Nowhere to Run: A Dark Paranormal Villain Romance (Midnight Renegades Book 1)

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Nowhere to Run: A Dark Paranormal Villain Romance (Midnight Renegades Book 1) Page 1

by Imani L. Hawkins

  Copyright © 2021 by Quirah Casey and Imani L. Hawkins

  All rights reserved.

  This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the author

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Design by Rebecca Frank of Bewitching Book Covers


































  Downtown Hell's Point wasn't the safest place for a woman to walk alone at two in the morning. Not when lurking behind every dark corner was danger - people preying on the weak with little to no concern about law enforcement stepping in. The criminals owned Hell's Point, especially in the dark of night.

  The cool air whipped around me as the scent of blood reached my nose, no doubt an indication someone had met their untimely end in this alleyway recently. At least whoever had spilled the blood removed the body, not that it mattered to me. I'd seen plenty of dead bodies and blood spilled upon the rocky gravel from people who'd never been seen or heard from again. Their lives would become nothing more than a whisper as they were soon forgotten, shrouded by the secrets the city carried within its borders. A fate I knew all too well was only a breath away from my doorstep.

  Still, I walked the alleys, comforted by the darkness that surrounded me and the quiet that was almost a foreshadow of dark things to come. The silence was almost like a soundtrack to my depraved soul, comforting me. I had no knife or gun to defend myself, making me a prime target if anyone decided to attack me, but I had something else - a darkness that twisted and turned within me, ribbons of magic that came alive the closer I got to danger, magic even I was afraid to wield.

  Spanky, my familiar in the form of a pygmy marmoset, sat perched on my right shoulder, his tiny hands clinging to my neck as he pressed his body up against my throat, seeking heat. It was especially cold outside for a summer night and I found myself wishing I'd worn a jacket or, at the very least, a long-sleeved shirt to keep the chill of the air from biting into the bare flesh of my arm. I could feel Spanky shivering against my neck, and I raised a hand up to stroke his soft gray fur.

  He nuzzled up against my hand before giving my finger a bite that had me wincing in pain as his teeth pierced the tender flesh there. It was something he did every time I put him in an uncomfortable position, his way of letting me know he wasn't happy. That was when he wasn't using the bond to speak to me directly. The ornery little bastard. Sometimes I could swear he did things just to get under my skin but I wouldn't have him any other way.

  "I'm sorry," I said. "But this is something Momma has to do."

  I pulled him from my shoulder and held him close to my chest, using the top of my shirt to cover him. Any other day, we'd be home, wrapped up in a blanket on a soft bed. But tonight, I had other plans.

  I looked ahead at the man walking at least a block and a half in front of us. Gerald Fitz. Dressed in all black, he'd be hard to see beneath the shadows of the alleyway, but the spell I'd cast on him made him visible enough to me I followed him unhindered. His skin glistened with a radiant light no other person could see or feel but me. It was a beacon, calling out to my being, marking my target. His hair was blonde, cut close enough to his scalp he nearly looked bald, and his face was one only a mother could love. It was no wonder he'd chosen a life of crime instead of following in his parents' footsteps and taking a job in corporate America. Unfortunately for him, it was a mistake. Maybe if he'd kept with the family business, he'd be safe from me. He'd be free to carry on with his meager existence. He'd have a bank account filled with money and live in a large house on a cul-de-sac somewhere, jerking off to the latest Tom and Jerry cartoons. Instead, he'd taken the wrong turn in life, stepping from out of the light of his wealthy family and into the shadows of a life of crime.

  A life that would be snuffed out before the night was over.

  Gerald was my first target, the one that would lead me to the next one on my list. A known drug dealer, he'd found his way into just about every juvenile detention center he could before he was sixteen years old, spending much of his youth within the system. He was nothing more than a lowlife thug until he'd decided to take his crimes one step further. Along with a partner, he'd visited a home in the middle of the night, a little over sixteen years ago. In a robbery gone wrong, he'd taken from me the only person who'd cared about me, my mother, and for that, he'd pay dearly.

  I was eight years old, hiding away in the cabinet by the fridge, hoping my mother wouldn't notice me there as she walked into the kitchen to get her midnight snack. It was something I'd done often at night, sneaking around to find the little magical trinkets she'd kept around the house, hoping to use their magic against the various bullies that surrounded me on the near daily basis. Humming a little tune to herself, she stepped past the cabinet, and opened the fridge. I held my breath as she pulled out her snack and sauntered toward the silverware drawer to grab a spoon. That's when I saw them - two shadows that crept up behind her.

  I closed my eyes as I felt the telltale pinpricks of magic light the air as she tried to fight them off. Once the fighting was done, two sets of footsteps retreated, and I knew then my mother had lost that fight.

