Lord Hunter (Secrets & Scandals Book 6)

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Lord Hunter (Secrets & Scandals Book 6) Page 24

by Tiffany Green

  As Emma helped Lucian dress, he wondered why Renfield had spared him. The man killed Jonah. Was there some purpose for keeping him alive? Lucian could not shake the feeling he was missing something.

  Inching down the stairs, Lucian stopped halfway to catch his breath. He noticed how many of Jeremy’s men followed them and was glad his friend had taken the extra precautions. Emma’s safety was most important.

  “You must eat something,” she said and led them to the morning room. After taking the seat to his right, she nodded to Joe, hovering near the sideboard.

  The footman brought him a heaping plate of eggs and toast, and he found himself ravenous as he tore into the food. After several bites, the fog of hunger lifted, and Lucian noticed Emma picking at her sleeve, distracted. He chewed, watching the frown between her brows as she plucked at the pale blue material. “Is something wrong?” he asked, reaching for a slice of toast.

  She blew out a breath. “Sean is taking Samir and five of Jeremy’s men to find the gold.”

  He bit off a corner of the toast. “When?”

  “They leave in less than an hour.”

  Lucian finished the toast and leaned back in his chair, studying his wife. “If they come across Renfield, there are seven of them.” He paused a moment and reached for his coffee. “Or is there another reason you are preoccupied?”

  He watched her glance to the clock on the mantle and the answer dawned. Anger rose, hot and furious within him, and he came to his feet. “You are not going with them.”

  “We could take more men.”

  Placing a hand on the table, he leaned down so she could see his seriousness. “I do not care if the whole bloody navy is there. You are not going.”

  With a sharp sigh, she rose. “Lucian, if adjustments need to be made—”

  “No.” He brought his hands to her shoulders, wanting to shake some sense into the woman. “Absolutely not.”

  Her hands splayed against his beating heart. He was aware of every finger as she moved them back and forth across his chest. Blood rushed through his veins and headed south. Growing hard, he shifted, and the little minx nestled closer. The soft heat of her belly drove him wild. Lucian dipped his head and took her mouth in a long, heated kiss. He lifted his hand and pressed it against her breast. Giving it a slight squeeze, feeling the hard nipple against his palm, he swallowed her purr of pleasure.

  A groan came from the doorway. “Must the two of you do that so often?”

  Lucian ended the kiss with a sigh and gazed at his brother-in-law. “Yes,” he said, his lips twitching. “We do.”

  Sean closed his eyes, shaking his head, then glanced to Emma. “I have a question.”

  She began to move away, but Lucian held her to his side. “What sort of question?” he asked Sean.

  Brother and sister exchanged a look, then Emma patted his arm. “I am sure this will not take long.” She nodded to his plate. “Finish your breakfast.”

  He tightened his hold. “If you think I am letting you out of my sight, minx, you are mistaken.”

  Emma lifted her gaze to the ceiling. “I will be with my brother in the room across the hall, Lucian.”

  Feeling like a cad, Lucian loosened his grip. Perhaps, he was being overprotective. Inclining his head, he moved back to his seat. “I await your return, then.”

  A twinkle came to her eyes and she grinned. “I promise, it will be worth the wait.”

  Making a choking sound, Sean swung around. “God, you two,” he said and marched from the room.

  With a heady guarantee in her gaze, she turned and followed her brother.

  Lucian lifted his cup for more coffee, thinking of all the ways he would allow his wife to fulfill her promise. He finished his food and sipped his coffee. Gazing at the clock, he frowned, wondering how many questions Sean could have.

  Rising to his feet, Lucian stretched, glad the ache in his head had dulled to a mere nuisance. He walked to the study and found Jeremy hurrying for him. “What has happened?” Lucian asked.

  “We found Murdoch.” He swung around. “And you will want to hear what he has to say,” Jeremy said over his shoulder.

  Lucian glanced at the study door, then followed Jeremy to the stables. He shielded his eyes against the morning brightness, then sighed when entering the cool interior. Horses snorted as he walked by, the rich smells of hay and horseflesh heavy in the air.

