All About The Tempo (BWWM, Celebrity, Billionaire, Pregnancy)

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All About The Tempo (BWWM, Celebrity, Billionaire, Pregnancy) Page 2

by Tamara Adams

  At least she wouldn't be hungry.


  Justin froze under the lights as the music built. Then he sprung into a solo dance sequence. He'd been here since dawn with the choreographer and he had it down. Parts of the shoot would be improvisation though, especially when he sang to his 'love interest.'


  Normally these videos had multiple women, or one famous one. He'd had the top female rapper on his last hit single and they'd acted as each others love interest in that shoot. But this was different.

  This time he was actually going to try and date her.

  Date. That was funny. Usually he just hooked up with girls who made themselves available to him. But this girl was different. Proper. He could tell that he wouldn't get anywhere by playing it fast and loose. Besides, she didn't look like she spent a lot of time in night clubs, where he'd met 90% of the women he'd slept with over the past decade.

  And there had been a lot of women. None of them had made a lasting impression on him though. He shook his head. He knew he wouldn't forget Cerise if she slept with him.

  Not if. When.

  He grabbed a bottle of water when they were done with the sequence and patted himself down. The makeup girls crowded around him to powder him up before the next shot.

  That's when he saw her.

  Dear God.

  Cerise was trussed up in a black corset and a short white tutu. Stiletto heels with ribbons wound their way up her slender but shapely calves. Her breasts were thrust high, gleaming lusciously over the black lace corset. Her waist was so tiny that he remembered once again how hungry she had been that morning.

  The girl looked gorgeous but too thin.

  He wanted to feed her.

  He wanted to take care of her.

  But most of all, he wanted to get her into his bed.


  He inhaled sharply and forced himself to relax. He had to be cool, not freak the girl out. And he needed to figure out how to get her to go out with him.

  Hopefully tonight.

  Not to mention pulling off a hit video in two days.

  Jackson waved them both over to a different area of the sound stage.

  A gleaming white chair stood on a lit up platform. She would perform while he danced around her, serenading her.

  He got a little hot and bothered just thinking about it.

  The team led Cerise over and got her settled in her chair. First they would shoot her playing by herself. Then they would shoot them together.

  He watched as they carried over the antique cello they'd rented for her. Her eyes grew wide as she took in the beautiful instrument. Other than her skin, it was the only thing on the set that wasn't black or white.

  It gleamed with the oils they used to treat the wood. But nothing compared to the way Cerise gleamed.

  Hell, she glowed.

  Her long legs were prominently displayed as she placed them on either side of the cello. Her slender but muscular arms held the bow at the ready. She looked up and waited for Jackson to give her the signal.

  They fussed around her for a little while adjusting the lights. Then the AD shouted 'clear!' and a moment later Jackson shouted 'action!"

  She started playing as the wind machine came on. It made the music harder to hear but that was okay. It was a visual spectacle beyond anything he'd seen before. Her long hair streamed out behind her as the cameras moved in and around her. Floor to ceiling curtains billowed in the background and the enormous chandelier swayed in the artificial wind.

  He watched for an hour while they shoot and reset several times. Then it was time for him to serenade her. Later they would do it all over again in different clothing in a different setting. Tomorrow they would shoot outside, weather permitting.

  "JW! You're up."

  Jackson and Justin walked over the Cerise. She'd stopped playing and was watching them with a neutral look on her face. She literally gave nothing away. He couldn't tell if she even found him attractive.

  Not that he'd ever been turned down by a woman in his life. But he sure didn't want to start now.

  Close up, she looked even hotter.

  "Okay so Justin's going to dance around you now. Just ignore him and keep playing."

  "Oh. Okay."

  She glanced up at Justin and gave him a small smile.

  Justin's heart felt like it was melting, she was so dang cute.

  He was going to make it as hard as possible for her to ignore him.

  Very hard indeed.

  The music started.


  "What are you doing later?

  "Excuse me?"

  "When we wrap for the day. Are you busy?"

  "Oh, um."

  She'd spent half the day trying to ignore the best looking man she'd seen in her life as he put the moves on her. For the video of course.

  Now he was staring at her earnestly. Was he- oh god was Justin Westlake asking her out?

  "I'd really love to collaborate with you."

  He grinned at her.

  "Musically I mean."

  "Oh. I have homework to do tonight." "But you have to eat right?"

  She shrugged.

  "Look, if I get you home by a decent hour then you can still do your homework. Besides we both need to be up early tomorrow anyway."

  He was grinning at her again. There was something about that smile that said 'I'm harmless.'

  But she very much doubted that.

  She squared her shoulders and decided to take him up on the challenge.

  "Okay. Thanks."

  His smile grew even wider and he pulled out his phone.

  "Great, I'll make a reservation. Is there anything in particular you like? Seafood?"

  "That's fine. I'm not picky."

  He laughed.

