Naked Obsession

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Naked Obsession Page 12

by Rice, Rachel E.

  Steven walked to the refrigerator and opened the door, stepped back with a gasp and held his hand to his mouth. He stood still not able to make a sound. He used his left hand to gesture at Sydney who was busy trying to find the security code that she stored in her purse six months ago. She was too busy to see Steven’s hand gesture toward her in a mad frenzy. Finally he managed to get a few words from his mouth. “Sydney, Sydney, Oh Sydney.”

  “What! What ! Can’t you see I’m busy?”

  “I think I found Zack.”

  Sydney dropped her keys, turned, and ran to Steven standing in the back of the garage staring into a large refrigerator. As she approached Steven, she began walking slowly. Sydney saw Steven’s stare and mouth open, she didn’t want to face what she knew to be waiting.

  Wrapped in a large see through vinyl bag, hoisted in the double door professional frig lay the body of her friend, Zack Green. He appeared frozen in an unusual position. He laid frozen solid like a whole cow in a butcher’s shop. Sydney began weeping on Steven’s shoulder. They both stood as if they could not believe the sight before them. Sydney wondered how anyone could have done such a thing to such a sweet guy.

  Zack was in his pajamas. He didn’t appear to have a bullet or stab wounds anywhere. How was Allison going to explain this or was she planning on explaining. The police had been to the mansion several times, but they never initiated a search or bothered to get a search warrant. As Sydney and Steven realized they were not in a dream, but a real life episode, they heard a car driving up the curved road.

  “Hide Steven!” Steven slammed the door and fell to the floor with Sydney. Their hearts racing because they were not equipped for the kind of adventure they found themselves immersed in. They were dealing with murders. Sydney knew Allison would do anything for money.

  Allison would do anything not to be poor. In high school she had a secret life. She danced at a strip club to pay college cost. Somehow, she thought that college would be the answer and it could have been if she had gone there to learn and get a profession. Yet she hoped to meet a rich man and marry him. She did meet a rich man, and Sydney was responsible for introducing her to Zack. Nevertheless, Sydney couldn’t have known that things would take a nasty, deadly, grotesque turn.

  The noise of an engine coming closer alerted Sydney and Steven.

  The car stopped in front of the house instead of driving into the garage. Steven and Sydney heard three car doors slam and then another. They surmised that the driver got out and opened the door for both of the women, then the driver got back in and drove away.

  “Now what? How are we getting out of this Sydney?”

  “I don’t know but if we have to stay here all night we will. I have to let someone know what has happen to Zack. You should have a seat Steven it’s going to be a long night.” Steven grudgingly sat on the carpeted floor. The two sat for hours whispering back and forth about what they thought the two women were doing.

  Suddenly the door opened from the servant’s quarters leading into the garage. Allison and the tall brunette with tan skin and large black eyes sauntered in holding hands and kissing. A look passed between Sydney and Steven. Both their eyes widen in surprise. Steven gave out a silent cheer, celebrating that he won the bet he waged earlier with Sydney. He could recognize a homosexual relationship at any distance. He gestured with his hands waving in the air. Sydney gestured back, running her two fingers across her mouth, to say zip it.

  The impulse to shout and say “gotcha” ran through Steven’s mind, but he had better judgment. He knew that the two women were in the killing business and he was not going to be their next victim. Allison and her lady friend were still in robes, in what appeared to be an afterthought when they walked out of the shower. The brunette wore Zack’s robe because his initials were displayed in gold initials. Z. G. could only mean Zack Green and A. G. meant Allison Green.

  The amount of hugging and kissing that was apparent signaled that they probably had sex recently. Allison had a cigarette hanging from her mouth as she talked and kissed, taking the cigarette out only to give her friend a peck on the cheek and a few tongue kisses on their way to view the body.

  They walked to the refrigerator and opened the doors, stood looked inside at Zack’s body as if viewing it in a mortuary; but instead of crying, she shook her finger and shoulders as to signal her accomplishment of doing away with him. She said, “You didn’t think you would end up here, Mr. Smart Ass? You cheap bastard!” Then she threw the cigarette she nursed onto the floor, and stepped on it violently.

