Going Too Far

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Going Too Far Page 20

by Unknown

  His face had been lost in concentration as he went methodically about his work but, having finished, he looked at me and smiled. The smile was a mask, part of the role he was playing, but I could see that beneath the smile his face was heavy with wanting. My sex muscles started to throb and I felt my own eyes narrowing with desire. I heard, or maybe imagined, Carlos breathing heavily and Red stirred, maybe slightly uneasily but also infected by the almost oppressive atmosphere that suddenly pervaded the tent.

  ‘It’s not up to you any more, Bliss,’ said Robbie, his voice seeming rougher and louder in the steamy silence. ‘I’m going to do exactly what I want. And you know what? I want to fuck you. Is that OK?’

  ‘You just said I can’t stop you,’ I breathed.

  ‘I don’t think you understand what I mean. I wanted you to say that it was OK. That it was very OK, in fact that you want me to.’ His voice was almost menacing.

  ‘I do,’ I said faintly. ‘I do want you to.’

  He was taking his jeans off. ‘Please.’

  ‘Please,’ I repeated. ‘Please fuck me.’

  He rolled the condom over his hard cock. I remembered the taste of it so well and how good it had felt in my mouth. At last I was going to feel it inside me, and without prompting I repeated my plea.

  ‘I want you to screw me. Please.’

  His face was close to mine; I felt us breathe the same atoms of air that was already moist from the condensation that was building up inside the tent. I knew Red and Carlos were also affected by the electricity between us and as Robbie pulled my body forward so that my bound leg bent at the knee I raised my hips, offering myself to him, and symbolically to all three of them.

  ‘Do you really want me, or would anybody do?’ he asked.

  I guessed at my line. ‘Anybody.’


  My muscles quivered at the word. We smiled at each other; we were still playing our parts despite the haze of desire that engulfed us. I sighed as he entered me.

  At last. He moved slowly but deeply inside me. I looked at his face and wished I could see myself, my arms raised supplicatingly above my head, my sex outlined in black, my ankle chained to the heavy bag. He had finally got his wish to see me bound and I wondered how he felt now.

  ‘Do you like being tied up?’ he asked me.

  ‘Yes. Do you like having me tied up?’ I countered.

  ‘Yeah. You’re helpless. I can do whatever I want with you.’

  ‘I don’t care: you can anyway.’

  ‘Even a slag like you must have some limits.’

  Slag, that’s me. I felt my sex start to swell.

  ‘No limits.’

  I deliberately repeated Red’s words of only two weeks before. Robbie pushed faster inside me and I was sure he remembered them too. His fingers reached down and stroked my clitoris softly while he watched my face. I nodded my approval and his fingers rubbed firmly and surely and he watched me as I came. I saw the surprise on his face and realised that though they’d both teased me about how violently my muscles contracted in orgasm, it was the first time he’d felt it with his cock. As he came he whispered my name and I managed to keep it going for as long as he lasted, feeling like a virgin.

  Robbie sat back breathlessly. I knew we had to continue with the show but I was in no state for anything. He squeezed my mons just as I had finished, trying to suck the last faint vibrations from my orgasm, setting off that tingling afterglow feeling.

  ‘Must be your turn again, mate,’ he said to Red. Funny, the thought of Red fucking me again seemed like a violation, whereas we’d started off with him as the legitimate one. Still, this was Carlos’s treat. I had been the first to agree to it and I could hardly pull out now.

  ‘I’ll have her from behind this time,’ said Red. He turned me over, detaching my foot from the rucksack first and carefully tying it again after moving it to the other side. I couldn’t judge what he had thought about the last scene. I just hoped he hadn’t chosen that position because he couldn’t bear to face me.

  He moved me on to my knees and elbows and positioned himself behind me. ‘Nice one,’ he said, rubbing his hand along the leather band in the crease of my arse. Without any further preliminaries or even his usual tentative thrusts he pushed his thick length straight inside me.

  ‘You’ve got to admit I’m bigger than him,’ he said as he rode me hard.

