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Fragmentation Page 21

by Gregg Cameron

  After David finished putting the boat on the lift, he joined Linda and Colleen as they walked to the main house.

  Michael was waiting at the front door and shook David’s hand saying, “David and Colleen, I hope we didn’t frighten you, but it’s necessary we get both of you to a safe house quickly. We have reason to believe someone will try to come here and do you harm. A lot has happened in these last few days so why don’t you both put on some dry clothes and I’ll fill you in. We have some fresh coffee and donuts in the kitchen.”

  Chapter 62

  Colleen and David joined the group sitting at the kitchen table. Michael introduced them to Agents Buck Hurley, David Calafato, Linda Gentilcore and the two members of the Atlanta FBI office.

  “I’m sorry you had to wait so long, but we didn’t expect you were going to be here. We went out to dinner in the boat and this storm came up very quickly. We have been completely soaked since a little after ten o’ clock and spent several hours in an empty boathouse about ten miles from here. After the lightning stopped, we decided to make a run for it,” confided David.

  “We were sending up a plane for you at Seneca Vineyards when Tony told us you had left. He was mad at Vinnie for letting you go, especially without telling anyone where you were headed.”

  “I want to fill you in on the latest happenings. We have recently found out several things. Apparently, a Commander Robin Camp from the Defense Intelligence Agency is running what he has listed as an anti-terrorist operation and you two are his targets.”

  “Terrorists! Nothing could be farther from the truth!” cried Colleen.

  “I know, but that is just the cover story for his operation. Commander Camp is a first cousin to Governor William Casey, III. Governor Casey’s father was the Captain of the USS Morgan at the time of its disappearance. We believe something sinister happened on the USS Morgan and the Casey Family doesn’t want it known. As you may be aware, William Casey III is poised to make a run for the White House in the coming election. Whatever happened with his father in 1945 could affect his chances of securing the Democratic Party’s nomination for President.”

  “I never liked those Casey’s, they seemed a bit too slick and deceptive for my taste,” replied David.

  “You might remember, I told you there were strange happenings reported at the Packer Marine Terminal a few years ago. A man who would only give his name as Seaman Mike P. called our office. The incident reported to us was rather bizarre, but the person seemed to be telling the truth and sounded as though he was afraid. It took us a while to find out his full name was Seaman Mike Pendowski. Recently, Seaman Pendowski was reported missing by his family and two days ago he was found in a seedy section of Philadelphia with his throat slit.”

  “On a brighter side, we have been able to extract the DNA from the sample of metal you left at Colleen’s parents’ summer home. We intend to get additional samples of DNA from relatives of the crew who were aboard the USS Morgan. I believe we will get a match. It appears William Casey Jr. may have been responsible for the death of the crew. It is also interesting to note he was not aboard when the ship was reported missing.”

  “We now have in custody one of the people involved in the shooting death of Bobby Vaccaro and the wounding of Tony Carbonara. He is Corporal Robert Slingman, a Navy Seal in the Covert Operations Department of the Defense Intelligence Agency. He is under the command of Commander Robin Camp and was critically wounded. He may not survive. Corporal Slingman gave us a full statement including the orders he had been given. As soon as we get just one DNA match, we will issue an arrest warrant for Commander Robin Camp, Chief Petty Officer Robert Doyles and Lieutenant Commander Jensen. In the meantime, we consider them extremely dangerous and they have the means to find you. By scanning satellite photos available to them on a daily basis, they can easily find the location of the Senator’s helicopter. They are very good at that sort of thing.”

  “We originally wanted to fly you out of here last night but the storm got in the way. We have the FBI’s Gulfstream Jet standing by at Charlie Brown Airport to take you both to a safe house in Virginia until we have the perpetrators in custody,” confided Michael.

  “We could use a little sleep; we have been up since 7:00 AM yesterday,” petitioned Colleen.

  “Yes, I’m aware of that and until this storm slows I would rather we all stay here and get some shuteye. The Atlanta boys will take the first shift while the rest of us try to get some sleep. David, do you know of a restaurant where we can get breakfast to bring back?”

