Ransom: Aces and Eights Motorcycle Club Book 1

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Ransom: Aces and Eights Motorcycle Club Book 1 Page 3

by Logan Chance

  Everyone insinuating I’m in contact with Audrey and tipped her off about our route is fucking insane.

  “Calm down, everyone. I know you guys think it’s funny that Liam would tell Audrey. But I don’t for one second believe that load of bullshit.” Pres’s face scrunches in anger after he finishes talking.

  My eyes meet Rory’s. He nods, knowing I would never betray my brothers that way.

  “I’m just giving him shit,” Patrick says. “Honestly, we’ve been sloppy on our runs. We need to make sure when we head out tomorrow that we watch our backs.”

  “We always do,” Rory says.

  I glance at Rory again, and something’s off with him. Call it a hunch, but he’s hiding something.

  Colin goes over more details on the delivery site of the guns. We will head to get the order, leaving late tonight. Pick up the shipment and then deliver the guns to the buyer tomorrow.


  If we can keep our noses clean, and make it through, we’ll be fine.

  After the meeting, I pull Rory aside.

  “Bro, what’s up?” I don’t even need to ask again before Rory’s eyes lower to the ground.


  “Fuck that. What’s on your mind?”

  “Nothing…well, I kissed Fallon last night,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

  “You stupid motherfucker.” I shake my head.

  He sneaks a glance in my direction, then turns completely toward me. “What?”

  “You know what.” I smack the back of his head.

  He laughs as he walks away.

  “Hey, Captain,” I call to Patrick, “I’m going to head home and shower. What time we doing this tonight?”

  “Be here at eight.”

  Plenty of time.

  Getting sucked off by the sinkhole last night was exactly what I needed. But now I need to get home and go over a few things of my own to be ready for tonight.

  No way would I let the Devil’s Way ruin this run for us.

  I ride into town on my bike. Vegas during the day is usually a cesspool of tourists. They don’t watch where they’re going as they snap pictures of literally nothing.

  I stay off the main strip and head to a local smoke shop to pick up a few things.

  That’s when I see her. Long brown hair snapping around her face in the wind. Her devil eyes narrowing on me from afar.

  I plaster a smile on my face and walk right past her. “Audrey.”

  “Liam, looking exceptionally well this afternoon.” Her fakeness grates on my nerves, but I raise my brow to her.

  “Same to you, darling.” I grin.

  Ever since we broke up ages ago, it’s always the same thing when we run into each other. Fake pleasantries and horseshit.

  She’s a patched member of the Devil’s Way. Yeah, you heard that right. She’s a member of our rival club.

  I pull the handle to the store and step further away from my past, and from her.

  “Hey, Don,” I say as I glance around the dark shop.

  “Lo, how the hell are ya?”

  Don’s a nice guy. Old as fuck but still nice. He knows everything about Vegas and about everyone who dwells in it.

  If you need info, Don’s your man.

  His bald head glows under the fluorescent lights over the counter where he reads his magazine. Once an Aces and Eights himself, he likes to stay in the loop of our club.

  “What was princess doing here?” I ask him as I grab a box of cigars. Cubans, special blend.

  “Who? Audrey? Oh you know, she’s sniffing around.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. Found one of her stupid fuck brothers from her low-class club last night.”

  “Oh yeah? How’d that go?”

  “Not too well for him. I think they’re planning something. Things just don’t feel right, man.” Call it a hunch, but things weren’t normal. It makes me uneasy, and I know Audrey and her fucking sissy biker bitches are behind it.

  I pay for the cigars and head out the door. Audrey smiles from her Harley as she peels out of the parking lot. Bitch. What I wouldn’t give to fuck her like one.

  On a whim, I decide to follow her.

  She winds through the streets, turning onto Freemont. I continue behind her, knowing she isn’t heading to her own club compound. It’s clear across town, near the foothills.

  Where’s she going?

