Nowhere to Run: A Dark Paranormal Villain Romance (Midnight Renegades Book 1)

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Nowhere to Run: A Dark Paranormal Villain Romance (Midnight Renegades Book 1) Page 3

by Imani L. Hawkins

  I pulled the van out onto the dark street as Blue drummed his fingers along his leg.

  "That took longer than I thought it would."

  I nearly drove the van right off the road as the same feminine voice from earlier floated to my ears. Blue let out a loud curse, banging his hand against the dashboard. My fingers clenched on the wheel and I took one glimpse to the right, finding the rainbow haired girl leaning between mine and Blue's seats.

  Her face was pulled into a calm expression as if she actually belonged there.

  "I'm pulling over," I said, a muscle twitching in my jaw.

  "No need," the woman said, waving a hand. "I can talk while you drive."


  "I have a proposition for you two," she cut Blue off.

  "A proposition? We don't even know you," Blue said, his words clipped.

  "Maybe not, but I know you two need money and I have a lot of it to offer you if you help me."

  My ears perked up at money and some tension eased out of my shoulder. I glanced at the woman again, finding her eyes already on me.

  "How do you know we need money?" Blue asked the most logical question. The one I didn't care about because she was right. We most definitely needed the money and I didn't care how she found that out as long as we got it.

  "That's not important," she told him, her brows pulling together slightly. "Just know that my offer is good and you'd be idiots to not accept it." The confidence in her words didn't waver in the slightest as her lips twisted up.

  I stared at her for a few more moments longer than I should have considering I was driving down a dark street. I took in the soft angles of her face, her small button nose that should have made her look sweet. And yet those plump lips and dancing eyes told me that was far from the truth.

  The girl had trouble practically written across her forehead.

  And when I looked at Blue, I knew he was aware of the same thing. His lips were pulled into a frown and his eyes were hard as he stared at the girl.

  He didn't want to hear another word out of her mouth.

  But I couldn't say the same.

  "Fine, we'll hear you out after we unload the animals."


  The drive to my humble home was long and unremarkable. Neither of the men spoke to me along the way, both spending their time assessing me, trying to figure out if I was a threat or a friend. I was neither and both at the same time. As long as they didn't get in my way, I could be friendly. After all, who didn't need friends? But if they got in my way, they'd find themselves wishing they'd never met me.

  I directed Blue to the house just outside of city limits, nestled between two wooded areas filled with trees. It was the only house on the street, far away from nosy neighbors or anyone who could draw attention to my deadly deeds. The previous owner, rest her soul, had been a rich recluse with no immediate family to claim the dwelling. I'd found her rotting corpse seated at the dining room table before a plate of what used to be steak and shrimp before mold and maggots ate away at it. Her stench had clung to the walls for months after I'd discarded her remains in the lake that ran across the property, making sure to weigh it down with cinder blocks attached with thick metal chains. She wouldn't surface anytime soon, and I was free to use the place as I wished.

  Blue guided the van through the long driveway before coming to a stop before what I affectionately called Chateau Charley, a large brownstone with floor to ceiling windows. It was surrounded by a beautifully landscaped yard, thanks to the gardener who'd been paid years in advance to keep the place neat. A well-kept rose garden sat before the massive structure that boasted ten bedrooms, a media room, a game room, and a large eat-in kitchen. Something I never would have been able to afford but something I appreciated all the same.

  We stepped out of the van and I led them into the foyer, pride swelling in my chest as they took in their new surroundings.

  "Who did you have to kill to get this place?" Blue huffed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  I stepped up behind him, leaning close. "She was already dead," I whispered into his hair, before walking past him.

  He shifted from foot to foot, uneasy. "Sure, she was," he grumbled.

  My hand swept the air before me. "Take a look around. See if you like the place."

  Knox's green eyes lit up as he looked around the place, a whistle pulling from his lips. Of course, he was impressed with the place, the same way I had been the first time I'd stepped foot into the home. The old hag must've hired an expensive decorator who had equally expensive tastes. The place was loaded with pieces I knew I could sell for a pretty penny in the underground market, but the more time I spent here, the more I realized I couldn't let any of it go. A queen needed her castle and this house was a fucking palace.

  I watched as Knox walked up to a painting, allowing his finger to trail over the fine brush strokes and delicate details. I never would have thought a vampire so young could appreciate art the way he did and I had to admit, I was impressed. More than that, I was impressed by the fine muscle that rippled in his arm as he fanned his hand over the next painting, and the tanned skin that stretched over defined muscle. I wanted to feel those arms wrapped around me, guiding me as I rode him to climax and if I had my way, that would happen sooner than later. A small smile curved his thin lips as he shoved a hand through his ebony hair.

  "Where did you get all of this?" he asked, his voice filled with marvel as he walked over to the next painting on the wall.

  "It came with the house." It was a simple explanation but at that moment, simplicity was best. We had deeper things to talk about.

  My eyes trailed back to Blue who still stood near the door, his hands shoved into his pockets and his shoulders tense. Annoyance clouded his deep blue eyes as he regarded me, perhaps trying to figure out if I was dragging them into a trap.