  “Yes, the Batesville Inn serves a great breakfast and will do a takeout. It is straight down Rt.195, about 8 miles from here on the right.”

  “Thanks, it is after 4:00 AM now. I’ll have someone wake you around 8:00 AM and we will have breakfast ready. After that, Linda will accompany you to Charlie Brown Airport in the FBI’s van along with a driver. As soon as the weather clears you will leave for Virginia with Linda on the Gulfstream Jet.”

  Chapter 63

  Defense Intelligence Agency: Thursday, June 28, 7:00 AM.

  Commander Camp and Chief Petty Officer Doyles finished loading equipment into the Sikorsky UH 60 Blackhawk helicopter.

  The Defense Intelligence Agencies Blackhawk has a top speed of 183 MPH and a range of over 360 miles. Camp’s flight plan called for an initial heading of southwest 219 degrees to Charlotte International Airport for fuel, a distance of 329 miles with a flight time of one hour and thirty minutes. Upon departing Charlotte International Airport, he would head west-southwest on a heading of two-four-five degrees to Charlie Brown Airport, a distance of 227 miles and a flight time of one hour and fifteen minutes. Total flight time to Charlie Brown would be three hours and fifteen minutes with arrival time being approximately 10:45 AM.

  “Once I leave local airspace, I will be observing radio silence except for the fuel stop and final landing. I’ll check in with you from Charlie Brown. Doyles, make sure there is a car waiting when I arrive.”

  “Yes, Sir, the arrangements have all been made.”

  Commander Camp was airborne at 7:15 AM.

  Chapter 64

  Colleen and David were dressed and ready by 8:30 AM and as promised, Michael had breakfast on the table when they joined the others in the kitchen. Outside was still a grey, rainy day designed more for sleeping in than flying out and dampness had settled in. Michael felt it would be best to get them out of harm’s way and to the airport as quickly as possible. The idea that Camp’s operatives could show up at any moment weighed heavily on his mind. The FBI’s Gulfstream, had all-weather capabilities so they could leave for Virginia shortly after they arrived at the airport.

  Michael bid goodbye to Agent Linda Gentilcore, Colleen, David and Atlanta Agent Brian Bell as they drove off in the van for Charlie Brown Airport. It was 8:45 AM and it was a two-hour drive to the airport from Lake Burton. In spite of the rain, the scenery was beautiful as they motored through the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Streams, farmhouses and roadside vegetable stands eventually gave way to more urban surroundings. After a while, the rain’s hypnotic effect lulled Colleen and David to sleep in the back seat of the van. At 10:20 AM, Agent Bell stopped the van in front of the airport’s administration building.

  Chapter 65

  Atlanta, GA, Charlie Brown Airport: Thursday, June 28.

  Commander Camp set the Blackhawk down near the fuel pumps at five minutes after ten and watched as the attendant topped off its tanks. He was dressed in civilian clothes; cargo pants a dark tee shirt and a Braves baseball cap. He looked normal enough but he carried a hand held radio and concealed in an ankle holster was a silenced 9mm pistol.

  He entered the administration building and stopped at the café for coffee and a pastry. It had been a long morning and there was a lot more to do.

  Agent Bell dropped Colleen, David and Linda off at the administration buil
ding and headed back to Lake Burton.

  “Linda,” pleaded Colleen, “I have to use the ladies room.”

  “I’ll join you. David, are you all right?”

  “I’m fine; I’ll just get a cup of coffee at the café.”

  As a predator eyeing its prey, Commander Camp watched, as the three people entered the administration building. He had studied photographs of two of them secured from their drivers’ licenses. The other woman must be an FBI agent. This was an unusual opportunity and he had to act quickly. David took a seat at the far end of the counter while the two women went to the ladies room. Camp watched as the door to the restroom closed, then walked over to the restroom, drew his pistol and entered.