  She stops, and I stare at her ass a second too long as she gets off her Harley. Her jeans are illegally tight, and her tank top is a size too small. Her tits create the perfect amount of cleavage, making my cock rustle to life with the mere thought of sinking into her.

  She enters an abandoned warehouse, and I pull my bike behind a billboard on the opposite side of the road.

  A few minutes later, Audrey exits the building and spots me. Shit.

  She runs across the road. “What are you doing here, Lo?”

  “Following you,” I say, standing with my chopper between my thick legs. I pop the kickstand down and swing my leg over the bike. I cross my tattoo covered arms across my chest.

  “Liam, I uh…,” she stutters as the sun catches in her dark hair, highlighting soft strands of red.


  Her soft, pink lips part as she tries to speak.

  Fuck this. I move in, capturing her lips with mine. It’s been so long since I’ve tasted her, but the feel of her mouth brings it all back.

  I don’t want to let her go.

  I wrap an arm around her waist while the other clings to her soft locks. She moans into my mouth, not wanting to break the kiss either.

  My mind plays tricks on me, making me believe I can be happy with her once again.

  Her tight body presses up against mine, and my cock springs to life.

  Fuck she smells so good, so damn sweet.

  “Audrey,” I murmur against her lips.

  “Don’t go tonight.”

  I step back from her, dropping my hands. “What?”

  Her eyes are wide, and she fidgets with her hands for a moment. “Don’t go.”

  What the fuck is she talking about? Don’t go on the pick up? How does she even know?

  “Audrey, don’t go where?” I ask, even though I know exactly what she’s talking about.

  “Shit. I’m sorry.” She runs her shaky hand through her long hair, backing away from me.

  She turns and rushes off across the street and hops onto her bike. She flees, and I watch her go. Trying to piece everything together what just happened, I stare at the tattoos on my hand. The letters R-I-D-E on the knuckles of my left hand. The letters D-I-E on the knuckles of my right, with a skull filling up the last finger. This is what I’ve learned in my lifetime. My brothers are my ride and die partners for life. I thought once Audrey was mine until the end, but I was so fucking wrong.

  I decide to head back to the club. It’s getting late, and we have to get ready for our run tonight.

  Although, I have the worst feeling some shit is about to go down.



  We’re scheduled to meet our point guy in five minutes, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to myself that I’ve had a bad feeling about this run. All day long there’s been a niggling in my stomach that something was off. At first I thought it was because Fallon snuck out before I woke, but now I realize it has nothing to do with her and everything to do with what’s about to go down.

  There are four of us on bikes, Liam and I in the front. The cube van behind us being driven by Keegan and Colin, with Patrick and Finn bringing up the rear on their bikes.

  As we come to the street the warehouse with the shipment is on, we all slow down. Our eyes scan the surrounding area for anything amiss. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.

  Liam signals me to proceed, and the others follow us as we drive through the open gated entrance. We loop our bikes around in a half circle before stopping in front of the warehouse. We both walk our bikes backwa
rd, parking them to the right side of the open bay.

  Keegan pulls up, then backs the cube van through the wide open bay. Patrick and Finn repeat the same steps we did, parking on the other side of the opening from us.

  We all shut down our bikes and leave our helmets on the seats.

  The press of my gun tucked in the back of my pants is comforting to me as we walk inside the building. We’ve done business with these guys before, but when you’re dealing with the criminal element like we do, you never know what you might be walking into.

  Allies can soon become enemies with a little grease on one’s palm.

  I take comfort knowing that Six and Whip, two of our fully patched members, are in the back of the truck with semi-automatic guns waiting for shit to break down. They’re our insurance policy. If anything goes amiss, those two are going to light this place up with their bullets like a firework show on the fourth of July.

  Marco, our contact, steps forward and shakes Liam’s hand. “Hey, man. Any problems on the ride here?” he asks. My eyes narrow as they scan the space, looking for any red flags. Everything seems to be as it should.

  “No.” Liam shakes his head, then crosses his arms over his chest. “We need to get things moving.”

  “No problem.” Marco signals for his four guys to start loading up the back of our truck.

