The Mating Project

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The Mating Project Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  "Say that again, please. I don't think I heard you right."

  The breathy little words wrapped themselves around him, and he ducked his head to inhale her beloved scent. A shudder went through her when he let his canines graze against the sensitive skin behind her ear. His wolf urged him to mark her, so that everyone around knew she was his, but it would place her in even more danger, and he wanted to do this right. He wanted her family's permission, because, no matter how much she railed and cursed at her parents, Malachi knew she loved them. She would go against their wishes, if she had to. He could sense that quiet determination inside her, but he also knew she would wither and die without their approval. And he couldn't, wouldn't, let that happen.

  "I love you, princess."

  Her cat's sigh of submission calmed his wolf, and he grinned at her feisty reply.

  "I'm not a princess."

  Tear shimmered on her eyelashes when he pulled back again so that he could see her expression.

  "No, but you're my princess."

  Her mouth fell slightly open, and this time he did kiss her. Maria melted against him, and he put all of his emotions and all of his hopes for the future into the kiss. She kissed him back, their tongues dueling for supremacy, until he fisted his hands in her hair and she surrendered to him with a sigh.

  He broke the kiss with difficulty, and he groaned when she cupped his cock through his jog pants and whispered.

  "Yes, I'm your princess. God help me, I shouldn't be, but I am. I love you, too."

  Something broke in him at those words, and he scooped her up and wordlessly carried her back to his room. She shrugged out of the tee the minute he placed her in the middle of his bed, and his throat went dry when she lay back and spread her legs wide in a silent offering

  It gave him the perfect view of her wet cunt. Pink, puffy, and still slightly swollen from last night's exploits, her outer lips glistened with her natural lubrication, and already her clit peeked out of its hooded hiding place. A tremor went through her when he took off his sweat pants and fisted his heavy erection.

  "Touch yourself for me, princess. Let me see how much you want this."

  Her eyes widened, but she opened her legs wider and parted her pussy lips with her fingers until nothing was hidden from his view, and he groaned, as another trickle of her arousal left her pussy hole and ran a path down into the cleft of her ass. He had to taste her. A whimper went through her when he grasped her hips and tilted them up to give him even better access. Her hands went in his hair at the first swipe of his tongue along her soaked slit, and she arched her back.

  "Oh, yes, yes. Just there. Oh, Malachi, please…"

  He pulled back and blew against her quivering pussy. She mewled and tried to tighten her thighs, but he simply shouldered her legs further apart and laughed.

  "Oh no. I want to watch you fall apart like this. I want to see your cunt quiver and shake and your juices gush for me as I watch." He used his thumb to circle her nubbin as he spoke, and Maria let go off his hair and clutched the bed sheets instead as her hips jerked in involuntary movements that told him how close she was. In truth he, too, was grinding his aching cock into the bed to relieve some of the pressure building up in his balls.

  "God, please, I can't. Help me."

  He increased the pressure and speed with which he manipulated her clit, and Maria's movements grew more frantic. Her pussy lips got darker as blood rushed to that area, and her body grew tight and almost bowed off the bed. The most endearing blush spread over her chest and up into her face, as the sheen of arousal coated her skin. When he thrust two fingers into her clenching pussy, her walls gripped them tight, and the tiny tremors told him how close she was to release. He forced the tissues apart by adding a third digit, until he found the little bump that would drive her wild with need.

  Maria swore, and for the longest time she stilled, trying to catch her breath as her body pulled his fingers deeper and deeper and the tremors got wilder. She gushed for him, soaking them both, and Malachi curled his fingers up and pushed.

  It was what she needed to get her off over the edge, and he watched as her eyes flew open and she screamed as her release washed over.

  On and on he pushed her, until she begged him to stop, and he grinned and licked her clean. It was only when the last tremors stopped that he reached across to grab a condom, but Maria's breathless words stopped him.

  "Please, don't. I want to feel all of you. I'm on the pill, and … Oh."