  The man was perceptive. I was dragging them right into my web of revenge and deceit, and I'd do anything to get what I wanted from them. Luckily for the both of them, they were hot. For that alone, I'd allow them to enjoy their ride into the pits of my hell and make sure it was a pleasurable experience for them before discarding them once I was done.

  Spanky leaped from my shoulder toward the wood paneled floor beneath me. With a squeak, he made his way to the kitchen, looking back once to scold me. He'd missed his earlier meal and fully intended to make me pay for it. I bowed my head, giving him an apology before he turned up his nose up at me, jerked his head back in the direction of the kitchen, and made his exit.

  Forgiveness denied.

  Damn, that monkey was going to the death of me but I'd welcome that death, the moment I was able to take my mother's killers down with me.

  "Why are we here?"

  My eyes flew up to Blue's, taking in the animosity of his cerulean gaze. Though his eyes lightened, I could see the challenge in his stare, the barely contained rage that lurked just beneath the surface.

  Is it fucked up I thought it was sexy?

  I shook that thought away the moment it came. I just didn't give a Fuck. I'd learned long ago caring about something so inconsequential did nothing but bring on an unnecessary headache and my anger gave me enough of those. Instead, I focused on the task at hand.

  Gesturing towards the living room, nestled in the corner to the right of the glass doors that led to the pool, I asked, "How about we take this conversation into a more comfortable setting?"

  "Or how about you just spit out whatever it is, so we can tell you how to go Fuck yourself?"

  No sooner had the words left his mouth that a surge of power radiated within me, tumbling out in waves that crashed against him. His body was lifted into the air and pinned against the front door as wave upon wave of furious energy collided with him. I sank my teeth into my lip, cocking my head to the side, studying the man. He was tall and huge, a large presence that seemed built from muscle, but I could see his weakness. That was the thing abou
t the magic I wielded. It spoke to me, telling me everything I needed to know about my enemies and the best ways to cut them down.

  Blue wasn't a bitch. No. He'd hold his own in a fight, having had his fair share of them, but he was wounded and his scars ran deep. I wasn't above exploiting them all to make sure I got my way.


  I walked past the large couch, gesturing for them to sit there as I made my way to the recliner across from them. Plopping myself down into the cushy seat, I waited for them to settle into their own seats as Spanky entered the room with a fresh apple in his small hands. I almost laughed at how large the piece of fruit was compared to him and his struggles to hold it up for me. His dark eyes pinned me with a demand, wanting me to use my magic to cut the fruit for him, but before I could, Blue snatched the apple from his hands. Spanky hissed at him but Blue paid that no mind. Instead, he pulled a knife from the pocket of his jeans and began carving out small chunks of the apple before handing them over to Spanky. I watched as Spanky took each piece, positioning them on the floor in a straight line, the smallest piece to the left and the largest to the right. As was his custom, he started with the smallest piece, working his way up to the largest.

  A smile spread my lips. He was a peculiar little monkey, his own brand of OCD on full display as he took careful bites of the second piece, nibbling it into a perfect square before devouring it whole. He moved on to the next piece, plucking it from the ground and studying it before doing the same.

  Someone cleared their throat, and my eyes immediately fell upon Blue.

  "He doesn't enjoy being watched when he eats," Blue said petulantly as he leaned back in his seat. The anger that'd only been radiating from him moments before seemed to have disappeared, replaced with concern. He crossed his arms over his muscular chest, those deep blue eyes never leaving mine.

  Knox laughed, a rich tenor that rumbled from his chest. "So what's your story?"

  I turned my attention away from Blue, focusing on the bigger man. "It's simple. I'm going to find the people responsible for my mother's death and kill them."

  Blue scoffed at that, leaning forward and offering Spanky his hand. A smirk split my lips at the gesture. Spanky only ever came to me unless he planned on biting or hurting someone. But that smirk quickly fell away as Spanky scurried over to Blue and curled himself up in the shifter's palm. Blue pulled him against his chest and ran his fingertips along the soft fur of his neck. Interesting.

  "We're not murderers," Blue said, breaking the silence. He exchanged a quick look with Knox before looking back at me. "At most, we're petty thieves. What makes you think..."

  "I could pay you enough money you'd never have to steal again," I explained, my eyes still trained on the marmoset curled up in his palm. Damn monkey. A tremor of jealousy slid up my spine. He'd never taken to anyone but me, and I hadn't realized how content I'd been with it until he was bonding with someone else. "Besides, I'm not asking you to kill anyone. I want to take care of that on my own. I just need help tracking them all down. I also need certain people followed. I can't be in multiple places at the same time."

  "So you need us to help you track down your victims and follow them around? Seems easy enough to me." Knox stood and began pacing in front of the sofa. "A bit too easy for the amount you're willing to pay. You could pull an addict off the street and get them to commit the murders for nothing more than a bag of drugs. Why us?"

  "Why not?" I countered, buying myself some time to come up with a reasonable explanation. Truth was, I didn't have one. He was right. It would have been easier to get some lackeys to commit the murders for me, or hire assassins, but that would be too easy and I couldn't guarantee their loyalty. Hell, I couldn't even guarantee these two would remain loyal to me, but something about the way they worked together in that testing facility told me they had an unbreakable bond. A bond I'd never shared with anyone. A bond I longed for.

