Addictions of a Sex Demon

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Addictions of a Sex Demon Page 2

by Jaye Shields

  Sephina returned toward the establishment feeling quite mortified. She’d just been shunned. There’s a first time for everything. “Dunno, sis. Guess he didn’t get the happy ending he was looking for in there. Maybe this’ll just be a waste of time.”

  “Only one way to find out.” Zahra winked at her before pulling Lennox back down to her lips and disappearing under his large form.

  Sephina heaved a breath. She’d just have to take her chances with the humans. Readjusting her tight corset, she shoved her pink hair over her shoulder and entered the brothel with her head held high.

  “Welcome to Nymph’s Hideout.”

  “Oh, score! You have nymphs here?” Sephina perked up.

  The girl behind the counter looked down and guided a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. “Sorry. It’s just the name. We’re mostly human here. Okay, all human.” The girl bit her lip. “What are you?”

  “The kind of demoness that finds herself in need of a town cathouse, that’s for sure.”

  “I thought succubi looked less…human.”

  “It’s true. I’m one of the foxier succubi breeds. If you find yourself in the company of a pink-fleshed creature with needle-like teeth…well, that’s another story. Those are the kinds that haunt your dreams. Me, on the other hand, I like to make an impression, but no dream-bending abilities here. Now…I’m pretty horny and my body weakens without climax. Give me your best.” She placed some cash on the counter.

  “Of course. Sorry.” The girl looked down again and nervously took the money being offered.

  Sephina slammed her hand back down on the cash and stared deep into the nervous, brown eyes across from her. “Quit apologizing. A woman should never need to apologize for such trivial things. Those days are over.”

  The young woman smiled in response. “I’m Ananda. Let me introduce you to Catrina. She won’t let you down.”

  Sephina perked up at the girl’s beautiful smile. Obviously the young woman took a lot of crap at her job. Following the dainty blonde through a maze of hallways, Sephina finally arrived at a large, wooden door carved with the namesake of her concubine-to-be. Sephina immediately knew she wouldn’t be disappointed. She’d been to enough whorehouses to know if a girl had her name engraved in the door, she ranked as top babe.

  The young hostess opened the door to an elaborate, crimson and black decorated room. “Catrina. You have a special patron today. She’s a succubus.” Ananda bowed to the red-haired firecracker lying on the gigantic, red, silk-covered bed. The woman had legs nearly as long as Seph’s entire body. Subtle curves were on full display through a sheer black robe with a slit up the front. Ananda turned to Sephina and bowed before leaving the room, shutting the door softly on her way out.

  “A succubus?” The redhead purred as she crawled over the bed toward Sephina. Her long legs found the floor and Seph realized the woman was nearly six feet tall. Her bright red lips parted and silky vocals escaped. “I’m sure you’ve had countless partners, succubus. Let me assure you that I love a challenge.”

  Catrina was only inches away now and tilted her chin down to look at Sephina. The tall woman backed her customer against the wall. She then reached out and brushed past Sephina’s breast to lock the door. The sound of the metal clinking into place was the most erotic sound the succubus had heard in some time.

  The woman’s teeth caught Sephina’s lower lip. An emerald green gaze pierced into her eyes as if communicating the long night of pleasure to come. “I’m not the kind of concubine to be forgotten. Let me show you.”

  Catrina grabbed Sephina roughly by the top of her corset and threw her across the room onto the bed. Her breasts nearly escaped the confines of the tight top as she bounced on the soft mattress. Before she fully landed, the lithe body of her seductress was spread on top of her and talented hands already had Seph’s pants halfway pulled down. Holy hellplane. Never before had Sephina been so turned on by a woman. Especially a human woman.

  Tight leather was yanked from each leg until her core was exposed to the soft whisper of fresh air tickling her naked skin. Catrina’s hands found the inside of Sephina’s thighs and squeezed hard, prying them apart as she did so. Seph’s mouth watered at the sudden anticipation flooding her body. Wetness flooded her sex and she throbbed with need. Catrina better fulfill her promise or Sephina would have one hell of a pain between her legs when she left.

