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Abhaya, defined; see also Fearlessness
Advaita, see Unity of being
Ahimsa: centrality of; defined; dictatorship and; duragraha and; Hindu-Muslim unity and; salt satyagraha and; sources of; swaraj and; truth and; see also Satyagraha
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Aiyengar, S. Srinivasa
Alabama law
Alexander, Horace
Ali, Asaf
Ali, Shaukat
All-India Muslim League, see Muslim League
Ambedkar, B. R.
American civil rights movement
American colonists
American democracy
American feminists
American government
American Jewish Congress
American journalism
American nationalism
American public opinion
American Supreme Court
American whites
Amin, Shahid
Amritsar massacre
Anand, Mulk Raj
Andrews, Charles Freer
Angelou, Maya
Ansari, M. A.
Ansbro, John J.
Arnold, Edwin
Asiatic Registration Act
Attenborough, Richard
Attwood, William
Autobiography (Gandhi) on: ahimsa; Champaran struggle; childhood experiences; Hindu-Muslim unity; inclusiviry; passive resistance; politics/religion connection; truth
Azad, Maulana
Badhia, Ramijibhai and Gangabehn
Bakshi, S. R.
Baldwin, James
Banyan tree metaphor
Bardoli satyagrahas
Behn, Mira (Madeleine Slade)
Belliaghatta bustee, see Hydari mansion
Bengal Hindu Mahasabha
Bengal Muslim League
Bengal riots; see also Great Calcutta Killing
Benn, Wedgwood
The Bhagavad-Gita: defined; on freedom; Gandhi and; on liberated sage; Sermon on the Mount and
Bhatgam (Gujarat)
Bible; see also Sermon on the Mount
Bihar State
Birkenhead, Frederick Edwin Smith, Earl of
“Black Act,”
Black civil rights movement
Black leadership
Black Muslim movement
Black Panther Party
Black Power movement
“The Black Revolution” (Malcolm X)
Boer War
Bok, Sissela
Bolshevism, see Communism
Bombay Province
Bondurant, Joan
Bose, Nirmal Kumar
Bose, Sarat Chandra
Bose, Subhas Chandra
“Boundary award”
Bourgeois interests
Brailsford, Henry Noel
Brahmacharya; defined
Branch, Taylor
British Friends Peace Committee
British Gandhi biographies
British Government of India: Bardoli satyagraha (1928) and; Brailsford on; Chauri Chaura affair and; English good will and; on Gandhi; Ghose on; inevitable demise of; Nazi regime and; police of; popular fear under; Provincial Governors; ruling methods of; salt satyagraha and; violence of
British liberalism
British racism
British suffragettes
Brockway, Fenner
Brown, Judith
Buber, Martin
Burns, James
Burrows, Frederick
Calcutta fast
“The Call of Truth” (Tagore)
Carmichael, Stokely
Carroll, Edward
Casey, R. G.
“Caste Has To Go” (Gandhi)
Caste reform
Chakravarty, Amiya
Champaran (Bihar)
Chanakya (sage)
Chandogya Upanishad
Charkha, defined; see also Spinning
Chatterjee, Bankimchandra
Chatterjee, N. C
Chatterjee, Partha
Chaudhuri, Nirad
Chauri Chaura (Uttar Pradesh)
Choudhury, A. R.
The Christian Century (periodical)
Christianity; see also Jesus Christ
Churchill, Winston
Citizens Council
Civil disobedience, see Nonviolent resistance
Civilian patrols
Civil liberty: Malcolm X on; nationalism and; Plato on; social restraint and; swaraj and; Tagore on
Civil rights movement
Civil rights workers
Civil war, see Indian civil war
Cleaver, Eldridge
Cloth burning
Coercion; see also Violence
Collins, Larry
Communal conflict and communalism, defined; see also Great Calcutta Killing; Punjab riots
Communism: Gandhi and; Patel and; Roy and; salt satyagraha and; see also Marxism
Communist Party of India
Cone, James H.
Conflict resolution
Congress on Racial Equality
Congress Party, see Indian National Congress
“Constitutional swaraj,”
Constructive Program
CORE (Congress on Racial Equality)
Costello, Judy
Crerar, James
“The Crime of Chauri Chaura” (Gandhi)
Cross, Richard Assheton
Curry, John Court
Dada Abdulla and Company
Dandi and Dandi march; defined; see also Salt satyagraha
Darshan; defined
Das, Bhagavan
Das, C. R.
Das, Suranjan
Dave, K. M.
Davis, George
Davis, Ossie
Delhi fast
Deming, Barbara
Democracy: caste reform and; Gandhi on; King on; power abuse in
Desai, Mahadev
Desai, V. G.
Desh Darpan (newspaper)
Dharma; defined
Dhingra, Madanlal
Dictatorships, see Totalitarianism; Tyranny
“Direct Action Day,”
Discipline, see Self-discipline; Social discipline
“Disturbed Areas Ordinance” (Calcutta)
Doke, Joseph J.
Draft Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance
DuBois, W. E. B.
