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Fragmentation Page 13

by Gregg Cameron

  James picked up the pace, then slowed quickly and let them out just in front of a bus at the Burgermaster. The crowd at the bus stop obscured the sight of their escape. James continued on a pre-planned route ending up back at the Senatorium restaurant waiting in the limo line. After they ate, a taxi took them to the office supply store on the other side of town.

  “Someone knows all our moves. I think there is a GPS device hidden somewhere on the limo,” debated David.

  “That was some convoluted maneuver,” allowed Mindy. “Where did you learn to do all that?”

  “We had to learn how to do it on the evening my apartment was broken into. That night we realized someone was after us and we just improvised. I think it’s the engineer in David that has allowed us to be successful,” boasted Colleen.

  Colleen found an almost exact match of her briefcase. They purchased it along with some writing tablets, pens and highlighters. The problem now, was what to put in the brief case to get them off their trail.

  “Information, some false and some true enough to seem plausible.”

  “Yes I agree, but what?” questioned Colleen.

  The answer was as simple as it was final: Give them the sample of metal. Somehow, they must know we have it. Perhaps they found out we got another sample from the foreman at the DeCosta Scrap Yard before they killed him.

  Once again, David explained his plan. “We have to get to the helicopter and retrieve the briefcase. We put the sample in the new case and attach a note to the Senator saying; ‘Here is the remaining sample taken from the Aratusa. Use it as you see fit or just toss it. We have decided this whole thing is just a lot of speculation, something like The Roswell Incident. It’s interesting, but for us, just a waste of time. Colleen and I are taking United 597 to Seattle in the morning to visit her sister.’ Then we just leave it in the briefcase.”

  “I have a key to the helicopter,” professed Mindy.

  “Excellent, the sooner we get this into motion the better. We’ll take a cab to the airport and get the briefcase as soon as we are done here.”

  The cab ride to Dulles International was uneventful. After arriving, they went through security and out to the private plane parking area. Mindy gave Colleen the key, suggesting she keep it since Mindy knew very little about the helicopter. They retrieved the briefcase and took a cab back to the Senatorium Restaurant entering through the side door. They immediately left through the front door and met James at the limo line.

  On the way back to the apartment, David made up the note to the Senator, putting it into the briefcase along with a newspaper and some gum they picked up at the airport. When they arrived at the parking garage, they left the briefcase on the back seat and went upstairs.

  Away from the bug, David explained, “Mindy, it looks like we will have to leave in the morning. I hope you understand. We have caused you enough trouble and to stay any longer would only make matters worse.”

  “I was afraid of this; are you sure you won’t reconsider?”

  “No, we must go.”

  “Colleen, do you want to take the helicopter?”

  “Yes, if that would be possible. I can fly it; it’s no problem.”

  “Okay, I’m going to give you some money we keep here for emergencies.” Mindy left the room and returned with $3,000 in cash. “Take this and do not worry about paying it back. George will find out what is going on and make the bastards pay.”

  Now, standing near the bugged lamp David suddenly exclaimed, “I left my briefcase in the limo. Mindy, could you bring it up when you come back from the hospital later?”

  It was almost 5:00 PM and Mindy went into the bedroom to change for her visit to the hospital. When she came out, Colleen gave her a tearful hug whispering that they would be gone when she returned. Looking at the bugged lamp Colleen asked, “Do you think James could give us a ride to the airport tomorrow? Our flight leaves at 2:15 PM.”

  “Of course, he would be only too glad to do it. Now you two just enjoy some time alone, watch a good movie on the TV or whatever and I’ll see you both when I get back.”

  Colleen looked over the Land’s collection of DVD’s selecting the Julia Roberts movie “Pretty Woman.” She put it in the player, started it and placed the bugged lamp near the TV.

  When Mindy reached the limo, the rear door was ajar and the briefcase was missing. James arrived a minute later. He was mad as hell after being approached by some street bums looking for money. “That,” he explained, “is the last time they will go after an ex-Marine. I am sorry Mrs. Land, but I don’t know what this world is coming to.”

  Chapter 25

  Arlington, VA, Portofino Restaurant: Tuesday, June 19, 6:45 PM.

  Commander Robin Camp had just ordered his second martini when his cell phone rang. He frowned at his date, shaking his head and stepping away from the table took the call.

  “Commander, it’s Chief Petty Officer Doyles, Sir.”

  “Yes, Doyles, what is it?”

  “Good news, Sir.”

  “It had better be; I’m at dinner with Miss Pritchett. What happened?”

  “Our people were able to recover the briefcase belonging to that metallurgist kid and lo and behold it contained the missing sample, the one the foreman at DeCosta Scrap Yard said he gave him before we took him out. That should be all of the pieces. Get this Sir, he left it for the Senator with a note saying they were through playing with it and the whole thing was just a lot of hearsay. Since the Senator was in the hospital he never got the sample”

  “That’s good work Doyles; where are those two now?”