  The resident top babe’s lips hovered inches from Seph’s exposed slit, but she didn’t act. Sephina’s back arched with ready anticipation. Instead of tasting, Catrina pulled apart the walls of her client’s womanhood so that every inch of her femininity was exposed. Blowing against her moist center, the sensation of the breath hitting Sephina’s intimate skin sent spasms of pleasure through her body. The constant whoosh of air dried the wet heat that had gathered between her legs.

  Just when she least expected it, Catrina’s soft wet tongue collided against her most intimate crevice. Sephina’s body trembled with pleasure as the concubine teased between the folds with her tongue. Pulling away for only a moment, the temptress blew on her once more, ensuring that every stroke against her flesh would feel like the first time, sending new waves of ecstasy through her body. Gods, the woman knew what she was doing.

  Sephina’s back arched so hard, she was sure there’d be an indentation left in the bed when she was gone. Catrina’s hand crawled over the length of her corset until she reached the top where Sephina’s breasts heaved against the opening. The sensual human yanked the corset downward and the rough action caused Seph’s breasts to spring free. As the talented courtesan continued to massage the place between Seph’s legs with her tongue, she pinched a nipple with her free hand. The vixen’s other hand still held her customer’s pelvis down against the bed so that she couldn’t wriggle away from the pleasure.

  Sephina gasped in gratification and prepared for euphoria to consume her. She would never crack a joke about human females being bad lovers again. No way in hellplane. As if driving the point home, Catrina pushed into Seph’s slippery core with three fingers as she continued to swirl the swollen clitoris within her mouth.

  Overwhelmed by the dual sensations, heat exploded in a wave through Sephina’s body. She trembled as blissful satisfaction and vitality coursed through her veins. This concubine had just satisfied every need a sex demon required to survive. With climax came pleasure, but also, the spread of chemicals needed for a sex demon to thrive.

  Sephina’s chest heaved against the satisfaction still filtering through her body. The courtesan crawled over her and their nipples tickled each other from the close proximity.

  “How about another one for the road, just to make sure I’m your go-to girl?” Catrina smiled wickedly.

  “I like your style, human.” Sephina closed her eyes to prepare for the next round of bed play. Perhaps this town wouldn’t be so bad to settle in after all.

  Chapter 3

  Axel slammed the door to his home, gritting his teeth through the pain. The heat was nearly upon him and he still hadn’t been able to find a maiden and manage to control his ecstasy at the same time. He’d been in the arms of a lovely concubine in town, and just about to climax with the female, when he realized his hands had set fire to the bedding. The heat of his skin had seared right through the sheets. The scent of smoke was so familiar to him, he hadn’t even noticed until the woman’s screams filled the room. He’d pulled out immediately to ensure he didn’t hurt her, of course. The anti-flame condom he’d been wearing had likely saved her. Perhaps he should commission the company to make gloves as well.

  He launched a fist through the wall at the infuriating thought. He’d need to travel out of town in search of another quetzalem. But they were rare and he knew his chances of success were slim. Besides, cities in the realm Aerion were far in-between. He only had about one day before the heat. There was one town he hadn’t yet visited, but he was leery of venturing there in case one of the humans reported the presence of a quetzalem to any hunters

  Axel recalled his rushed exit from the whorehouse. He’d nearly trampled a small woman with bright pink hair. Generally, Axel considered himself a gentleman, but he’d left her behind, offended and pissed at the collision. He couldn’t help it, he’d needed to get home and find release.

  Axel was fingering the button of his spider-leather pants when a knock came at the front door. He continued undressing, choosing to ignore the visitor. The knock sounded again. “Please, Stavros! We saw you return. We need your help.”

  Fucking hellplane! Axel was at the door in an instant and threw it open. It slammed against the wall hard enough to puncture it. “What is it?”

  “Axel, thank the gods.” Baldir of the Aerion Trolls stood with his only daughter in his arms. Many breeds of troll were thick in girth, but the young woman’s usually plump form was thin and sickly. “She’s been ill for two days. I know not what is wrong. Please, Axel. I don’t know what else to do. I’ve tried everything.”