  As usual, anger accompanied the memory. It rose up in me, potent enough I could feel the tendrils of magic wrapping around me. Their violent tendrils whipped through the air, lashing out at anything they could touch. Luckily, besides the three of us, the alleyway was empty. The last thing I needed was for an innocent bystander to get hurt.

  Spanky shivered against my chest and I held him tighter, pulling back on my magic. In no time at all, we'd have our fun.

  The man ducked around a corner, quickening his steps as if he'd finally realized he had somewhere to be. Thinking nothing of it, I quickened my pace as well. I couldn't lose him again, not after everything I'd done to find him. More than a few people have felt the deadly bite of my magic when they proved themselves worthless, while others were left with scars.

  Tonight was the night. I could feel it in the way my darkness, that part of me I'd tried so hard to hold at bay, slithered through me. Its unrelenting power coursed through my veins, filling me with emotions I'd tried hard to ignore.

  Spanky hissed in protest as I squeezed him tighter against my chest. Losing my grip on him, I looked down into those perfect brown eyes and saw the fear in them. He knew the mood I was in and knew it meant trouble for anyone who crossed my path. Pausing my steps, I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

  "You know this is something I have to do, right?" I whispered, running a finger down the center of his head.

  He gave me a skeptical look before reaching up his tiny hand to touch my face. It was the stamp of approval I needed.

  I took another moment to gather my thoughts as my mind flitted back to everything that led me to that moment. The years spent being bounced around from foster home to foster home as each parent gave up on the little girl they couldn't control. It wasn't until I was seventeen when they'd finally placed me with someone who knew what to do with me, someone who'd give me purpose and a place to direct my anger. Maryse, the one who'd taken me under her wing and trained me in the art of revenge. Like me, she'd suffered loss and knew the only way I could overcome the rage that loss created within me was revenge. And I was grateful for it.

  Pushing those thoughts from my head, I rounded the corner into an even darker part of the city. Brick walls lined both sides of the alley at various heights, stretching upward to block out the light of the moon. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness but once they did, I found myself face to face with Gerald.

  His deep brown eyes roamed over me as a smirk played upon his lips.

  "Hasn't anyone ever taught you it's dangerous walking alone at this time of night?"

  His eyes continued to rake over me and an indecent glint lit his gaze. Up close, he was much larger than I'd thought, standing at around six feet built from thick muscle. He leaned his thick frame against the brick and scratched at his beard.

  I gave him a shrug. "My mother always said I wasn't the brightest child she'd ever seen."

  It was true. Though my mother had been the only one who cared enough about my well-being to be at least semi kind, she never really liked me. Not that I blamed her. I was a constant reminder of the rape she endured at the hands of my father, a man who'd taken her choice away from her and a man who'd lost his life for that act. Witches weren't known for their ability to let things go. No. Most knew to cross a witch meant death.

  His rich laughter filled the space between us as he pushed off the wall, taking a step towards me. He paused long enough to pin me with a curious stare before taking another step.

  The scent of liquor and marijuana assaulted my nose the closer he got, giving away how intoxicated he was. I could see it in the way his bloodshot eyes were glazed over, and hear it in the slur of his words as he spoke. I frowned at that thought. He was making this too easy for me when what I really wanted was a challenge. I wanted a fight. I wanted a reason to use every ounce of my magic to rip the man apart.

  His gaze flicked down to my chest, where I held Spanky against me. "And what is this?"

  He leaned forward to get a closer look, raising his hand to touch Spanky. When his hand was close enough, Spanky opened his mouth and bit his finger, deep enough to draw blood.

  The man drew back, shaking his hand as if to shake the pain away while Spanky climbed up to my shoulder.

  "Son of bitch," he yelled, nursing his finger.

  "He doesn't like being touched by strangers."

  He gave Spanky a venomous glare before asking, "Why are you following me?"

  "What makes you think I'm following you?" I asked, curious to know how he'd made me.

  I'd made it a point to stick to the shadows, under a shroud of magic, but somehow he'd managed to detect my presence. I allowed my magic to lick at his skin, tasting him to see if there was something I'd missed. He felt human enough but I'd been wrong before. The invisible tendrils brushed across his skin, searching for any type of magic but found none. He was human.

  Oblivious to what I'd been doing, he smiled, a wicked grin that darkened his gaze. "I saw you a few blocks away, standing on the corner with your pet on your shoulder. That hair is definitely hard to miss," he said, thrusting a finger toward my hair.

  Another frown tugged the corners of my lips down. He noticed me before I'd had a chance to shroud my appearance with magic, before I'd made the choice to follow him.

  Inwardly cursing my impulsive nature, I shrugged and grinned up at him. "They call you Gerald, right?"

