Stay With Me (The Montgomery Brothers)

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Stay With Me (The Montgomery Brothers) Page 3

by Chase, Samantha

  Well, it didn’t really matter because no matter how attractive he still was, it was painfully obvious that Mac was not interested in her. Sigh. It was better to just accept that now than to torture herself the entire time she was here in North Carolina.

  “Did Mac show you where everything is in the guest house?” Monica said, interrupting Gina’s thoughts. “I tried to think of everything that you would need and I had a cleaning crew go in and get everything ready for you.”

  “It’s perfect; I really can’t thank you enough for your hospitality.”

  “Did you talk to your father yet?” she asked carefully, knowing that Gina and Arthur’s relationship was strained but not wanting to pry too much.

  “I called him before I walked over here for dinner. I told him I’d be there around lunchtime tomorrow.”

  “You’ll use one of our cars, of course,” William said and caught the glare Gina shot toward Mac.

  “I would be perfectly fine renting a car. I don’t want to impose anymore than I already am.”

  “Nonsense,” both William and Mac said at the same time.

  Gina chose to address William. “If you’re sure that you don’t mind and that it won’t be an inconvenience then I’ll take you up on your offer.” At that moment Mac’s phone rang and it seemed the perfect time for everyone to get up from the table. “I know it’s not very late, but it’s been a long day for me so if you don’t mind, I think I’ll head over to the guest house and crash.”

  “I’ll walk you over,” William said as he walked around the table toward her. “We’ll take a quick detour by the garage so you can choose which car you want to use and I’ll give you the keys. This way you can leave whenever you’re ready tomorrow.”

  Gina wished Monica a good night and thanked her for dinner. When Monica embraced her and whispered, “I’m so glad you’re home”, Gina almost burst into tears. It had been so long since they’d seen each other and yet she’d felt more warmth and affection than she did back on the west coast in her own home. “Thank you, Monica,” she said with a final squeeze and then met William by the back door.

  It was a cool September evening with a star-filled sky. There was an overall feeling of peace as they walked toward the garage and Gina was enjoying the silence.

  “It’s okay to be nervous about seeing your father,” William said softly.

  It was pointless to argue; William Montgomery had a way of seeing into your soul and knowing exactly how you felt and yet never making you feel bad about it. “It’s been a long time.”

  William sighed. “He struggled every day with his decision to let you move across the country. It wasn’t easy for him and unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be any way to make everyone happy.”

  “My mother can be difficult,” Gina said, trying to play if off like it wasn’t a big deal but they both knew differently.

  “We’ve missed you; not just your dad but all of us. You were part of our family.”

  “I wanted to keep in touch but sometimes it was just easier to let things go than deal with…” she trailed off and saw William nod in understanding.

  “That’s all in the past, Gina. You’re here now and if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “You’re being far too generous. The house, the car…I’m not used to having things go so smoothly.”

  “You just say the word and Monica and I will postpone our trip. You shouldn’t be alone to deal with all of this.”

  “Thank you for offering but I would feel terrible if you missed your trip. Besides, I think that it might be a good thing for me and my father to have this time together.” She paused and then stopped in her tracks. It didn’t take long for William to stop and turn to face her. “I know that you said that you would arrange for me to meet with the doctors in charge of my father but…I don’t want to do that.”

  William quirked an eyebrow at her. “May I ask why?”

  She took a fortifying breath. “This trip is not going to be easy for either of us. If I try really hard, I can pretend that this is just a normal visit and enjoy the time that he and I have together. Once I talk to the doctors, all I’m going to be able to focus on is how much time we have left together.” Unwanted tears filled her eyes and William pulled her in to his embrace.

  “Whatever it is that you want, that’s what we’ll do.” He felt Gina nod against him and rested his head on top of hers. She felt small and fragile and more than anything, he hated that she had to go through this alone. He understood her feelings well; she was losing her father and he was losing his best friend. They had a bond through Arthur Micelli and William knew that more than anything, he would take care of Gina and make sure that she got through this in tact.