  Men parted as they walked to the two men tied on stools. Lucian ignored Burke, his focus on the furious giant glaring at him. The scar running vertical down his face gave him a sinister look.

  Lucian stopped a foot away and crossed his arms. “Well? What have you to say? Why did you start the fire in the stables?”

  Twisting his lips, the scar tugging at his eye, Murdoch heaved a sigh. He shook his head. “The lady was always kind to me and Burke. We didn’t start the fire.”

  Lucian narrowed his eyes. “You were there. Who else could it have been?”

  Murdoch’s lips twisted. “Our cousin, Donovan, works for Whitehall. He set the fire, trying to draw Sean Wickham out. We were there to stop him. Didn’t want to see the lady hurt. But it was too late.”

  Remembering the huge man with the gravely voice seated with Whitehall in the inn, Lucian shifted his feet. “Why are you and Burke here now?”

  “We come to warn the lady.”

  “Warn her?” Lucian did not like the sound of that. “Of what?”

  Murdoch closed his eyes a moment. “Lord Sorrington is going to kill us,” he mumbled, then squinted up at Lucian. “The day after you took the lady away, Lord Sorrington received a visitor.”

  Lucian unfurled his arms, a bad feeling washing over him. “Who?”


  Chapter 27

  Emma read the same paragraph four times without retaining a word. Her mind kept wandering to Sean and Samir. They had been searching for the gold for three days without luck. Every evening on their return, she would go back over the map and coordinates. Each time, she was certain she had the distances right. Except, they found no gold. Perhaps, Jeremy had been off with his recreation. Even a slight variance could throw the location by a mile. With a sigh, she snapped closed the book and set it aside.

  “The book not to your liking?” Lucian asked, turning a page of the Times.

  “No.” She rose from her chair and moved to the window. The garden spread out with rows of peony, foxglove, and hydrangea lining the walks. Marble benches were placed beneath the shade of the ash trees. She clenched her fists, knowing she should be with her brother. Sean might not have measured right, or he might not have taken the terrain into account as she would.

  She also knew Lucian would not opt to remain here much longer. At any moment, she feared he would spirit her back to London and leave Sean to search the gold on his own. A shiver raced down her spine. She could not let that happen. Something had to be done.

  The crinkle of newspaper sounded behind her and Emma watched Lucian’s face appear in the reflection of the glass. A frown wrinkled his brows. She closed her eyes when he wrapped his arms around her. He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Perhaps, you need a distraction.”

  She blew out a breath. Good to his word, Lucian had not let her out of his sight. She relaxed against him, feeling the length of him harden against her backside. Warmth spread over her, making her breasts tingle and her center wet. She turned in the circle of his arms. Her hands slid up his chest, to the back of his head, and brought him down to her lips.

  Threading her fingers through his soft hair, she heard him groan at the same time his tongue delved deep into her mouth. Then the wicked man shifted his hips, pressing his stone shaft against her center, making her sting, increasing her need. She squirmed against him, wanting more.

  When he broke off the kiss and lifted his head, Emma turned to the door and gave a start. “Sean?”

  He had a hand thrown over his eyes. “Do you two ever stop?”

  She straightened and ran a hand do
wn her dress. “What are you doing back so soon?” Her breath caught. “Have you found the gold?”

  Sean’s hand slid down his face and he shook his head. “We have given both areas a thorough search.” He turned to Samir standing behind him and took the map. “The gold is there, somewhere, Em. I feel it in my bones.”

  Nodding, she came forward. “I feel it, too,” she said, taking the map from him. Turning to the table between the sofas, she unrolled the paper and anchored the edges with her book and a marble statue of Aphrodite. Examining the thing so often, she could see it with her eyes closed. Leaning down, she traced the lines with a fingertip. What was she missing?

  Emma straightened. She should be out there. Having the map onsite, she could make adjustments instead of Sean going back and forth. They wasted time. Renfield could stumble on the gold before them. This was the man’s home. He knew the area better than anyone, which was how he’d managed to escape capture. And Lucian could drag her away at any time. She knew he contemplated it, could see it in his eyes.

