Duty to Love

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Duty to Love Page 9

by Morgan King

  He’d give Arthur a few more minutes holding Amelia and then see if he could stir her interest. It was soothing just being able to watch her and Arthur together, so still, so relaxed. They looked beautifully dishevelled. Well, Amelia was beautiful in her dishevelment. Arthur was just part of the same picture.

  Amelia was so full of vitality he didn’t remember having any previous opportunity to just study her at peace. The curls of her hair a cloud around her face, undisturbed by air. The smooth line of her small nose as if it were the centre point of a perfect picture. Her mouth invitingly parted for breath not speech, all the more full of the potential to be filled and innocently alluring, The entire drape of her body so artful. They would have to have her portrait painted. It was a shame neither he nor James could paint and capture the beauty of moments like this: the hints of flesh and form and the little details of intimacy that only lovers shared. It was moments like this that James wanted to build a treasure pile of. Emeralds fashioned of sex on the grass, diamonds formed of foreplay watched in mirrors, rubies made from fucking in front of the fire, gold…

  The next conscious thought James had was that it was dark. He found himself opening his eyes. The light in the room seemed dim and faded. The fire appeared to have died down, and burning embers gave only a faint glow if illumination. Had he fallen asleep? He must have done.

  Rubbing his eyes he saw Arthur and Amelia had fallen asleep in the opposite chair.

  He stirred himself stretching his toes forward to get blood flowing back to his legs.

  They would get chilled if they remained here. Looking at the clock James saw that it was midnight, not as late as he’d thought.

  He walked over to Amelia and Arthur, bending down to scoop her up into his arms. She stirred as he lifted her, and so did Arthur.

  “I’m going to carry Amelia up to your room.”

  “Mmmm,” murmured Arthur.

  “James.” Amelia’s voice was sleepy.

  “I’ve got you.”

  At least he did until he reached the locked door.



  “Arthur! I need you to open the door.”

  James was grateful his previous occupation had given him to strength to hold and carry Amelia without straining. Still he couldn’t hold her forever.


  “Coming, coming.”

  They headed up the stairs and into Arthur’s room together. It was the safest bedroom for them to share. Long before Arthur and Amelia married all the servants had been instructed not to enter Arthur’s chambers unless the doors were open.

  The bed was in pristine order, so James waited while Arthur pulled the coverlet back before lowering Amelia to the bed.

  She didn’t release him. Her arms held tight around his neck, and her face was lifted to his as she attempted to kiss him. She wasn’t fully awake enough for her lips to have much direction or consistent pressure.

  James found it rather endearing and kissed her back. Careful not to crush her, he followed her down onto the bed.

  They didn’t stop kissing as they both undressed, apart from those few seconds needed to raise Amelia’s chemise over her head and when their contortions to get trousers and stockings off turned awkward. It was lovely and languorous.

  James made it his duty to kiss Amelia everywhere. Dragging his lips away from hers he coasted them down her neck, paying particular attentions to the crease of her collarbone. He alternated his kisses with lick and nibbles. All of his attentions drew encouraging sounds from Amelia.

  When he’d completed his coverage of her front, only briefly kissing the inside of her thighs and her curls, he turned her over. He kissed his way down her spine, loving each little nobble. He kneaded her shoulders as he worked.

  He paused when he reached the bottom of her spine. Amelia gave a protesting whimper, so James shifted his body so that he could rub the cheeks of her bottom while kissing her there.

  With conscious intent he drew a finger along the crease between her bottom cheeks. He listened carefully for any sound of protest from Amelia. None came, not then or when he used both hands to draw her cheeks apart.

  Her rosette was beautiful. Amelia fidgeted when James ceased his kisses and caresses to stare at her bottom hole. When he touched a fingertip there Amelia stilled, but still did not protest.

  “James, I have something you might need.”

  Arthur’s words startled James from his reverie. He looked up to see Arthur holding out a jar of some sort of salve.

  “Go ahead. It’s only natural grease.”

  “And you just happened to have that in your bedroom?” James laughed reaching into the jar rather than taking it from Arthur.

  Taking care he applied the lubrication to Amelia’s puckered hole, eagerly watching each flex of the muscle there as he did so.