  ‘You are big. So thick, it almost hurts.’

  ‘Do you want to be hurt?’ asked Robbie from just behind my left shoulder. I guessed he was watching Red’s prick stretch me open just as he had so many times before.

  ‘No,’ I said with emphasis. ‘I just want to be fucked.’

  I felt Red’s hands round my hips, pulling me back on to his thrusts by the black leather. Sliding my arms forward I dropped my head to the ground submissively, abandoning myself to the big hands that pulled me on to the big cock, enjoying the passivity and anonymity of the position. I wondered what Carlos was thinking and whether he was as turned on as he had obviously expected to be.

  ‘Get her to make you hard again,’ Red suggested, nodding to Robbie. ‘Let’s watch her suck you.’

  I wondered if Robbie also had déjà vu as he moved round in front of me and offered his cock to my mouth. Red gave me room to lift my head slightly so that I could start to coax Robbie’s prick back to stiffness with my tongue. I was surprised to feel that it had already started to rise and was quickly hardening.

  ‘Want to change places, mate?’ asked Red, just as he had before. Again Robbie refused. Red seemed to be lasting forever but he’d come once already.

  Carlos came closer; I suppose this was what he had wanted to see, me with both the guys at once.

  Red had scooped up some of my moisture and, moving aside the leather band, started rotating his little finger gently in my arse. I wriggled with pleasure.

  ‘Why don’t I take her up the arse? You could fuck her cunt at the same time. How about that for closeness, mate?’

  ‘No!’ I spluttered, though as Robbie’s now ramrod stiff prick was halfway down my throat nobody heard. Red’s finger pushed in further and I squirmed again.

  ‘She’s loving my finger there. What do you think?’

  Fortunately Robbie withdrew his cock to watch Red’s finger at work.

  ‘I said no,’ I repeated firmly.

  ‘You said no limits,’ Robbie reminded me.

  ‘But I didn’t mean that.’

  ‘You said I could do anything to you. Admit it, you’re loving it, you little whore.’

  Shit. He was playing the stupid bloody game again and I was about to be anally raped. Of course, he didn’t know that I really meant no this time, but Red knew only too well I wasn’t into that. If he was so carried away with his desires he was going to go through with it regardless, Robbie and Carlos would assume my complaints were merely play-acting. In short, I’d be both literally and metaphorically buggered.

  Red’s huge prick was still thrusting into me and now he had his index finger in my anus. I felt slightly sick; Red had objected to the rape scenario and now he seemed to be on the verge of really raping me.

  Once again I’d gone ahead with something impetuously only to find myself in trouble. With Robbie watching the action from behind I couldn’t make eye contact. I was going to have to stop this.

  But before I could formulate my words Red slowed his rhythm and pulled out of me. For one awful moment I thought he was going to carry out his threat but instead he untied my foot from the rucksack and turned me on to my back.

  ‘Did I scare you?’ he said intimately, reaching out to rub my clit. ‘You thought I was serious?’

  ‘Yes, I did, you bastard,’ I gasped. ‘I was really afraid you meant it.’

  His blue eyes looked at me thoughtfully as he continued to manipulate me the way he knew I liked.

  ‘I thought you’d like a frisson of fear. I wondered if you’d think I’d really go through with it.’

  He ran hi
s fingers gently and then firmly from my clit down to my arse alternately. My body started to shudder. Now I was out of danger I was enjoying the fear retrospectively.

  ‘Come on, Bliss. I think we all like watching you come more than anything.’ His fingers slowed and kept me hovering on the brink of my climax. I was afraid that I’d lose it if he didn’t move faster but he was concentrating on unrolling the johnny with his other hand. It fell to the floor and he changed hands, putting his slippery wet one round his cock and the other on me. As he upped the speed on my clit he moved his other hand fast. His come felt hot as it splashed on my face and a split second later the muscles of my pussy heaved and rearranged themselves like mountains being thrown up by rock shifts during the Ice Age. My gasping mouth got its fill of his semen and I opened it wider and licked round my lips to take down as much as I could. I never swallow, but somehow I felt I owed him one.

