The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 2

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The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 2 Page 6

by Maxim Jakubowski


  Daniel James Cabrillo

  In 1978, before we got married, Joseph and I moved to Los Angeles from New York and rented a little house in the hills. A couple of months later, Joseph’s friend Sid came out for a visit. He was in the dumps, his wife Barbara having recently left him.

  After dinner one night Joseph got out some grass for Sid and him. I made a pitcher of martinis for myself, and we sat around the small swimming pool sharing Sid’s morose mood. Sid and Barbara had married young, but hadn’t missed the hippie years; our reminiscences brought the talk around to sex, including the time Sid and Barbara and Joseph and his girlfriend of the time – Katie, I think – made it together.

  I had a question: had Sid and Joseph ever done Barbara alone without Katie, or Katie without Barbara? They hadn’t, but they wanted to know why I asked.

  My tongue loosened by martinis, I told them about how, in college, my boyfriend Billy and I had shared an apartment with another couple, Scott and Lisa, and we’d all gotten it on. I’d told Joseph about that, but Sid was interested, and anyway there was more. When summer came, Lisa went home to wherever she was from, but I stayed in the apartment with the two guys. Until then, we’d had this . . . protocol, I guess you’d call it. Our group sex was symmetrical – whatever one swapped couple was doing, the other did – and we never mixed partners unless all four were present. So when Lisa went home the group sex stopped.

  After a couple of nights, I rebelled. Why should I go without just because Lisa was gone? Since nobody had a good answer, the three of us went back to fooling around.

  The trouble was, being the girl with two guys was more exciting to think about than do. Whatever configurations we started with, we always seemed to wind up with me on my hands and knees, sucking one boy’s cock while the other boy fucked me. And that gets old: you want to give a great blowjob you ought to concentrate on the blowjob; when you’re fucking you like to be into the fuck.

  What I’d really wanted, I told Joseph and Sid, was for Billy and Scott to fuck me at once, front and back. I’d tried to make it happen. I’d get us into the right position, I’d put the two cocks in the right places, but without the guys’ co-operation it couldn’t happen – and it never did.

  “Wait a minute, Lorna,” Joseph and Sid asked, “why wouldn’t they co-operate?”

  “They just wouldn’t,” I said.

  “What did they say?”


  “Like, when you said, fuck me here and there, they just didn’t do it?”

  “I didn’t say it.”

  “What do you mean, you didn’t say it? You never told them what you wanted?”


  “Why not?”

  “Too shy, I guess.”

  Sid and Joseph looked at each other, trying to understand.

  “Let’s see if we’ve got this straight. You’re one girl with two guys, night after night, all three of you naked, one guy fucking you while you suck the other’s cock, and you’re . . . too shy . . . to tell them what you want?”


  Sorry, but that’s how I was. And it never happened. I’d never been fucked in my pussy and ass at the same time, though I still thought about it.

  OK, I didn’t tell this story to Joseph and Sid for nothing. I knew that after I told it, we’d all be thinking about it. I certainly was. I knew that Sid was thinking about it, but he couldn’t suggest it: he was a guest, and we had to extend the invitation. I knew that Joseph was thinking about it but wasn’t sure he could handle it. Joseph and I had both had active sex lives in the 70s, but maybe because I was ten years younger than Joseph and grew up in the era of casual sex, my experiences and experiments had been broader-ranging than his. But Joseph had always liked that. Here I was, this little shy chick who’d gone to bed with him no more than ninety minutes after we met at a party, who was ready for just about anything, anywhere, and who’d done almost everything you could think of that didn’t involve pain, animals, piss or shit. He always wanted me to tell him stories from my hedonistic past. They turned him on. I turned him on.

  Still, things were different now. We were going to be married. I was his and he was mine. No matter how wild we’d been, we were monogamous.

  Was it infidelity for Joseph to share me with Sid, his oldest and closest friend, to make my dream come true? I didn’t think so, but it was up to Joseph.

  We went on to other topics but my fantasy hung over us. About an hour later, during a lull, Joseph said to me, “So what do you think, Lorna? Should we try it?”

  All I did was extend my hand to him; he took it and pulled me to my feet. He gestured to Sid and the three of us went into the house.

