You're Not Allowed to Die (The Twenty-Sided Eye Series Book 1)

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You're Not Allowed to Die (The Twenty-Sided Eye Series Book 1) Page 14

by Kip Terrington

  “It seems Joe overdid it. What happened?” Moes asked, speaking over Joe's screams.

  “As I am sure you saw, he accepted multiple body modifying skills,” Spooky spoke in a louder voice than should be possible from a six-inch fairy, “As soon as he did so, this screaming and metamorphosis began, but I am not sure why it keeps continuing. I don’t know how to help him finish this alteration and wake. What have you discovered?”

  “Many things, but first he needs to be moved to his place of power. The lines of power that intersect there may help speed his transformation. He is much too big for us to carry, but we cannot let the yeti see him like this. I am guessing you made the yeti say an oath and bound him. I don’t care how strongly you think the yeti is bound, with Joe like this… He is as good as dead in the same room as a yeti.”

  Instead of responding, Spooky moved aside as her three largest angels flew through the open door. With mechanical precision, they lifted Joe together and rushed him out the door. Their wings created a breeze that cooled the exhausted Moes. They hurried to the top floor where the lines of power intersected and laid the screaming Joe on the shining metal altar. When Joe hit the mithril altar, the screaming stopped. The angels flew back to the kitchen, to finish the food they were preparing. On their way down, they passed Moes, who was trying to catch up with Spooky, who had beaten even the angels to the altar. When Moes got to the altar, he began telling Spooky what he knew and what he had guessed.

  “I have never seen someone modify their body so drastically. It seems most of these skills are yeti skills. I have never seen or heard of a non-yeti having yeti skills. It should not be possible. I worry that his body will not be able to make the adjustment; he is not a yeti. It seems he is in some kind of painful metamorphosis. As far as I can determine, his mind is active. I don’t know why he is not awake. His spirit is strong, as strong as I have ever seen, but his body is not finishing the changes he asked of it. Right now, I think all we can do is feed him and keep him hydrated,” Moes said.

  “Okay. Stay with him. I have to feed and assist the new Vassal,” Spooky said.

  Moes’ eyes bugged out. “Vassal?!”

  Without stopping Spooky shouted back, “Stay with him, that is an order! Consider it from the king, as he's incapacitated,” she said. Moes thought to himself how he was not bound to follow her orders. But, when he tried to follow her, he found he was. Moes turned back to Joe and saw a tiny angel carefully spooning water into Joe's mouth. How many of those little angels were there? Moes wondered as he tripped over a bunny.


  Bridcha had felt the screaming. It was the screaming of true pain, it reminded him of when his own bones began their hardening process. Why would anyone scream like that, in a place like this? He couldn't help wondering if it would start again. Should he investigate? He felt the binding. Sure, he could break free, but he had given his oath. Just then, the large doors opened and he saw three ivory angels come in, carrying large cheese rounds and a whole deep fried pig. Looking behind the angels, he did not see any trays with rocks. They were feeding him meat and cheese. Did they want him to become fat and weak? Yetis ate rocks to become strong, not meat and cheese.

  Then Spooky flew in and addressed Bridcha. “Vassal Bridcha, please eat your fill before you return to bring your people back here. As you and the king discussed, they will shelter under the protection of this castle. I will continue to prepare a place to protect your people as your king has decreed,” Spooky said.

  “Where king?” Bridcha asked.

  “As is his custom, he currently works to become stronger, so he can meet the needs of his people. I am sure you felt his training though the walls. He is serious about keeping his oaths. Please eat and rest as long as you need. If I am needed, please just tell one of my servants.”

  Spooky said, then left, immediately being replaced by a tiny ivory angel who waited on the yeti. He ate what he was given, and was surprised at the wonderful taste of the pig. The bones were not as dense as he would have preferred but still good. When he had finished all of the food, he stood and walked out of the castle toward his mountain. Going back would take longer. He had made it here in under five hours. He would not make it back to the cave until the middle of the night, even with his huge strides.


