Billionaire Hero

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Billionaire Hero Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Grasping the sheet beneath her, Mandy gave her body over to him, never wanting him to stop as he brought her closer and closer to her peak.

  Every single part of her felt alive for the first time, and desperate for him to consume her.

  “I want you to come in my mouth, baby,” he said.

  His fingers moved within her as his tongue attacked her clit. She was on fire. Her nipples were rock-hard, full, and her pussy so wet, she knew she had to be leaking onto the bed.

  She wriggled, moaned, and then he sucked her clit deep, and it was like an explosion went off. Her body hurtled into an orgasm that shook her to her very core.

  Never had she felt something so amazing, and yet so pure in all of her life.

  Lewis worked her with his tongue, drawing every second of her orgasm from her, not once letting up as he used his magic on her.

  When it was over, he moved up, reaching into the drawer. She watched as he tore into a condom wrapper, sliding it over his dick.

  This time, when he kissed her, she tasted herself on his lips. She wasn’t repulsed. He wrapped his arms around her, and slowly, he worked his cock inside her.

  She couldn’t think past the feel of him stretching her pussy.

  There was a little burn as he wasn’t small, but it felt good. Wrapping her arms around him, she held him tightly as he seated himself to the hilt within her.

  He pressed her hands above her head, holding her down.

  “You feel amazing,” he said. “I’m not going to fuck you tonight. I’m going to make love to you, Mandy. You’re going to know who you belong to.”

  He kissed her, silencing any protest.

  She’d never known sex to be like this.

  With Lewis, it wasn’t just sex. This was making love. There was nothing carnal or aggressive about it.

  This was love in its purest form, and she loved it. His arms wrapped around her, and she felt the rapid beat of his heart as he began to rock within her.

  His thrusts were slow at first, shallow. Every single inch of him slid in deep as he took her as his. The love she felt for Lewis was something she couldn’t fight, nor did she want to. After everything they had been through, there was no one else she could ever love. He would own her heart, her mind, her body, and her very soul.

  His rocks changed to thrusts as his cock filled her, going even deeper as he claimed her. She moaned his name, kissing him back, not wanting him to stop.

  Each slam of his cock created a pleasure inside her, building her to a fourth orgasm.

  Lewis went deeper with every shove of his cock, claiming her, branding her as his own. There was no one else in her world.

  “Fuck, Mandy, I love you,” he said. “I love you so damn much.”

  He arched up, thrusting as deep in her as he could go. His cock swelled as it filled the condom.

  Lewis’s fingers sank into her hair, holding her as he ravished her mouth. “I’m never going to get enough of you.”

  “I will hold you to that.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes, and she tried to hide them.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked. She saw the concern in his eyes, and hated that she’d put it there. “Did I hurt you?”

  When he made to pull away, she stopped him. She didn’t want him to go. “That was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced,” she said, tears falling now. “I … I loved it, Lewis. I love you so much, and what we just had, it is the best feeling of my life.”

  “Good. We’re going to be doing that a whole lot.”

  She laughed. “You promise?”

  “Yeah, I promise.” He took her lips once again, and all of her fears and concerns melted away.


  Mandy’s eyes were on him. Lewis watched out of the corner of his eye as she traced the spoon she’d been holding across her lips. She’d been staring at him rather than eating her yogurt for the past ten minutes.

  She had woken up in his arms, and they’d showered together. He’d left her to get changed as he came downstairs to prepare their breakfast, freshly cut fruit, yogurt, and toast.

  “What’s on your mind?” he asked.


  He glanced over at her and saw her cheeks were turning pink.

  She was blushing.

  He found it so utterly cute.

  “Are you thinking about my mouth on your delightful pussy last night?” He took a grape, popping it into his mouth. Biting down, he swallowed the sweet juice.

  “Yes. I … never mind.”

  “What is it?”

  “How did you? I can’t?” She put the yogurt pot down. “I loved last night.”

  “Want to do it again?” he asked.

  “Yes. I had no idea it could be so amazing. So … intense.”

  He moved his plate out of the way and tapped the table. “Come here.”

  She was wearing a shirt over a bikini. He watched as she stood and walked toward him. Gripping her hips, he placed her down on the hard surface of the table. Lifting her legs, he placed them on his, and told her to lean back on her hands. Lifting the shirt up to rest at her stomach, he untied the strings of her bikini.

  If she was in a one-piece bathing suit, she never wore a shirt over it. Every time she wore a bikini, she always covered up her curves with an oversized shirt.

  Ever since they had taken her, he’d watched her fill out into her curves. The slender woman she’d been was gone.

  He dropped her bikini pants onto the floor and then leaned back in his chair, staring at her glistening pussy. The fine hairs covering her lips were already wet with her arousal.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m staring at your beautiful cunt.” He ran his fingers over it.

  “You think it’s beautiful?”

  “I do.” With every second that passed, her lips seemed to open as they softened with her arousal. His cock thickened, stretching the front of his shorts, which didn’t allow for much room. He moved in an attempt to relieve the tightness, but that didn’t help.

