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Rise of Humanity

Page 687

by <unknown>

  Eliminating a sovereign race’s navy with just wit, Lou Zhengshi had no choice but to believe this as it happened right before his eyes.

  Now, the Yinkang Clan’s fleet was rushing towards the Panhu Clan’s fleet and there was nothing they can do to stop the Yinkang Clan.

  At the same time, Zhong Yue, Fu Li, and Yin Fukang were trapped in a Panhu warship after being surrounded.

  All of a sudden, Zhong Yue charged right into the cabin while countless Panhu Clan’s gods followed right behind closely. Seconds later, the cabin door at the back of the warship opened up before Zhong Yue, Fu Li, and Yin Fukang dashed away quickly on a Mengchong Warship.

  With the thousand wing-like paddles, the warship split the waves apart and left quickly.

  However, the many Panhu Clan’s gods also managed to get onboard and a fierce battle has begun; blood dyed the water around the ship red and severed limbs flew about. Seconds later, another six Mengchong Warships from the Panhu Clan’s warship continued to give chase.

  The seven warships tangled with one another, the gods onboard leaped from one ship to another while fighting ferociously and they headed straight towards a warship from the Panhu Clan that moved far away from the battle. Upon seeing these seven warships charging right at them, the commander of the ship panickedly ordered the crew to maneuver the warship away from them.

  However, with the insane speed from the Mengchong Warships, they couldn’t even shake them off and the commander forced himself to make a risky decision, “Get the cannons and ballistas ready, fire at those Mengchong Warships and sink them!”

  The commander second in command then cried, “But the Imperial Emperors and our men are still on those ships!”

  The commander immediately gave him a slap and shouted, “If we don’t sink those ships, we will also be in trouble!”

  Without a choice, the crying commander second in command forced himself to give the order and the many crews remained silent as they pushed out the cannons and ballistas.

  “We Panhu Clan’s naval army can not die here today.”

  The commander shed tears, stared at the seven approaching warships and mumbled, “This is a time of chaos, the war for the throne. If our naval army is annihilated today, then we are doomed! Not only will the Heavenly Monarch not use us anymore, but our position as a sovereign race might also even be removed! Brothers and seniors, please don’t blame me for this!”

  As he waved his hand forward, countless light pillars shot towards the seven Mengchong Warships, the ballistas pushed backward by the massive recoil of the bolts firings!

  In only a single fire, the seven Mengchong Warships shattered before the massive attack, the gods lost their balance as the bolts sunk the ships!

  In a blink of an eye, almost all the gods on the warships fell into the river!

  A massive bolt pierced right through Fu Li, nailing him into the river bottom, Yin Fukang let out an angry battle cry, the light wheels behind his head spun quickly, enlarged at an incredible rate and blocked in front of Zhong Yue, but they were still being pushed back strongly.

  Suddenly, the river surface blasted apart as Fu Li charged out of the water with the arrow still in his body; countless gods were struggling in the water and their flesh was being corroded by the river.

  Not even the Deity Emperors were strong enough to withstand the power of the river and in seconds, they lost their power, devoured by the Heavenly River. Only the Creators were able to barely keep themselves together and leave the water.

  Fu Li, on the other hand, was also a Creator but he was one of the tops even among the best Creators; he was not afraid of the river at all. After the seven warships were shattered into pieces, the Panhu Clan’s magnates were almost gone after falling into the river.

  Zhong Yue remained safe as he was protected by Yin Fukang. As he looked around, mixed feelings emerged in his heart and he murmured, “Before the war for the throne completely started, the war is already so intense. Gods were unable to survive, let alone the mortal Qi Practitioners. In the future, this will become the reason why so many of them died!”

  And that is why, I have to protect the humans no matter what!

  His heart turned cold and his eyes filled with determination; in such a war, having mercy on the enemies would only bring destruction to oneself, hence, Zhong Yue had to use all his strength and everything he had to protect his people!

  If it was to protect them, no matter how many enemies he struck down, it will all be worth it!

  The enemies were also fighting for their race; one could have mercy in his heart but he must not let the enemies go free because of his own compassion; else, he would be the greatest sinner to his race!

  A sinner just like Fu Shang!