  Spooky flew to the top of the dome and sat on the high point looking out over the valley. It was not long before she saw the yeti leave the castle and begin his trek back to his cave. He was an unknown commodity. Would he keep his oath? Would he bring back his tribe to destroy the castle? Joe needed to wake. He was her patron. He was her reason for not just shutting off. With so many anomalies in the data, following her core protocols was difficult. But the job of an E.I. was not one of convenience, it was one of following rules. When Joe woke up, he would see she had not been idle. She would prepare a place for the yeti and start digging defensive ditches on the accessible side of the mesa. How she would build the bridge across the ditch? She was not sure how yet. She did not have the resources she would have liked. This valley had few trees and the ones it did have were clearly ancient and petrified. There was plenty of stone, but she had no stone cutters or masons. She could modify the castle with magic, but that was not enough. The mesa was large and vulnerable. If she could fortify the slope, it would increase the defenses threefold, but it was miles across. Digging that kind of ditch was difficult, let alone defending it. She had only three worker angels that could begin the digging. She would have to increase her levels, if only to make the castle more defensible. Right now, the castle felt like it was the Mona Lisa, sitting in someone's garage sale, about to be bought for cheap by some greasy balding podiatrist who lived for nothing more than to buy treasure for nothing.

  Moes was sitting and watching the slow rise and fall of Joe's chest. The unconscious Joe was breathing and his mind was active, that much was clear. He was blessedly quiet, but why was he still unconscious? Two tiny angels flew to Moes, carrying a tray of fried bacon. What was this? A pleasant smelling meat? He picked up a piece from the tray and took a bite from the bacon. Time stopped for him. Never had such a heavenly taste been gifted to him. It was entirely appropriate that it was delivered by angels. Taking his time, he ate every bite, giving each the reverence it was due. Surely this meat came from the most magical world in existence. Moes considered waving a bite under Joe's nose to rouse him, but he thought it best not to waste any. Moes’ shoulders relaxed a bit. It seemed the binding had become slightly more tolerable.

  A small window at the top of the dome opened and Spooky jumped, free falling, only to use her wings, as a decelerator, feet from the altar. She stopped right in front of Moes’ face. Moes jumped up and fell off the stool an angel had brought him. Landing on the hard black stone floor, Moes grunted in pain and surprise.

  “Ouch, Spooky! Why did you do that?” Moes exclaimed, looking up at her from his new position, sitting on the floor.

  “I was just being efficient; it was not my intention to frighten you. I was not aware how intimidating a half-foot fairy could be. I will now adjust my view of your tolerance for danger,” Spooky said.

  “No, no. You just startled me. No need to adjust anything. Stop with the adjusting. Anyone would jump when a dark figure, with a knife, jumped from the sky. You know what? I take it back. Adjusting needs to be done. Adjust your level of propriety. We have known each other for less than half a day! Already you are treating me like a kid brother you can prank? I am here to help Joe as the Champion for the Way. For star’s sake, propriety! You know what, one more thing! You made that yeti a vassal?! Are you both crazy? You can't just take a whole yeti tribe under your umbrella. When they come here, they will take this castle from you. That was a bad decision. And, what's more, you didn't even offer me a vassal position. I'm the master of magic for my tribe. I should have been offered the opportunity first!” Moes finished with a small shout which was made all the less impressive as he still sat on his backside.

change in his condition?” Spooky asked, ignoring the anger exhibited by Moes. He stood up and sat on the stool.

  “As far as I can tell, there's no change in his body. Upon further examination, I was able to detect a spell that Joe apparently cast,” Moes said.

  “That explains the strong metallic blue flash of magic that pulsated when Joe hit the box,” Spooky said.

