Nowhere to Run: A Dark Paranormal Villain Romance (Midnight Renegades Book 1)

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Nowhere to Run: A Dark Paranormal Villain Romance (Midnight Renegades Book 1) Page 12

by Imani L. Hawkins

  Knox had dragged a table over, and dredged up some rope. “If that’s the way you want it,” he said with a shrug.

  I laughed.

  Dropping me onto the table, Blue pushed my legs apart and shoved himself between them. “Rope won’t be necessary,” he said with a grunt.

  His hardened cock pushed against my core and I had to agree.

  Knox grabbed my chin and pulled me to face him. “You’re fucking hot as hell.”

  “I know,” I said, and he mashed his lips against mine.

  Blue shed his clothes as easy as breathing, and then went to work on the remnants of mine. His hot hands closed on my bare breasts, flicking and pinching the nipples. Knox worked his way down my back, finding all of my sensitive spots.

  My core heated and I leaned back, enjoying the sensation of their lips and teeth on my skin. They left trails of pleasure across my nerves, until I was trembling. Their heat made me forget the magic, the world, and I was lost in a swirling whirlpool of need.

  “I want you,” I gasped, reaching for whoever was closest, which was Blue.

  “You owe me.” Knox laughed, knocking my hand away. He flipped me over onto my stomach. The cold metal of the table bit into me, and a whoosh of breath slid between my lips. He grabbed my hair and lifted my head, pressing his cock to my lips. It was full and hard and ready, and I wanted to taste him as much as he wanted me to.

  Blue pressed against my core, and Knox lined himself up with my mouth, and together they entered me. Hard and fast, they took up a frenzied rhythm. Every time I gulped at Blue’s depth, Knox pressed in harder until I didn’t think I could take any more.

  But I wanted more. I wanted everything they had to give. We drove each other to the cliffs, desperate to jump off, and when we came, I was blinded with pleasure, unable to think. And it was exactly what I needed.


  Back in my office, I slammed my hands against the cool hard metal of my desk, ignoring the pain that seemed to snake its way up my arm. Fuck. I'd been so close to catching him in the act. I could feel it as his hurried steps carried him away from his office. He hadn't bothered getting into his car, which seemed bizarre to me. But as he walked on, I understood why. He couldn't risk his vehicle being spotted at a crime scene.

  It was smart and stupid at the same time. On foot, he was easy to follow, so easy he would never have seen me were I not distracted by the pull of magic just before me. Hiding within it was a girl I'd recognize anywhere, though she had no clue who I was. Last I'd seen her, her hair was dyed a combination of red, orange, and yellow, a fiery display of gentle waves that suited her well. Today, she donned every shade imaginable, but I'd still recognized her.

  Charley. The one my brother let get away. Or at least he'd like me to believe he had. The narcissistic bastard he'd become would have never let her go so easily, especially when she'd ripped his heart to shreds. Could I blame her? The simple answer was no. Charley was the type of woman who needed her freedom, who needed to dominate and control the world she'd been thrown into. A world that had been nothing but detrimental to her since the day she was born. She needed a lot more than my brother could give her and I couldn't help but be happy for her when she finally took that step to venture out on her own.

  That was until I'd seen the pictures of Gerald tossed on my desk. It only took me a moment to realize who'd killed the man and why. And though it was my duty to bring her to justice, I couldn't bring myself to do so. Not after everything she'd been through.

  Torrance sat at her desk across from mine, trying her best to look busy, though I knew she was anything but. It was more likely she was putting on a front to keep me from asking for a favor, which never worked out too well for her.

  "Any luck with our guy?" she asked, not even bothering to look up.

  I wondered if I should tell her about Charley. Not that I wanted Charley to be on anyone's radar, considering my brother would do just about anything to keep the girl safe, but I needed some advice on what to do.