  I’d almost forgotten Carlos, but Robbie hadn’t. Hard again, he sat on the ground just in front of Carlos, lifting me on to his cock. I felt like a rag doll, hardly over the sensation of my orgasm at Red’s hands before I was hauled on to another prick. I guessed that Robbie was giving Carlos what he thought he wanted; but also he was putting Carlos in the position he was himself accustomed to, that of the one in the line of vision rather than the one with the penis. Personally I was sated, but Carlos was close enough for me to read his expression and I knew he was pleased. As Robbie slammed me down on to his reawakened hardness I wet my lips like a page three girl and after rising up on his shaft I wriggled my hips for Carlos, not that Robbie didn’t appreciate it by the sound he made in his throat.

  ‘Can I have one more request? I’d like Bliss to sleep with me tonight,’ asked Carlos, addressing his question to Robbie but looking into my eyes.

  ‘Sure,’ said Robbie. ‘OK, Bliss?’

  ‘Fine by me,’ I said, still lost in those dark brown eyes. Were we going to have one last screw?

  Robbie came but I was more interested in the face in front of me, and I knew that was exactly how I treated Red when Robbie was watching. My body was welded to one guy but my mind was being fucked by another.

  The boys went to our tent shortly after and fetched back my mat and sleeping bag. It had started raining, and they were gloomy about our prospects for seeing the towers the next morning but set their alarm for six just in case. Carlos did the same and promised to wake me; my hands were tied.

  Once they’d left Carlos came over and took off my basque and untied my wrists and arms.

  ‘I wasn’t expecting that,’ I said, disappointed. Surely he’d been turned on watching? I knew he had been, for God’s sake. Despite his predilection for postponing his satisfaction, I couldn’t believe he could wait after what he’d just witnessed. Not that I wanted him for my own sake, you understand, but I wanted him to want me.

  He laughed softly and gave me my T-shirt to put on, then refastened my wrists across my chest, just like he had on our first night together. Leaving the straps around my pubes and thigh he unwound the leather from my ankle and bound it round both. I thought I’d been mistaken in thinking he was going to postpone his pleasure, but no.

  ‘I want to watch you sleep like this,’ he said, half covering me with my sleeping bag. ‘In the morning, we’ll see.’

  ‘We’re going up the bloody mountain in the morning,’ I said miserably. I suddenly felt I’d had enough of being watched.

  ‘I doubt it,’ he said drily. ‘The rain’s going to get worse. I’ll set the alarm but I bet we’ll get a lie-in. Then in the morning it might be my turn. If you want.’

  He stroked my hair. ‘You did enjoy it, didn’t you?’

  ‘You know I did. You did too.’

  ‘Yes. Thanks.’

  He was still watching over me when I fell asleep. Like a guardian angel, I thought drowsily just before I dropped off.

  The alarm shattered my peace at six in the morning.

  ‘It’s hopeless,’ Carlos whispered after he turned it off. ‘It’s been raining all night. Go back to sleep and I’ll tell the others.’

  I did as I was told, still only half awake but drowsily remembering that Carlos was going to give me some attention when we woke properly.

  In my dream Carlos was lashing out at Susie again, his voice steely and angry, but when Susie answered her voice sounded like Robbie’s. He was shouting, and suddenly so was Red. I came to with the realisation that the argument wasn’t inside my head but outside the tent and it was real. Carlos snapped something in a contemptuous tone and Robbie answered in fury. What the hell was going on?

  Chapter Ten

  Getting out of the sleeping bag with my arms tied across my chest and my ankles laced together wasn’t easy. Luckily the zip was only done up half way so I managed to get my little fingernail in and pull it down.

  I tried not to panic but once properly awake I could hear what they were saying and it wasn’t pleasant. Carlos was mocking the guys’ efforts at sabotaging his work in Chiloe.