  A shocked expression seized his features before something lit up behind his eyes, something I knew all too well. There was malice in those depths - malice and a sense of arrogance. He knew he could handle me. He was stronger and much larger than I was, making him think he could take me easily. His first mistake.

  I raised my hand, allowing the invisible tendrils of magic to wrap around his limbs and lift him into the air. Before he'd even had a chance to react, I jerked my hand to the side, tossing him into the brick wall. His body smacked up against the wall with a loud thud before slumping down to the ground where his head connected with the concrete, knocking him unconscious.

  I stepped toward him and kicked at his body to make sure he was out. A grunt escaped his lips but otherwise he made no other sound.


  Faint, uneven breathing was the only sound in the room.

  Light from the moon trickled through the small windows spaced out along the top of the abandoned warehouse. But I didn't need it to see. The rage I could feel moving through my body was enough to guide me. He hung from his wrists by thick, rusted metal chains. I'd imagined my mom's killers in this predicament so many times.

  This was only the start. He wasn't the only one that needed to die.

  My skin grew hot and my heart began to jackhammer in my chest as I drew close to the man, my steps short and clipped.

  A light sting on the side of my neck briefly broke through the trace of anger I could feel myself drifting into. With a frown, I turned, glancing at Spanky. The marmoset's big eyes met mine. I could feel the small flow of blood moving down my neck where he'd scratched me and knew it was his way of trying to pull me out of one of the dark dazes that were starting to become more and more frequent.

  I gave a slight shake of my head before turning my gaze away from Spanky.

  Remain level-headed, Charley, or you'll never get the answers you're looking for, I told myself.

  I took a deep breath, letting the cool air fill my lungs before blowing it out.

  The metal of the chains began to clink together, the noise sharp and harsh. My eyes roamed over my captive as he started to rouse, his head lolling from side to side before lifting.

  The moment his eyes landed on mine, pain filled them before he tried to hide it.

  Too late.

  I stopped a foot in front of him, my eyes hard as I stared at him.

  The scent of liquor and marijuana was still strong on the man despite hours having passed since I took him. But strung up like a well won prize, the man looked a lot less intimidating and arrogant than before and I couldn't help the amusement that went through me.

  "Not so bad now, are you?" I mocked.

  Gerald's lips thinned into a deep frown, but I didn't miss the way his eyes moved around the room, looking for any possible escape.

  Too bad for him I'd already accounted for every possible way out of the warehouse. I knew once I had my prey, there was no way I was going to let him go. He wasn't leaving the warehouse alive. How long it took before he met his death was up to him and how long it took for him to answer my questions.

  "Gerald," I let his name hang in the air for a moment. "About sixteen years ago, in a robbery gone wrong, you killed a woman by the name of Anne Miles. That woman was my mother."

  His who
le body tensed, eyes widening the slightest fraction before a crude smile crossed his lips. He shrugged his shoulders as best he could with them pulled above his head. "I've killed a lot of people."

  My eyes narrowed and I gritted my jaw at the casualness of the man's tone.

  He killed my mother,yet he sits here in front of me acting like it was nothing of consequence for him.

  It probably wasn't, I reminded myself. Which is why this scum needs to be wiped from the earth.

  I raised my hand, my fingers curled together as the tendrils of my magic reached out for the man. It wrapped around his throat and as I pinched my fingers together, I watched as it constricted around his airway.

  His eyes went wide, nearly bulging out of the sockets as he thrashed around like a chicken with its head cut off. He kicked his feet out, looking for any type of help, but I only squeezed tighter, watching as his face turned a hot red. I took delight in the helpless look on his face as life faded from him for a moment longer before letting the magic go.

  My hand fell back to my side.

  He won't get off so easily.

  "Now, Gerald, I think you're going to want to remember Anne Miles in particular or I'll make what I just did seem like Child's play," I warn him.

  Gerald let out a cough, his entire body wracking and I watched as spittle flew from between his lips. His skin paled as he continued to hack before the coughs disappeared. I tilted my head to the side, waiting for a response.

  He didn't say anything just stared at me.


  I raised my hand again.

  His body jerked and his mouth fell open. "Anne Miles," he said quickly as his eyes flitted to my hand. "I remember her now," he confessed. A tendon protruded from his neck as his lips slammed shut.

  So I'm going to have to dig the answers out of this one. No worries, because I got a shovel already and it's the same one I'm going to bury him with once I'm done.

  "Why did you do it?" I asked. Spanky crawled down my arm, his soft fur brushed along my skin and managed to keep me calm, even as I wanted to get louder. I wanted to use my magic on the man again to get the answers I needed. "Why didn't you just leave the scene instead of killing her once the robbery failed?"


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