  “Calm down honey,” was the remarks coming from the handsome dark haired woman. Then she grabbed Allison and planted another kiss on her neck, in front of Zack’s frozen, lifeless body. As Sydney and Steven looked on from the floor, they could only grit their teeth in horror. Not because of the kiss, which was enough to cause Sydney to become nauseated; not because they might be discovered, but because poor Zack was packed as if he were a side of beef someone had carelessly thrown into a freezer; and because Sydney introduced him to a piece of trash that would eventually murder him.

  After fondling Allison one for the road, the tall handsome woman closed the door to their crime and led Allison hand in hand into the house.

  “What are we going to do now?” Steven whispered.

  “I don’t know,” Sydney replied. “I know that we should wait and let them make the first move.”

  “Oh is that what you have learned from watching that show, “Body of Evidence.”

  “Don’t be sarcastic Steven; at least I have some answers.”

  “O.K. you win. They can’t keep him there forever,” Steven said hoping something would give.

  “Calm down Steven, we have to get out of here and we can’t do anything now.” Just as Sydney’s statement ended, Allison and her paramour exited the house into the garage. They walked to the freezer, opened the doors and reached for Zack’s body, then grabbed the arms and legs and dragged him along the floor.

  “Open the trunk.”

  “What are we going to do with it?” Allison questioned.

  “We are taking it to Atlantic City and dispose of it.” The two women grimaced as they lifted the body into the trunk.

  The two closed the trunk with a sigh as if it was an inconvenience, walked to the open car doors, and stepped inside. The garage door went up and they drove out. Now Sydney and Steven knew where they were headed and they didn’t have to rush. All they had to do was call the state police and they would take care of the rest.

  Since they were close to Atlantic City, Steven decided that they should go to Caesar’s. Sydney had enough of the gambling scene, but after the work they had just put in and too tired to drive home, they headed for Atlantic City.

  * * * *

  It was the height of the gambling season, and somehow Steven managed to get a luxurious room. Sydney wondered how he managed to do that because she never knew he gambled. Steven left, and Sydney ordered room service and took a shower. Steven didn’t bother.

  She ordered some clothing. Too tired to go anywhere, she fell into the bed and didn’t wake until she heard Steven’s key in the door. Sydney looked up to see a tired discouraged look on his face.

  Sitting up in the bed, “You look like shit Steven, where have you been?”


  “All night?”

  Steven shook his head yes, entered the restroom and took a shower and exited with the same clothes and same look.

  “Order us some breakfast and then we can leave.”

  “What’s wrong Steven? Sydney asked several times before he said anything.”

  “I’m in trouble.”

  “You’re always in trouble, what else is new?”

  “Don’t sit around with me, Sydney.” I went to get some money and there was nothing in my bank account.”

  “Have you gambled everything away?”

  “No it’s not me, it’s Jose.”

  “Don’t tell me you gave him access t
o your accounts?” Sydney looked Steven in the eyes and he put his head down. “You are the biggest fool I have ever met with the exception of me. I guess that’s why we are friends. We are both the biggest assess that god created.”

  “Don’t worry Steven I will give you a loan.”

  “I need a lot of money.” He sat on the bed looking like a lost child.

  “What is a lot of money?”

  “Sydney I did some stupid things.”

  “There is more.”

  “I gave Jose access to all my accounts.”

  “The business too?”

  “Yes.” I wanted him so much and I wanted him to trust me.”

  “There is trust and there is trust, Steven!”

  “I don’t want to know anymore.”

  Sydney ordered breakfast but they didn’t eat much. The long ride home didn’t do much for their friendship. They sniped at each other at every tool booth and there were plenty. They finally made it to Sydney’s apartment to find the children and the nanny sleeping and Jeremy gone Sydney thought it better if Steven stayed because he could not be trusted to go home.

