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Nowhere to Run: A Dark Paranormal Villain Romance (Midnight Renegades Book 1)

Page 14

by Imani L. Hawkins

  The last thought was crossing my mind when my phone finally vibrated, the small buzz vibrating along my side. I let out a breath of relief, glancing at the screen. The second I saw the message, I gritted my teeth, my fists balling up around the phone. Even with the screen covered, I could see the word on it.


  I didn't have the go ahead.

  I took a deep breath, keeping my steps even as I made my way back to the rainbow haired girl's job. It seemed I'd still be watching her for a little while longer.


  "Don't forget to keep your promise." Torrence's eyes bored into mine, her arms folded over her chest. The slick back bun that she has her dark curls bundled into made her face look harsher, meaner.

  Weaker souls would crumble under the look.

  I, on the other hand, can't help but to let out a low laugh. I shove my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket as her expression hardens furthermore. "I always keep my promises, Torr. Unfortunately for you, I didn't promise anything," I reminded her, taking a step backwards.

  She moved closer to me, a muscle ticking in her jaw. "Be out of town by midnight."

  "I told you I'd think about it." And as it was, I'd already done that thinking and I knew that I wasn't going to leave Hell's Point anytime soon. But I wasn't going to tell Torrence that unless I wanted her to put a BOLO out with the police department, which I wouldn't put past her.

  "We had a deal. I tell you a little about Sion, you get the hell out of..."

  I ignored her little speech, already knowing exactly where she was going with it. Just like I knew, the words would have no impact on me no matter how many times she said them and no matter how loudly. I only answered to one person at the time and until they cut me my check, I was staying in Hell's Point.

  Torrence continued to ramble as I let my gaze roam around the small park. It was just outside the precinct, a nice area that produced a lot of joggers and families soaking in the sun. My gaze paused when it landed on a man resting in the shadows cast by a tree in the middle of the park. I couldn't tell if he was trying to be subtle, trying to appear invisible. But if he was, he was doing a terrible job of it. His tall frame and long black hair with red tips stuck out like a sore thumb. His arms were folded over his chest in a manner similar to Torrence and his gaze was resting right on her.

  I tilted my head to the side as I continued to watch him, wondering who in the hell he was. There was a stillness to him that hinted at something unnatural. As a mage, I didn't have the hyper senses that other supernaturals had, but I could still pinpoint something or someone who wasn't human. And the man watching Torrence, certainly wasn't a human.


  As I continued to watch him, I knew I was right. The way he didn't move, his body as stiff as a board, it was something I'd only ever seen vamps do it. I briefly removed my gaze from him to return it to Torrence. She'd stopped rambling, her lips shut tightly and her posture stiff.

  "Sion?" I asked, raising a brow, moving back to our previous conversation.

  "Why do you want to know about him?" she shot back.

  I shrugged, rubbing my boot in the dirt. "He's... come up in one of my jobs."

  Her lips parted slightly and she shook her head. "No, no way, I am not going to help you fulfill your hit on Sion and if you think I'm going to just let you come into my town and kill one of my fellow detectives-"

  "He's not my target," I corrected her, remaining calm even as irritation started to ride me on the inside. I'd known Torrence long enough and well enough to know she wasn't just going to blindly give me any information I asked for. As a protector of the law, she wouldn't be doing her job if she did, and our relationship wasn't going to change that, especially with how strained it was.

  "But you do have a target here in town." It wasn't a question, but a statement, one needing no reply. She let out a scoff. "I told you back in December not to come around these parts with trouble."

  "You know what I do. Now you can either arrest me now or give me the information I want and look the other way when a body turns up with my MO." I met her eyes in challenge, daring her to slap some cuffs on me, wanting her to. It was going to happen eventually. We had the same talk every time I came back to Hell's Point and each time Torrence was getting closer and closer to shutting my shit down. A part of me wanted her to. I wouldn't quite otherwise, unless it was to be put in a grave.

  I heard her mutter my name under her breath before she ran a hand over her hair, ruffling the well put together do. "Sion is interfering in my case," I tried to reason with her. "I need to know why. I won't harm him unless you give me the information I need. Otherwise, I'll consider him an enemy and put him down before he ruins my job."

  She looked at the ground and I knew she was fighting with her morals and her heart. She was much like the rainbow haired girl in that way. Two pieces of her soul fighting it out, damaging each other along the way.

  "This is the last time," she warned me, even though we both knew it wasn't the truth. Eventually, I'd be standing in front of her again, having this same conversation.

  "The detective," I hedged.

  "Sion is a good man," she informed me as she looked over her shoulders before meeting my gaze. "And an even better detective. He's one of the cleanest people in the department, doesn't take kickbacks from any of the local gangs or groups, never turns a blind eye," the deeper meaning to her words wasn't lost on me, "not even for family," another pointed look, "not that I know of at least."

  I hummed, nodding my head. "And do you know what he's currently working on."