  “They are at the Senator’s apartment, but they are leaving tomorrow afternoon on United 597 for Seattle to visit her sister. I believe they have given up on the whole matter.”

  “Well, I’m not so sure; have someone make sure they get off the plane in Seattle, just in case.”

  “Will do, Sir, anything else?”

  “No, Doyles, just keep up the good work.”

  Commander Robin Camp slid back into the booth and gave Miss. Pritchett a peck on the cheek saying, “Sorry dear, but duty calls.”

  Chapter 26

  Colleen and David packed their things into two duffel bags and set them by the door. They made conversation about microwaving popcorn and getting drinks to watch the movie. Colleen moved the bug closer to the kitchen and started some popcorn in the microwave. David decided they should take the stairs instead of the elevator in case someone was watching the main enerance. That way they could go out the side exit without actually going through the lobby. As soon as the popping was at its loudest, they left the apartment and headed to the staircase. Once outside, they walked for several blocks, then hailed a cab to the airport.

  They selected an inexpensive Super 6 Motel near the airport that had a shuttle service to the terminals. After checking in under the name of Mr. and Mrs. David Childs, they put their bags in the room and walked down the street to a restaurant for dinner.

  “Mr. and Mrs., that has a rather nice ring to it,” mused Colleen.

  They were a little quiet at dinner, both lost in thought. David was considering where they might go to hide and Colleen was thinking of other things.

  When they returned to their room Colleen put her arms around David and whispered, “It been four days since you made love to me.”

  David returned the embrace and took her lips with a passion that sent shockwaves through her body. Her heart pounded in her chest as she immersed herself in the fire of his kiss. He pulled back gently and slowly began to unbutton her blouse. As he removed the garment, his hands began to caress her bare skin gently sliding over her bra and pausing over her taunt nipples. His lips touched hers again as his tongue explored her mouth. David’s hands went to her back and undid the clasp of her bra, slipped the straps off her shoulders and let it fall.
  She wound her arms tightly around him as her whole body shuddered, wanting more. Slowly his hands explored her body as hers rushed over him and tore at his shirt. He unbuckled her belt and slid her skirt to the floor. When his hands found her buttocks, he gently removed her panties.

  She trembled softly, arched into him as his mouth found her nipples. There was a wanton need in her as they fell onto the bed and he slipped off his pants. “David, oh David,” she whispered as she surrendered and he slid inside her. They were together, finding a need they both craved, a need that would take them to the very pinnacle of pleasure as they gave themselves to each other.

  Afterward, still bound together in the darkness of the room, they bathed in the sweetness of their expended pleasure, each not wanting to move or speak.

  An hour or so later he tenderly kissed her as she began to awaken.

  “Oh David, I do love you.”

  “I know and I, too, love you very much. Soon we must take some time to plan our escape from this nightmare. Tomorrow we must leave Washington and go where we will be safe. We must find a place to hide, a place that will give us freedom and keep the government’s hounds from hunting us down like criminals.”

  “Where can we go? I feel so lost, like the whole world is following me and there is no end or escape from them.”

  A loud clap of thunder made her jump. The streetlights flickered and went out. Suddenly sheathed in a cold sweat, her heart began pounding. Soon the rain came, a fast wind-driven rain that slammed into the window and promised a cleansing of all it touched. Spiders of lightning danced across the night sky, stopping motion like a strobe light. Eerie shadows played on the walls of the room competing with the thunder for attention. They were both scared and exhilarated as the storm’s fury unfolded outside. They felt safe inside and somehow the storm’s presence seemed to be chasing away the evil that pursued them.

  It went on for twenty minutes, then, almost as quickly as it came, the storm passed and the dancing lightning gave way to pale moon glow and a clear sky. As the wind’s fury waned to a gentle breeze, a wave of relief enveloped them giving them renewed hope.

  “That reminded me of the summer storms we used to get up in the north Georgia Mountains. A college friend of mine inherited a lake house on Lake Burton from his uncle and we would spend weekends up there in the summer. The summer storms would come up suddenly then leave almost as fast. They would cleanse the night sky and afterward the stars would be spectacular. It’s kind of a remote place, but very nice.”

  “Do you think we could stay there?”

  “That might be possible. I was thinking, perhaps I should give him a call. There is an open space, with more than enough room to land the helicopter. The house is old; but all restored with a tin roof and the water comes from a cold spring on the side of the mountain. It tastes great and makes excellent coffee. There is also a nice boathouse down by the lake where he keeps a speedboat.”

  “David, it’s late but maybe you could call him in the morning and see if we could use it.”

  “Yes, we will work out our plan over breakfast. Now my love, it is time we get some sleep.”

  Chapter 27

  Dulles International Airport: Wednesday, June 20.

  It was a cool bright morning, perfect flying weather, thought Colleen as she stepped outside the motel room and gazed at the parking lot. David came to the door and touched her shoulder. “A penny for your thoughts,” he said softly.

