Bunker: Boxed Set (Books 1, 2, and 3)

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Bunker: Boxed Set (Books 1, 2, and 3) Page 53

by Jay J. Falconer

  Lucas gritted his teeth and shook his head. “This day just keeps on getting better. It just never ends.”

  “You can bet if Mom knew the insurance company was going to deny her claims, she would’ve just told the attending physician to pull the plug. End it right then and there. How are we gonna pay for all this?”

  Lucas sighed as he put his elbows on the desk, resting his face in his hands. He didn’t know how much they owed in total, but the figure had to be staggering. He wished he’d told his family the truth—that he’d forgotten to mail the check for his mother’s insurance premium, which was why the claims department denied the coverage. But at this point, he was too embarrassed to come clean. He already felt bad enough, and it wouldn’t change anything, anyway. It was his problem and he needed to solve it.

  His original plan was to pay off the medical bills after he proved one of his revolutionary theories and sold the rights to a defense contractor or to NASA. He hoped submitting his paper to Green would’ve been the first step toward funding a project of his own. But after Dr. Green’s harsh public criticism, he knew nothing short of a miracle could help them now.

  “I don’t know. We’ll think of something.”

  “We could ask Professor Kleezebee.”

  “Borrow money from my boss?”

  “Why not? He’s loaded. Besides, he might just give us the money.”

  “No. We’re not gonna take handouts. Not if I have anything to say about it. We’ll figure it out on our own.”

  Just then, his mind played a vision of him walking into a crowded grocery store with a black ski mask, gun, and brown paper sack, only to be shot dead before he reached the cash register by some Weight Watcher flunky in a wrinkled security guard uniform.

  A minute later, Lucas looked at the clock. “Damn, it’s almost nine. We’ll have to bust nuts if we’re going to make breakfast with Trevor.”

  “Uh, yeah, it’s Friday. Knowing Trevor, he’s probably already in the cafeteria, waiting for us.”

  “Which means we’re late—again.”

  “He’ll understand. He always does.”

  “That man has more patience than me,” Lucas said.

  “Yeah, there’s a shock.”

  Lucas ignored the dig. “I hope he fixed the computer glitch in his code. I want to run a few more system checks tonight in the lab, while we still can. I’m guessing you’re not going to do your workout today?”

  “No, I’ll do my push-ups tomorrow. Besides, I’m pretty sure I’m at DEFCON 1 already. Right Guard only covers up so much.”

  Lucas’ sour mood made it easy to hold back a chuckle, now standing in front of his brother’s side of the closet. “What shirt do you want?”

  “Come on, that was funny,” Drew said, giving Lucas a playful shove.

  “Yeah, it was. I’m laughing on the inside; can’t you tell?”

  “Everything ok, bro?”

  Lucas wanted to tell Drew what had happened with Green and the insurance premium check, but he couldn’t find the courage to come clean. His brother counted on him to handle everything, and he didn’t want to shatter his confidence. “Yeah, I’m fine. Didn’t sleep well last night. So, I ask again, what shirt do you want?”

  “It doesn’t matter. You know, something with long sleeves, as long as it’s—”

  “Blue. Yep, it’s Friday. I should’ve known,” Lucas said, retrieving a pullover shirt from a hanger. He removed it from the red hanger and gave it to his brother. He was careful to put the hanger back in the closet precisely where it had been, exactly two fingers away from the hangers on either side of it.

  Drew slipped the shirt over his head.

  Lucas handed Drew the wallet-sized leather pouch on the nightstand next to the bed. “Don’t forget this.”

  “No. Never.” Drew opened the straps and put them around his head and neck. He tied them together and tucked the pouch inside the front of the collared shirt.

  * * *

  Lucas and Drew were headed east along one of the sidewalks bordering the landscaped student mall. The entrance to the University of Arizona’s Student Union was now only a half a block away, meaning their morning trek was almost complete.

  The low angle of the brilliant sunlight cut through the shade trees lining their path, casting a wide array of shapes across the concrete sidewalk. When the gentle breeze rustled the leaves, the changing shadows reminded Lucas of the calculations he and Drew had been working on in the lab all week. For the uninitiated, the endless fractal patterns could’ve been used as a rudimentary demonstration of subatomic space-time turbulence, also known as quantum foam.

  “You can always tell when Christmas break hits. The place empties out the minute finals are over,” Lucas said, missing the abundance of stunning eye candy that typically blanketed the mall. Seeing all the girls running around in their skimpy outfits was his favorite part of the day.

  “I like it this way,” Drew said. “I hate it when I have to dodge everyone on the mall. Those Ultimate Frisbee players always find a way to hit me when I’m crossing.”

  “That’s because you cut right across in the middle of their game.”

  “That’s where the sidewalk is. Why should I have to go all the way around?”