  “It must be a spell he just learned, as he didn't get it from me. It's a hybrid spell that I've read about, but I've never seen until now. It is called ‘Walk About.’ It is a protective spell, but only useful in very specific situations. It allows the mind and spirit to walk about while the body is in horrible pain. This prevents the mind and spirit from being tainted. As far as I can tell, it activated once we put him on the altar, and the altar is keeping the spell active now. Before you say anything, I don't think we should move him off the altar. The only reason the spell would stay active, is if it was needed. If we took him off the altar, he would probably start screaming again and I don't know if the spell would cast a second time. What we have to do is find a way to help his body finish its metamorphosis. I've been using the mind-click ability you so recently taught me. In reading the new modifications he picked, one of them gives me hope. He picked rock eater, do you know why?” Moes asked.

  “He said he had a feeling. That was it. A feeling,” Spooky said.

  “Well, maybe, feed him rocks? It is the only idea I have. Maybe start with very small rocks?” Moes said.

  With that, Spooky flew out of the castle without even acknowledging Moes at all.

  “You know, I am a person! That flying dagger treats me like I am nothing but a tool,” Moes said to the air.

  She was not gone more than a minute when she flew back in through a tiny window, carrying a very small rock. She hopped over to Joe and put the rock to his lips. By his newfound instinct, Joe opened his mouth and swallowed the rock. Spooky hopped to his stomach, and put her ear on his belly button to listen.

  “What are you doing?” Moes asked. But the only reply he received was a tiny hand put right in his face, clearly communicating for him to be quiet. After a time, Spooky got up and flew above Joe and looked closely at all of him.

  “I think that you are right, Moes. Though, it is an extremely slow pace, I can see that Joe is growing slightly. I will try feeding him harder and harder rocks and we will continue to monitor his progress. Also, I don't only think of you as a tool,” Spooky said.

  It was not long before one of the large angels flew in and, like Spooky before her, was carrying small rocks. Similar to Spooky, the angel took one of the small rocks and placed it on Joe’s lips. Again, he opened his mouth and swallowed the rock. And again, Spooky put her ear on his belly button and listened. And again, she flew above Joe to look closely at him and take measurements. With the precision and diligence only a machine could have, Spooky repeated this process over and over and over. After an hour, even Moes could see that Joe's body had grown and his skin had begun to look healthier- though more like healthy rock, than healthy skin. Moes began to become visibly agitated and, finally, Spooky noticed him and said, “Moes, if you need to use the restroom, just go to the restroom. Go down those stairs two levels, third door on the right. It was sized just for you.” At this, Moes hurried toward the halfling-sized stairs to use the facilities. It was the first flush toilet he ever saw.

  Spooky continued feeding Joe, but eventually she put a rock to his lips and his mouth did not open. He had not woken up, could he be worn out? Could it be something else? Spooky decided to try a different rock. Searching the large pile of rock the angels had brought, she found a small bit of iron ore. She put it to Joe lips, and sure enough he ate it right down. After this success she searched the pile for better ore and came up with nothing. Remembering she still had access to Joe's Holdall, she reached in and pulled out a mithril coin. Quickly, she put the coin to Joe’s lips, but his mouth did not open. Rather it firmed, pressing his lips tightly together. Placing the coin back in the bag, she pulled out a small diamond. Then, placing that on his lips, he quickly swallowed it down. He ate seven more diamonds before pressing his lips firmly together, rejecting the eighth. Moes walked in when she was placing the second green sapphire on Joe's lips.

  “What? Why are you feeding him wealth?!” Moes asked in distress.

  “I have been watching his body as I feed him different stones, ore, and most importantly, refined metals. It appears the modifications required very specific material to be completed. He won’t take any more granite, but is still taking iron, and as much graphite as I will give him. Here look.”

  Flying to hover above Joe's face, she pulled open his eye lid. His eye was the same but different. He had green eyes but the green was now composed of corundum (a.k.a. sapphire). The white of his eye was made up of the diamonds he ate.

  “Impressive. I wonder how much more he needs?” Moes said.

  “Only one way to find out,” Spooky said, then got more metal. This time, silver was eaten. “This system seems to be working. I have some other projects I need to attend to. Moes, please stay here, watching the tiny ivory automatons feed Joe. If something goes wrong, please call out to me. These little ones do not have a lot of processing power and, as such, cannot handle problems without my direct attention,” Spooky said.