  Knox continued pacing back and forth, scratching his chin. "I'm sorry, but if you expect us to be accessories to murder, we're going to need more than that."

  I let out a huff of air before pinning him with a blank stare. "You have a point. Okay. I'll fill you both in on everything but I suggest you take a seat. I don't need you getting hurt."

  Knox laughed at that but did as I asked. Once he was seated, I used my magic to build a bridge, merging our minds together in a way that bared even the deepest parts of my soul. Telling them wouldn't be enough to convince them. I could tell by the way Blue seemed to distance himself from the conversation his mind was already made up. He wouldn't help for all the money in the world, but if I could get them to care about me, maybe that would change his mind.

  Once the bridge was solid, I allowed my mind to go back to a time when I'd felt alone. A time when I'd been hated for something I'd played no part in. My mind flitted through the abuse, the way my family would treat me as if I was an abomination my mother should have killed before I'd left her wound. My mother was raped by a warlock who carried dark magic, and procreation between dark and light was forbidden. Unfortunately for my mother, she became pregnant with me, and gave birth to a child who wielded both dark and light magic. A danger to everyone around me should I ever choose to use my magic against them. I wouldn't, though. Even given the way I was treated, I could never go against the coven. Even when they banded together, hunted down and killed my father, I still wouldn't hurt them. My mother wouldn't have wanted that.

  I allowed them to see the moments beyond my mother's death, the times I'd spent in foster care, the foster parents who'd trained me to use my magic to avenge my mother. Only when my memories began to turn toward my time with Slade did I close the connection. That was a story I'd keep to myself as long as I could.

  Knox was the first to speak up. "I completely understand everything you've gone through and am willing to help anyway I can. I had a similar upbringing..."

  His voice trailed off before he could elaborate. I'd ask him about that later. But, for now, I was just happy to have his allegiance.

  Now if I could only get Blue on my side.


  I had Knox.

  I could see it in the deep set of the vampire's shoulders, slightly slumped and less tense than they were only a moment ago. His green eyes met mine and there wasn't an ounce of uncertainty in them, the exact opposite if anything.

  A smile threatened to tilt my lips at the win, but I pushed it away, because while I may have had Knox, the same couldn't be said for Blue.

  He hadn't moved an inch from his perch on the couch, his body tense and his eyes hard. His brows were drawn together, the distrust clear.

  I didn't like it.

  In my initial assessment of the two men, I'd thought Blue would be the easiest to win over. There'd been an open vulnerability about him on display for the world to see that I'd wanted to use. And the way he'd carried himself as if the wind could blow and knock him over, so light and... timid.

  But I'd been wrong.

  Very wrong.

  Blue may have been vulnerable, but he wasn't an idiot, and there was a quiet strength to him that couldn't be ignored once spotted. And he didn't trust me, as he shouldn't have.

  If I wanted him on my team, it'd take a lot more than a talk about the past and my own pain. It would take some cunning and I knew exactly what I'd do.

  I turned my gaze back to Knox.

  Like Blue, I'd been wrong about his character. I thought it'd take more convincing to get him on my side. There was a darkness to him I'd thought would make him weary of me. I hadn't banked on it connecting him to me. I should have known better.

  Because the barely contained rage and darkness I saw in Knox was the same thing I saw in the mirror every day. And I should have known it'd draw us together. Because opposites attract, but souls made of the same fabric can come together and turn into one.

  And I was going to use that to my advantage.

  I finally let the smil
e graze my lips, but I made sure it was shaky as if I was unsure. We may have been similar, but I couldn't fully let him know that yet.

  I cleared my throat, rubbing at my eyes and standing. "Let me show you to your rooms." I stared at each man in turn before gesturing for them to follow me. I didn't turn to see if they actually fell in line, knowing they'd have no other options since they'd already agreed to stay.

  I led them through the mansion, listening to the soft creak of the steps as we headed up the stairwell. I stopped at the first bedroom door. "You can stay here, Blue." I looked over my shoulder at the shifter before pushing the door open.

  He frowned, his eyes narrowing slightly before stepping forward and glancing into the room. He looked back at me before his gaze flipped to Knox, hesitant.

  Of course.

  "You can settle in and get a little rest. I'm going to show Knox his room so he can do the same, and we can talk more in the morning." I tried to sound encouraging, hiding the slight irritation I felt at the man's constant skepticism.

  Finally, he let out a grunt before moving into the room, his steps unhurried. He spared Knox one final look as if sharing a silent message with the vampire before slamming the door shut.

  Now for the next part in my plan.

  I offered Knox another smile, this one more confident. I observed the way his eyes followed the movement closely. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, the movement so subtle, I almost missed it.

  I know he isn't nervous, not in the slightest, so he must be feeling something else...

  I'd put all my money on the many being just as attracted to me as I was to him. And while I wanted to act on it, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling his lips against mine as I ground my body against him, I knew it wasn't the right time. I couldn't move too quickly with him or I wouldn't be able to make the progress that I needed to.

  Everything needs to be executed perfectly.


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