  Ignoring his own arousal, he slid a finger between her folds, teasing her. Thrusting a single finger inside her pussy, he felt how soft she was even as she tightened around him.

  “I love your pussy, Mandy.”

  She chuckled. “I love you.”

  “Well, I love you as well. Your pussy was made for my cock.” He added a second finger to her channel, watching as she stretched to accommodate him. Running his thumb across her clit, he worked her pussy the way he had last night when they had been outside amongst the stars.

  Her eyes closed, and warmth rushed over his fingers. Pumping inside her, his cock throbbed, wanting where his fingers were.

  When he couldn’t stand it any longer, he leaned forward, swiping his finger between her silken folds, sucking her clit into his mouth, tasting her.

  She cried his name, and he smiled against her flesh, knowing that he would never get tired of hearing it.

  She was everything to him.

  Flicking his tongue across her clit, he fucked her with his fingers, driving her wild, wanting her to come before he fucked her.

  He was rewarded seconds later as she came, flooding his fingers with her arousal.

  Standing up, he pulled his fingers from her cunt and released his cock from the tight confines of the shorts. They fell to the floor at his ankles. Wrapping his hand around his length, he smeared her cum all over his dick.

  “I’m clean, Lewis, and I’m protected. I have a shot. I won’t get pregnant.”

  “You want me to fuck you without a condom?”

  “Only if you want to. I don’t have any diseases. I’m clean. I promise. I won’t lie to you.”

  He pressed his head against hers. “I know you wouldn’t lie to me. I’ll only do this if you want it.”

  “I do. I want you, Lewis. Every single part. I don’t want to pretend I don’t.”

  Gripping his cock, he worked from the base up to the tip, pulling back hi

s foreskin. Copious amounts of pre-cum were already leaking out of the tip.

  He placed his cock between the lips of her pussy like he had last night. Only this time, he was going to watch. Slowly, he rocked, bumping her clit as he did so. Each time he stroked her clit, she cried out, gasping, her teeth sinking into her lip. Only when he was sure she couldn’t handle another second of his torture, he grasped his cock, and achingly slowly, began to work it inside her.

  He watched and felt as with each inch he filled her pussy.

  She was tight, wet, and everything he’d ever wanted.

  They both groaned as he grasped her hips and slammed the last couple of inches inside her.

  “Look at us, babe. Look at me when I claim you.”

  She stared down at where they were joined. His cock was deep inside her, and there was no way he was pulling out.

  Easing out of her cunt so only the tip remained, he saw her cum all over his cock. Thrusting inside her, he began to fuck her, to build up a steady pace. He made sure there was room so that she could watch as he took her. With his hands on her hips, he used that as leverage to fuck her, to take her harder. The table rocked, and he didn’t care as glasses spilled. All he wanted was to feel Mandy come all over his dick.

  Reaching between them, he stroked her clit. “Come all over my cock, baby.”

  “I don’t think I can,” she moaned.

  He wasn’t having that. Fingering her pussy, he stayed still inside her, bringing her closer to another orgasm. She didn’t know what she was capable of.

  Lewis felt the ripples in her pussy, and saw the wonder in her eyes as she came all over his cock.

  Even before she had finished, he released her clit and fucked her hard, thrusting deep inside her. Her cunt tightened around his length as he worked his cock inside her, over and over again.

  The beginnings of his orgasm started to work up inside him.

  Pulling her close, he slammed into her a final time and released a groan as he came inside her, her pulsing cunt milking him of every single drop of cum.

  Her hands held him close, and they were both panting.

  He kissed her shoulder and neck as his orgasm began to ebb away.

  Staying inside her, he eased back enough so that he could look into her eyes. “Was that okay?”

  “That was amazing. Better than amazing.” She cupped his face, kissing him deeply. “I love you, Lewis.”

  He lifted her up into his arms and carried her upstairs.

  “Lewis, what are you doing? You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m carrying you upstairs to my bed.”

  “What on earth for?”

  “I’ve figured out what I want to do with the rest of my day.” He dropped them both down to the bed. Lewis didn’t know how he’d managed to stay inside her but he had. “I’m going to make love to you for the rest of this day.”

  “Make love?”

  “We’re going to fuck and make love. Eat, shower, and do it all over again.”

  “You’ve just come.”

  “Give me a couple of minutes and I’ll do it all over again.”

  She laughed, her fingers stroking his chest.

  He got a rush every time she touched him.

  “We’re going to have to go back home soon,” she said.

  “I know. When we get home I want you to marry me.” There, he’d said it.


  “Yes. We’ve got a lot of wants going around. I figured I’d throw that one out for you to get used to. Also, there won’t be a pre-nup.”

  “Now that is completely crazy. You’re rich beyond anything, and I’m broke.”

  “I’m rich because of you.”

  She shook her head. “No, that was all you.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips to silence her. “It was all you. If I hadn’t wanted to find you, I’d not have started the company. It’s half yours. Besides, I’m going to make sure that you’re never going to divorce me. I’ll keep you happy and in love for the rest of our days.”

  “What about if you realize that you don’t want me?” she asked.

  “That’s never going to happen.”