  In our bedroom I grabbed a short nightie from my dresser and went into the bathroom to put it on. I listened at the door: though I could hear Sid and Joseph moving about, I heard no whispers: they weren’t talking at all. I guess they were nervous. I was, too, but not that nervous. What I was mostly was excited – very.

  When I joined the guys I found them undressed down to their boxers. I smiled and got right into bed.

  Joseph and Sid got in on either side of me. I kissed Joseph, then I kissed Sid, then I lay flat on my back and let them take over. They each kissed me, then moved down: two pairs of lips kissed my ears, my neck, my shoulders at the same time; two pairs of hands lowered the straps from my shoulders, uncovering my boobs; each guy licked a nipple. It was perfectly symmetrical – what is it with group sex and symmetry – and funny, in a way. I couldn’t help it; I giggled, and that momentarily stopped them, but I touched both their faces and caressed their cheeks to tell them to go on. They sucked my breasts and their fingertips moved down.

  They were extremely polite. Whenever Sid’s hand encountered Joseph’s on my boob or belly, they’d both say, “Oh, excuse me, pardon me, no, you go.” And they were co-operative: when their fingers reached the bottom of my nightie they lifted it up together and slid it off me. I still thought it was more silly than sexy, but I suppressed the giggle.

  Which was a good thing, because as soon as I felt fingers – whose ever they were – moving through my pubic hair and touching the flesh between my legs, I got hot – really hot, really fast. Enough consideration, I wanted to get on with it. Up, up, I whispered, turning towards Joseph and pulling his face up to mine so I could kiss him. Sid slid up behind me; I yanked the elastic on their shorts, and the guys removed them. Now, all of us naked, I took hold of both cocks and stroked. Actually, I would like to have seen the two cocks, to study and compare them, but we were past that by now, all of us eager and squirming. Both pricks were leaking – I spread the liquid at the tips over their cockheads with my thumbs – and I was tingling from Joseph’s fingers at my pussy. I’d never gotten this wet so fast, so wet that when I pushed onto Joseph’s fingers they slid all the way into me. As I wiggled around I felt Sid slide a finger under me and join Joseph in my squishy pussy, then slip out wet and press on my asshole, pushing until the entry gave way and let it in.

  I grunted, let go of their cocks and took their hands away, gripped their cocks again. “Come on, come on,” I said. I put Sid’s cock at my asshole and pushed myself back against him; I slid my heel up on the bed to raise one leg, put Joseph’s cock at my slit, and clamped my arms around him.

  “Fuck me,” I said.

  Joseph pushed; the head of his cock spread my lips and entered. Sid pushed; the top of his cock began to squeeze into my asshole.

  “Good!” I said, ready for invasion.

  Then, nothing.

  Joseph’s cock stopped. “Push!” I cried and, though I felt his pushing, it wouldn’t go any deeper. “Push!” I repeated and felt Sid trying but his cock wouldn’t go any farther.

  “Come on,” I insisted.

  I could feel the strength of their bodies as they squeezed me tighter between them, but their pricks wouldn’t go.

  “Oh, God, no!” I said, desperate.

  “Wait-wait-wait!” I heard Joseph s
ay. “Turn around!”

  They turned me around and I got a glimpse of what Joseph thought was the problem. Sid’s prick was bigger than his. I’ve always thought that Joseph’s prick was the prettiest prick I’d ever seen, with its gentle upward curve and soft-domed head, but Sid’s – straighter and more cylindrical – was longer and thicker. Joseph was thinking that the bigger prick shouldn’t be the one trying to get into my asshole.

  So now I was facing Sid and the guys changed ports of entry and pushed. Sid’s prickhead entered my pussy, and Joseph’s prickhead squeezed into my asshole and . . .

  . . . went nowhere. Nothing. No difference.

  By now I was going crazy. With the head of Sid’s prick pushing against my clit and Joseph’s prick creating all this pressure from behind and me wiggling against them both, I writhed with want.

  “Do something!” I shouted with a sob cracking my voice, and when he heard that, sweet Joseph rolled out of the way, making room for me to flop onto my back and pull Sid on top.

  Sid fucked me – slid his prick in all the way and went to town. God, I was hot. I thrashed, I bounced, I gripped Sid’s skin, I lifted my ass up to welcome every thrust of his fat prick as it pounded my pussy.

