Rise of Humanity

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Rise of Humanity Page 403

by <unknown>

Mother Da Zhen was incredibly beautiful, she looked more like a beauty rather than an insect race mother god. She heard the demon god’s question and answered brightly, “He has destroyed the goodwill between the insect race and the Ancestral Star races, slaughtered many insect disciples, and nearly raised a war between us the insect race and the Ancestral Star. He will not be spared, but killing him is too light a punishment for him. So, we intend to make him our breeding vassel.”

  “Breeding vassel?" the seven gods were puzzled.

  Mother Da Zhen said in a smile, “His blood potential is huge, he has been in the Lesser Void World Legendary Board. So we will first mate with him and reproduce a generation of insect disciples that carry the power of his blood.”

  The seven gods were surprised, such punishment was really bizarre. Mating with the race’s female gods was only seen as a punishment in the insect race, and only the insect race could make it so.

  “Then the vessel?" Xia Que couldn’t hold his curiosity and asked.

  “That’s even more interesting." Mother Da Zhen said a bright smile radiates across her face, “After the insects are born, they will be placed in his body. These little ones will eat his meat, suck his blood, chew on his bones, and drink his cerebral joices. The stronger ones will even be able to crawl on his Yuan Shen and paratisize it. He will be alive while suffering something far worse than death!”

  The hatred in her words sent a cold chill down the seven gods’ spine. Bi Fang goddess stood up and said smiling, “Since Zhong Yue been delivered, then we will leave me. Goodbye!”

  The other gods stood up as well and said, “Mother Da Zhen, don’t forget our treaty.”

  Mother Da Zhen and the other mother gods stood up as well and she replied, “Don’t worry, we insect race never go back on our words. We will not break the treaty between us!”

  Of course, none of the seven gods truly believed her, but they still left nevertheless.

  All of a sudden, a burst of laughter erupted from the only non-deity individual here. He said, “Why are you all trying to leave so quickly? Aren’t you all curious of my secret? Why I could enter the Legendary Board and why I can kill so many experts so easily?”

  Legendary Board! The seven gods stopped moving, they turned around and fixated their sights on Zhong Yue. Surely enough, Zhong Yue saw the greed that brimmed out from their eyes.

  Zhong Yue was ranked the first in the Legendary Board and his name had spread throughout the whole world. The gods discussed together before and they all came out with the same conclusion—Zhong Yue had an appalling cultivation technique that even the gods didn’t have, presumably a Deity Overlord cultivation technique, or even one that was at a higher level than that!

  Zhong Yue said placidly, “The truth is, I have a treasure with me. It is this treasure that allowed me to have my achievements today. Now, since I’m already dying, I thought that I’d show it off before my time comes.”

  Mother Da Zhen frowned, she urged, “Senior martial brothers and senior martial sisters, it is time to leave.”

  Bi Fang goddess chortled as she said, “It’s not too late to see it first before we leave. I really do want to see what this brat can present us.”

  Zhong Yue opened his Yuan Shen secret realms, he took out a shabby copper lamp and opened the lamp lid. He smiled and said to the gods, “The words spoken by a dying man are words of truth and virtue. If it wasn’t that I’m dying son, I wouldn’t dare to show it as well.”

  He cast out the Golden Peng Sword and it flew into the copper lamp, he said, “In truth, I guess I am more afraid that after my death, the great heritage I possess will end along with me. Please, seniors, a look!”

  A pure pearl flew up from the copper lamp, shining with a lunar radiance.

  Meanwhile, inside a temple in the Xiao Mang Celestial Race, a bunch of white-robed Xiao Mang priests were sitting on the ground in a circular formation. Their faces suddenly changed drastically and they rushed out toward the supreme temple shouting, “Quick, inform the grand ancestor, we’ve found the moon core!”

  Chapter 552: Disaster |

  “That wicked thief who stole our moon core finally showed himself!”

  In the Xiao Mang Celestial Race supreme temple, the white-robed priests were kneeling on the ground and worshipping a huge three-headed Pan Ao. Their heads were stamping on the ground unceasingly and their faces were filled with joy.