  "I'll leave you to get changed. Unless you want to wear that to dinner?"

  He gestured to her latest ensemble. A skin tight mini dress in a black and white print. Now it was her turn to laugh.

  "No, that's okay thanks."

  He winked and left her to change back into her street clothes. She felt self conscious suddenly, pulling on her cheap old clothes. She tucked her hair back behind her ears and picked up her backpack.

  "See you tomorrow Cerise!"

  "Thanks. See you."

  She pushed open the door to the outside and the freezing cold air.

  Justin was standing outside by a stretch limo. When she got closer she realized that he wasn't wearing his glasses.

  She could finally see his beautiful blue eyes. Those eyes seemed to look right through her.

  Suddenly she knew she was in way over her head.


  Justin leaned back in the limo and stared at the beautiful girl across from him.

  The very beautiful, very nervous girl.

  For a moment he was almost hopeful that she was uncomfortable because he was famous. If that was the case, getting her into bed would be easy.

  Really easy.

  But he was starting to suspect that she was just inexperienced and shy. It made things much more complicated from his point of view. It also made her even more appealing.

  If that were possible.

  She looked up and caught him staring at her mouth. He exhaled through his lips, sending her an unspoken signal. He could't hide his desire from her if he tried.

  Cerise blushed and glanced away quickly, confirming his suspicions. She was inexperienced with men. Dayum if that wasn't a turn on. He knew he had his work cut out for him. And then some.

  She wrapped her hands around her arms, looking very young and tender.

  "Here, take my jacket."

  "Oh, that's alright."

  He slid closer and settled his lightweight wool Armani jacket over her shoulders. She looked good in it.

  She'd look good in anything.


  "Did you forget yours at home or something?"

  "My what?"

p; He raised his eyebrows at her.

  "Oh. I lost my coat last year. It got stolen. I haven't gotten a new one yet."

  A crazy feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. The girl was obviously dirt poor. Maybe if he offered to take care of her she'd just fall into his arms… somehow he didn't think it would be that easy though. And as much as he wanted to take care of her, the stiff way she held her back made him doubtful that she'd let him.

  A gold digger, she was not.

  "So have you written much music yourself? Other than playing so well I mean."

  She gave him a small shrug. Everything she did was controlled, specific. She expressed so much in that one movement.

  "We have to write music as part of our curriculum. But performance has been my focus. I do like it though. Writing I mean."

  He smiled. Finally she was talking.

  "So why not do more?"

  She frowned and looked away.

  "I'm always in class or at work it seems like. But someday…"

  She trailed off, looking abashed.

  "Someday what?"

  Cerise lifted her beautiful face to his.

  "Someday I'll have all the time I need. I'll live in a beautiful house and have a music room. And then I'll write."

  He just stared at her. It sounded nice. He had a sudden vision of himself there with her.

  Of course in his vision they were both naked and sprawled on top of a pile of sheet music.

  The limo pulled to a stop.

  "We're here."

  They were met by the maitre de at the limo door and led into the restaurant. Justin took the opportunity to place his hand on her lower back and guide her to their table. It was crazy how just that basic contact sent a thrill through him.

  They sat down and dutifully listened to the specials. Her eyes widened when she looked over the menu.

  "Do you want wine?"

  She shook her head and he smiled.

  "Probably a good idea. After all, we both have to work tomorrow."

  "Everything looks so good. I don't know what to get."

  "Do you want me to order for you?"

  "Oh- I suppose so. Thank you."

  "I promise you won't be disappointed. So now, let's get down to business. I'm working on a new album. I'd love to include some classical hooks on it."

  "That sounds different."

  "It will be. So, are you in?"


  "Will you help me with my album? I'll pay you of course. Well, the label will anyway."

  "Oh. I'm not sure I have time."

  "We can work around your class schedule."

  "And my job."

  He was starting to get annoyed. She was so damn elusive! It was starting to drive him insane.

  "This is a job. And it's going to pay a hell of a lot better than whatever else it is you do."

  "I know. And I'm grateful. But I made a commitment to the quartet. We have prior engagements. I can't just…"

  "Dip out?"

  She nodded earnestly. He sighed. He was going to have to wait to get his time in with her. He hated waiting.

  But he knew she would be worth it.

  For the music, and for him. And not just because of her talent and beauty. There was something pure about her.

  Something good.

  He hadn't seen or touched anything like it since he was a kid on Christmas morning.

  There was no way in hell he was letting this girl out of his sight.


  Cerise closed her eyes and sighed. She'd never tasted something so good in her life. Each bite had been better than the last.

  Justin had ordered them both the surf and turf. And a platter of seafood cocktail. And a bottle of champagne, despite her misgivings.

  He'd said it was worth it, just to have a few sips.

  He'd been right. It really did go perfectly with steamed lobster and fillet mignon. The creamy spinach and baked sweet potato were equally delicious.