  “Goddamn it, fuck me!” I commanded, and Sid did.

  But Sid didn’t forget about Joseph, and why we’d gotten into bed. After a minute or two of mad, almost combative fucking, he grabbed me by my ass-cheeks and turned over onto his back, pulling me on top of him. Fine; this was just as good, I was just as happy being the principal fucker, staked on Sid and pumping like a piston, lifting my hips and plunging downwards to swallow him up – but as I did, Sid, still mindful of our purpose and still holding my ass, spread my cheeks apart. I felt Joseph get behind me, straddling Sid’s knees, and try to place his cock between my buttocks. I could tell this was not going to work, the angle was all wrong, so I lay down flat on Sid and spread my legs out as far as I could on either side of him and Joseph flattened himself against me on my back and placed his prick at my asshole and pushed.

  “Yes!” I gasped as my sphincter gave way and the head of Joseph’s prick entered and started in deeper. Success at last!

  Not! Just as Joseph’s cockhead started into my ass, I spit him out.

  I didn’t mean to. The trouble was, I was too far along in the fucking to stop. Sid was under me, his cock all the way inside; when Joseph laid down on my back he trapped me, and I couldn’t keep sliding my cunt up and down along the length of Sid’s prick. My body couldn’t stop fucking, though, so my instincts took over, and I continued fucking Sid by gripping and releasing his cock with my pussy, contracting my pelvic muscles and clenching my ass – clench, release, clench, release.

  Every time I’d clench my ass, I’d expel Joseph’s prick. It was prick in, clench, plip!, prick out, release, prick in, clench, plip!, prick out . . .

  After several plips, Joseph said, “Fuck!” and climbed off.

  Though I was trembling by now, close to coming, Sid and I were confused for the moment, and Sid scampered out from beneath me.

  “No! No!” Joseph snapped at us. “Go! Go! Fuck her!”

  I was on my knees. “Come on, come on!” I cried out, and Sid got on his knees behind me and put his cock under my ass; I reached for it between my legs and grabbed it and stuffed it into my cunt and said, “Yeah, fuck her!”

  I put my head down on my forearms and shut my eyes tight and rammed my ass back to take Sid’s driving prick. Joseph was standing by the side of the bed, watching us fuck. It must have been a magnificent sight, my ass high off the bed, Sid’s big prick appearing, shiny wet from my soaked pussy, then disappearing back into my cunt. I knew we were providing audio to match, Sid’s grunts and my cries in rhythm with the gooey-gushy sounds of prick-through-cunt and slapping flesh. We were giving Joseph a great show, but Joseph, I admit, was not in the forefront of my thoughts. This was a fabulous fuck, a heroic fuck, and my whole body was atremble; every stroke of Sid’s prick sent signals to every nerve-end in my body, and the signals were getting hotter and I was going to come and when I came I was going to explode.

  And when I was close my eyes fluttered open, and what they saw was Joseph standing there by the bed, by my head, watching, his erection fading. Though I was on the brink of the orgasm of my life and knew it, I couldn’t help myself: I reached out for Joseph’s cock, drew him down to the bed, and took his cock in my mouth.

  Sid banged against my buttocks, froze, and shot.

  I trembled around Sid’s implanted prick and slid Joseph’s prick through my hands into and out of my mouth.

  Sid backed back, slammed into me again, shot again. I gurgled and sucked, blowing Joseph while the rest of me started to shudder with orgasm.

  As Sid pumped the last of his cream into my pussy, Joseph came. I swallowed some, some shot about, some slid down Joseph’s prick and into my hands.

  I came with Sid’s soon-to-soften cock still inside my pussy and Joseph’s cock beginning to shrink in my mouth. I held them there – Sid’s with my fingers, Joseph’s with my lips – until I was finished coming. After a series of quivery shudders, I collapsed flat on the bed, and got rid of them both.

  We took a swim. It wasn’t that late. We didn’t talk about what we’d done, but I didn’t feel we were awkward or tense. We were relaxed and gentle, kissy and touchy, enjoying the sexy afterglow.

  Was I disappointed? Well, a little. The evening’s promises had not been kept. The imminent orgasm of my life had been close – but downgraded when we’d had to make readjustments. And of course my dream of being fucked pussy and ass remained a fantasy unfulfilled.