  The light wheels behind Yin Fukang’s head surrounded Zhong Yue, lifting him into the air. Fu Li followed behind while the Panhu Imperial Emperors and Creators pursued them and the bolts and cannons were still firing at them.

  The battle continued and as the bolts and cannons fired around them. Fu Li swung his bone club around, slammed the attacks away but alongside Yin Fukang, the two of them were being pushed back strongly and the situation was dire.

  Fortunately, the pursuers were also in the area of coverage of the attacks and that greatly slowed down their attacks.

  Meanwhile, at the lower course of the river, Yin Fanxuan was leading the Yinkang Clan’s fleet out and shook the Panhu Clan’s fleet far away.

  “Father-in-law, its time to go!”

  Zhong Yue suddenly grabbed onto Bi An’s braid and hurled him into his Yuan Shen secret realms. The Imperial Emperors and Creators from the Panhu Clan woke up and looked around with blank minds.

  During this time, Yin Fukang and Fu Li hurriedly ran away, joining the Yinkang Clan’s fleet again and returning to Yin Fanxuan and the others.

  “Man the cannons and ballistas!”

  Yin Fanxuan ordered and the gods were all on stand-by.

  “King Yi, what did you do!”

  The Panhu Imperial Emperors trembled slightly and suddenly, they closed in, prompting Yin Fanxuan to order the gods to fire the siege weapons. In a second, cannons fired and bolts launched, pushing the Imperial Emperors backward. The Panhu Clan’s Creators halted their movements, descending back to the Panhu Clan’s warships in anger.

  This time, almost half of the Panhu Clan’s naval army was routed, lost many equipments and countless soldiers!

  Originally, the Panhu Clan’s naval was strong enough to rival the Yinkang Clan’s naval and they were a very powerful force even before the Heavenly River Naval Fleet. Now, they were slammed back into a lower level, weakened to a state where they are below the Heavenly River Naval Fleet and rendered unable to rival them anymore!

  Behind, the Heavenly River Naval Fleet caught up, merged with the Panhu Clan’s fleet and Lou Zhengshi shouted, “Senior Martial Brother Pan Yue and Pan Shan, greetings!”

  With their anger suppressed, the two Panhu Clan’s Imperial Emperors greeted back.

  As the two forces merged, they hurriedly chased after the Yinkang Clan’s fleet. Lou Zhengshi invited the two Imperial Emperors onboard and said, “Yin Fukang is cunning and dangerous. And with the addition of King Yi, the problem has gotten out of hand. If they return to their territory, it will only be tougher to kill them!”

  Imperial Emperor Pan Yue smirked, “Our Panhu Clan is located right beside them. Once we arrive there, we will raise an army and along with the Heavenly River Naval Fleet, we will mow them down!”

  “And we will bath ourselves in their blood! We will unleash wrath on them for what they did to our brothers!” said Imperial Emperor Pan Yue angrily, “Yinkang Clan is just a puny monarch race, how dare they fight against our sovereign race? This time, we will annihilate them!”

  Lou Zhengshi frowned and said gently, “Senior martial brothers, anger has blinded you. You must calm yourselves down or you will get into trouble.”

  “Shame, if it weren’t because of Senior Martia
l Brother Zhengshi’s warning, we wouldn’t be able to notice this.”

  Imperial Emperor Pan Yue said, “After many years of development, the Yinkang Clan had built their place into a steel bucket. Given the strategic location, it is very hard to attack them. But with our speed now, it is impossible to catch up with them. What do you think, Senior Martial Brother Zhengshi?”

  “It’s impossible to intercept them now.”

  Lou Zhengshi’s eyes blinked and said, “Beside Yinkang Clan and Panhu Clan, there is another State of Heavenly River. I wonder if we can unroot the entire Yinkang Clan if we talk them into helping us.”

  Pan Yue and Pan Shan exchanged a glance and they both shook their heads, “Senior Martial Brother Zhengshi, we suppose you know that State of Heavenly River’s origin. That is an outside world, and those who live inside are the Fuxi Celestial Race. Though we are talking about them living there, it is more like they are being imprisoned there. It is almost impossible to enter even for the Heavenly Monarchs, let alone Imperial Emperors.”

  Lou Zhengshi, however, smiled and said, “But a little brother from the Panhu Clan had been to the place. If I recall correctly, his name is Xiao Wuji?”