  Knowing Charley, she wasn't following the man for no reason. Somehow Manuel had landed on her radar and whatever she had planned for him couldn't be good. The detective in me wanted to stop her, to convince her to allow us to bring him to justice. The man in me wanted something far more sinister. After all, the man deserved whatever she had planned for him and then some.

  Photos of his crimes danced around my mind, stirring up a rage inside I knew I wouldn't be able to tame. Were I honest, I'd planned on killing him a few times myself. If I had caught him in the act, I would have without a second thought about it.

  Torrance cleared her throat, finally looking up at me.

  "A witch is following him," I began, deciding I'd trust her enough with the information but not Charley's identity. "A powerful one. I think she plans to kill him."

  "What makes you think that?"

  I thought about that for a moment before settling with, "I have a hunch. She was using her magic to conceal herself from him. I can't imagine there'd be another reason for her to do so."

  She lowered her gaze back to her desk, shuffling through a stack of folders before plucking one out. Opening it, she laid it on her desk and skimmed the contents. "Did you question her?"

  "I didn't have time. Manuel changed course and I needed to catch up to him."

  It was mostly true. Once Charley left, I'd tried catching up to Manuel only to discover him long gone. Guilt worked its way through me as I considered what that little distraction may have cost, but I shoved that feeling aside.

  Torrance looked at me skeptically. "Are you sure that's the only reason you didn't question her?"

  Damn. I didn't want to lie to her, but I didn't exactly want to tell her the truth either. How could I? If Torrance knew I hoped Charley would put an end to Manuel's reign of terror, she'd be disappointed. While I could blur the lines between good and evil, Torrance walked a straight line. She'd insist I put a stop to Charley's plans, even if that decision meant more lives would be taken until we found enough evidence to put Manuel away for good.

  "I'm sure," I responded, hoping she wouldn't press the matter.

  Torrance huffed out an exasperated breath, running her hands down her face. "Look. I know how important it is we catch this guy. We will catch him, and he'll have his day in court. Just stick to the plan..."

  I tuned her out then. It was the same speech I'd heard after every victim was found and I was growing tired of hearing it. I was tired of watching the bodies pile up and I was sick to death of having the DA tell us, no matter how much evidence we'd collected, it wasn't enough. Lives were on the line and she was willing to allow that to continue so long as we did things by the book.

  But was I?


  Something was off. I could feel it in my bones as I slipped from the shadows, keeping my sights on the man before me. I'd followed him before and found nothing but something told me to keep going. There was something I was missing. Slade's message had said as much, though he never elaborated on it.

  If I knew Slade, he'd never point me to a dead end, but I couldn't shake the feeling Slade might be enjoying my frustration. I wouldn't put it past him to be watching me, waiting for that moment things fell into place and ready to pounce once the opportunity presented itself. It was one of the reasons I had to leave him behind. He craved control over me and I wasn't one that could be controlled.

  Manuel did as he had the day before. He exited the building, not even bothering to claim his vehicle. But something was off today. He was clearly spooked. His eyes roamed the streets in search of a tail but, as far as I knew, no one was watching him but me. For a moment, I wondered if maybe he could sense me, but that thought left as fast as it had come. Sion had been following behind as well, and I had no doubt Sion was the reason he'd ran the first time.

  For a man with everything, I couldn't see a reason he'd throw it all away to be a villain. He had a beautifu
l wife who cherished him and a daughter who'd worship the ground he walked on. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling I'd missed something.

  I glanced around the place, searching for the detective. His presence was near. I could feel him close by, keeping watch on my target and I couldn't help the giddy tremor that worked its way up my spine. To be watched by Sion was to be immortalized a god. Sion only focused on the worst of us and I knew it was only a matter of time before he put the puzzle pieces together.

  I allowed my mind to flit back to the day I'd first laid eyes on him. He'd been in Slade's club, nursing a rum and coke as he sat on a soft stool in front of the bar. He was handsome with his dark skin, lean muscled frame, and dark eyes. But he was very different from anyone else at the club. He never engaged in the unsavory activities that made the club popular amongst the villains of Hell's Point. Instead, he kept to himself, his eyes scanning the crowd every so often as if in search of something.