  “Don’t move,” he yelled while pointing his pistol at Linda.

  Linda instantly crouched and reached for her revolver, but Commander Camp’s 9 mm fired hitting her in the left shoulder as she fell helplessly to the floor.

  Colleen covered her eyes with a shaking hand as Commander Camp shoved his gun into her ribs.

  “Listen real well sister, unless you want to die right here! We are going to walk out of here as if nothing happened. Your boyfriend is at the counter and we are going to join him. Give me any trouble and I will plug you right here, do you understand?”

  “Ye, yes,” sniffed Colleen.

  They left the restroom room. His gun dug into her ribs and a strong hand clamped tightly around her upper arm guided her to the café where David was. He sat watching a large aircraft taxi on the runway when a sobbing Colleen arrived at his side.

  “Both of you will come with me right now! Say nothing and do nothing or you will both die right here!”

  The Blackhawk stood no more than a hundred feet from the administration building and the driving rain obscured Commander Camp’s intentions.

  Linda Gentilcore was semi-conscious as a paralyzing numbness spread along her chest and down her left arm. She groped for her handheld radio and pressed the send signal.

  “Michael, I’ve been shot, they have David and Colleen.”

  “Where are you?”

  “In the ladies’ room at Charlie Brown Airport.”

  “I’ll get help.”

  Michael radioed Agent Bell and apprised him of the situation. Agent Bell quickly headed back to the airport. Michael called 911 to get an ambulance for Linda.

  Linda’s receive signal beeped. “Linda, Agent Bell is returning and I’ve sent an ambulance for you. Where are you hit and do you know how many of them there were?”

  “In the left shoulder. A muscular looking man wearing a dark shirt and, I think, fatigue pants came into the restroom; I must have passed out after I was hit. There is a woman coming in here now and oh, I think I’m going to be sick.”

  “Hold on Linda, help is on the way.”

  Commander Camp directed David to the rear seat and told Colleen to sit in the front. He set his 9mm between his legs as he began to start the Blackhawk. Colleen watched intently as he started the engine. Commander Camp put on his seatbelt, shoulder harness and helmet.

  His plan was to shoot them and drop them out over the mountains of North Carolina.

  The Blackhawk was quickly airborne and Colleen was impressed with its rate of climb and power.

  In the back seat, David quietly slipped off his belt.

  “You two just sit back and enjoy the ride and don’t ask any questions, if you know what’s good for you,” barked Commander Camp.

  David wrapped his hands around either end of his belt and with a quick smooth motion threw it over Commander Camp’s helmet and around his neck. Bracing his feet on the back of the front seat and using his leg muscles, he was able to put considerable pressure on Commander Camp’s neck. A black wave of rage rolled through him as he maintained the pressure. The Blackhawk veered hard to the left as Commander Camp reached for his 9mm. Colleen grabbed his arm but he was too strong for her. A shot fired through the front window, then another and another. His strength was weakening as the Blackhawk did a tight circle to the left. Commander Camp’s grip finally loosened on the pistol and it fell to the floor. David continued to pull with all his might as Colleen struggled to straighten out the Blackhawk. Commander Camp’s eyes bulged out and his skin was turning blue. David pulled with a pent up fury and held the belt in a death grip as the life siphoned out of Commander Camp’s body.

  Colleen returned the Blackhawk to straight and level flight as she looked to see where they were. They were less than fifteen minutes from Charlie Brown Airport but the rain made visual flight navigation almost impossible.

  “David, I think he is dead.”

  “I don’t care, the son of a bitch deserves this,” sobbed David as he continued to pull on the belt even harder.

  “David, I’m going to need help flying this. Please, he is dead.”

  Colleen tried to familiarize herself with the controls as they took off but there had been little time to watch. The basic controls were the same as on the Jet Ranger, but this was a military aircraft and the radar/navigation systems were considerably different. There was also a gaping hole in the front windshield and the wind was howling in. She might be able to make the radio work.

