The Colony Box Set

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The Colony Box Set Page 26

by J. D. Grayson

  “How long until we hit the Western caves?” he asked.

  “Five minutes, sir,” the pilot answered.

  “Push this thing faster. I don’t care if it’s escaped colonists or red faced freaks...I want them all slaughtered!”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “From the time I was born, I was destined for greatness.”

  “Really, sir?”

  “Yeah. My father instilled it in me. When I came home with bad grades, he hit me with his fist...for being dumb. When he caught me smoking, he burned my tongue with the cigarette...because it was unclean. When I fought my older brother and lost...he beat me worse...for being weak. When I was dishonorably discharged from the military...”

  “He must’ve really been angry for that, sir.”

  “He shook my hand...told me, ‘good job, son. Only time he ever did that.’”

  “Congratulated you, sir?”

  “Called me son,” he said with hurtful pride. “He told me to remake the country, not uphold its honor. His life’s finally within my grasp. Power, strength...the way he ruled me...was his desire to be feared, revered. I used to think my childhood was one of abuse...though I see now it was one of preparation.”

  “I don’t understand, sir.”

  “You wouldn’t...being a simple tool in my belt of conquest. You’re not meant to rule an’re just meant to build it. Like bees to a hive...ants to a colony.”

  The pilot was insulted, though knew better than to protest. “Yes, sir.”

  An opportunistic smile crossed Commander Grey’s face. “Glory awaits. Once Aionios’ loyal worshippers are dead, I’ll slay him. At that moment...I will be god,” he said in a power-hungry tone. “I will be Aionios.”

  “Yes, sir. The coast is in sight. The first set of laser-targeted structures is approaching. Our scouts identified people on the ground...taking shelter within.”

  “It’s time they meet the new landlord. Fly into attack position.”

  The aircraft flew over the caves of clay and rock. Arriving at Rudd’s area, they were a long way from the savages’ shelter. Though, the trigger-happy commander wanted instant blood, he didn’t care who it belonged to.

  As the attack helicopter faced the cliffs, Fredrick armed the weapons. Taking the steering yoke in his hands, his thumbs hovered over trigger buttons. “I am Aionios!” he shouted, pressing down upon them.

  A spark of white light was fired from the round cannon tube. Another followed, then another. As the first one made contact, a massive explosion shook the sandy beach. Smoke rose, rock shattered.

  The second thud made contact, adding to a bigger flame. More of the cave’s structure crumbled down. Commander Grey cried out in such ecstasy, no sexual act could match it. He seeped precum, nearing orgasmic levels. Biting his lip with nicotine-stained teeth, he fired an explosive trail along the rocky coastline. Explosions leapt into the air, quaking the Western grounds for miles.

  “We have more ground to cover, sir. You’ll spend the whole load beforehand,” the pilot warned.

  “I’ll give the orders!” Fredrick shouted, holding his trigger-finger down. Multiple thuds sailed towards the rocky coast, dancing through air like a bright ballet of destruction. As the last of two hundred exited, the entire section of caves collapsed. Huge clouds of dust sailed into the heavens, masking the helicopter in a reddish cloud.

  However, the commander wasn’t done. Having spent the explosive ammunition, he switched to bullets. Using the gun cannons, he blindly fired hails of spray into the cliffs. Screaming in scratchy passion, Fredrick emptied hundreds more rounds into the cliffside. Drool spilled from his lips, body shook with spent vibrations. Even when the last bullet ran out, he kept his finger on the trigger. “More! More!”

  “Sir, we’re out of ammo. This section is destroyed. We must return,” the pilot said, flying back towards the colony.

  Having flown before, Fredrick knew enough to ably pilot the plane. After realizing all he admitted to the soldier, paranoia kicked in. He was afraid his words would get back to Aionios. The man still held the power and love of the citizens.

  The commander activated the steering controls, taking over the piloting duties.

  “What are you doing, sir?” the pilot asked.

  Fredrick reached over, snapping the pilot’s neck in a swift motion. The pilot’s eyes went blank, as Commander Grey thrust back towards the colony. He’d eventually dump the guard’s body in the sea, though no one would look for it anyway. His plan was to reload and finish the rest after Aionios was dead.