  The last pains in Axel’s groin fled, replaced now by the determination to help the man’s daughter. “You know the consequences, Baldir?”

  The troll nodded in response, his hairy brows furrowing deep with knowledge. Axel was renowned as the town healer, but with his services came very specific side effects.

  Axel took the young woman into his arms and strode into a back room, leaving the troll behind. Lying Baldir’s daughter, Rosey, on his bed, Axel inhaled deeply, commanding his scales to penetrate his usually soft skin. First the scales hardened, and then they slowly peeled back against the flesh until they pointed outward like tiny weapons.

  Axel drew his wrist over one of the sharp scales until blood formed. Placing it over the unconscious girl’s lips, he let his warm crimson livelihood slide into her mouth. A few drops would be enough. He brought his hand away after only a moment, making sure she wouldn’t choke on the liquid. Instead, the small dose of dragon demon blood he’d given her would be absorbed straight into her system like a vitamin.

  She’d be healed in a night’s time, but she’d have powerful, erotic dreams of him. All quetzalem blood provided this side effect when consumed by a woman—a powerful mechanism to ensure the survival of the race. If consumed by a man, quetzalem blood induced nightmarish hallucinations of violence. In all cases, it was worth it because Axel’s blood had saved many lives. This was why he was the town’s most valuable healer. When possible, he distributed herbs and tonics, but situations like this one called for his unique treatment. Another reason he avoided traveling to other towns. Quetzalem blood was a hot commodity, and the last thing he wanted was a bunch of groupies or hunters on his doorstep.

  Wiping a dot of blood from her lips, Axel gathered Rosey into his arms and took her back through the house to her father. Baldir gratefully thanked him, and as usual, Axel refused payment. Healing was his gift, and dealing at night allowed him to live comfortably without charging for his healing services.

  Seeing the father and still-unconscious daughter out the door, Axel returned to the solace of his home to contemplate his own situation. The thinning of the brimstone in his body made him weak, and sharing his blood, although only a little, had made him feel even weaker. He had to find a mate and he had to find one fast.

  * * * *

  When night finally came, Axel decided he was too unnerved to deal. He’d just finished distributing some ginger ’shrooms and already his bones were beginning to chill. The brimstone was waning, weakening him. Pleasuring himself after the trolls had gone did nothing. As he patrolled the dark alleys, Axel knew he was on edge and would likely end up in some kind of brawl. Maybe that’d be a good idea. After all, he needed to work off some steam.

  “Hey, stud. You’re awfully tempting, you know. I have this rule about dealers and you make me want to break it.”

  Axel turned at the smoky invitation and would have sworn he’d heard the vocals of a fellow dragon demon. The pure sound of her voice heated his blood to molten lava. Instead of a quetzalem, he found the hot-pink haired vixen from town. In the dark alley, her eyes glowed like fireflies. He’d never seen a gaze so beautiful. His veins may have been laced with brimstone, but her eyes were tiny orbs of fire shining through the darkness.

  “What are you?” he asked.

  “A girl with a craving.” She drew a tongue over full, pink lips. “Make that two cravings.”

  Her bluntness left him a speechless idiot. His dick slowly hardened, his eyes raking over her sinfully curvaceous form.

  “I see you have a hunger as well.” She licked her lips once more, taking her time, painting a perfect seduction. The way her mouth parted, he imagined sliding his hard cock into the soft, wet warmth of her throat. Her eyes narrowed on his groin. “You’re lucky I don’t have a thing for gentlemen. Now, maybe if we can take care of this first need, we can satisfy the second one together.”

  She strode toward him and grabbed the hardening mass between his muscular thighs, giving it a good squeeze, as if appraising him for the future. He groaned at the unexpected affection.

  “Who are you?” he asked, searching the angelic, young face of the woman. Her eyes were like amber.

  “I told you. A lady with a craving. You must be new at this whole drug dealer thing. We don’t generally exchange names. Now, a palm of ground fae wing would be great.”

  The siren with the sweet face wanted one of the most dangerous drugs on the market? The desire stirring in his gut turned to something else, concern.