  Lucas stood behind Drew as he effortlessly wheeled himself up the steep incline to the building’s main entrance. When Drew reached to open the glass entrance door, a tall, gorgeous blond co-ed beat him to it. She was on the inside and held the door open for him, giving Drew a friendly, rainbow smile as he rolled past her.

  Lucas couldn’t see her eyes through her sunglasses, but the woman’s body language suggested she knew his brother, or possibly was attracted to him. She wore a short dark miniskirt and tight t-shirt, despite the cool morning temperature. She had legs for days and a toned figure that could only be the result of plenty of gym time. Sometimes he was jealous of his little brother. It was common for women to be intrigued by Drew’s boyishly handsome good looks. If it weren’t for a car accident that mangled his legs, Drew surely would’ve been a world-famous Italian underwear model instead of a PhD candidate.

  But on the other hand, Lucas thought, if not for the accident, they never would’ve met in the orphanage and been adopted together by the Ramsay family. The universe works in mysterious ways. The multiverse, he corrected himself.

  Before she looked his way, Lucas checked that his shirt was tucked in and his fly was zipped. He rubbed his tongue across the front of his teeth to make sure nothing foreign was attached.

  The girl glanced his way and her smile faded. Lucas wasn’t surprised. Women didn’t always go for the jagged scars on his face. He thought they made him look ruggedly handsome, but that obviously wasn’t the case with this chick. Years of living in state-run facilities had taken their toll, leaving him looking more like an Irish gangster than a nerdy scientist.

  Despite her reaction, he gave her his best smile and said, “Thanks for your help. It’s much appreciated.”

  The cafeteria line extended outside the entrance and past a pair of vending machines in the hall. Two dozen students were waiting in line before the buffet closed its doors until lunchtime. Most were chatting with each other, but a few were rocking on their heels, listening to headphones.

  Lucas recognized the elderly woman walking toward him with a cane and swollen ankles. “Would you like to go ahead of us, Professor Atkins?” he asked her.

  She smiled, but her saggy, spotted skin camouflaged most of the grin. “Why, thank you, young man.”

  Lucas moved his brother aside to let the woman waddle past. It took her a good thirty seconds, giving Lucas plenty of time to sample her aroma: a powerful combination of hairspray and Ben Gay. All she was missing was blue hair and support hose.

  Lucas waited for her to move ahead before whispering into Drew’s ear, “I wonder if she knew Columbus?”

  Drew smiled through a partially held-back laugh, then said, “Maybe one of us should go find Trevor and let him know we’re s
tuck in line.”

  “I’m assuming that someone is me?”

  “Wow, that’s awfully nice of you, brother. I’ll stay here and keep our place in line.”

  Lucas found their Swedish lab assistant sitting at a table in the back of the dining area, his weightlifting belt and workout clothes still damp with perspiration and clinging to his well-defined physique.

  Everyone on campus knew who the imposing blonde figure was—Trevor Johansson, former Olympic wrestler turned scientist, a giant who could block out the sun at six foot seven inches tall. His enormous size rivaled that of a defensive lineman in the NFL—not an old school defensive lineman who was nothing but big and oafish, but one of the freakishly athletic new breed of linemen filling the broadcast screen on Sundays around America. Even his appetite was huge, with four plates sitting in front of him, overflowing with a pile of fruits and vegetables.

  “Having a little snack, are we?” Lucas said, using humor to disguise his trepidation around the giant.

  Trevor responded, his Swedish accent thick. “Ja, hungry. Vawnt some?”

  “No, thanks. I’m not a big fan of fruit. I’ll grab something else.”

  Each time Trevor put the fork to his mouth, his biceps came alive as the twisted cords of muscle and vein stretched the skin to the point of eruption. Drew was the only other person Lucas knew with arms close to that size.

  It wasn’t only his arms, though. Everything about Trevor was cut—even his jaw muscles bulged when he chewed. The guy could probably chew rocks.

  Trevor opened an issue of Olympic Coach magazine and turned to the table of contents. His meaty fingers struggled with the periodical’s flimsy paper.

  “You’re not thinking of leaving us, are you?” Lucas asked, trying to gauge his friend’s interest in the sports magazine.

  “No. I stay here,” Trevor said, flipping to an article with photos of two male wrestlers.

  “Are any of your old friends still on the team?”

  “Ja. They do vell. Two gold medals and a silver.”

  “Do you miss it?”

  “Ja, very much.”

  “Did they ever apologize for botching your drug tests?”

  Trevor stopped chewing in an instant, then his eyes glazed over and his face went blank. He looked down at his food in silence, not moving a muscle.

  Lucas knew he’d just upset his mammoth assistant, putting his foot in his mouth. He’d obviously crossed the line from professional colleague to nosy friend. He scrambled to change the subject. “Uh, did you order your tickets yet for the twenty-fifteen games in Orlando?”

  Life returned to Trevor’s face. “Tampa Bay. Ja, tickets ordered.”

  “Sorry, my bad. Shows you how much I know about the Olympics. I might have to actually watch some of the events this time, since our country’s hosting it.”