  “Grand ancestor! That brat has finally revealed himself!”

  “Grand ancestor, please wake up and sentence the thief, retrieve our rightful treasure!”

  “Grand ancestor…”

  The three-headed Pan Ao statue suddenly quivered and a strong force of energy descended down from the sky, nearly shattering the statue into pieces. Three voices stacked on top of each other and trembled the blood essence in the Xiao Mang priests, causing them to fall on the ground while spurting blood out from their mouth!

  “His location!”

  Despite their grave injuries, the white-robed priests quickly told their grand ancestor the moon core’s location.

  The Xiao Mang grand ancestor let out a loud roar, “You thief, do you think that you can do anything you want just because I suffered heavy injuries from the battle with Bi Xie Celestial Emperor? Although I am wounded, I am not dead! My mortal body is still here and in the Ancestral Star alone, I am invincible! Hmm? My mortal body seemed to be right there beside that thief! Hahahaha! How serendipitous!”


  On the moon, moonlight was suddenly siphoned away by a great force and struck right down toward the Ancestral Star.

  Meanwhile, a three-headed, four-armed Yuan Shen flew out from the moon and descended to the Ancestral Star along with the force striking down.


  The strong force took the form of a huge hand and while it descended through the atmospheric layers, it was ignited in flames. From the ground below, it would look like a huge burning hand slamming down on the insect race territory!


  in the insect race Da Zhen temple, the gods were staring at the little pearl. Inside of the pure pearl, there was an exquisite goddess lying dormantly. Then, the pearl turned bigger and enlarged while pulsating with powerful energy waves that propagated through the surroundings, pushing the gods to step back further from it.

  “What is that?”

  All the nineteen gods in the temple were shocked. They could feel the pure energy coming from the bright pearl. Not was it pure, it was powerful. It felt as if it was a higher form of energy than what they had within themselves!

  The bright pearl was like a moon, it appeared right in front of them and looked a thousand times more beautiful than the actual moon from the Ancestral Star. The bright pearl was the epitome of beauty.

  In the moon-like pearl was water that flowed around the lady within it. The lady, perhaps, calling her a goddess would be a better fit for her beauty.

  Even the beautiful Bi Fang goddess subconsciously hid her fringe. That was the most attractive part of her appearance. But even so, she couldn’t help but to feel that even her most attractive part couldn’t match up to the beautiful moon goddess.

  She held a strong power within her, but the gods felt no threat from her. All they could see in her was a purely calm, saintly serenity.

  It was as if in front of her, no one would be able to raise their arms against her. Even the insect gods and mother gods could do nothing but appreciate her beauty, unable to muster the slightest amount of hostility.

  All of a sudden, one of the mother gods came to a realization, she exclaimed in shock, “Do you all still remember High Mother Si Ming’s moon core armor? The pearl… it is exactly the same as the moon core!”

  The other mother gods were dawned, they looked at the pearl and the goddess in it. An insect god said, “If this is the moon core, then the lady in it…”

  “An Innate Moon God!" the Martial Divine Master of the Zhong Li Celestial Race, Xia Que’s voice was low and deep as he said, �
��An incomplete innate god!”

  The gods were stunned, they had their sights fixated on the moon core and the lady in it. It was too stunning, too beautiful for them to shift their eyes away!

  Who would ever thought that a mere human Qi Practitioner would be able to take out a ball of moon core with an innate god in it!

  Bi Fang goddess mulled and said, “But the moon god hasn’t awoken yet, why did Zhong Yue say that the moon god is the one that allowed him to achieve all he now? With the moon core awakening, there is no way she can teach him anything…”

  The other gods had the same thoughts as well. Just as the gods were going to ask Zhong Yue, their faces changed drastically and they quickly looked up into the sky.

  Mother Da zhen mumbled, “This force of energy… it seems like it is coming toward our insect race territory… Not good!”

  Her face changed drastically and she jabbed her hand up.