  “I’ll tell you what,” he began and looked down into her big green eyes that were bright with unshed tears. “I’ll let the doctors know that you’re there and to make themselves available should you want to talk to them. Okay?”

  She nodded. “Thank you for understanding. I know that I should be braver about this and maybe I’m being naïve but for now, in all honesty, ignorance is bliss.”

  William took her by the hand and together they walked in silence toward the garage. When they arrived, William opened the door and revealed four vehicles: an SUV, two luxury sedans and a BMW convertible. Gina couldn’t help it; the convertible called to her. She was just about to take a step toward the sleek vehicle but stopped herself.

  “Um, which car will you and Monica be taking?” she asked casually.

  William had to hide his grin. He didn’t even need to ask which car she wanted; the wide-eyed way she kept staring at the BMW said it all. “We have a car service picking us up tomorrow so really, the choice is yours.”

  She wanted that convertible; she was a practical person who always made practical choices but something about that car made her want to be just a little bit wild. Back home, she drove the top rated sedan. It was luxurious and had every feature a driver could want and it had the highest safety rating available.

  It was boring as hell.

  The BMW seemed to wink at her in the dim light of the garage and as much as she wanted to ask William for the keys to it, practicality won out. “Either of the sedans will be fine,” she said, forcing a smile into her voice.

  William put an arm around her and led her away from the sedans and toward the convertible. “Isn’t she a beauty?” he asked but didn’t wait for a response. “I bought her six months ago; I don’t drive her much. Monica tells me I look ridiculous in it; like a man having a mid-life crisis. So I gave her the keys to it.” He sighed dramatically. “Unfortunately, she doesn’t appreciate the beauty of a convertible and ends up taking her Lexus over there instead.” Without looking away from the car, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys.

  “I imagine a California girl like you can appreciate a convertible,” he said lightly and chuckled at Gina’s startled expression.

  “Dad, that was Baker on the phone, apparently they want to meet with us tomorrow,” Mac said as he strode into the garage.

  William sighed. It was always business with Mac. He appreciated how his first-born took his position in the company so seriously but sometimes he just wished that Mac would just relax and enjoy himself! Here was a beautiful woman standing in the room with them and Mac was fixated on his phone.

  “Did you tell him that I was leaving after lunch?”

  Mac looked up and nodded. “He said they can be at the office as early as you’d like.” Without meaning to, Mac looked over and saw Gina walking around his father’s convertible. What the hell? He wanted to comment on it but instead returned his focus to the conversation with his father. “I told him eight a.m. should be fine.”

  William nodded. “That will work.” He turned and watched Gina inspecting the car. “You can open it up and sit in it; get acquainted with it. It’s got every feature known to man and the navigation system will get you anywhere that you have to go.”

“She’s using the BMW?” Mac asked with disbelief. “Why? Wouldn’t one of the sedans work?”

  “What’s the big deal?” William asked as he tried to hide his amusement. It took a lot to get Mac riled up and something about Gina Micelli seemed to be doing just that. “Gina needs a car, I told her she could use any that she wanted and she is.”

  Mac sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “She’s not familiar with how to get around here anymore, Dad. Wouldn’t it make more sense for her to drive a car that’s a little less…complex?”

  Gina had heard enough. “Excuse me,” she said, fairly stomping over to where the two Montgomery men stood. “For your information, I know how to drive. I’ve owned several cars in my life and I’ve driven up and down the west coast without incident. I don’t imagine that driving around the city of Charlotte, North Carolina is going to trip me up too much.”

  “I just don’t see the need for you to be driving such a flashy car!” he replied, his tone rising slightly. “You’re driving from here to the hospital and back; what’s the point?”

  Gina stepped into his personal space and then immediately regretted it. Not only did the man look good, but he smelled good too. Dammit. “So what you’re saying is that only ‘practical’ cars should be used to drive to and from the hospital?” She snorted with disgust. “Okay, that makes sense.”