  Trevor only grunted before scooping up another spoonful of mixed fruit.

  Lucas had known Trevor for almost two years and had eaten with him countless times. He knew it was pointless to try to carry on a meaningful conversation with his lab assistant once the brute started replenishing his calories. Trevor was on the other side of thirty, but there certainly wasn’t anything wrong with his appetite—a byproduct, no doubt, of his over-charged metabolism.

  Trevor had started his academic career late but held twin doctorates in physics and computer engineering. Lucas was intimidated by his friend’s sheer size and would take odds that Trevor was probably the largest scientist on the planet.

  Even though Trevor was assigned to their team as his underling, Lucas never really felt comfortable about it. Trevor was almost nine years older than he was, and he often wondered how his Swedish friend felt about working for—as some of the other researchers called him—a grubby-faced youngster. Trevor never gave him any indication there was an issue, but Lucas was cautious nonetheless.

  “Okay, then. I guess I should get back to Drew. I just wanted to let you know we’re here, but it may take a few minutes to get through the line.”

  Lucas returned to the cafeteria door and saw Drew in trouble. A bespectacled, lanky student was standing between Drew and three burly students wearing red and blue rugby uniforms. The athletes were all tall, tan, and clearly spent far more time working on their muscles in the gym and lounging in the sun than they did studying in the library. Rugby wasn’t an official Pac-12 NCAA sport, but the members of the rugby club were every bit the arrogant jocks as the guys on the football team. They walked around campus like they owned the place and were notorious for getting drunk and picking on anyone they determined to be a geek.

  His eyes took in the facts, instantly realizing what was happening across the room: his disabled brother was being picked on, and the underweight kid with glasses was sticking up for him. Lucas couldn’t make out what Drew’s protector was saying, but it was obvious the skinny guy was arguing with the rugby jocks.

  Great, Lucas thought. Just what we need today. More bullshit. He took off for his brother.

  The tallest stranger, who sported a Mohawk-style haircut, grabbed the skinny kid and shoved him hard, sending him across the polished tile floor. He landed in an awkward sprawl.

  Then the burly jock took the handles on the back of Drew’s wheelchair and shoved it with force toward the back of the line. The chair wobbled to the right as it shot across the floor, sending the upper half of Drew’s body over the left armrest.



  Click the links below to grab your copies of this mind-altering trilogy today!





  Narrows of Time Series




  Time Jumper Series

  Shadow Games

  Shadow Prey

  Shadow Justice

  Note: these books were previously published under their respective “Glassford Girl” titles

  American Prepper Series

  Redfall: Fight for Survival

  Redfall: Freedom Fighters

  Redfall: Shadow Realm (coming soon)

  Redfall: Tracking Point (coming soon)

  Mission Critical Series

  Bunker: Born to Fight

  Bunker: Dogs of War

  Bunker: Code of Honor

  Bunker: Lock and Load (coming soon)

  For more information about the author or his books, please visit:



  This novel is dedicated to the loving memory of John and Dorothy.

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  and check out the Special Offers page. You’ll find some valuable goodies there.


  Bunker: Born to Fight (available now)

  Bunker: Dogs of War (available now)

  Bunker: Code of Honor (available now)

  Bunker: Lock and Load (coming soon)

  Click here for more information.


  Redfall: Fight for Survival (available now)

  Redfall: Freedom Fighters (available now)

  Redfall: Shadow Realm (coming soon)

  Redfall: Tracking Point (coming soon)

  Click here for more information.


  Linkage (available now)

  Incursion (available now)

  Reversion (available now)

  Click here for more information.


  Shadow Games (available now)

  Shadow Prey (available now)

  Shadow Justice (available now)

  Click here for more information.

  Note: these three books were previously published under their “Glassford Girl” titles


  Hey everybody, I have a huge favor to ask.

  Would you please post a star rating (5 stars being the highest) and a quick review to help get the word out about this book? It’ll only take a minute and doesn’t have to be long or involved. Just a sentence or two that tells other readers what you liked about the book. Your comments will help others know why they might like this book, too, and also provide feedback so I may write more of what you love to read.

  Most readers don’t realize that independent authors like myself don’t have the backing of a major publishing house or a marketing budget to speak of. We work long hours and usually two jobs, trying to gain footing in a very crowded marketplace. In the end, we are judged by our star ratings and reviews. They are very important and the lifeblood of our efforts. Without reviews, indie books like this one are almost impossible to market.

  Thank you in advance for your feedback and your support. With your help, I hope to someday achieve my lifelong dream of becoming a full time, successful writer.

  Take care and thank you for reading my work.



  Mr. Falconer was awarded the Gold Medal for Best Dystopia Book of 2016 (Redfall) by Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards. In addition to being an author, Mr. Falconer is also a survivalist, prepper, engineer, and Sci-Fi junkie. He lives in the mountains of northern Arizona where the brisk, clean air and stunning mountain views inspire his day.


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