  * * * *

  Sephina tapped her foot against the wet cobblestone of the alley floor. The handsome demon was quickly getting on her nerves. Why did the sexy ones have to be so slow? Not wanting him to see her hands shake, she jammed them into her back pockets. As a result, her chest filled most of the small space between them. If that didn’t entice him, she didn’t know what would. She waited for him to retrieve the drug and, for the first time, she got a good look at his face. His cool, blue skin was the color of steel, glinting in the moonlight. Jet black hair framed sinfully blue eyes, the kind that had women stripping off their panties. Feeling itchy once more, Seph reached out to touch his skin.

  He caught her wrist with a firm grasp. “I don’t sell fae wing. It’s dangerous and addictive.” His neon blue eyes seared into her, his words cutting like a knife. “From the trembling of your hand, I can see you are already familiar with its qualities.”

  “Not as familiar as I’d like to be right now,” she muttered before noticing his jaw lock in place. He was angry, but why? “Oh, I know. You never got your happy ending earlier. Well, you give me the fae wing and I’ll rectify that.”

  His hands found her ass, and in a flash she was carried through the air and her back slammed against the wall. His voice grumbled, low and thick with danger. “How about you rectify that anyway and I distract you, because I’m not going to be selling you fae wing, nor will I let anyone else in this town.”

  “Fuck.” Desperation and desire collided together. Before she had time to decide which one pulled rank, the blue-eyed demon plundered her mouth. His tongue parted her lips and the erotic precision had her head tilting against the wall.

  A slave to her own lust, she allowed him further exploration. His hands squeezed the soft curves of her ass tighter until she groaned. The outline of the brick wall molded into her back as the demon worked the inside of her mouth with his tongue. Her lips betrayed a moan as he continued to erotically massage her ass. She’d almost forgotten her purpose for being there. She bit down on his lip nearly hard enough to draw blood.

  The demon released her from the kiss, but used the momentum to hoist her from around his waist up to his shoulders. Her back hit the wall once more, but this time, her short, leather skirt bunched around her hips and her thighs straddled his face.

  “Shit!” She gasped when he didn’t hesitate. The dedicated demon nuzzled her most intimate flesh and kissed her there, plunging his tongue deep inside of her.

  She screamed at the pleasure. Her skull collided w
ith the wall behind her, but the ecstasy exploding between her legs was so great that she didn’t even care about the headache she’d have later. His tongue circled her clit before his lips locked on to suckle. Her hands went to his hair, grabbing on for dear life as a climax slammed into her. His tongue swept deep into her core as if he lived to taste the evidence of her satisfaction. He groaned as he delighted in her flesh one last time. She shuddered when the lick traced the length of her feminine walls and caressed her sensitive bud.

  “That was fast,” he whispered against her inner thigh. It came out like a sensual growl that sounded nearly as pleasured as she was.

  Mortification replaced ecstasy. “Fast, you say?” Sephina grasped his neck and swung down in an easy move. She didn’t even bother tugging down her skirt. Instead, she went straight for his fly and yanked open his pants. His long, thick cock sprung free and her mouth watered in anticipation. She’d show him fast. He’d see what wonders a succubus could work between her lips.

  A primal moan echoed in the alley as she took him in her mouth. She slid down his shaft and the taste of cinder popped against her tongue. She purred with delight at the unexpected smoky taste of his flesh. Oh gods, he’s yummy. She moved up and down his hard rod, savoring the way the thick mass fit in her mouth. She tightened her hold on the base of his penis until he groaned. As her fingers squeezed his wide girth, his veins thickened beneath her touch, pumping the evidence of his impending climax.

  “Wait!” He jerked away from her. “Are you okay?”

  “Probably better than you at this moment.” She glared at him. What kind of man sabotaged his own climax?

  “You can’t touch me. I’m on fire—”

  “I have that effect on people.” Still crouching only a foot away, Sephina kicked out with her leg and sent the demon to the ground. In a flash, she knelt between his legs to finish what she started. She sucked harder this time, knowing full well he might try to sever the connection once more. Hell no, she wouldn’t let some strange, blue-skinned demon one-up her on the pleasure scale.


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