  “David, you will have to remove the helmet from him so I can use the radio. Keep the wire plugged in.” David loosened his grip and removed Commander Camp’s helmet.

  Colleen put it on and set the frequency on the radio to 122.9, the one normally used for tower communications.

  “Charlie Brown tower, this is Blackhawk helicopter.

  “Go ahead Blackhawk.”

  ”We have a dead pilot on board. A female FBI Agent has been shot in the ladies’ room. I am an experienced pilot but unfamiliar with this aircraft.”

  “Blackhawk pilot, are you Colleen Gilmore?”


  “Go to the emergency frequency 121.5.”


  Colleen switched frequencies and waited.

  “Blackhawk, this is Charlie Brown tower.”

  “Go ahead Charlie Brown.”

  “Are you in stable flight?”

  “Yes, I’m just lost with all the rain and don’t know how to work the radar and navigation equipment. Do you see me on your radar?”

  “Roger Blackhawk, we have you about 30 miles out and heading away from the airport. Execute a 180-degree turn and follow my instructions. Slow your airspeed to 140 knots. We have your altitude at 2300 feet; maintain that until I instruct you to change.”


  There was power in this machine, thought Colleen. She could feel it as it sliced through the air.


  “Go ahead.”

  “Descend to 1500 feet. You should be here in about ten minutes.”

  The rain was letting up as Michael and the other agents raced toward Charlie Brown Airport. Still they were over an hour away. Local EMT services were on the scene attending to Linda Gentilcore. Agent Bell was in the tower.

  “Blackhawk, this is Charlie Brown tower.”

  “Go ahead “

  “I have some good news for you. The wounded female FBI Agent is being transported by ambulance and will be okay. Agent Bell is here and others are on their way from the north Georgia area. Now, slow your airspeed to 60 knots and descend to 500 feet.”

  “Roger, I have a visual on you now. Where do you want me to set it down?”

  “Wherever you feel comfortable.”

  Colleen made a slightly bumpy landing near the administration building. She was not sure of the exact shutdown procedure but several people ran to her assistance.

  Agent Bell was first among them. An A&E mechanic helped her shutdown the Blackhawk. Agent Bell removed the 9mm pistol from the floor after two medical technicians placed Commander Camp on
a stretcher and started CPR on him.

  Chapter 66

  Atlanta, GA: FBI offices, June 28.

  Michael and the other agents arrived at Charlie Brown shortly after noon. By then all the action had ceased. He finished debriefing Colleen, David and Agent Bell, then called his office and spoke to his administrative assistant, Catherine Balkunow. Supervising Agent Edwards held a press conference in front of cameras on the arrest of Chief Petty Officer Doyles and Lt. Commander Daniel Jensen. A third arrest warrant was out for Commander Camp, the first cousin of Governor William Casey III. Also held for questioning was administrative assistant, Harriet Benford from Commander Camp’s office. Agent Edwards went on to say that DNA samples imbedded in a section of the USS Morgan matched those of the son of Seaman Kirk Dinsmore, a crewmember on the USS Morgan at the time of its disappearance. He explained that a metallurgist accidentally discovered an extensive cover-up leading to several recent deaths and the reported deaths of the entire crew except for the Captain of the USS Morgan in 1945. The captain, William Casey Junior is the father of William Casey, III now Governor of Virginia, who is also suspected of being involved.

  Chief Petty Officer Doyles has been cooperating fully with the FBI and it seems he knows a great deal, about what has been going on, including the involvement of William Casey, III.

  After the briefing, Colleen, David, Michael and the other agents returned to the airport to fly to Virginia on the FBI’s Gulfstream Jet. Agent Linda Gentilcore remained hospitalized in fair condition at Northside Hospital in Atlanta. A full recovery is expected. On the way back, Agent Bell called Michael to inform him that the EMT’s were able to revive Commander Camp. He is in critical condition and remains in a coma with a broken neck.

  Michael arranged for the return of Senator Land’s Bell Jet Ranger to Dulles International Airport that evening.


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