  Tossed to the ground by explosive vibrations, the group of four fell into rocky soil. Distant flames burned the night air. “No! My people! My cave!” Rudd shouted in horror, standing up, running with every ounce of energy.

  Eventually arriving at the coastline, they paused in sickened disbelief. The flames had been smothered by charred and crushed rock, people underneath meeting the same fate. A frantic Rudd climbed through the smoldering ashes. His skin stung with heat, hands ached as he tossed away pounds of rock.

  Dylan, Eden and Gunner joined him. The netted savage was tossed aside, as Smith was equally upset. He’d come to know those people over the weeks, seeing them as family too.

  After hours of exhaustive search, a black hand was unearthed. It wasn’t a typical shade, the skin charred and cooked. The silver-haired Rudd cleared away more rocks, unveiling the crushed body of the original Aionios. He was the old man’s closest friend.

  “No!” Rudd yelled in pained rage. With no reason to dig further, he was a man without a people, without a home.

  Dylan placed a hand upon Rudd’s shoulder, saying, “I’m sorry. Truly sorry.”

  Wiping away a tear, only anger remained in its wake. “To hell with sorry’s, kid...I want revenge! Count me in for that suicide charge.”

  “There’s been a change of plans,” Dylan said. “Scrap the suicide part, we’re gonna live, we’re gonna win. I’m getting my wife back...and we’re getting off this fucking island.”

  “Welcome to the crazy club, mate,” Gunner added. “Nice to know I’m not the only mental case here. I’ve claimed that victory since day matter the odds.”

  “I think those odds just increased.”

  “How?” Rudd asked.

  “Me,” Eden answered. “I’ll turn myself in...feed them misinformation.”

  Dylan nodded, knowing she’d sense the opportunity for gain.

  “Sounds brilliant to me,” Gunner declared. “Ridding two stone.”

  “Survival. It’s a language Dylan and I speak. I send them on an empty chase...clear a path for you to save me.”

  Gunner added, “Strike that last part. Come on, Hunter. You don’t really trust her, do ya, mate?”

  “As much as she’ll need to trust us. She’ll have to tell us the cave’s location...Grey’s headquarters too.”

  “It’s not them I’s you,” Eden said, locking eyes with Dylan.

  “She’s even more bat shite crazy than I thought,” Gunner announced.

  Dylan said, “When there’s gain in it for her...she delivers like no other.”

  Rudd cut in, “Kid, exactly what’s in it for us?”

  “Fate. One we’ll control ourselves.”


  Minutes went by. A recovery squad arrived to claim Eden’s body. Dylan and crew left, though not before Mr. Hunter told the goddess one last thing. “Stay safe,” he said with sincerity in his voice, his eyes. Eden wanted to respond with her usual prideful quip, though she was rendered speechless by the sight. Having seen many lustful looks in her past, she’d never seen one of true care.

  As the recovery team arrived at the wreckage, Eden approached with hands in the air. She called out to them, “ me. I was taken hostage by that horrible man. He escaped...fled down beach! Take me to Aionios...let me tell him where to find that fugitive.”

  Readying their weapons, the g
uards descended upon Eden. “Cuff her!” a guard ordered, ignoring her words. His men secured her wrists. “Let’s get her back...and get our reward,” he said excitingly.

  Eden gazed into the dark forest, knowing her fate now rested in Dylan Hunter’s hands. Oddly enough, it was the safest she’d ever felt. For the first time in her life, prospects of life and death wasn’t foremost on her mind. Winning Dylan’s heart was front and center.


  Morning sky began to break, marking the official day of sacrifice. The reaping would end by nightfall, resulting in a lake of burning flesh and fire. Eden was marched quickly across the island, returned to the colony.

  The goddess was led into the reaping cave. Upon entrance, her skin crawled with chills. Having read of the end times in the golden book, she never imagined seeing them with her eyes. Led along the Paradox Lake, she was worried that the citizens would seek vengeance for their deity. However, their zombie-like minds cared about two things alone: Paradox and sex.

  With each step, shocking images infected Eden’s mind. A blond woman rode a brunette man on the lake’s edge. Heavily on her period, trails of crimson spilled down the man’s cock. Gripping her hips, he blasted a load inside. Before he could finish, the woman crawled up to his face, sitting on it. He eagerly drank her bloody gift.