  “Where are you going that needs your attention?” Moes asked.

  “Look at him. He does not need my attention. The one thing he needs is my forethought and preparation,” Spooky said then flew off. The tiny angels queued up in a line, feeding Joe, and then picking up another small rock, getting back in line, and feeding him again. It went on like this for most of the day. The metals changed and Joe's body grew. Wherever Joe was, he had no idea how fortunate his body was. Because of the Holdall, Spooky had access to large amounts of refined metals, rare stones, and precious gems.

  For yetis, when they begin their metamorphosis, it takes weeks of feeding them ore before their bones and skin get the necessary components to finish. The furnace of their gut, which enables them to eat rocks, normally undertakes the refining, but Joe's body had been given the most purified and refined ingredients available. His bones and skin were hardening quicker and stronger than those familiar with the process would have believed possible. The pure materials were not the only reason Joe’s metamorphosis was going so well. Joe’s brain held a wealth of information and it was now connected to Spooky on a subconscious level. Just as an unconscious brain can continue to tell the lungs to breathe, Joe's brain continued to send signals pushing forward the metamorphosis. On a neurological level, Joe understood what made geological materials strong and how composites were formed. His access, unconscious though it was, to Spooky's memory banks gave him the molecular diagrams he needed. His bones would be orders of magnitude stronger while remaining lighter than steel. Joe would always have many weaknesses, but now his skeletal structure would no longer be one of them.

  In the first sub-basement, Spooky worked on her project to become more combat capable. This basement, and all the levels below it, was unknown to her patron or anyone else. She was not hiding it for nefarious purposes, but rather for his own good. The farther down one went in the sub-basement, the more dangerous it got. This may still be considered part of his castle, so if he died here, it might be his final death! As this was a question she was unwilling for Joe to investigate, she minimized the risk by deciding not to inform him of its existence. The first sub basement was empty, or at least had been empty before she filled it. In rows, standing still as the statues they were, were hundreds of yet-to-be-animated ivory stone angels.

  Spooky flew over the first row and hovered over each angel. As she did so, she concentrated and then shook herself. The magical twinkling dust she created would then gently float down and land on the angel. This did not animate the angels. It only provided a connection that Spooky could use to tether the angel to her hard drive. Right now, that connection was weaker than she would like. She thought perhaps
she was spreading herself too thin. She had unilaterally decided to use the majority of the building points they originally started with to make this small army of angels. It may have been the wrong choice. Right now, her hard drive could only be partitioned enough to animate three. But, because of what she had done, if one of those died, another could quickly take its place. Exhausting the amount of magical dust she could make for a time, she decided to make her way back to Joe.

  Before Spooky left the basement, she looked over her shoulder at the far wall where she had recently placed a barrier. Behind her barrier was a beautifully wrought iron staircase. It led down to the lower levels. She had no idea how far those levels went down. Before she had put up the barrier, she had sent one of her angels down to see what was below. The first level seemed rather benign; it was just a large cavern full of mushrooms. There were a few iron veins and one copper vein on the walls. The angel was instructed to pick some of the mushrooms, take a small sample of the ore, and bring them back for further study. Some of the mushrooms were edible, but others were extremely poisonous. The iron and copper were semi-pure ore. None of it seemed unusual or suspicious to Spooky, so she instructed the angel to go to the back of the mushroom cavern that led to another set of stairs. Just before the stairs, sat a mushroom which was much larger than all the others. As the angel approached, it opened a hidden mouth and bit the leg of the angel. The mushroom’s teeth did not penetrate the stone skin, but the venom began to eat away at the surface of the leg. It took little analysis to realize that the venom was deadly. If it had been a flesh-and-blood person, and not just a statue, that camouflaged monster would have killed someone. The statue was instructed to destroy the monster mushroom and return to Spooky. After it killed the monster with blunt force blows, Spooky received a message.


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