  Halfway through she'd felt like she was going to burst so he suggested taking the rest home in a doggy bag. She'd eagerly agreed. That would be dinner for two days at least.

  Cerise was nothing if not thrifty.

  Throughout the meal he'd asked her about herself, her childhood, her family. He'd asked about her dreams and aspirations, sharing some of his own. He'd told her funny stories about being raised by a single mom. Cerise had laughed more than she'd expected and been more relaxed than she could have imagined.

  He'd offered desert, even going so far as to order a chocolate mouse and attempting to feed her several bites. She'd been able to suppress an unladylike groan which made him chuckle. He'd paid, leaving the waiter what looked like a two hundred dollar tip.

  Then he'd guided her to the waiting limo and into the back seat. She stared out the window dreamily as he stared at her. She knew he was watching her. For some reason it didn't bother her like it usually did.

  He talked about the kind of music he wanted to write and a few songs he thought could use her touch. If she collaborated on more than one song, it could transform the album and create a through line to tie it all together. He was always looking for ways to layer the complexity of his music, and this would be something really different.

  Justin really lit up when he talked about his music. It made him even more attractive than he already was.

  It made him dangerous.

  Finally they pulled up to her house near Van Cortland Park in the Bronx.

  He walked her to the door and smiled at her. She could tell he wanted to kiss her. But she was no fool. He was a huge star and she was a nobody. If she gave into his flirtations she would only get hurt.

  And he'd forget her in two seconds flat.

  "I'll see you tomorrow. And we can hammer out a schedule for working on the new song."


  "Justin. Call me Justin."

  "Goodnight Justin."

  She walked inside and locked the door. She knew she should get some sleep but butterflies kept her up for another hour.

  Justin Westlake wanted to kiss her.

  Justin Westlake wanted to collaborate with her.

  If you'd told her a week ago that she'd be starring in a music video or collaborating on a pop album she would have told you that you were insane.

  Now she was the one who was feeling crazy.

  The last thing she thought about before she fell asleep were his beautiful blue eyes.


  Justin sat in the limo outside Cerise's house. Apparently a group of students had taken it over years ago and now it was a sort of rotating group of young musicians. It was run down and low income but the area seemed relatively safe.

  He'd been here since 6 am, catching up on his emails and social media streams. It seemed best to be early, just to make sure she didn't sneak out before he arrived.

  He knew it was a risk to show up like this but he didn't care. The thought of her taking the subway all the way to the studio was upsetting to him. Besides, its not like he was a crazy stalker. They were going the same direction.

  Sort of.

  The driver cleared his throat and Justin looked up. There she was, locking the door to her house. Then she turned and stared in awe at the waiting limo.

  He noticed that she wore the same denim skirt from the audition with the same skimpy little ballet flats.

  Obviously she needed the money he was providing with the video and the song writing.

  He felt his stomach do a little flip.

  For a moment he wished he could just keep her, pay her, dress her up. He'd enjoy it and more than that, he'd be able to stop worrying about her. But he knew she deserved better than that. Not that she'd ever agree to it.

  He climbed out and smiled at her.

  "Come on, I'll take you to work."

  "What are you doing here?"


  She rolled her eyes and repeated herself.

  "What are you doing here, Justin?"
br />   "I was in the neighborhood."

  She looked skeptical to say the least. But she accepted his hand and allowed him to guide her into the limo. Once they were inside he handed her a large box. Now she really looked skeptical.

  Not that he blamed her.

  "What's this?"

  "That's for you."

  "I can't accept this."

  "Just open it."

  She hesitated.

  "Please. I can't have you getting sick if we are working together."

  She just sat there so he leaned over, getting a nice whiff of her scent. She smelled delicious. Like nothing and everything at the same time. She wasn't wearing perfume. It was just soap. And her.

  He took his time opening the box on her lap, imagining that he was opening her up. Unbuttoning her blouse… the top button of her skirt… her bra.

  He leaned back, covering his lap with the flaps of his own wool coat. He was hard. And he hadn't even touched her.


  Her eyes widened as she stared at the dark purple wool coat. It was trench coat style, reaching below the knees with a belt and a wide lapel. There was an extremely thin layer of super warm insulation that could be zipped in or out.

  To say that it was a very expensive coat was an understatement. But there was something about the girl that screamed Tahari to him. He knew she'd look good in the coat and anything else from the line.

  Not just good. Phennominal.

  "Oh Justin… it's beautiful."

  "Don't say you can't accept it. I can't return it anyway. Here, try it on."

  She smiled at him in disbelief and turned to allow him to slip it over her shoulders. He got even closer to her this time. He inhaled again, having trouble concentrating on what he was doing.

  She turned around and his breath caught at the look in her eyes. She looked like a little girl on Christmas who just couldn't believe her luck.

  Suddenly, neither could he.

  "Oh, it's so warm."

  She bit her lip.

  "Are you sure you can't return it?"

  He shook his head and laughed.


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