  He'd meant to go easy on her. She would still be sore for him, but the minute his dick breached her hole his wolf took over. The feel of her hot, silken walls closing around him proved too much. The tiny tremors still shaking her vagina squeezed his cock, and when she tightened her internal muscles around him, he was a goner. His balls drew tight, and his orgasm shot through him, as he thrust into her like a madman. Maria kissed him, and their hands interlinked as he emptied his cum deep inside the clasp of her body. He ground his hips into hers until he bumped his cock against her clit with every thrust in and out, and Maria came again. Her orgasm milked his dick until he was completely spent, and, eyes locked, they stared at each other.

  When her aftershocks finally stopped he bent to kiss her again, and Maria sighed against his lips as his softening cock slipped out of her. He rolled sideways, taking her with him and she curled into his side with a content sigh.

  They stayed like that for the longest time, until Maria propped herself up on one elbow. Her long blonde locks wrapped themselves around them both, and he brushed them off her face better to see her face.

  "Where is Silas gone?"

  Maria looked so worried again his wolf whined.

  "He's gone to speak to Cole Jackson."

  Chapter Fourteen

  The ominous conversation she'd had with Malachi a week ago forced its way back into Maria's mind as she watched Cole Jackson work the room. There was no mistaking his presence. The tall bear shifter demanded attention wherever he went. It was hard to believe that a week had passed already. A week in which she'd spent every minute of her spare time with Malachi and Silas. They should be with her now, here, at this gathering. Instead she was playing hide away from Anton and every other unmated shifter around. It was beyond ridiculous. The only bright spark had been her little cousins and the obvious happiness that surrounded her brothers and their mate.

  It had even wrung a reluctant smile from her dad. He seemed extraordinarily troubled tonight. Maria tried her best to stay away from him, too. She was not taking any chances that he might grab her and use the occasion to announce her intended mating with Anton or something.

  Emmi had proven to be the distraction she'd hoped for. Even Maria had been taken aback when Cole had introduced her to Maria's father. The little human was still human, but her scent had changed completely. Anyone would think she was a bear shifter, and as happy as Maria was for her friend, she was also insanely jealous.

  Emmi had Cole's protection, and no one dared argue with him. Not only was he one of the few remaining originals, he was also head of the council's security team. The man had by all accounts been delighted to have Silas on his team. He had been less enthused about the return of Malachi.

  It seemed De Souza had managed to link Malachi's name to all sort of heinous crimes, and it had taken all of Silas's considerable negotiation skills to get Cole to even listen to what he had to say.

  A smile played around Maria's lips as she recalled Silas's account of their conversation. Her righteous Professor had resorted to blackmail to get what he wanted. It was a measure of Silas's reputation and skill that Cole hadn’t simply taken his head off for that impertinence.

  Instead they had struck a deal. Silas was joining Cole's team of scientists in return for Cole's support in reinstating Malachi. The shifter had made no promises, but he'd agreed to look into the evidence Malachi and Silas had amassed against De Souza, which had left the three of them at a standstill.

  Not as far as their relationship went,
of course. No, that was coming on in leaps and bounds. If only they didn't have that Damocles sword hanging over them. Maria had never been happier or sadder in her entire life. The seesaw of emotion was starting to take its toll, and now she'd lost Emmi in the crowd. Cole, too, seemed to be searching for her, and Maria watched in horror as he took off at a run, changing into his bear as he did so. Doug, the original elephant shifter, stomped after him, and even her brothers shifted and took off.

  Most of the assembled shifters reacted to the threat in the air, and Maria's cat, too, strained to be let free. A horrible, paralyzing fear, gripped her as doors crashed open and the breeze brought with it the scent of blood—Emmi's blood.

  Good God, no.

  With the sounds of fighting in her ears Maria took off. There wasn't room for her to shift fully in the crush of people that strained to see what was going on, but her cat's abilities came in handy as she jumped over people's shoulders until one of Cole's security team stopped her from entering into the room.

