because she was loyal, and knew that he had a mate. But when he found out what happened with Demitrey, he couldn't bear the thought of her with that beast, so he started taunting Demitrey, knowing that an alpha will go to desperate measures to protect his mate. Too bad that he never got to accomplish his plans. With that last thought, Peter's upper half plummeted to the floor, and just like that, Peter was dead. The man stepped over Peter's corpse, and grabbed the mask off the floor, as he placed it on his face. Part one of his revenge plan was complete, now all he had to do was wait for his next victim to arrive. He ordered some rogues to get rid of Peter's corpse, then he took his place behind the desk. There was a new alpha in town, but this time he wasn't looking for a Luna to love. No, the Luna he was waiting on, was the Luna whose blood he was going to spill. *End of Flashback* *Adelina's pnt. Of view* I couldn't believe my eyes. I mean, was he truly here? And if he was here, what was he doing here? What did he want? My mind was buzzing with questions, yet all I could muster to say was one word, more specifically, one name. "Valinick." Chapter 36- "The beginning" *Third Person's pnt. Of view* Adelina stood shocked, but mostly confused. She blinked a few times just to make sure the picture playing in front of her eyes was genuine.

  "Val? Wha- I thought you were-""Peter? I know." Said Valinick smugly, then with a shrug he added "at first this was him, this was all his doing. Well up to this point.""What do you mean?" Asked Adelina, still somehow in the dark."Wow, you are not very bright, which, at this point still doesn't show me what he saw in you." Said Valinick while he tapped his chin, as though he was thinking out loud. Then his eyes once again focused on Adelina as he said "what I mean is, Peter did all of this for you, so he could have you." "So, what does this have to do with you?" Asked Adelina carefully."Well, up to recently, nothing. Absolutely nothing. I could care less what that idiot was up to, but then he crossed the line." Explained Val, as his facial features hardened with anger."What did he do?" Asked Adelina softly, trying to avoid arousing Valinick's sudden anger any further. Valinick looked over at the woman who faced him with hooded eyes. He lied when he said that he didn't see what Peter saw in her. Because he did see it. Anyone could see it. She has spirit. There's a fire in her eyes that burns with power and passion, and she was a fighter. She, herself, is a weapon, a weapon very well disguised by her charm and beauty. She had a humane side to her, very kind, generous, and absolutely approachable. But that was it. She was naive, yet she knew how to play on her innocence, even if it was subconscious. The night he danced with her, he knew that her mate had marked her, but that's how he noticed her strength. She was strong enough to withstand the power of the mate bond, and she was willing to leave her mate, but not before making sure her friends would be safe. She was born and equipped to be a Luna, and that was both a blessing and a curse. Because of her nature, it was hard for anyone to resist her, even for Val. He wouldn't mind the picture of having such a woman as her by his side, but such a woman caused him the only family he had left. "Tell me Aden, has Peter ever told you how he and I were related?" Val asked Aden simply, as he kept his voice neutral, void of emotion."Well, no." Answered Adelina, then she added "I didn't know he had a cousin until we met at the wedding." Valinick quietly chuckled as he nodded and said "well that's because we're not blood related cousins, we're only related through Clarissa.""Peter's mate." Confirmed Adelina."Yep, that's the one." Said Valinick, "I'm surprised you actually remember her." Added Val almost sarcastically."What? Of course I remember her. Where is she? Is she okay? Does she know about any of this? Does she-""Oh drop the act Adelina. That caring card won't work on me. Don't even pretend to feign worry for her." Declared Val, cutting Adelina off."What? What are you talking about?" Asked Adelina, shocked at Valinick's outburst."I said stop it!" Ordered Valinick, his voice and anger rising."Stop what? I don't know what you are talking about!" Yelled Adelina, matching Val’s tone."SHE'S DEAD! OKAY? She's dead. Peter killed her, and it’s all because of you." Announced Valinick, pointing an accusing finger at Adelina. And that was it. The truth was out there. Adelina felt as though she was hit with a bucket of cold water. She felt numb all over. She couldn't move, nor could she speak. Her tongue felt as though it weight tons in her mouth, and all she could muster was a "wha- huh?""Oh what now? Don't tell me you're paralyzed by guilt, or is it that a cat got your tongue." Teased Valinick, as he felt his anger seeping through every inch of his body. His wolf was aware of the enemy, and was suddenly thirsty for blood and vengeance. Meanwhile, Adelina found herself stumbling backwards, until her back came in contact with the wall. She couldn't wrap her mind around what was said. It was all happening too fast. Clarissa was dead. Peter killed his mate. And it was all because of her? Why? How? How could Peter manage to kill his own mate? The one he married? The one he swore in a church to love until death did them part. I mean who could even be coldhearted enough to even pull it off? Not even Adelina could kill her mate, even though he put her through so much, she would never imagine killing her mate. "You're probably wondering how Peter did it, and most importantly, what it all has to do with you." Spoke Valinick, as he took in Adelina's ghost white face. He could tell she was shocked. "Well, allow me to explain." Continued Val, once he received no reply. "You see, our dear Peter never got over his feelings for you, in fact he was so taken by you that he was sure you were his mate, until of course Clarissa came in the picture. Now, at first everything was fine. You backed off knowing how the who