  Her gaze went blank and she unfolded her arms, clenching her fists. "Now you're asking too much."

  "No, now I'm asking the right questions." Briefly, my gaze returned to the man still loitering by the tree. His gaze was still on Torrence, but as if he felt my stare, he turned his head, looking at me. He shifted his position on the tree slightly, the shadows cascading over his face. I could tell he was still looking at me before his gaze switched right back to Torrence.

  "I don't know the case he's working on." Her brow lifted slightly as she said, letting me know it was a lie. But from the set of her body and the lifeless tone her voice had taken on, I knew I wasn't going to get anything else out of her. If I wanted to know more, I was going to have to figure it out for myself.

  "Well, Torr, I wish I could say you were a better help than you were but that'd be a lie," I informed her, pulling my hands out of my pockets long enough to pull my hood up on my head before tucking them back in.

  "I told you what I could, now don't leave my city in pieces when you go. There's only so much shit I can cover up for you and frankly I'm tired of doing the job anyway."

  I have her a humorless laugh. "Then fucking arrest me, Torrence."

  She said nothing, pressing her lips together tightly.

  "That's what I thought."

  I took a step away from her before looking back at the man by the tree. "By the way, you have a stalker."

  There was no surprise on her face at my revelation, only an increase in the tension of her shoulders. "I'm handling it."

  "Of course you are," I remarked dryly, taking one final look at the vampire before moving my gaze to Torrence. I turned, walking away before pausing and turning to glance at Torrence. "Sion's case wouldn't have anything to do with a rainbow haired girl would it?"

  There was a crack. It was small, minute, just the downward twitch of her lips but it was enough.

  I turned back around, satisfied. "See you later, Torr."


  I hadn't spoken to Blue or Knox for the past couple days, deciding to take a break from it all. I'd managed to get a room at a swanky hotel downtown, across from a small diner that served the best chicken and waffles I'd ever tasted. I was still upset they'd stolen my kill but after a few talks with Spanky, I knew they saw no other way to save me.

Spanky was under the impression the dark magic coursing through me would be my undoing, and though I couldn't exactly say he was right, I couldn't argue it either. Perhaps there was something to his theory, not that I could do anything about it. I was born with this magic, a gift from a father I'd never met, and it would be with me for the rest of my life.

  "You need to learn to channel your darkness. Only I can show you that," Slade had whispered to me a long time ago.

  Had I stayed with him, he may have done just that. But I couldn't stay. No matter how much I wanted to stay, I had to leave. I needed to forge my own path, to be my own person, and I knew I couldn't do that as long as I was with Slade. So, I walked away, even as the threat of my magic consuming me weighed heavily on me. I just hoped by the time it won out, my revenge would be complete.

  I sat at a table in a small diner across from the hotel, waiting on Sion to deliver me news. I'd called her earlier, wondering why I hadn't heard from him since the day he drove off with Cynthia and her child and told him to meet me here.

  Glancing up at the clock above the counter, I noted the time. He was fifteen minutes late, and I'd just about given up when he trudged into the place, pointing his feet in my direction. He sat across from me, slouching back in his seat as he waved over a waitress.

  "Water please," he ordered, before turning his gaze on me.

  "You don't want anything to eat?" I asked, feeling a bit deflated.

  "I'm in a hurry. I'll make it up to you later."

  I didn't believe him but issued him a smile anyway. "So, how are they?"

  "They're settling into their new home as we speak. Slade owned a house just outside of the city. They'll be safe there."

  The waitress came over and placed a glass of water on the table in front of him. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

  Sion shook his head, keeping his eyes trained on me. "I need you to lie low for a while. Slade's concerned your little stunt at the club brought you some unneeded attention."

  I rolled my eyes. Of course Slade knew all about it, just as he knew about everything I'd done since leaving him. How? I wasn't entirely sure. Nor did I care to dwell on it for too long. If Slade wanted to keep tabs on me, I wouldn't do a damn thing to stop him. But if he thought he could control me, he had another thing coming.

  "Tell your brother I can take care of myself," I said, watching as he sipped from his glass before placing it back on the table.

  With a shrug, he pulled out his wallet and placed a few bills on the table before standing up. "I'll let him know and I'll be in touch."

  With that, he left me sitting there as he exited the diner.

  Spanky pressed a hand to mine, and I smiled down at him. "Maybe it's time to head home," I said, to which he immediately agreed. I had to face the music sometime and now was as good a time as any.



  For the first time in a long time, I couldn't help but to smile as I looked at the one word on my phone screen. It felt like I'd been waiting forever for the fucking color to pop up and now that it had, I wasn't going to waste a single second.

  First things first, I needed to grab my car and the rest of my armory. The trip to the hotel didn't take long and checking out took even less time. I opened the trunk, tossing my bag inside and unzipping it. I let my eyes trail over all my weapons before grabbing a small cig and holstering it to my hip. I stuffed a dagger into my boot and then slammed the trunk closed, moving into the driver's side. As much as I wanted to speed, I didn't. Instead I took my time, going the speed limit. Now was not the time to get a fucking speeding ticket.