  I'd asked Slade about him but the only response he gave was, "It would be in your best interest to stay far away from my brother."

  I hadn't understood what he meant at the time but I took his advice. I kept myself as far away from Sion as possible, even after leaving Slade behind. Now, I found myself in his sights.

  Spanky curled himself into the crook of my neck, his tiny hands keeping him steady as I walked. Manuel was no more than half a block in front of me, and I could tell he was on edge. He came to a sudden stop, cursing as he plucked a phone from the pocket of his pants. Though I couldn't hear what was being said, I knew from the way he narrowed his gaze and tension of his jaw it wasn't good news. Cursing again, he ended the call and spun toward me. He stalked past me, never once glancing in my direction.

  He made his way back to his office building where he'd requested his vehicle from the valet. Twenty minutes later, he was parked in front of his home. It took me a while to get there, but when I did, his small family was seated at the dining room table, eating their meal. At first, they appeared to be enjoying themselves as Manuel encouraged his daughter to eat her vegetables. She pushed what looked like broccoli around her plate with her fork, her small nose scrunched up in disgust, as he prattled on a list of reasons why the green stuff was good for her.

  My heart swelled with jealousy at the scene before me. My mother never cared what I ate or whether I was healthy or not. All she'd cared about was raising me until I was old enough to care for myself so she would finally be rid of me. Not that I blamed her for it. It had to be difficult caring for the product of her rape, a constant reminder of a day she'd rather forget. Still, I wished things had been different.

  I watched on for a few more moments before deciding it was time for me to leave. Whatever Slade thought I'd discover wouldn't be discovered for the rest of that night, if at all. This wouldn't be the first time Slade led me astray and I wouldn't put it past him to use his own brother to get to me.

  I stepped away from the window and walked towards the street before I felt a tiny hand slap against my neck. Spanky screeched, demanding my attention.

  "What do you want?" I grumbled, in no mood for his tantrums.

  Go back, he instructed through the bond.

  I shook my head. As far as I was concerned, I was done for the night. Following Manuel had been a waste of time and, if I were honest, I wasn't sure it was worth it. Sure, I wanted to avenge my mother's death but no matter what secrets this man held, I wasn't sure they'd be enough to tear him away from his family.

  Another spike of jealousy pierced me as I thought of the care he'd shown towards his daughter. The little girl loved him, as I'd loved my own mother despite her faults. Losing her had devastated me and I wasn't sure I could bring myself to put that little girl through the same devastation. Not when everything pointed to the fact the man was a good husband and father.

  Go back, Spanky insisted.

  When I shook my head again, Spanky scrambled from my shoulder and leapedto the ground, his small legs taking him back to the home.

  Without thinking, I raced towards him, ready to give him a piece of my mind when the sound of glass breaking and a scream reached my ears. Spurred forward, I walked back toward the window to a scene far different from the one I'd left. Manuel stood beside his daughter, his hand wrapped around her tiny arm so tight his knuckles had turned white.

  The little girl winced and yelped as he tugged her from her seat.

  "Manny, please," his wife pleaded, though she remained in her seat. Her hands were balled into fists on the table before her, and she was shaking with the effort it took to keep her still as Manuel dragged their daughter to a door at the far end of the room, opened it, and tossed her in.

  "Stay there for the rest of the night," he ordered, watching as she curled into a ball in the corner of the closet. He slammed the door before stalking over to his wife. Thrusting a beefy finger in her direction, he grinned as she cringed, leaning away from him. "If you let her out of there, I swear I'll spend the rest of the night making you pay for it."

  "You know that closet terrifies her..." she began, her voice shaky.

  Before she could finish that statement, he smacked her across the cheek so hard it left a large red hand print on her creamy skin. Blood spilled from her trembling lips, but she didn't move. Her body tensed, her back ramrod straight, as her blue eyes fell blank.