  She didn't need to go in to realize what happened. The once cozy sunroom had morphed into a murder scene. The mutilated bodies of several shifters lay on the floor, including a she-bear, who had once been rumored to be Cole Jackson's mate. But it was the man himself that had the blood freeze in her veins. Back in his human form he cradled an unconscious Emmi in his arms. The side of her face was exposed down to the bone due to what looked the swipe of a massive paw, and her entire torso was covered in blood. So much blood that Maria had to swallow down her bile. Good God, the baby.

  It was the heavy erection that dug into her ass, however, which made her bring up her earlier hors d' oeuvres, as Anton's sickly smell wrapped itself around her.

  "I'll take care of her. You clean up this mess."

  He yanked her head back by her hair and lifted her clean off the floor, by wrapping his arm around her waist.

  With murmured apologies of, coming through, she feels faint, pardon me, he barged them through the crowd. Maria fought him like a wild cat, but she was no match for his superior strength. Her claws left screeching marks on the corridors as she dug them into the plaster in a vain attempt to stop his relentless progress.

  He slammed her into a wall and pushed his arm into her neck with enough force to cut off her air supply, and his hot breath singed her eyebrows as he leant in close.

  "Oh, yes, do fight, little cat. Makes breaking your spirit so much easier. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be screaming my name, and every thought of your pathetic little human will have left your brain. Think he's safe, now that he's working for Jackson, do you? Simpletons, the lot of you. Jackson couldn't even protect his so called little human mate. I hope she dies and her abominable offspring with her. Jackson knows the rules better than anyone. Bloodlines need to be protected, not diluted."

  Maria's vision dimmed as she struggled to breathe, and it was a huge relief when there was a curious crunch, and his hold on her lessened.

  "What the fuck do you think you're doing to my daughter?"

  Her mother's outraged screech rang in her ears, and Anton's growl was cut off as her diminutive mother swung the heavy frying pan again and made contact with the side of Anton's head. The cougar shifter stumbled and shook his head. As heavy as the blow had been it only stunned him for a second, and then he yanked the pan out her mother's hand and threw it away. It smashed though the kitchen window, and Maria threw herself on top of her mother, to protect her from the blow that never came. Instead Malachi's and Silas's scent surrounded them, and the sounds of vicious fighting could be heard.

  "Here, little cat, I've got you. Mrs. Anderson, can you stand? Let me help you."

  "Silas? What are you doing here?"

  Before he could answer her, the shrill sound of whistles deafened them all, and security swept in, and separated Malachi and Anton.

  The cougar shifter's face was a mess where Malachi must have got a few good punches in and he didn't look much better. Blood ran down his face from a cut above his eyes, but he paid it no heed. His gaze bored into hers, and Maria shrugged Silas off her and ran toward him.

  "Hands off the prisoner, miss," the stoic guard told her, and Maria's cat hissed at the bear.

  "Malachi isn't a prisoner. He's my mate, and he just saved my mother’s and my lives. Let him go, damn you."

  "I've got my orders, miss."

  "And I'll revoke them. This is my house. You heard my daughter. Let the man go." Her father's voice came to her rescue, and Maria breathed a sigh of relief when Malachi's arms pulled her in close.

  Silas, too, appeared at her back, and, cocooned by her mates, she let the tears fall.


  A heavy silence sat on the room as they waited for news. Maria's father had taken charge after the kitchen incident. He hadn't looked at Maria once, but he hadn't tried to pry her away from Silas and Malachi either. Even now she sat between them, clutching one hand each. Malachi had cleaned up somewhat, having borrowed one of Carter's shirts of all things, whilst Silas had explained who they were.

  He had charmed her mother instantly, and her eyes had grown wide when he'd pulled down his shirt and had shown both her parents Maria's mark on his shoulder.

  Maria had stiffened her shoulders against the rebuke she'd been expecting, but her mother had simply pulled an embarrassed looking Silas in for a hug, and her father had sniffed him and nodded.