  The Da Zhen Temple’s roof was lifted off. The gods looked up and met with a sky of burning fire descending down on them.

  From far, the burning sky shaped like a huge furry claw. But those furs were really just made of the fire dragons!

  Right after the burning claw, there was an even more appalling force coming down closely behind!

  “We can’t make it!”

  The gods’ hearts were thumping, the coverage area of the burning claw was too huge. Even with their speed, they wouldn’t be able to leave to safety before it slams down on the ground!

  “Cast the weapons!”

  Bi Fang goddess, Xia Que and the other gods cast out their saint weapons, including Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s mortal body. They wielded the saint weapons and jabbed toward the burning furry claw.

  A strong burst of force gushed out from the saint weapons and tore the dimensional barrier around it, creating tiny space rifts along the course of the weapon strikes!

  The twelve insect gods and mother gods also struck out together. Their bodies were refined with divine gold, making them as strong as divine weapons themselves!

  Nineteen gods worked in unison as they attacked together. Their strengths superimposed on top of another and collided with the burning furry claw slamming down from the sky!

  Right at the moment before the collision occurred, Zhong Yue opened the lamp lid and entered the copper lamp. His fingers held onto the lamp lid and as soon as he entered the lamp, the closing lid cut off his five fingers on the outside.


  The moment the copper lamp fell on the ground was the moment the two opposing forces finally clashed.


  For over a hundred thousand miles of land, the aftermath of the clash ravaged every piece of land. Hurricanes were let out in all directions and the lightning illuminate the sky.

  In the sky, the clouds were blown away into fine wisps of water vapour!

  Up above, the sky turned clearer than crystal and brighter than ever!

  Down below, the trees were uprooted and hurled away by the hurricanes, the newborn insects were pulverized into ash in an instant and the five temples of the insect race territory were torn into pieces and ground to dust!

  The Da Zhen Temple was torn away, revealing the gods that stood still in the ravaging hurricanes.

  As for the moon core that was still hovering stationary above the ground, it was completely unaffected by the aftermath of the clashings.

  Meanwhile, the goddess in the moon raised her brows, and her eyelids slowly opened, and the water around her turned turbulent.

  But the gods were too busy dealing with the catastrophe on top of them that they were oblivious to such momentous changes in the goddess inside of the moon core. Instead, they blew their essences into the saint weapons and struck right through the shabby burning claw at the mysterious force of energy on the back!

  “Who are you, how dare you go against the gods of the world!" Mother Da Zhen questioned.

  “Go against gods of the world?" a deep laughter boomed through the sky. All of a sudden, the Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s mortal body glared three pairs of bloody eyes down at them and roared loudly.

  The nineteen gods were caught off guard. No one would foresee that the Xiao Mang Celestial Race’s grand ancestor mortal body would be revived at this critical moment and pounce back on them!

  The roars were so loud and powerful that it alone could inflict severe injuries on the nineteen gods. The gods spurted out a mouthful of blood, even the insect race gods whose bodies were forged from divine gold had their Yuan Shen gravely wounded!

  “It is not me who go against you all, it is you all that are going against me!" The Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s mortal body descended from the sky. He crashed into the ground, raising a curtain of dust into the air.

  But as soon as he unleashed his godly aura to the surroundings, the dust and flying rocky debris froze in the air.


  The three heads gnawed down and one of the heads devoured a god away into his stomach.

  The other two heads gnawed at two other insect gods. Immediately, the two insect gods turned into their true forms to fight against the Xiao Mang grand ancestor.

  Kacha, kacha—

  They didn’t even last a second before the two huge Pan Ao heads already devoured them. A loud pained cry could still be heard from his throat going down to his stomach. It was from one of the two insect gods, he hadn’t even completely died before the Xiao Mang grand ancestor swallowed him into his stomach.

  But the voice grew softer, and within seconds, they turned dead silent.

  Krong! Krong! Krong!

  The saint weapons slashed down and struck right on the Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s mortal body. The already dead mortal body was now in an even more shabby state.