  Frustrated, she turned to her husband. He stared with narrowed eyes, then shook his head. “Do not even ask.”

  Turning away, Emma wrapped her arms around her middle. She knew this would happen. Once married, she was at her husband’s mercy. Under his thumb. Unable to make decisions on her own.

  Chained to a cell wall.

  Lifting her gaze, she found her brother’s knowing look. He knew her thoughts. She had the strangest urge to cry. Could feel the hot press of tears. Blinking them back, she glanced down at the map. She would have to get away. Be with Sean the next time he left.

  Emma cringed as she thought of Lucian’s reaction to finding her gone, but it could not be avoided. The stubborn man could have agreed and come along. Instead, his refusal led her to drastic measures. Renfield could not find the gold. He’d melt it, destroying that bit of precious history.

  Raising her head, she found Sean studying her. His eyes sharpened, realizing what she meant to do, then he gave a slight nod and turned. “Come, Samir, let us find something to eat while Emma studies the map.”

  Plans churned in Emma’s mind. How would she sneak away? Lucian watched her every movement. Except, when he slept. Arms came around her, making her jump. Lucian nuzzled her neck. “What are you thinking, minx?”

  His soft lips nipped at her skin, sending shivers down her spine. She lolled her head back, giving him better access. Her breath caught when his hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs teasing her nipples to a sharp point. Wetness pooled between her thighs. Then she remembered she was supposed to be angry with him. And why.

  Emma stiffened and pulled away. “I should study this map.”

  His sigh stirred her hair. “Have you considered the thought there is no more gold?”

  How could she explain her intuition told her otherwise? She shook her head. “I believe each man left the ship with a box.” Turning to the unfurled paper, she walked around the table, studying the drawing from every angle. Movement near the window caught her attention and she found Jeremy speaking to one of his men outside. She straightened and faced Lucian. “The other day when I left the study, you were with Jeremy in the stables. You have yet to tell me what you discussed. Have you learned something new from Burke?”

  When Lucian hesitated, she folded her arms. “You have. What is it?”

  His shoulders slumped. “Murdoch has been captured.”

  Emma felt her brows soar. “That is good news, is it not?”

  He nodded, then plowed a hand through his hair.

  Taking a step, she settled her hands on his chest, feeling his muscles bunch beneath her touch. “What did he say?”

  “Sorrington received a visitor the day after you left.” His dark eyes glittered. “It was Renfield.”

  She pursed her lips, but was not surprised. “That explains how Renfield learned about the gold.” She shook her head. “Sorrington or one of his servants could have overheard our conversation about Mr. Planta’s letter.”

  Lucian nodded. “I thought as much.”

  “And have now teamed up.”

  “Jeremy and I think so.”

  Emma could feel the steady rhythm of his heart beneath her palms. She moved her hands up and down, over the contours of the stone muscles beneath his clothes. Her thoughts returned to finding the gold. Now, more than ever, she had to locate it. With Sorrington’s help, Renfield had the means to disappear. She could not let it happen. The man had to pay for not only what he did to Jonah, but to her. Her gaze lifted to Lucian. And Renfield had to pay for what he did to her husband. Taking away his heir.

  How ironic. She’d not wanted children for so long, and now that she couldn’t have them, wanted the opposite. As she looked deep into Lucian’s eyes, she wished she could feel his babe growing in her belly. Wished she could see her husband play with their children as in her dream. He would make an excellent father, she knew.

  “What are you thinking, minx?”

  She couldn’t tell him her mind had changed. Couldn’t see the disappointment in his eyes. Instead, she pulled away and glanced at the map, swallowing the knot in her throat. Her mind raced for something to say. “I wonder why Sorrington agreed to help Renfield.” She studied the lines and circles. “No doubt, to split the gold, but Sorrington risks everything to help that murderer.”