Duragraha, defined; see also Passive resistance Dyer, Reginald; defined
East Bengal
Eastern European regimes
Economic equality
Educated classes
Educational systems
Educative leadership
Einstein, Albert
emerson, ralph waldo
Empowerment: defined; educative leadership and; reading and; satyagraha and; truthfulness and
Ends and means: Bondurant on; of duragraha; Hind Swaraj on; Iyer on; King on; Malcolm X and; Roy on
English culture
Erikson, Erik
Ethics: Hind Swaraj on; Roy and; Tagore on; Tilak-Gandhi exchange on; transforming leadership and; see also Ends and means; Truthfulness
European Jews
European philosophy
European whites; see also Englishmen
Exclusivism: ahimsa vs.; in Hind Swaraj; of Malcolm X; Muslim; as sin; Tagore-Gandhi exchange on; untouchability as; in U.S.
Extremists: Gandhi and; passive resistance and; religious conflict and; Tagore on; see also Revolutionaries; Terrorists
Fard, W.D.
“The Fateful Letter and After,”
Fausset, Hugh I. A.
Fear: under British; in Calcutta; self-respect and
Feminist criticism
First Gujarat Political Conference Presidential Address (1917)
Fischer, Louis
Foreign cloth burning
Freedom, see Civil liberty; Spiritual freedom; Swaraj
Frydman, Maurice
“Gandhiji, A Critical Appreciation” (Roy)
Gandhi, Kasturba
Gandhi, Maganlal
Gandhi on Women (Kishwar)
Garvey, Marcus
George V, King of England
German arms
German totalitarianism
Ghose, Aurobindo: Gandhi and; on human unity; nationalism and; Roy and; swaraj concept of; Vivekananda and; mentioned
Ghosh, P. C
Ghosh, Surendra Mohan
Ghuznavi, A. K.
Gilligan, Carol
Gitanjali (Tagore)
Goebbels, Joseph
Gokhale, Gopal Krishna
Goldman, Peter
Goondas; defined
Gorakhpur District
Gour, Hari Singh
Government of India, see British Government of India
Great Calcutta Killing; Collins and Lapierre on; Suranjan Das on; Khosla on; Roy and; statistics on
“Great March” (1913), see South African nonviolent resistance movement
Greenberg, Hayim
Green, T H.
“Grievances of British Indians in South Africa” (Gandhi)
Griffiths, Percival
Guha, Ranajit
Gujarat Political Conference Presidential Address (1917)
Gujarat Region
Gujarat Vidyapith
Haig, H. G.
Hailey, Malcolm
Haithcox, John
Haley, Alex
Halifax, Charles Lindley Woodnd Viscount of
Halifax, Edward Wood, see Irwin, Edward
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Hammond, Laurie
Harijan caste, defined; see also Untouchable
Harkare, D. R.
Harrison, Agatha
Hartals; defined
Haughton, Claude
Haye, Mian Abdul
Hay, Stephen N.
Hegel, G. W. F.
Hendrick, George
Himsa, see Violence
Hind Swaraj (Gandhi); commentary on; defined; on ends-means connection; exclusivism of; Ghose and; on Gokhale; on salt tax
Hinduism: on ahimsa; caste reform and; Chaudhuri on; Roy and; social reform and; Thoreau and
Hindu Mahasabha
Hindu-Muslim relations
Hitler, Adolf
Hoare, Samuel
Holmes, John Haynes
Holocaust, Jewish
“Homage to the Martyr” (Roy)
Human rights, see Civil liberty
Human unity; see also Unity of being
Hume, David
Hunt, James D.
Hydari mansion
Id festivities
“I Have a Dream” (King)
Imperial Bank
“I.N.A. Day,”
Inclusivity: Erikson on; of Gandhi; Hind Swaraj exclusivism and; of King; of Malcolm X; political practice and; positive freedom and
Independence (the word); see also Indian independence
India in Transition (Roy)
Indian civil war
Indian culture
Indian feminists
Indian Government, see British Government of India
Indian Home Rule, see Hind Swaraj (Gandhi)
Indian independence: communal good will and; communal massacres and; duragraha and; “Message to the Ceylon National Congress” on; Oudine Scheme of Swaraj on; in swaraj theory; Tagore on
Indian independence movement
Indian loyalists
Indian National Army officers’ trial, M3
Indian National Congress: aims of; British violence and; Calcutta riots and; Chauri Chaura affair and; Curry on; growth of; Hind Swaraj on; Hindu Mahasabha and; khadi and; Khan on; Lenin and; Nehru and; passive resistance by; Petrie on; “Resolution on Non-co-operation” and; Roy and; Suhrawardy vs.; swaraj concept and; Tagore on; untouchability and; village uplift and; Wavell and; Working Committee; see also Lahore Congress
Indian nationalism: Gandhi on; Roy and; Tagore on
Indian Opinion (periodical)
Indian Partition, see Partition of India
Indian philosophy
Indian Provincial Governors
“Indian Renaissance,”
India Salt Act (1882)
“India’s Message” (Roy)
Indigo cultivators
Individual liberty, see Civil liberty; Spiritual freedom
Innes, Charles
Inter-Asian relations conference (1946)
Intercaste marriage
International public opinion
International, Third, see Comintern
Interracial marriage
Irish hunger strikes; see also Sinn Fein movement
Irwin, Edward: ambivalence of; Bardoli tax resistance and; Christian heritage of; Churchill and; on civil disobedience; Ghuznavi and; Hitler appeal and; misestimation by; R.]. Moore on; Petrie and; Reynolds and; salt satyagraha and
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