  ‘Your sort ought to realise what you’re doing is a waste of time. Grungy kids and homeless New Agers trying to take on the real world? You’d make me laugh if it wasn’t for the fact that you make me sick. Why don’t you grow up, find jobs and get a proper life rather than interfere with decent people trying to do an honest day’s work to feed their families?’

  ‘Don’t give me that decent shit,’ said Robbie angrily. ‘As you’ll see now you’ve stolen our papers we know damn well how your clients are planning to staff their bloody holiday camp. Bringing in managers from the States and only offering menial jobs at criminal rates of pay for the locals; how decent is that?’

  ‘Well, you haven’t got the papers now, friend,’ replied Carlos. ‘And even if you had, what do you think you could do with information like that? It’s not illegal. It’s just the way the world works.’

  ‘Only because it’s perpetuated by conniving brokers like you,’ sneered Robbie. ‘And legal doesn’t mean the same thing as moral. Not that I suppose you’d be able to tell the difference.’

  I’d managed to get my legs out of the bag but realised that standing up with hands and feet bound was impossible. I rocked forward a few times but my attempts to stand on my feet were hopeless. For the hundredth time I wished I’d done my preparation for the trip in the gym rather than the hairdressers.

  Giving up I started shuffling forward on my side. At least my experience as a slug was coming in handy.

  ‘What do you think you were doing last night?’ asked Carlos. ‘Do you think that was moral?’

  ‘Don’t you even think about trying to make us feel guilty about that,’ snapped Red. ‘We did it for Bliss because she wanted to do it for you. It was your idea. And how you can accuse us of immorality while you’re holding a gun on us beats me.’

  I stopped wriggling towards the door. In fact, everything stopped, like my breathing, and I wondered if that thump in my chest could have been a heart attack.

  Fortunately I managed to restart both my breathing and my brain function. So: Carlos was holding a gun on Red and Robbie. He knew about their investigation and had stolen their papers. I was bound hand and foot. It didn’t take a genius to work out that we were up shit creek. And when Carlos spoke again it seemed like it was going to get worse.

  ‘By the time the ranger gets back you could be in serious trouble. Without shelter, clothes, food and water, you might not last very long. He won’t think there’s any reason to get back here, so he’ll be busy launching the search for Bliss.’

  Great. The boys were going to die of hypothermia and starvation, but at least I knew what their prospects were. What was that bit about searching for me? Where was he going to take me?

  But even more puzzling, what about the other campers? Were they all up the mountain, or did they think it was street theatre?

  Suddenly the tent door opened and Carlos came in, or as far as he could without stepping on me. He had a sheaf of papers and films in his hands and through the d
oor I could see why he was talking about not lasting long without clothes. The ground was white with snow and it was still falling.

  ‘Carlos, what’s going on?’ I pleaded.

  ‘I suppose I should have asked you that question before,’ he said cynically. ‘I know you know what they were up to. There were a couple of times in our relationship when I might have expected you to confess, but obviously the relationship I thought we had was just another way of keeping me under surveillance.’

  My mouth opened to protest but he crushed his lips on to mine in a brief kiss. Before I could decide whether I should try to bite him or seduce him he moved away.

  ‘I don’t think we’ve really got time for that,’ he said blandly. ‘I’ve got to get on, I’m afraid. The park ranger thinks you wandered off in the early hours so he’s gone down to raise the alarm and get a search party going. I don’t expect he’ll be back for some time, as nobody’s going to think of looking here, but I’d really rather get out of the park as quickly as possible.’

  He stuffed Robbie’s file and the films into his rucksack.

  ‘What’s this about a gun?’

  ‘Thanks for reminding me.’

  It was true. He took a pistol from inside his jacket and placed that too in the rucksack, then picked up everything else in the tent.

  ‘What happened to everyone else?’ I asked faintly, half imagining a massacre.

  He shrugged. ‘They woke up at the crack of dawn to the white-out. The ranger was advising people to get down the mountain as quickly as possible in case it got worse. The last ones left about an hour ago.’

  ‘But you can’t have planned this,’ I said, half to myself.


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