  “All I’m saying is…”

  “And who says that I’m only driving back and forth to the hospital? Do I have a curfew? Do I need to punch a clock or something? Last I checked, I was here to see my dad and as an adult with free-will and not under any kind of house arrest, I’m free to go wherever I want . ”

  Mac’s gaze hardened. “So this is what? A pleasure trip for you? Stop in and see your father for a few minutes and then go traipsing around town?”

  “Mackenzie!” William snapped. It wasn’t often that he had the need to reprimand his sons anymore considering they were grown men but now seemed like the perfect time to do it. “What are you badgering Gina for? She didn’t say she was going traipsing around anywhere but for crying out loud, if she wants to visit old friends or go out to eat or just go to the store, that’s none of your concern.”

  Gina looked at him with a smug smile and Mac mumbled an apology. She graciously accepted before turning away and going back to the car. She wanted to skip away but she would wait to do that when she didn’t have an audience.

  “What is the matter with you?” William asked as he walked Mac out of the garage.

  Mac shook his head. “I don’t know, Dad. Sorry. It’s been a rough week.”

  “Really? How? It’s been business as usual as far as I could tell.”

  Now was really not the time to get into it but for some reason, Mac felt the need to unburden himself a little. “Between you and me? With Lucas and Emma having Lily and Jason and Maggie getting married, it’s just been a bit much. Everyone is looking at me and wondering when it’s going to be my turn and if I have to hear them ask that one more time, I’ll lose my mind!”

  William observed his son. Mac never admitted to any kind of weakness and this was as close as he’d ever gotten to share his personal feelings. “Do you begrudge your brothers their happiness?” he asked cautiously.

  “No, no…of course not; I’m thrilled for them both but, well…I just wish that I didn’t have to hear about it from everyone all the damn time. Everyone keeps asking if I’m happy for them and then they ask when it’s my turn…I’m beginning to dread going into the office.”

  Unable to help himself he pulled his son in for a hug and pat him on the back. “It’s the nature of the beast, I’m afraid. I think that part of the problem is that you spend too much time in the damn office.”

  Mac held up a hand to stop the lecture. “I am there as much as I’m needed.”

  “That’s bull and you know it. It wasn’t that long ago that you were picking on Jason for all of the time he spent in the office and you’re no better. Take some time off, Mac. The company won’t fall apart without you.”

  “I can’t right now; you’re heading out of town.”

  William waved him off. “Please, I’m not talking about taking a month-long vacation or anything…yet. But how about trying to leave by six? While the sun is still out.”

  “And do what?” Mac asked, confounded by the thought.

  Did he have to do all of the thinking for his children, William thought to himself. He caught a glimpse of Gina as she climbed from the convertible; a smile of pure satisfaction on her face. “Look after Gina while your mother and I are out of town. This isn’t going to be an easy visit for her and as much as she says she’s going to be fine, I’ll feel better knowing that she’s not alone.”

  Mac looked at his father as if he’d grown an extra head. Look after Gina? Was his father out of his mind? Did he see what Gina looked like? The last time he’d seen her, she’d been a kid; the woman walking around the garage right now was a living, breathing fantasy. Her long curly hair and big expressive eyes were slowly killing him. In the short span of time they’d been together today, he’d done his best to not look at her because when he did, he wanted to do more than just look.

  His father was probably thinking that it wasn’t a big deal because Gina was like family but for crying out loud, Mac was only human. Any man who had breath in his body would find it hard to look at Gina Micelli in a sisterly way. “She doesn’t need a babysitter, Dad,” he said a little too sharply.

  “No,” William said softly. “But I’m sure she could use a friend.”

  Mac eyed his father suspiciously. “You know, I’m not gullible like Lucas and Jason. If you think that you’re going to play matchmaker to me and Gina you’re seriously mistaken. It’s not going to happen.” He was shocked by his father’s sudden outburst of laughter. “What? What’s so funny?” he demanded.