  Lucian’s hands settled on her shoulders. “We will learn all when they are caught.” He gave her a gentle squeeze. “And they will get caught. With the amount of men Jeremy has out there looking, it is but a matter of time.”

  His words sent a shiver down her spine. Leaving the house with Sean would be tricky. She also risked running into Jeremy’s men, who prowled the area day and night. A disguise was in order. She would speak to Samir, to see what he could find. Feeling the heat of Lucian’s palms against her, she swallowed a groan. If she could manage a few minutes away from her jailer.

  As if luck was on her side, Jeremy tapped on the window and motioned for Lucian.

  Her husband pressed a kiss to her temple. “Stay here. I won’t be long,” he said and quit the room.

  Emma wasted no time. As soon as Lucian walked to Jeremy, she gathered the map and dashed into the hall. Seeing Joe, the footman, she asked where to find Samir and her brother.

  “In the study, my lady,” he said, sweeping his arm across the hall.

  Throwing a hardy thanks over her shoulder, she raced into the room, short of breath. Sean spun around, a look of relief on his face when he saw her press away from the closed door. “What are you planning, Em?”

  She glanced from her brother to Samir. “I need a disguise.”

  Sean’s breath caught. “You mean to come with us, then?”

  “Yes.” Emma handed him the map. “I must be there. It’s the only way to locate the other two boxes.” She tamped down the dread of knowing Lucian’s reaction when he found her gone, focusing instead on making plans. And they had to hurry. Lucian could return at any moment. “We must slip away before anyone stirs. The three of us.” She shook her head. “We cannot take Jeremy’s men. Even if I am disguised, they will wonder who I am and ask too many questions.”

  “I agree,” Sean said at the end of a sigh. “Although that makes us less protected.”

  She glanced at the closed door, expecting an enraged Lucian come through at any moment. “Can you obtain three horses without detection, Samir?”

  The man clapped his hands together and gave a short bow. “With the stables here so full, some of the horses are housed at the inn two miles away. I will take the horses from there and meet you at the end of the drive at moonset, piyaa.”

  Emma threw him a warm smile. “You have always been there for me. Thank you, Samir.”

  His dark eyes twinkled. “It has been my pleasure.” Then he turned serious. “I still have the clothing you wore before, mended and clean. Shall I slip them into your room now?”

  Knowing she had not the time to debate the issue, she nodded. “Place them benea
th the bench behind the screen.”

  He bowed. “It shall be done, piyaa.”

  Then another thought occurred. “You have crafted a measuring rope?”

  “Of course. I shall bring that, as well.”

  She stepped toward the door. “I must return to the drawing room before Lucian finds me gone.”

  “See you tonight, Em,” Sean said as she opened the door.

  Peeking out into the hall, she relaxed when she found it empty, and slipped from the room. Slinking toward the drawing room, she held her breath, hoping to see no one along the way. She had already risked Joe telling Lucian about her wish to find her brother, but that could not be helped. Searching the house on her own had not been an option.

  Emma opened the door, hoping not to see an angered Lucian standing there, glaring, and let out a breath when she found the drawing room empty. She went to the window and gave a start, seeing no one on the path. Had Lucian already found her gone? Was her husband searching the house for her?

  She cocked an ear, but heard no raised voices, no running feet, nothing to signal the household sought her out. Squeezing her hands together before her, Emma pondered what to do. Should she remain here? Or should she go find Lucian? Perhaps, she could ask Joe if something was amiss.

  Relieved to have another option, she stepped toward the door when it came open. Lucian walked in, his eyes flashing with some emotion she could not name, then he closed the door.

  Emma, trying to think of something other than sneaking out later, prayed she did not look guilty. She smoothed the sides of her skirt. “Did Jeremy have news?”

  He cocked his head, studying her a moment, then walked to her. “One of his men spotted Sorrington and gave chase.” He raked fingers through his hair. “But he lost him after a few miles.”

  A shiver of disquiet raced down her spine. Sorrington and Renfield were close, and tonight, she risked getting not only herself captured but Sean and Samir.


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