  “Xiao Wuji?”

  The two Imperial Emperors were a little surprised and Pan Yue smiled, “He is half Fuxi and half Panhu. A very long time ago, he and Pan Xu arrived at our clan. I’m the one that triggered the Panhu bloodline in him. Now, he has become an extraordinary figure. If he can talk the Fuxi Celestial Race into helping us, it will be a great contribution to the Heavenly Monarch’s conquest.”

  Pan Shan said, “His heritage is incredible and he seems to have quite a friendly relationship with Mister Bi Luo. I even hear that his teacher is an innate god that serves directly under Heaven. Our ancestors are very fond of him. He should be in the Heaven Court now. I’ll send a Creator to invite him over.”

  Lou Zhengshi let out a relieved breath and he laughed, “Then we Heavenly River Naval Fleet will take a rest in your place for the time being. Once Mister Wuji arrives, then we will decide what to do that can remove Yinkang Clan in one blow.”

  The two naval fleets then slowly tailed behind the Yinkang Clan’s fleet and Zhong Yue frowned upon seeing this.

  After suffering two losses, why are they still pursuing us? There is no reason for them to continue chasing after us after knowing there is nothing he can do to stop us.

  He looked towards the lower course, where the Imperial Star located, filled with monarch races and all he needed was to get access to Zhongyang Clan’s path to return, so why did Lou Zhengshi continue to pursue them?

  Lou Zhengshi might not be coming right at me but….

  His heart sank to the bottom, He was going for the Yinkang Clan!

  Chapter 971: Slaves No More! |

  If removing Xian Tian Palace’s King Yi was equivalent to cutting an arm of Imperial Emperor Xian Tian, then removing Yinkang Clan was equivalent to annihilating every power he had on the water!

  The only enemy of Heavenly River Navy Fleet was the Yinkang Clan, and without the Yinkang Clan, no matter how powerful Zhong Yue has built the Heaven Suppression Fortress, the Heaven Suppression Fortress would be isolated from reinforcements after Heavenly River Navy Fleet took over the Star River surrounding the Heaven Suppression Fortress.

  With that, it would be only a matter of time until they either siege down the Heaven Suppression Fortress or capture and kill Zhong Yue, which would plunge Xian Tian Palace further into the abyss!

  On the world map, Xian Tian Palace’s power was spread out in a way of a divine bird spreading its wings while preparing the take flight into the nine skies

  With the wings broken, Xian Tian Palace’s fate would be decimated and its fate would be stripped away from them.

  This would be the first step to destroying the Yinkang Clan!

  Lou Zhengshi is sharp!

  Zhong Yue admired the Imperial Emperor but immediately realized, This wouldn’t have come from Lou Zhengshi. He is the Heavenly River Navy Fleet’s commander. Although he must be a talented one to become the commander, he is still a commander for the fleet, not the entire army of the Heaven Court. It must be someone higher who has a better view of the whole situation. As the commander of just the navy fleet, Lou Zhengshi would not have this kind of view.

  Zhong Yue sighed as there was only one person he knew who was capable of this — Mo Yin.

  Gui Youmin was one who excelled in smaller details, inferior in whole situations, but Mo Yin was different. He had mastered the knowledge of fate, granting him the knowledge of knowing where to break Xian Tian Palace’s fate easily from every information he acquired. With one of the Fuxi Celestial Race’s Triple Almanacs of Ruling, the Almanac of Fate in his hands, only Mo Yin possessed such capabilities.

  This was probably the simmering of the fry, grill, simmer, and boil; simmering Zhong Yue’s outer defense by removing Yinkang Clan and having him fully cooked by the surrounding Heaven Suppression Fortress!

  This is really hard to watch out.

  Zhong Yue frowned slightly; due to the fact that he knew little about fate, even if he managed to see through Mo Yin’s plans, if Mo Yin laid his fingers onto the other races, he would still be able to achieve his goals and further improving the Heavenly Monarch’s power.

  By then, with the territories and people he conquered, how was Xian Tian Palace supposed to withstand Mo Yin’s invasion?