  “How can you know that?”

  “These feelings I have for you, Mandy, they’re not something that can go away quickly. It has been you for so long, I can’t even think straight. I love you, Mandy. No one else. I would fight for you, and die for you.” Tears were once again in her eyes. “I don’t want you to cry, baby.”

  “You’re asking me to marry you.”

  “Yeah, I am. I can do that, can’t I?”

  “I don’t know. I think I’m in shock at the moment.”

  “You have a way of keeping a guy hanging,” he said.

  “You’re sure you want to marry me?” she asked.

  “More than sure. I love you, Mandy. I’m not going to marry anyone else. Do you love me?”

  “More than anything.”

  “Then you know what you’ve got to say.” He teased one of her curls, tucking it behind her ear. “Put me out of my misery and say yes.”


  Chapter Nine

  Three weeks later

  Mandy stared out over the ocean, feeling with every passing day a need to leave. She loved the island, adored it, and being alone with Lewis was amazing. But the world was still waiting. There hadn’t been an update from the club, and time was moving along steadily. Elijah wouldn’t make his move until he saw her.

  Nothing had come of the cop, Robert Jones, invading Lewis’s company. Everything was at a standstill, waiting for one or the other to make the next move. The only person she’d seen in some time now was Cynthia, the housekeeper, who brought them supplies by boat. Mandy liked the older woman and had grown fond of her visits, even if she didn’t stay long.

  Staring down at her notebook, Mandy read over the last few words she’d written.

  They don’t see us as humans, or even women. We’re nothing to them. I watched as they were rounded up like cattle. The dogs treated them better than the men. I’ve seen it happen so many times now, and with each experience I always expected to see something new, something different. Maybe even a shred of emotion on one of the men’s faces. Are they fathers, brothers, husbands? I don’t know every single detail about them, but I’m pleased with every single fiber of my being that I’m not related to them. They only know cruelty, or at least all I’ve ever seen is cruelty. If one of the women dares to speak out, dares to scream for help, she is silenced.

  If her fight doesn’t cease, they cut out her tongue and sell her as a defective product. Like she was a can at the grocery store that only has a few months left and gets placed in the reduced section. Another girl broken of spirit, waiting for death.

  That’s really all that is happening. They’re all waiting for death, myself included. No woman gets away from this without it killing part of her soul. Some of the women were rescued, and I wonder at times if they watch everyone, everything around them. To make sure they’re not fooled like they were last time that walking the streets was safe.

  Or for a young girl, to play with her skipping rope while admiring the guy next door, wondering if one day he’d look at her with love in his eyes, and maybe ask her to marry him.

  Lifting her head up out of the notebook, she pulled her knees up against her chest and stared out at the ocean. It was so vast. Anyone could get lost, and often had. She imagined the sea bed was filled with stories of terror and fear.

  “I thought I’d find you down here,” Lewis said, taking a seat beside her on the beach.

  “I love being here. It’s relaxing, and I can almost forget why we’re here.”

  He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “I’ve not spent much time here, to be honest. I’ve had more conversations in the past few weeks with Cynthia than I’ve ever had.”

  “What does the club say?” she asked.

  He kept in contact with the Billionaire Bikers MC. They
operated in private, doing everything to keep their identities a secret. He had a feeling the club was keeping something from him, as they just told him everything was fine, and not to worry.

  “Nothing. All is quiet.”

  Mandy turned to look back at the blue ocean. She’d never forget this time away with Lewis. Falling in love, being in love, making love. They were all new experiences with him, and she would treasure them always.

  “We’ve got to go back,” she said.

  “Not yet, we don’t.”

  “You and I both know that nothing is going to happen while we’re here. The women are safe for now, but can you stay here indefinitely? As much as your work was made because of me, you’re still needed. I’ve heard you on the phone, pacing, trying to resolve matters while you’re thousands of miles away. You can’t keep up that kind of sacrifice.”

  He sighed. “I will continue to do what I need while I know you’re safe.”

  “I’m not going to be safe until we find the two men hunting me down. Maybe going home, talking about our upcoming nuptials will lure them out.”

  “I’m not using you as bait.”

  “I’ll be heavily guarded. It’s you.” She cupped his cheek and pressed kisses to his lips. “I know there’s not going to be a chance in hell of those monsters getting to me. I can split my time between each of the Billionaires, Lewis. You’ll be happy then, and you’ll know that I’m safe.”

  He stroked her hair, and sighed. “You make it difficult to argue with you.”

  “That’s because you know I’m right about this. You’re needed back at home, and we can’t live here forever. Winter will be here before we know it, and then Cynthia’s visits are only when the ocean is calm. I don’t want to risk anyone else’s life because of mine.”

  “Kiss me again,” he said.

  Holding his face, she took possession of his lips, giggling as he grabbed her ass and hauled her over his body so that she was straddling him.

  Making love and fucking Lewis was one of her favorite things to do.

  “I want to say no to you.”

  “But you can’t. You know I speak sense.”

  He sighed. “The rest of the guys are in agreement with you. We’ve tried it this way, and it’s not worked.”


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