  Her retreating into herself let me know one thing. She was used to this and had built up what she thought was the best defense.

  He smacked her again, but she didn't react. Instead, she sat there as if nothing had happened at all, even as he flew into a rage. He tore through the dining room, picking up plates of food and throwing them against the wall where they shattered.

  "You're fucking worthless," he screamed, as he yanked the white tablecloth from the table and dumped it at his feet. Stepping over it, he punched a hole into the closet door and waited. Still, she gave no reaction.

  Tendrils of dark magic spilled from me as anger swelled. I'd been wrong. The man was a monster and I'd be doing the family a favor by killing him. A smile curled my lips as I called the magic back. I couldn't kill him then, not with his family in the home with him and not before I got the answers I sought.

  I picked up Spanky, holding him to my chest as I skipped toward the street. Before I made it further, the front door of the house swung open and slammed as Manuel made his way to his car. He was on the move and, Fuck it, I had time to spare. Curiosity had me in its grasp as I cast a location spell on the car.

  An hour later I arrived at an abandoned building located within the heart of the city. The red brick building sat on a large lot surrounded by a chain linked fence that stood a good eight feet. The gate was padlocked, but that did little to deter me. With a little magic, I cut a hole in the fence and scrambled through to the other side.

  I walked through the unkempt yard, stepping over the trash and debris that littered the ground. As I reached the door, the sound of an engine split through the silence. I crouched low as Manuel's car sped down the street, away from the building. But I didn't follow him. Instead, I pried open the wooden door and slipped inside.

  The moment I did, the smell that assaulted my nose was undeniable. Blood. From the smell, I could tell it was fresh. I scanned the area as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. The windows had been boarded up from the inside and the concrete floor was littered with broken glass, weeds that had pressed through the cracks, and a thick layer of dust. Empty shelves lined the gray walls. Other than that, the room was empty.

  A faint light slipped through the bottom of a door to my right. Pointing my feet in that direction, I stepped toward the door, crinkling my nose as the scent of blood mixed with the undeniable scent of decay seemed to grow stronger the closer I got to it.

  Trepidation slid through me as I pressed my hand against the door. I could feel Spanky tense up against my neck as I shoved the door open. I'd only made it a couple steps inside the room before I was met with a scene so s
ick I bent forward and released the contents of my stomach on the floor.


  "Five mutilated bodies? Do you think this man is the serial killer the police have been looking for?" Knox asked, shoving a hand through his dark hair.

  I paced the space between Knox and Charley as she went into great detail about everything she'd seen. The girl had a knack for getting herself into situations beyond her control and, this time, I wasn't sure I wanted her to follow through with her plans.

  Her magic filled the room, weighing down on me as she spoke. I've felt it before, that menacing presence that always seemed to grow in strength when she was excited or angry, but there was something different about it this time. Something almost sinister.

  I looked up at Charley, watching her expression as she laid out the details of the scene as if in a trance. Her pupils were dilated to a degree I could barely see the brown of her eyes, and her posture was tense. But it wasn't stress that had her muscles tensed. Her lips were curled into a mischievous grin, excitement over her kill coming at me in waves through the bond. She was amped up and ready to unleash destruction on this man and the thought of what she planned to do thrilled her.

  She was drunk with the power coursing through her, feeding off her rage, and for a moment I could feel it too. I could feel the anticipation washing over me, commanding me toward violence and destruction. The temptation was so potent I could taste it on my tongue and feel it wrapping me up in promises of sweet bliss.

  Of their own volition, my fingers curled to create tight fists at my sides, the urge to destroy filling me with so much rage I was nearly lost to it. I wanted blood, vengeance, death and destruction. I wanted it more than I wanted my next breath and the thought of it excited the beast within me.

  Another voice spoke through the bond, weakening the hold her magic had on me. It took a moment before I realized exactly who that was. My eyes landed on Spanky.


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