  Next, a black man peed on an Asian woman’s face. A Spanish woman squatted over a white man, peeing on his cock. That was nothing compared to the vile scat darkening a redhead’s pale skin. Multiple men squatted over her.

  Inside the Paradox pool, men were slapping and punching women in masochistic acts. Some ripped out fists full of hair. Many of the females had black eyes, bloody lips, broken bones. Switching roles, some women were kicking men in the balls, feeding their need for aggression.

  Eden continued her march towards the stairs, seeing more citizens scattered around like sexual trash. Lifeless exhaustion filled their faces. Shaking and shriveled skin decorated their bodies. Blankness lived within their eyes. However, the addicts just kept going like machines.

  A Hispanic man fucked a black woman, his hands wrapped tightly around her neck. She was choked to her last breath. The man’s muscular ass cheeks stiffened, filling her as he loudly grunted. Blasting his cum inside, her throat gasped for air. The more he came, the harder he squeezed. She lost consciousness, though he continued to choke away.

  Eden gasped at the next, more disturbing sight. Three men of multiple nationalities banged a limp woman. Like the black woman, the particular sex doll had been strangled. However, her open stare indicated her expiration. She’d lost her life days ago. That didn’t stop the men from having their way with her.

  Next, a brunette woman was being bitten on her body and neck. Multiple men covered every inch. The aroused woman rubbed herself with blood, while others did the same. Sex acts continued the whole time.

  As the goddess reached the winding stone stairway, the most vile acts awaited her. Having heard the squealing from afar, she assumed it belonged to the busy women. Instead, it was the sound of defiled swine. Held down by one man, the others had their way with the creatures to completion.

  Having seen more than enough horror, Eden ascended the stairs to the loft. She’d seen a lot at The Colony, though never imagined such debauchery. In reality, the citizens would’ve never sought such perverse extremity. However, after a week of little sleep and no food, Paradox’s poisonous buzz was their only sustenance. It was their lifeline. Minds and bodies swelled with unquenchable addiction.

  One man went insane, charging the stairs to beg Aionios for permission to suck divine cock. Adam quickly cut him off, knocking the man to the ground. He whipped the citizen multiple times. When it was clear the man wouldn’t stop, Adam whipped him to death. As he carelessly walked away, others ran to the deceased, dragging the corpse into the pool to play with.

  As each sexual act was conquered, they craved something new and more extreme. Their cocks, vaginal tunnels, assholes and mouths were swollen, sore and chaffed. Many of them were unable to cum, losing the ability through trauma or old-fashioned boredom. They’d desensitized themselves to all vice, living out the prophecy's command. All that remained was sacrifice.

  Eden arrived at the loft. Aionios was watching his drugged blonds foot-fuck each other. Alexa and Jenna’s feet filled their vaginal caverns to the midpoint. Their cries were loud, competing with the worshippers below.

  Aionios laughed, cheering like a spectator at sport. He was buzzed, yet of sound mind. He knew better than to lose his wits, charged with dropping the torch upon the lake of alcoholic brew.

  Eden’s cuffs were removed, she was brought to Aionios’ throne. She immediately saw the pale yellow snakeskin decorating his cock. Her blood boiled. The goddess wanted to charge him, beat his face with fists. However, she knew reaction meant certain death.

  Aionios turned his head towards her. “Blasphemous cunt!” he shouted in rage. He stood, flinging his golden chalice at the exotic brunette. She remained still, allowing it to strike her head. Although she could’ve ducked, appeasing Aionios was the ultimate goal.

  Forcing rare emotions away, Eden dropped to her knees, bowing. Seeing her eyes tilt towards the snakeskin, the deity taunted her. “You like my sheath?” he asked, laughing loudly. He removed it, tossing it at her.

  She reached out for it, fighting deep sadness from showing. Instead, she gripped it in an angry hand. “I beg you to hear my words, great one.”

  Aionios continued, “Let that be a lesson for defying me.” Jenna and Alexa momentarily stopped, removing their wet feet. Seeing the insubordinate act, Aionios shouted, “Did I order a cease to the foot-fucking?”