  The Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s mortal body was already heavily damaged during the battle with the Bi Xie Celestial Emperor. There were still the wounds that couldn’t be healed so easily left on the body. Thus, it wasn’t as strong as before anymore.

  Although the ones who wielded the saint weapons were the gods, they still couldn’t fully unleash their power. Still, it was plenty enough to threaten him.

  Mother Da Zhen and the other insect race gods dashed forward and engaged Xiao Mang grand ancestor in close quarter combat. Mother Da Zhen opened her mouth and spurted out a wave of insect disciples onto the wounds on Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s mortal body. These insect disciples would crawl into his mortal body through the wounds but were melted away by the godly blood right after.

  The three-headed Pan Ao was terrifyingly strong. He was able to slap away the insect gods as if they were flies.

  In a single roar, he could shatter the body of a mother god and tear her Yuan Shen into nothingness!

  Bright silver rays were shot out from the eyes on one of the heads and melted an insect god into liquid.

  His third head opened up wide and its tongue wrapped around the Bi Fang goddess before pulling her into its mouth. The Bi Fang goddess let out a shrill cry as she was swallowed into his mouth.

  “Stop! Xiao Mang grand ancestor, please stop!" Xia Que shouted, cold sweat burst out from his forehead as he shouted, “This is a huge misunderstanding! We have no intention of being your enemies…”

  But the three-headed Pan Ao continued his massacre regardless. He replied, “You stole my moon core, and now you ask me to stop?”

  Xia Que’s cold sweat soaked his clothes and suddenly, he shouted hopefully, “It was the human that stole the moon core…”

  “So what?" Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s three heads laughed in malicious unison as they said, “Whoever knows this secret shall not live to tell the tale!”

  Chapter 553: Flawless Goddess |

  “How naive, you think I will still let you all live after knowing my secret?" His three pairs of bloody eyes shone with crafty malice. Unlike the others, the Xiao Mang grand ancestor was never a virtuous god.

  Even the ferocious insect race gods who always h
ungered for blood couldn’t raise any wicked thoughts on the Innate Moon God.

  But this god — the Xiao Mang grand ancestor — not only dug out the Innate Moon God and replaced it with himself, but he even imprisoned her to siphon her energy for his own.

  Who could ever be vicious than him?

  In his heart, it didn’t matter who the one that stole the moon core was, all he cared about was keeping his secret. And no one is better than a dead man at keeping a secret!

  Even if that meant slaughtering the gods of the Ancestral Star!

  After all, he was a god who even dared to betray his old master, the Bi Xie Celestial Emperor!

  “Even if the world knows about it, I will kill the world too. Though, I will keep some newborns alive so that they will be able to worship me when they grow old enough. Hehehe…”

  A nefarious laughter resounded the place while he slaughters the gods. Everyone else in this world was just a tool he could use to grow stronger; if they weren’t useful to him, then they were disposable.

  The three-headed Pan Ao roared, the 【Moonlight Whistle Godly Roar】 was a skill he created. It was strongest when he was the one that cast it out. In that one roar, the gods’ Yuan Shen and mortal body shuddered, their arcane energy and skills were dispelled, and the totem patterns and psyche were wiped away.

  The gods struggled to stand still while blood trickled out from their apertures on their heads.

  Xia Que spurted out one mouthful of blood after another, he barely evaded the three-headed Pan Ao’s attacks and chided, “You have such strength, why didn’t you help fighting off the insect race? If you had done so, none of this would’ve happened, no one would ever know that you stole the moon core and imprisoned the moon god!”

  The Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s mortal body turned into a three-headed, four-armed celestial being and slammed his hands down. The impact force from one of the hands threw Xia Que off balance and immediately right after, another hand slammed down on him.

  Xia Que was gravely wounded while the Xiao Mang grand ancestor’s hand grabbed him up and sent him into the mouth of the middle head. The other two heads laughed, “What does that have to do with me? I don’t care if it’s you or the insects that live on this planet, and neither does it matter to me. Even if the insect race wiped all of you away, I can still conquer the insect race and make them worship me. In fact, that would be easier for me at the end!”


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