  I pulled the car to a stop a couple of houses down from my destination, not wanting to draw any attention to me. I drew my hood low onto my head, getting out of the car and pushing the door shut softly. Every step that pulled me closer to the house filled me with anticipation and when I slid past the gates of the house, I was sure the vampire would hear me so I took a deep breath and activated the spell that would keep my sounds concealed.

  I moved around the house, going to a back window I knew was loose on the hinges. After scoping out the house for so long, I knew it was the weakest point and my first option for entry. I removed the screen, slipping inside. I listened closely for any sound, but none came. Slinking through the house, I remained careful.

  I paused when I heard a noise come from the living room, edging toward the door and peering inside to find the shifter and the vampire relaxed with drinks. They were smiling and laughing, an abandoned shot glass on the table that probably belonged to her.

  It was obvious they were expecting her to return soon and since I hadn't seen anyone in the kitchen on my way in, I knew she had to be in her bedroom or the bathroom. I checked the latter first. The second I hit the hall, I knew I made the right decision, the trickle of water meeting my ears. I kept an eye out for the little monkey as I continued to creep down the hallway, already mapping out my plan of exit. If I could manage to not keep up too much noise, I knew I could slip out of the bathroom window with her. It was big enough.

  I twisted the door knob to the bathroom slowly and pushed the door open. I found her with her head down as she splashed water on her face and frankly, it was all too easy. Like stealing candy from a fucking baby.

  She didn't even make a move as I pushed the bathroom door back closed. I drew my pistol, slamming the butt of the gun against her temple. She went down like a sack of rocks but I caught her, not wanting the sound of her body hitting the floor to alert the others. I lowered her to the ground, putting my gun back in the holster when I was done. I went to work on the window next, thankful that it didn't have screws but little handles that could be lifted to unlock it.

  I hefted her body onto my shoulder before tossing her out the window, listening as her body hit the grass with a soft thump. I quickly climb out, hoisting her to my shoulder. The track back to my car went smooth even though I kept feeling like the wolf or the vampire would show up. I tossed her across my backseat before sliding into the driver's side and then we were on the road.

  Without a single fucking hitch.

  I remained aware of her breathing as I drove her to the location, making sure it remained even so there wouldn't be any surprise attacks. I pulled the car to a stop at our destination, dragging her out of the car and into the building. Everything was already ready, prepared months in advanced. Her head lolled to the side as I placed her in the steel chair before tying her wrists and her ankles.

  She was just starting to stir as I tied the last night and I stood, taking a step back.

  Her head lifted slightly as she blinked, looking around. She let out a small grunt before her body stiffened and her head snapped up, her gaze meeting mine.


  "What...Where..." Her head whipped from side to side as she tried to place the location. Finally, her gaze returned to mine as she huffed a deep breath. "Who are you?"

  She didn't expect me to answer it. I could see it in her eyes and plus, whose kidnappers actually identified themselves. Well, she was about to be in for a fucking surprise.

  "My name is Diora Newyn and I was hired to kill you, Charley Miles."

  Pre-Order Book Two Here


  Quirah Casey is a young author with more dreams than she’s capable of handling, but that doesn’t keep her from trying to make them come true. She writes any and every genre of romance with characters of all races and sexualities. She rarely sleeps, and she lives off of Starbucks. For some reason, people keep leaving their kids on her doorstep, and she keeps taking them in. Otherwise, there are no kids or fur babies in the picture for her. You can typically identify her from her huge, colorful afro, lip ring, shorts, leather jacket, and shit kickers that get her crazy looks in north Louisiana.

  If you enjoy Quirah’s books, she would appreciate that you leave reviews on Amazon and anywhere else that you can. It helps get the word out about
her books and motivates her on days when she needs it.

  You can also join, Quirah’s Den, on Facebook to stay connected with her and find out about new releases and WIPS. If you want to contact Quirah directly, her email is open and so is her inbox on Facebook!

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  Imani L Hawkins is a writer of all things supernatural, paranormal, and urban fantasy. Growing up in New Mexico, the land of enchantment, she's always surrounded by beautiful scenery that inspires most of her tales.

  Caring for her two children with the support of her loving husband, she's found the courage to write stories filled with intricate plot lines and characters she's sure anyone would be able to relate to.

  A love of all things creative, she spends her free time playing the alto saxophone, making designer soaps, painting, playing around with digital design, and writing stories she hopes will inspire others.


  Chronicles Of The Throne Series

  Warrior Princess

  Stealing The Throne

  Reclaiming The Throne

  Betraying The Throne

  Born For Ruin


  Before The Storm


  Relapse Duet



  Lady Jackie Chronicles

  Lady Jackie


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