  Patrick opens the double doors wide. Six and Whip sit there, guns resting on their laps.

  “What’s this?” Marco asks, gesturing to the two of them.

  “This is our insurance policy, that’s all,” I interject. “There’s nothing for you to worry about. Unless you’re planning on screwing us out of what we paid for.” I move forward encroaching on his space. I look down on him with a scowl on my face. He’s built like a fireplug, but I’ve got a good four or five inches on him.

  He puts his hands up. “Gentleman, we’ve never had any problems, and I don’t plan to start now.”

  The guns are quickly loaded into the van.

  Keegan pulls out of the bay and stops beside us.

  “We’re halfway there, boys. Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of trouble,” Liam informs everyone as we both put our helmets on. We climb on our bikes at the same time and fire them up. It’s like a well rehearsed routine. We’ve been riding together for twelve years now.

  Delivering the guns goes off without a hitch, and we head back to the clubhouse ahead of schedule. I’m looking forward to having a couple of beers with my brothers. I’m relieved everything went as planned. This is the first time my gut’s been wrong.

  On our way home, we take a detour to Foxy Secrets to celebrate our successful business venture. I’m three beers in, watching one of the girls on stage. She’s young like Fallon and a brunette, but that’s where the resemblance ends. Where Fallon has perky natural tits, this girls have been surgically blown up to the point they look like they might explode while she’s grinding on the pole.

  “You like her?” Liam asks, smacking the back of his hand against my arm. He mistook my watching her for interest. But maybe that’s better than him knowing what’s really going through my head.

  “What’s not to like?” I ask, playing it up. I smirk then take a sip of my beer. The cool drink goes down smooth over the lump in my throat that thinking about Fallon gives me. She has me tied up in fucking knots. Now that we fucked around it’s so much worse. Feeling her pussy trembling around my fingers was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced. Her hand on my cock felt better than I’d ever imagined. She didn’t shy away from me, and she touched me on her own. I didn’t ask or push her hand down. That alone gives me hope she feels some kind of an attraction for me. I guess it doesn’t matter though, because she’ll always be Mick’s daughter. That will never change.

  The brunette dancer finishes and comes to the edge of the stage to collect money from all her admirers. Liam jumps up from his seat and heads her way. What is this fucker doing?

  He holds a hand up before speaking to her. She grasps his fingers, letting him lead her over to the side of the stage and down the stairs.

  I drink the final sip of my beer and flag down the waitress for another. I watch as he leads her in my direction. He leans over, whispering in her ear. She looks at him and smiles, nodding her head. She says something back to him, but I can’t make out the words.

  As they approach the table, Liam flashes me a shit eating grin. “Raven, this is Rory. He needs a lap dance, darling. Make it a good one.” He pulls out a wad of bills and flips through, pulling out a Benjamin. He folds her fingers around the money in her palm, and she tucks it in the side of her thong.

  Walking around the table, her hips swaying, she pauses beside me, holding her hand out. I push my chair back and crook my finger, signaling for her to move between my legs. I don’t mind a lap dance, but for the money Liam threw her way, I know she’s planning on getting me off. That’s not going to happen. Not after I just had Fallon in my bed this morning. Thinking about Fallon in my bed does the trick, and my dick is hard as a fucking rock for this girl to grind her ass on. I grip her hips, keeping up the act so I don’t have to hear from Liam what a pussy I am. He can fuck himself. He’s just as screwed up over Audrey as I am over Fallon. He just won’t admit it; stubborn bastard that he is.

  We roll up at the clubhouse at three in the morning. The eight of us are crashing here. Six and Whip are even more banged up than we are. I think they drank mostly hard liquor.

  Once inside my room, I strip my clothes off. I’m unsteady on my feet. The bed is looking better and better by the time I’m down to my black boxer briefs. All I can manage is to fall onto the sheet with a groan. Turning my face into my pillow, I can still smell Fallon on my sheets and that has my goddamn dick saluting. He’s an asshole. He never fucking behaves when it comes to her.