  Her father’s eyes had narrowed, and he'd surprised them all by turning round to a shouting Anton and telling him to shut the fuck up.

  The cougar shifter had rallied against the two guards holding him down, but he'd been no match for the two bears.

  "You can't talk to me like that. You, a mere councilor, should be bowing at my knees that I'm willing to take your whoring daughter off your hands."

  Malachi had shot off his feet ready to do some more damage, but her father had stopped him.

  "You lay another hand on him, you'll be arrested. If you care about my daughter, you stay out of this, and you, De Souza, I remind you again, this is my house, and original or not, the rules apply to you, too. As of this moment I revoke any prior claim you might have had on my daughter, and I ban you from my house. You as much as come within a few feet of my territorial lines, I'll claim the ancient blood rites, and my boys and I will hunt you down." He turned away from a spitting De Souza. "Now remove that scum from my property, please, guards."

  Carter and Jake had growled their agreement, and De Souza had finally shut up. The bear shifters had bundled him out of the house, and they had all been prisoners in their own house since then.

  De Souza could not touch them on her father's lands, but he was gathering his cronies and his influence to further denounce all their names. Maria was desperate to see Emmi. The human had come through surgery all right, and her little boy was making good progress in special care, but her life still hung in the balance, and that meant Cole Jackson hadn't left her side.

  Without his influence they were stuck, and it was slowly driving everyone ‘round the bend.

  "Tea, anyone?" Her mother's voice broke the silence, and Maria shook her head.

  Silas sighed and stood up to take a cup of the fragrant brew of Judith.

  "You know, my mother always used to say a good cup of tea cured all ills." Silas shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "I'm not sure it does, but I did develop a liking for tea."

  Smile, little cat, it will be okay.

  His voice in her head did kick her lips up a bit.

  Call that a smile, baby? You'll turn the milk sour in my cup.

  Get out of my head, Silas.

  No, I rather like it there. Shame wolf boy can’t hear us. He knows we're talking. Look at that scowl.

  This time Maria did have to laugh, because Malachi was indeed scowling. He bared his teeth at Silas, and the human threw his head up in mock horror.

  Oooh, look the scary wolf look. Should I run away frightened?

  Perhaps you should.

  Her mother's tea cup clatte
red to the floor, and the sound made them all jump.

  "Gunnar, they're talking to each other. Look."

  Finally she catches on. I know she's your mum, but seriously, talk about blonde.

  Oy, you, that's my mum you're talking about.

  Silas took another sip of tea and winked at her. Her father frowned and for the first time since the incident looked at her.

  "That's impossible." He stepped closer and sniffed Silas again, and Malachi's wolf growled.

  "Quit sniffing him, cougar. He's not a damn dog."

  Oh, and wolfie has finally caught up. I swear that cougar must have hit him too hard.

  Silas, what are you playing at?

  Making a point, little cat. Just making a point.

  Silas whistled in seeming nonchalance, and Malachi shot out of his seat and stepped between Silas and her father.

  "Look, wolf. I appreciate that you saved my daughter's life…" Gunnar Anderson looked pained, and he balled his hands into fists. "Twice now, and she seems to think you're her mate, but you haven't claimed her, and this is none of your concern."

  "That's where you're wrong, Anderson," Malachi said.

  Her father's cougar rose up, and her brothers, too, jumped to their feet. Maria would have intervened, but her mother and Anastasia stopped her as the men's animals growled at each other.

  "Let them. They need to hash this out."

  One of the triplets chose that moment to wake up, and Anastasia scooped the little boy up and handed him to Maria.

  "Here, look after your cousin, lest you decide to do something stupid. His sister will no doubt demand my … there you go, it's feeding time. Let me sort her out while you and mum hold the boys."

  Sure enough the third baby woke up, too, and Maria's mum cradled him while Anastasia fed the little girl.

  Carter and Jake glanced across, their attention momentarily diverted, and Carter's eyes narrowed when Silas took the little boy out of Maria's shaking arms and expertly moved him up to his shoulder.


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