  “Is this okay, Amelia?” James didn’t want to take her lack of verbal protest as assent.

  “Yes, James, whatever you want.”

  “I’m very much enjoying touching you so intimately. Does it feel good?”

  “Oh yes, like nothing I’ve felt yet, but…”


  “But where Arthur touched me when I first climaxed, it’s throbbing.”

  “Can you reach your hand down?”

  “Touch myself?”


  James felt Amelia lifting as she slid her arm underneath her body. When he felt her body slightly vibrate and she let out a moan he guessed she’d found the spot.

  He slid one finger all the way inside her back passage, first to the knuckle then farther with a push. He slid it in and out rhythmically ‘til Amelia was nearly constantly moaning.

  James observed she loosened up while he worked. With more confidence than when pushing a first finger in he added a second finger, eliciting a quick gasp.

  “Does it hurt?” James asked as he smoothed his free hand up her back.

  “Not too much.”

  “Tell me if gets too much.” James said as he added more lubrication. “Too much pain or too much pleasure.”

  Not quite sure how close to climax she was, James really wanted to be inside her when she let go.

  “I want to be inside you.” He voiced his thought.

  As he kneeled up Arthur handed him a wet towel. He cleaned his shaking hands quickly.

  “If we want to do this together now might it not be easier if I was inside Amelia first?” Arthur asked.

  “Yes, of course,” said James. He had lost sight of any end objective beyond getting inside Amelia’s tight ass.

  Arthur who had been patient, not interfering except to assist James, now lay next to Amelia on the bed.

  James leaned over Amelia to whisper in her ear. “Sweetheart, I just need you to move for a minute. Can you climb on top of Arthur for me?”

  Amelia complied if somewhat sluggishly. James wasn’t sure if she even had her eyes open, but he watched her get in position and her hand guide Arthur inside her.

  “What are we doing?” Amelia asked in a quiet voice.

  “We both want to be inside you. At the same time,” James said.

  “With your cocks?”

  “Yes, if you’re willing?”

  Amelia arched her back, as if luxuriating in her current position. “I’d like to try.”

  Arthur appeared to be holding very still, but he slid his arms around to cup and part Amelia’s bottom cheeks.

  Here goes, thought James positioning himself up close to Amelia.

  Cursing to himself he nudged the tight opening with the blunt crown of his penis. Resistance stopped him delving very far. He reached for and then applied some more or the grease Arthur had provided.

  Increasing the pressure a little bit at a time, he inched further in. Whenever he heard Amelia’s breathing becoming laboured he’d pause. It was agonising.

  Finally, with one last push James made it past her resistance, sinking forward so he was all the way inside
her ass.

  “I’m there. It feels so good.”

  “Too good,” said Arthur. “Can we move now?”

  James answered by dragging his cock slowly backwards, than pushing slowly forwards again. Arthur followed suit, thrusting with his hips. Both of them quickly became consumed by the heat of the fire raging through them with Amelia at its core.


  Amelia was burning. Her hunger for James and Arthur had turned into flames of sensation licking up and down her body. Inside where the fire burned hottest it felt like she was going to explode. There was a fuse running straight from her bottom where James was inside her to the button that appeared to be the detonating point for her pleasure.

  She had two men inside her, and in this moment it was more wonderful than she could have imagined. More intense. Her hips circled, as far as they were able sandwiched between two weighty men.

  She kissed Arthur trying to expel some of the heat inside her into his mouth. It didn’t work. She just felt herself get hotter, and wetter. Slick sounds from where they were joined accompanied the rough growls her men were making. Their pleasure transferred to her mind through sound stoked her inferno higher. She wouldn’t be surprised if there were sparks jumping from the three of them.

  With a short sharp burst of pain she exploded into climax. James had bitten down on her shoulder. She didn’t care. It was glorious.

  They were there together in that moment. Arthur was moaning in her ear, and she could feel his completion as well as James’s as tremors continued to race inside her.

  It was as if the fire among them had burned away everything but their souls, leaving them completely open, vulnerable. It was where they needed to be. Truly vulnerable. Truly in love, because only love was worth such a risk. Amelia had never felt more secure or happy, if just a little uncomfortable.