  Steven and Sydney sat talking about what could have been and then the bell rang, and then a loud knock. Sydney looked at Steven; he positioned his head to the left and peered at her. She walked to open the door and Jeremy stood staring at her. “I came to see the children.”

  “It’s late Jeremy can you come tomorrow?”

  “Who is in there with you?”

  “I have company and why are you asking such a question?”

  “I’m concerned about you. You have been gone for two days.”

  As she began to explain to him, Steven entered the foyer and stood gazing. Steven would not leave Sydney’s side even though he knew that it would make Jeremy angry.

  Jeremy took a deep breath, “I’m getting married.”

  “What?” Sydney opened her mouth wide to scream, but there was no sound. She held her breath. Jeremy looked around and walked away through the door. Sydney stood looking at the hall, at the chandelier, at the off white leather chair, and her gaze came on him as he entered the elevator. She wanted to scream once more but nothing would come. She wanted to scream for him to come back and not leave her alone, but she couldn’t. She put her hand to her mouth to silence the inevitable scream.

  She never begged Danny when she found him with a woman. Even then she wanted to scream but the sound never came. Now she had lost everything and she didn’t know what to do. Steven stood and saw the anguish in her face. Her lips quivered, her hands shook, and she walked in a circle in the middle of the large living room. Steven held her and tried to comfort her. She stepped quietly toward the door of her room saying to herself that she would be all right.

  She lay in bed with her clothes on and willed herself to sleep.

  * * * *

  Jeremy didn’t know what possessed him to make such an announcement, but it appeared he had no alternative. He had the worst cards in the deck and he played them. He couldn’t go on devoting himself to Sydney when she couldn’t decide whether she loved him or Danny. He couldn’t see the sense in her loving a man that was dead when he is living flesh.

  Jeremy hailed a cab after leaving Sydney and rushed to Nadia’s apartment. Maybe Nadia would welcome him and give him what he needed—love that he could not get from Sydney—a closeness of body and spirit. He would be willing to sleep with anyone just to feel a connection. Just to feel alive.

  He did feel something for Nadia, maybe he needed to give it a chance, and then he could move on and find some form of happiness. The thought of his child surfaced. What could he do about his child without causing Sydney to despise him? He knew he had to step softly because he didn’t want to garner her hatred. He loved her.

  He loved her more than life. She brought his son to life even thou she knew it could cause her life.

  Haggard from his thoughts, Jeremy stepped out of the cab in the village. Doubt chased his mind and left him crazed. Yet he found the right floor and his key turned in the lock. There he saw Nadia sitting on the floor loading pictures into her computer.

  She turned and a large smile spread across her face. Her eyes brightened and she sat upright. “Just the person I want to see.”

  “I have to talk to you,” Jeremy said plopping down on the gray velvet sofa.

  “What’s wrong?” Nadia was concerned that he had been working hard and needed a rest.

  “Guess what?” Jeremy looked away speechless and drained. An excited Nadia words came spilling out. “We can go to Paris and sell some of your work. Then you will have enough money to buy all the things you have wanted. You can buy that villa in Italy or that Parisian apartment. A home in California. I hear California has the best light in the world and you can paint to your heart’s desire.” Their eyes met.

  Nadia knew about selling paintings, and she could spot a fake just by a keen eye, but she knew little about the inspiration of great paintings. She looked at Jeremy with her childish euphoria. “What do you say; do you want to go to Paris?”

  “I want to go and I want to marry you.” These were the most painful words Jeremy could ever let escape from his lips.”

  Nadia stood stunned! “What did you say?”

  Jeremy eased himself from the sofa and walked close to Nadia. “I want to marry you.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to force you into anything.”

  “You’re not forcing me.”

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” She grabbed him and kissed him on his forehead, cheeks, and lips.

  Nadia didn’t hear Jeremy say I love you. Nadia didn’t hear Jeremy say I want to be with you for a lifetime. Nadia didn’t hear Jeremy say I want to have children with you. Nadia was blind to everything negative about Jeremy. All she could see was the beautiful handsome man standing before her asking for her hand in marriage.

