Sarah would not leave Michael’s side and swore to stay with him to help insure the success of the new enclave. Thomas and Oliver also wished to stay with their new friends.
Marcus and his brother made a hasty return to their home in the woods. Marcus made the promise to ask his son, Brian, if he would honor the enclave by becoming its first student.
“What about Everett, Michael?” asked Sarah as she looked over the beauty of the coast. “I mean, the pain that shows in his face, will he feel that through the years until the spell wears off?”
“No, I don’t think so. I think that for them, the time from when I set the spell until it finally decays years from now, will seem like an instant to them. I only hope I will have magicians that are ready and strong enough to deal with Acantha when that time finally comes.”
“With what you can teach them, and your friends to help you,” Sarah said, “Acantha doesn’t stand a chance.” “The only support I need is you,” replied Michael as he bent to kiss her.
They embraced briefly before they turned to walk back into the new magician’s enclave.
* * * * *
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The Enchanted Emerald (The Enchanted Stones Book 1) Page 22