  I’d had good sex with two men, yes, but it had wound up with me on my hands and knees, one cock fucking me while I sucked another. Just like college . . .

  I woke up during the night. I had my nightie on; Joseph and Sid were wearing their boxer shorts; both had their arms draped across me, kind of trapping me. I couldn’t see the clock without pushing their arms away. I didn’t care what time it was. What I cared about, what I lay there thinking about, was the opportunity we missed last night. It wasn’t as though we squandered it – we tried, didn’t we? – but still I wondered if I wanted to let it go. Somehow I knew that we wouldn’t have the opportunity again. Joseph and I would get married and have kids and I didn’t know how much things would change. Fulfilling my fantasy probably wasn’t even that important; it was just something I’d wanted to try, to do, to know I had done. Silly but . . .

  All of a sudden I felt really determined. Lorna, this is your chance, don’t blow it; important or not, do it.

  I removed the guys’ arms, climbed over Joseph, and got out of bed. I separated the Venetian blinds to look out. It was getting light; the sun would be up in a few minutes.

  My gaze fell on my dressing table. It was an ordinary dressing table, lower than a desk or table, with a low stool in front and a mirror behind. I cleared everything off the top, then got a pillow off the bed, put it on the dressing table, folded it over the front edge. I looked in the drawers and found a small brown bottle of massage oil, put it on the table, then opened the slats of the Venetian blinds a little. Finally I found some music – a Chopin étude played on a synthesizer, schmaltzy but sexy – and put it on.

  I leaned against the pillow on the dressing table and waited for the guys to wake up.

  It didn’t take long. The rising sun sent stripes of light into the room and across the guys, the music swelled, and Joseph’s eyes opened and he saw me. He nudged Sid awake.

  I smiled at them with both hands on my pussy, playing at my slit. When Sid and Joseph propped themselves up to watch, I lifted off my nightie and tossed it away. I poured oil into my hands and massaged my shoulders and tits, made them and my belly shiny, my eyes never leaving the guys. I soaked my pubic hair, found my slit, reached behind me with the other hand, found my asshole, and pushed.

  Joseph and Sid couldn’t take their eyes off me as my oily fingers disappeared into my pussy an
d asshole – masturbating, yes, but also preparing myself for them. They stroked themselves as they watched, pulled off their shorts, and showed me their cocks, which trembled with growth and hardness.

  Presently I took my hands from inside myself and beckoned with a finger.

  Joseph and Sid crossed to me. I stepped away from the table and put my arms around Joseph and kissed him, rubbing my oily front against him, massaging oil into his back and buttocks. I turned to Sid, kissed him too, then put my hands on his shoulders and backed him against the pillow on the dressing table. The table was low; Sid had to extend his legs wide as he rested his backside against the pillow. That’s how I wanted him: halfway between standing and sitting, his erect cock lower than my hips.

  I kneeled in front of Sid and held his prick in my two hands and stroked it. “We are going to love this, right?” I said, and took him in my mouth. The first thought I had was, this is a big prick. The size was more noticeable in my mouth than it had been in my cunt last night. I enjoyed it, though, and used my tongue to get even better acquainted with it, and when I stopped sucking it I got more oil and soaked Sid’s prick with it, massaging it in. Then I rose to my feet, kissed Sid again, turned my back to him, placed his cock at my asshole, and pushed down.

  “This is so good,” I said, “so good, so good,” and lowered my oiled ass onto Sid’s oiled cock very, very slowly. I felt its hardness as I sank. Pressure, increasing pressure, more than pleasure, that was the feeling I was most aware of as more and more of Sid’s prick filled my ass. When I had about half its length inside I gasped as the pressure took my breath away, but I said, “No, it’s OK, it’s OK,” and put my hands back and gripped the front edge of the table on either side of Sid’s hips and closed my eyes and continued pushing. The pressure was incredible. There were moments of discomfort and pain, but I held my breath and never stopped until every inch of Sid’s prick was up my ass. When it was I exhaled and said “God.” Neither Sid nor I moved.

  I opened my eyes and smiled at Joseph. “Sid’s cock is in my ass,” I said, “all of it.” And I reached for Joseph. He stepped between my legs. I took his cock in my fist and stroked it, spread oil on it, then placed the head at my nook.


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