  Among the Triple Almanacs of Ruling, the Almanac of Karma seemed to be in Consort Tian Si’s possession, allowing her to disrupt the world’s peace with the art of karma, stirring up chaos among Zi Wei, ancient universe and the 3,000 Six Paths Worlds. She too, started from the tiniest parts and gradually turned them into something big enough to drag everyone into the mess

  Our Fuxi Celestial Race’s Triple Almanacs of Ruling are indeed powerful, acquiring one is already strong enough to conquer the world.

  Zhong Yue’s expression was a little weird, Who will end up possessing these almanacs? Which of the three almanacs is the strongest? If the three holders of the almanacs collide, who would come out on top?

  By now, the Almanac of Six Paths’ holder should have shown themselves. The three holders of the almanacs were bound to run into each other and spark fire between them.

  Finally, the Yinkang Clan’s fleet arrived in the State of Heavenly River, sailing through the layers of seals, which were more stronger than that of the many monarch races out there. This was because if the seals were not strong enough, the Yinkang Clan would risk being devoured by the Heavenly River.

  “These few State of Heavenly River are the remnants of the Earth Order Era’s Imperial Star, it would not be easy if they want to attack the State of Heavenly River.”

  Zhong Yue thought and nodded as he looked around.

  The Earth Order Era’s Imperial Star had 77 reigns of Earthy Sovereigns and Heavenly Monarchs. In their era, these Earthy Sovereigns Heavenly Monarchs’ fate shrouded the Imperial Star, cultivating it to a very high degree. If it weren’t for the war that involved more than 5,000 monarch level existences, there was no way that the Imperial Star would explode into pieces.

  Though these places were formed from the previous era Imperial Star’s remnants where its fate was long gone, these remnants were still as sturdy as ever. With the addition of the Yinkang Clan’s arrangements, it would not be difficult for them to hold off the Heavenly River Naval Fleet and the Panhu Clan’s fleet.

  In the State of Heavenly River, the Yinkang elders were already waiting for their arrival while guarding all the choking points with immense killing intent.

  With an order, Yin Fukang sent the scouts to spy on the Heavenly River Naval Fleet and the Panhu Clan’s fleet before he unboarded the ship and had the naval to catch a breath.

  Not long later, the scouts returned reporting, “They’ve all gone to the Panhu’s State of Heavenly River!”

  Yin Fukang was surprised and he burst out laughing, “Are they scared of us now? Is h
e trying to raise an army from the Panhu Clan? He’s trying to borrow the Panhu Clan’s monarch weapon, isn’t he? Heh, what good will it do if he managed to get the monarch weapon? We too have monarch weapons in our clan!”

  Zhong Yue frowned and he had the scouts out again, “Go and obtain more information. Report back to us every half-day!”

  The Yinkang Clan’s scouts immediately headed out again.

  “Worry not, even if they work together, they are still dreaming if they think they can take us down. There is just not even a chance of that happening.”

  Yin Fukang comforted them confidently, “With our Yinkang Clan’s location, if we still lose to them, then we will have no honor to face our ancestors after our deaths! Speaking of which, we will be having a funeral and a prayer for our fallen brothers, you have to be there.”

  Zhong Yue nodded seriously. How could he be absent when these countless brave souls sacrificed their lives for him!

  “Father-in-law, the Heavenly River Naval Fleet is not here just for me but also the Yinkang Clan. We must not let our guards down,” Zhong Yue warned.

  With confidence, Yin Fukang replied, “Don’t worry! They will not be able to shake us at all! It is not that easy to entirely destroy a monarch race, even if we are the weakest among the 24 monarch races!”

  At night, the starry light at the riverside was as luminous as ever. Cuntless Yinkang Clan’s members were standing beside the river. The warriors stood at the front while the children, women, and elderly behind them. Yin Fukang and the clan elders organized the ceremony, and they prayed for the brave souls with incense and offerings.

  They prayed that the fallen braves would continue to protect the clan.

  Prayed that their brothers would continue to watch over the growth of the young.

  Prayed that the sacrifice of the brave fallen would become the motivation of the clan’s warriors.

  The clan elders’ thick voices sounded out as they hummed the Yinkang Clan’s war song.

  On the riverbank, the warriors put the clothes of the fallen ones onto tiny boats with a green lantern on the end of the boat, which carried the clan members’ sadness and hope before the warriors pushed the boats into the river.


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