  “David, this is perfect flying weather; a clear sky with almost unlimited visibility, cool air that provides extra lift yet not too cold to be uncomfortable.”

  “Colleen, are you sure, I mean flying the Senator’s helicopter someplace without him? You don’t have a license do you?”

  “No, I do not have a license but Senator Land has his instructor’s rating and I have over a hundred and sixty hours stick time. Several years ago, after I had about 12 hours time I did my solo flight. After that, I did my cross country and navigation tests. I could have gotten my license a hundred hours ago but never bothered. Technically, I am not supposed to take passengers up since I have not taken the licensing test. You could take public transportation to wherever we are going, or ride with me in the helicopter, it’s your choice.”

  “I’m sorry, I guess I offended you. Can I still have a ride?”

  “Of course silly, I’ll need a copilot.”

  “Captain Gilmore,” David saluted, “I believe there is a free continental breakfast in the lobby of this motel. Shall we dine, my dear?”

  “As soon as I put on some make-up, dear,” cooed Colleen.

  On the walk to the motel lobby, David revealed his latest idea. “I think going to the mountains of northern Georgia seems our best option. I will need to call J P and see if we can use the farm.”

  “Is that his name?”

  “Yes, John Paul Miller, but we call him J P for short. He was an electrical engineering student at Georgia Tech when I met him and now he’s with a utility power company.”

  The lobby was bustling with people as they stood in the short line at the coffee urn. There was a nice selection of fresh muffins along with fruit, cereal and several kinds of juice. They were both hungry and went for seconds.

  “Colleen, if I am going to call John Paul, I will need a phone that isn’t traceable, one of those pre-paid cell phones.”

  “Yes, I think I saw a phone store last night when we came in. I’ll go ask the desk clerk if he knows of one.”

  David finished his coffee and glanced at his watch. It was almost 8:34 AM and time to get going.

  “The desk clerk said the store across the street is closed on Sunday but there is one in the main terminal and it is always open.”

  They checked out, took the shuttle bus over to the main terminal. The phone store was on the main level next to a place that sold golf equipment. Using the name David Childs, he purchased an inexpensive phone and 300 minutes of airtime.

  David called J P at his home in Marietta, GA, waking him up.

  “David, how the hell are you?”

  “J P, did I wake you?”

  “No,” he yawned, “not at all, what is going on? I tried to get you several times last week and there was no answer; then I called the lab and your boss told me your apartment had been broken into and you were on vacation. Is everything all right?”

  “Well sort of but not exactly. We, I mean Colleen and I have inadvertently gotten ourselves involved in a government cover-up and they are after us. They have bugged our apartments and cars. While we were staying at Senator Land’s apartment in Washington, DC yesterday, someone tried to kill him.”

  “Christ, David that’s some story. How do you know Senator Land,? I heard he was shot; it was on TV.”

  “He is an old friend of Colleen’s.”

  “The Colleen you just started dating?”

  “Yes, John Paul, that Colleen. Anyway, we would like to borrow the farm for a week or so. Would that be possible?”

  “Of course, I’m headed up to Boone, NC this afternoon with Mary to visit some friends of hers for a week. The key is on the ledge over the door and you can use the boat if you want; the keys are in it. My old jeep is in the barn and the keys are under the floor mat if you need it. Are you driving down?”

  “No, not exactly; we will be coming in by helicopter and will land it on the back lawn.”

  “Wow, when did you learn to fly? Y’all never said anything about that.”

  “Actually, Colleen will be the pilot and it‘s Senator Land’s chopper, a Bell Jet Ranger.”

  “I’ve got to meet her; she sounds incredible. Keep in touch David; I will be back from North Carolina around the fourth. Stay as long as you want and be careful.”

  “That was a long conversation. What did you mean by ‘that Colleen’ and do we get
to stay there or not? Does J P know about us?”

  “Yes, yes and you are “that Colleen.”

  “Okay, that’s good, but before we leave I will have to file a flight plan and it will tell where we are going and when we arrive.”

  “That’s not a good idea is it?”

  “Perhaps there might be another way. I’ll have to call Mindy or the Senator so we will all be on the same wavelength.”

  Colleen borrowed the phone and dialed the Land’s apartment.

  “Mindy, it’s Colleen.”

  “Where are you? I hope you didn’t try to fly in that awful storm we had last night.”

  “No, but we are at the airport and want to fly down to Georgia to a house that belongs to a friend of David’s. The problem is the flight plan. I don’t want to let anyone know where we are going. Nor do I want to arouse any suspicion of an accident if we make one up and don’t show.”

  “Colleen, why don’t you speak to George; he’s home now.”

  “Mr. Land, how are you feeling?”

  “Just fine, Colleen; they can’t keep this old dog down for long. Mindy has filled me in on your plans to use the Bell. I am fine with that and under the circumstances; it seems to be your best option. Where do you want to go?”

  “David has a friend who has a house in the north Georgia Mountains. Actually, it is a farm with a large flat lawn several acres in size. We would like to go there for a while.”


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