le mate thing works, and you were happy for them. So happy to the point where Clarissa trusted you, until of course she realized that Peter wasn't exactly over you. How is that possible? Well, it’s quite simple actually. You see, it’s very unlikely for people to get over their first love, in fact, hardly anyone, whether human, part wolf, or part bat, has ever gotten over their first love. The only possible way for one to overcome the power of their first love, is through the power of true love, but you see, one must be willing to let go of their first love to be with their true love. But that is where the problem lies. It seems as though our dear Peter was afraid of losing you in his life, he was too much of a coward to let go of the past and begin anew. And so, the mate bond eventually weakened between him and Clarissa. At first my cousin, Clarissa, didn't make much of a deal out of it, she thought Peter needed to adapt to the thought of having a mate, but once she realized that he only smiled genuinely when you were around, that he would look at you differently than how he looked at her, it wasn't hard for her to piece the puzzle together. My cousin was angry, and she contacted me, and I told her to see if the actions were retaliated on your side, but to no avail. You are naive. Yet surprisingly you've managed to survive in this cruel and dangerous world. It wasn't hard for Clarissa to gain your trust, in fact it was too easy, but alas, she got nothing out of it, except of course her death. I told her how to sneak questions about Peter on you, I taught her how to observe your body language along with his, and how to catch the double meanings in conversations, but it was all for nothing. It's either you were a very good actress, or totally oblivious to the fact that Peter was in love with you." Explained Valinick, who was then cut off by Demitrey, who finally voiced his opinion since Valinick revealed himself."Oh trust me Valinick, my dear mate here is very naive, so there is no way she was acting. I can assure you of that." Said Demitrey in Adelina's defense. Both Val and Adelina looked over at Demitrey, but he said nothing else, so Val continued. "Eventually, Clarissa caught on to Peter and his attraction for you, and she was taken over by anger. She wanted to hurt you, kill you even. I mean could you blame her? Like every other she-wolf, she dreamt of the day her mate would find and claim her. She trained, kept fit, learned to take care of a home, and she acquired all the skills needed just to be the best mate she could be, yet all she got in return was that her so called mate was taken by another she-wolf. But then again she couldn't blame you either. Yes you and Peter dated before he found his mate, and once he did, not only did you back off, but you changed your views of him. You no longer saw him as attractive, but instead as a brother. You saw him as a best friend, nothing more, and nothing less. You were so loyal to their relationship that you spent more time with Clarissa than with Peter. She could've killed you you know. I mean you ate with her, slept over with her, drink from the same cup as her, and even sometimes share wardrobes with her. There are countless of times where she called me, explained that you were coming over, and that she would hurt you, but you being so oblivious and unaware of the reason why she hated you made it difficult, but then, she found her salvation. You were being shipped away to the most known ruthless alpha, alpha Demitrey Jackson, who turned out to be your mate. Now you may have not known that he was your mate when you first met him, but the minute you told Clarissa about him, she already knew he was your mate. Even though that day you were crying, she could tell the attraction you had for him, by the way you described him, spoke about how you felt around him, she already knew, I mean she already had a mate, so she knows the signs, but then again, that was the problem. Because just like Clarissa noticed, so did Peter, and so, the letters started. Tell me Aden, have you ever stopped to think about what Peter was up to that day when he ran up to his room after you told him about what took place between you, Demitrey, and your father?" Questioned Valinick. And Adelina shrugged " I thought he was angry, maybe even shedding a tear or two." "Ah but that's where you're wrong. Alpha? Mind enlightening your dear Luna here? Please do tell, when did you receive the first letter?" And Demitrey paused. He opened his mouth, but then closed it. Then he sighed and shook his head, as though it all made sense. "That afternoon when I got home, the letter was already waiting for me, the day your dad announced that we were going to get married." Revealed Demitrey. "Exactly, so you see my dear, the minute he realized that you found your mate, and eventually, you would fall in love, true love, and forget about him, the sneaky bastard he was got to work, which brings us to how this, your mate mistreating you, your running away, your pack and mate being captured, and the war, started."


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