  The girls quickly returned their feminine feet inside each other.

  Eden crawled to the dark deity's feet, kissing them. He smacked her face with one, making her spill backwards. Forcing the pain away, Eden said, “You must understand, great one...I was taken hostage by that horrible man. He planned to use trade bait to get his wife back. She’s your chosen one.”

  Aionios paused, staring over at Alexa. Needing to protect his massive ego, he was willing to suspend his disbelief. “So you didn’t leave me on your own accord?”

  “Never, great Aionios! Being sacrificed for you...was the greatest honor one could ever have received.”

  He paused, fluffed by her words. “You are correct in that statement. Though, you’re incorrect in the word, was. That honor is still yours.”

  Fear crossed Eden’s face. “Now?”

  “No. Tonight...before the others burn. In fact...” he said, staring over the loft’s edge, down into the citizen filled Paradox Lake. “You will be my torch.” Lust filled his eyes, imagining a burning Eden thrown from above...watching it explode from high.

  As disturbing as it sounded, Eden was grateful for the delay. If Dylan kept his word, she’d be saved before then. Crawling back towards his feet, she kissed them again. “Thank you, great Aionios. For your kindness, I bring you a gift of my own.”

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “The fugitives who dared disgrace you, still live.”

  Anger filled his face. “I was told they were Commander Grey himself!”

  “Dylan Hunter...the man who took me...hides in a cave as we speak. It’s on the far western coast, unarmed, unguarded, and susceptible to attack.”

  “I will order every guard into a ground assault! Commander Grey will lead them personally...for his incompetence!”

  “Yes, great one,” she said with a concealed smirk, bowing to him.

  He snapped at a servant, who quickly came with another chalice of Paradox. After taking it, the deity handed it to Eden. “Drink!” he demanded. She took a small sip, intending to keep her wit as well. “Join them in pleasure!” He pointed over at the two blonds, making his direction clear.

  Jenna Smith cringed. Even with her mind buzzed and memory fogged, her heart remembered the cruel goddess well enough. The curvy brunette smirked at Mrs. Sm
ith, taking pleasure in teasing her more. Jenna found her own pleasure in knowledge of Eden’s eventual burning. She smirked back.

  Eden lay beside the ladies, ready to play. Aionios joined them, seeking a final round of satisfaction.


  Taking cover in deep woods, Dylan, Gunner and Rudd let the day expire. They approached The Colony’s fence line, netted savage still imprisoned and stone-gagged. The sun reached the horizon line, island descended into shadow.

  “Draw straws?” Rudd asked.

  “Someone can volunteer instead...make it easier,” Dylan suggested.

  “No need, mates. It’s simple...whichever one of us tastes the best...wins. Or loses...I guess.”

  The three looked at each other with oddness in their eyes. Having never thought about such things, Dylan said, “I’m from San Fran...home of the wheat grass smoothie. I’m out.” He looked over at Rudd. “You’re from the South, right?”

  “Georgia, born and raised.”

  “BBQ...biscuits and gravy...grits...they all sound pretty tasty to me.”

  “Kid...I haven’t been back home in decades. The tangy sauce left this bloodstream years ago.”

  Dylan looked over at Gunner. “Fish and Chips,” he said.

  “Beer battered,” Rudd emphasized. “Looks like we got our man.”

  “For fuck’s can get fish and chips in the states. probably tastes like shite...oh hell...I’ll do it,” he said, holding out his arm.

  Dylan retrieved the netted savage, as Rudd lined Gunner’s wrist to the fence’s power line. “Kid, hold real still. He has to lunge for your flesh. Remove it at the last second, we’ll do the rest.”

  “Just cut me already...get it over with,” Gunner said. Rudd sliced a small nick along Smith’s hand, blood was drawn.

  Dylan dragged the netted savage to the fence. The cannibal wildly kicked and clawed, desperate to break free. As the red-face was stood up, Rudd sliced a hole in the netting.

  In a hungry rage, the clay-covered man lunged for Gunner. “Here goes nothin’” Rudd said, prying the rock from the cannibal’s mouth. Drenched oak leaves spilled outward, gnashing teeth snapped at the bloody hand.


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