  “Oh, Mac, I’ll admit that I had a hand in getting your brothers married off but believe me when I tell you that I wouldn’t do that to Gina.”

  He wasn’t sure why but that one statement felt like a slap in the face. “Why?”

  William reached out and put a strong hand on his son’s shoulder. “As much as I want all of my boys happily married, you’re just not right for Gina. Besides, do you really think now is the right time to be playing matchmaker for her when her father is gravely ill?” He shook his head and tsked at Mac.

  That only irritated Mac more. “Okay, I understand that the timing is wrong but if she was here for any other reason, are you telling me you wouldn’t be trying to fix us up?”

  “It’s a moot point,” William began diplomatically.

  “To hell it is!” Mac snapped and then noticed that Gina was watching them. He pulled his father farther away from the garage. “Let’s be hypothetical then, okay? If Gina was here for a social visit, can you honestly tell me that you wouldn’t be doing everything in your power to get us together?”

  “Yes,” William said simply, secretly enjoying this little turn of events. When Mac continued to glare, he decided to elaborate. “It was different for your brothers; Lucas was already attracted to Emma. I just gave them a nudge. And Jason and Maggie? Well, your brother needed to see that he wasn’t as irresistible as he seemed to think. He needed a challenge like Maggie.”

  “And what? I don’t need a nudge or a challenge?”

  William laughed. “Oh, I’m sure you do but I wouldn’t do that to Gina.”

  There were a million thoughts racing through Mac’s head at that moment and yet he could barely make his voice function. “Care to explain that?” he growled lowly.

  With a dramatic sigh, William led Mac away from the garage and toward his car. “Your brothers were ready to settle down. They may not have realized it at first, but it was true. You? You’re not ready for it and Gina needs someone who’ll want to be there for her and take care of her; someone with staying power. That’s not you.” It pained him to say the words, especially because he didn’t fully believe them but he was m
erely planting a seed.

  “What do you mean I don’t have staying power? When have I ever walked away from anything?”

  “Mac, you are my son and I love you; it’s not that you walk away from anything, it’s that you don’t get attached to anything.”

  “That’s not true.” Mac’s tone was deadly calm and if it were anyone else but his father saying these things about him he’d have already knocked them out.

  “When was the last time you were in a long-term relationship?” William asked.

  He wanted to answer; the answer should have been on the tip of his tongue and yet for the life of him, Mac couldn’t remember the last time he’d had more than a couple of dates with the same woman. “How can I have a long-term relationship when I’m so involved with work?” Mac thought he was being clever by throwing the ball back in his father’s court.

  He was seriously mistaken.

  “That just proves my earlier point!” William exclaimed, a smile crossing his face. “Effective immediately, I’m putting you on a leave of absence.”

  “WHAT?” How the hell had he gotten to this point?

  “You work too hard, you have no personal life and you’re too proud to admit that you need a break. There’s nothing wrong with needing some time off, son. We all do. Look at me; I’m taking your mother on this cruise because we needed some time away. I hate that the timing is what it is; I hate to leave Gina here to take care of things with Arthur but we’ll only be gone for ten days.”

  “Dad, I don’t need a leave of absence; especially while you’re away. I’ll be needed at the office while you’re gone.”

  “Nonsense. Jason is there and we have a very capable team of executives that can handle things if you take some time off.”

  “I don’t want any time off!” Dammit, why didn’t his father ever listen? “I promise to cut back a little but there’s no need to do anything drastic.”

  William watched as Mac’s features ran from panic to anger to uncertainty. Just for fun he took a long pause to make his son sweat it out a little bit more. Finally, he spoke. “Okay, we’ll put off the leave of absence for now but if I don’t see some changes in you and your work habits, I will enforce it. Am I making myself clear?” It was a tone he’d used on his sons since they were little and it gave him great joy to see that it still had the desired effect.


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