  Jeremy extended his hand; she looked into his eyes, and followed him to her bedroom. He closed his eyes and visualized a portrait of Sydney in Italy. He remembered how he encouraged her to release her breast into the silk scarf he draped across her shoulders, and how he peeked at her when the wind suddenly blew across her breast lifting the scarf into the air.

  His dreams now consumed his waking hours, and now his dream of Sydney lay between him and Nadia. He laid kissing Nadia’s neck so soft and gentle. He caressed Nadia’s breast as he had done a year ago in his apartment. He looked on Nadia’s body, but it did not command him. He didn’t desire her body, but he desired the release that would come from sexual intercourse with her.

  Jeremy turned from being a soothing lover to a greedy brut and Nadia could feel the difference. Yet she didn’t say a word. He looked at her and grabbed her small body and rolled her over and without preparation or a word, thrust his penis into her virginal wall. She felt the hot moist liquid and then as quickly he pulled it out and plowed straight between her buttocks.

  The thrust was fierce and surprising, but she was in love and nothing was off bounds for her wonderful handsome lover. At first she didn’t appreciate the type of lovemaking and then she enjoyed it and to her surprise she became excited as well.

  Jeremy’s only concern was satisfying his lust for Sydney and he would abuse anyone to ease his hot sexual pain to cool his naked obsession.

  He would never engage in base sexual desires with Sydney. He was all about making love to her not satisfying himself. His satisfaction came when he licked her folds and brought her to a climax. He knew he was in control, yet he was out of control, and she had him harnessed to her and he didn’t know how to disconnect himself.

  After completing his sexual desires and relief, he walked to the restroom to take a shower. He never laid and kissed Nadia the way she wanted him to. He left her under the sheets; he dressed, wanting to return to his apartment as soon as possible. He needed to know whether Sydney had called. He suspected that when she got hold of herself and the idea had sunk in, she would beg him not to marry Nadia.

  “Where a
re you going?” Nadia questioned.

  “If we’re going to Paris, I have to take care of a few things.” He walked to the bed, kissed her on the head, and locked the door behind him as he left the apartment. A cab was cruising, Jeremy raised his hand, and the cab stopped. He jumped in with his heart racing. He didn’t have time to think when he became angry and declared to Sydney that he was getting married.

  When he arrived at his apartment, the phone was full of messages, it stopped accepting more. He listened to the messages. “Jeremy I need to talk to you.” “Jeremy call me when you return.” “Jeremy…we have to talk about the baby…” All were from Sydney.

  He had a wicked smiled. Although he didn’t want to hurt Sydney, his actions were to force her to accept Danny’s death and love him. Jeremy was playing a dangerous game for a young impetuous man. The urgency of Sydney’s voice caused Jeremy to dance as he took extra delight in the pain in her voice. He decided to make himself a sandwich. Standing looking into the frig he sang his favorite song. He turned up the sound system; he listened to “I’m Feeling Good.” What a perfect way to end the evening, he thought.

  Then delighting in himself once more, he sat down with his ham and cheese sandwich and caught a soccer game. The phone rang. He sat up and listened for a voice. The phone hung up without a message. After an evening of argument, a night of rough sex, phone calls, food and sports, Jeremy was tired. He fell asleep and didn’t call Sydney.

  Chapter 13

  Broken Hearts

  Sydney woke early with eyes swollen and red. She ambled onto the terrace. It was early in the morning, the moon had not shown, not that it would with all the cars and smog in Manhattan. But it was possible because of the chill in the air. It really didn’t matter. Taking a breath, she looked over and spied Steven lying on the sofa. “Steven there are enough rooms for you to have one. Why don’t you lie down and sleep?”

  “I’m trying to figure out what went wrong. I called all over town and discovered that the rent on my shop is due and the bank is threatening to call in the loan. I’m losing my house and you don’t want to know the rest, plus I invested money that Jose didn’t get his hands on and I can’t get the guy on the phone.” Steven sat with his head buried in his hands shaking his head. All he could say was, “It was not suppose to be like this.”


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