  “Can we move before we fall asleep this time?” she asked her lovers. Her beloved ones.


  Three A.M. in the morning and they were back in the study. Being in the room together with Arthur, the both of them pacing, reminded James of when it had all begun, nearly a year ago now. It was here that Arthur had offered him his future, and he hadn’t realised it at the time. He’d been lost in his own selfish desires. Now he had everything he could possibly desire, and more was on the way.

  Upstairs Amelia was about to give birth to their first child. Secretly he’d always wondered how he would feel when this time came. Arthur would be the child’s father in name. James would only ever be allowed to claim the role of Uncle.

  Now the time was here he realised he truly wasn’t concerned. The question of should he feel isolated was a fleeting one; he did not feel it, just think it. The thought that connected with his heart was whether Amelia and the babe would be alright, healthy and whole.

  True to herself Amelia had refused to take to her bed merely because she was experiencing contractions. Shortly after dinner she had announced that she might be feeling a little discomfort.

  The three of them had paced together for nearly five hours.

  Amelia had decided it would be a fine time to discuss her plans for bee keeping, and neither James nor Arthur had any desire to argue with her. They had willing muttered agreements in between massaging her back. She had only faltered when her waters broke. She seemed a little mortified that they were there to witness it.

  James had hardly minded. It was all part of the process as far as he was concerned. They were already intimately acquainted with her body, and he’d seen far more of a physical nature that was truly distressing when in the army and even now he was managing the estates with Arthur.

  If he did wish for anything it was that he, they, could be with her now. He hoped it would not be long as Amelia had seemed in continuous pain when she agreed to lie down, and there was talk of needing to push when Arthur and he had been shooed out the room.

  It wasn’t long before they both heard footsteps on the stairs. James met Arthur’s eyes for a moment, a connection that spoke no words nor needed them, and then James watched as Arthur dashed out the room.

  He counted to ten very slowly, then started again. Keeping to low numbers moved time quicker, and it also meant he didn’t lose track. Before he made four sets of ten Mrs. Cleaver was at the door a bundle in her arms.

  Arthur must have gone straight up to Amelia.

  “Is she all right?”

  “She’s a beauty.”

  James frowned then realised she meant the babe not Amelia. “It’s a girl?”

  “Yes, would you like to take her? I have plenty to attend to.” She didn’t wait for James’s answer. The bundle was thrust towards him, and he gladly took it. He even breathed when the baby’s weight was nestled securely in his arms and he could stare down into a pair of wide, blue eyes.

  “She’s definitely looking at me,” he said to Mrs. Cleaver, who despite “having plenty to attend to” had not left.

  “Aye, she’s taking everything in. The parents are going to have their hands full. They’ll be reconsidering their decision about a nanny I’m sure.”

  Privately James didn’t think so. They would have three sets of hands among them, not just two, and Amelia wanted to be close as possible to her child, not confusing the baby with non-family members providing care.

  They also didn’t want to invite too many new people in to their domestic arrangements. Whether the staff suspected anything about their relationship was not known. No one said anything direct, and it would be easiest to keep it that way.

  “Charlotte.” James tested the name he had chosen. They had agreed beforehand that it would be his choice. He had chosen Charlotte for if it were a girl.

  Her face crumbled, and she let out a wail. James felt adrenaline rush through him, as intense as at the start of a battle. Instead of fighting he took flight, up the stairs as quick as he could without actually running and burst into Amelia’s room. Luckily it was just Amelia and Arthur left inside. Held in Arthur’s arms she looked to be sleeping, but as soon as she heard the baby her eyes opened.

  “It’s all right, James. I’m surprised she was quiet that long. Bring her here so that I can feed her.”

  James placed the baby reverently in Amelia’s arms.

  “Thank you,” said James speaking and looking to both Arthur and Amelia in turn.

  “I feel so incredibly blessed,” Amelia whispered, deftly freeing a breast to placate Charlotte, before looking up at him.

  James saw his love reflected in her eyes. He felt moisture pool in the corner of his own. Arthur smiled a smile that James knew was one that had been hidden for many years. This was their time. If duty had a reward surely this was it.

  The End

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