  As much as I’d like to give it a tug, I’m not going to. Fallon’s sweet hands were the last ones on me, and I’m not ready to let that feeling go.

  The repeated ringing of my phone wakes me up earlier than I want. I ignored it the first time, but it started up again almost immediately.

  “Hello,” I croak out.

  “Rory, do you know where Fallon is?” Mick shouts on the other end of the call.

  It takes a few seconds for my alcohol muddled brain to catch up to what he’s asking.

  “Rory,” he yells, growing impatient.

  “No. No, why would I know where she is?” I ask, running a hand down my face.

  “She’s missing.” What? “Her roommate just called me. They went to a party last night. Janie said Fallon was talking to some guy and then she disappeared.”

  I stay silent, taking it all in. My blood is rushing through my veins like my thoughts are racing in my mind.

  “Janie assumed she left with the guy and would come home later, but she didn’t. She never heard from her at all. No text - no call. I just tried her phone now, and it rings, but voicemail picks up right away, like it’s shut off.”

  I sit up, running my hand through my hair. “I’ll drive over to her apartment and talk to Janie. See what I can learn. There must be something she can tell me that will help us figure out where she is.” I’m out of bed and pulling on my pants before I’ve hung up.

  “I’ll keep you posted, Mick.” I end the call and shove the phone in my pocket. My fingers grab the first shirt I find on the floor and tug it over my head. My boots go on without socks. All I can think about is Fallon and finding her as soon as possible. I know she wouldn’t disappear like this. She wouldn’t do this without a reason.

  If anyone has harmed her in any way, I’ll fucking gut them. I’ll carve them up like a fucking turkey and serve them up on a fucking platter. There better not be one fucking hair out of place on her head.

  My knuckles rap against Liam’s door. “Liam,” I shout, then knock again. “Liam, get your ass up.”

  The door opens, but it’s not Liam. It’s the redhead from the other night. I shove her to the side and storm into his room.
  “Hey,” she huffs. I flash my shut the fuck up glare at her.

  “Time for you to leave, cupcake.” I grab her clothes from the floor and shove them into her chest. “Here, take your clothes with you.” My hands on her shoulders spin her around, and I walk her toward the door.

  “But,” she sputters, digging her heels in the floor.

  I prod her out the door with a hand in the middle of her back. She turns around for a final word and I slam the door in her face. I don’t have time to deal with unnecessary bullshit.

  “Liam,” I shout. He continues to snore. Spying a glass of water on his nightstand, I dump it over his head. He sits up, fists clenched and at the ready.

  Fighting has been ingrained in us since we were kids. I’m pretty sure it’s a rule that if you’re Irish and a male you can hold your liquor and throw hands. I’d laugh if I wasn’t so worried about Fallon.

  “What the fuck, Rory,” Liam roars, wiping his eyes.

  “Not now.” A flick of my hand back and forth across my throat signals him to cut it out. “Mick just called me. Fallon’s missing. She never came home last night. Her roommate said they were at a party when she disappeared. Dumbass Janie thought she went home with some dude.” I shake my head.

  “Bro, what if she did?”

  I glare at him.

  “Maybe she had too much to drink, and she’s sleeping it off.” He shrugs.

  “Dude, shut the fuck up. That’s not Fallon. I’m going over to her apartment to see if I can jog Janie’s memory for some forgotten detail. I’ll call you as soon as I know anything. Wake the rest of the boys up, and be ready.”

  He nods. “I’ll take care of it.”

  I know he will. We always have each other’s backs. I’m out his door when his words have barely hit my ears.

  The ride to Fallon’s is all a blur. I don’t even remember driving over here. Everything is clouded with a blood red mist right now. I’m going to make someone pay for this. I know Fallon must be scared. Anyone who would have the balls to take her wouldn’t hesitate to hurt her. It has to be a rival gang.

  Janie opens the door, barely stepping out of the way before I barrel inside.

  “When’s the last time you remember seeing Fallon?” I begin questioning her.


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