Katieran Prime Celebration (Katieran Prime Book 7.5)

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Katieran Prime Celebration (Katieran Prime Book 7.5) Page 6

by KD Jones

  TylOR stood alone in the hallway. He had to fight down all the different emotions raging through him. Anger, fear, violence, lust, and pain. Just so many that he did not know which to deal with first, so he ignored them all. What else could he do? He sighed. Maybe a quick walk outside with fresh air would help him get his emotions under control. He had a meeting to attend and he needed to have his mind clear and ready. One more glance in the direction that Lizzie took, then he turned to go outside.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lizzie stood by the blue lift doors on the ground floor. The Security Liaison guarding the lift winked at her a couple of times. She smiled but didn’t try to speak to him. She wasn’t there to flirt with men. She had enough man problems to deal with. She was there for her friend.

  Lola arrived earlier that day and had called to ask her to meet her so they could go to some kind of get-together that Cassie was having for the women planning the big celebration. She was a little nervous. This gathering was more for the Primas and Lola was not a Prima, she wasn’t even close. But her best friend wanted her to be there and she couldn’t say no to Lola.

  The lift doors opened and Lizzie turned to look at them. A few seconds later Lola walked out with a Liaison guiding her. Her eyes searched the hallway and lit up when she saw Lizzie. The two women ran to each other and gave each other a hug. When they pulled apart Lola began to sign.

  “I’m so glad you are here. I have missed you being on the Colonial planet with me.”

  Lizzie smiled. “I have missed you too. But you seem to be very happy.”

  “I am. LarIS is amazing.” Lola sighed with contentment.

  Lizzie felt a little envious of her friend. She was happy Lola found her bond mate, but Lizzie longed to find a man that could love her just as deeply. She feared that kind of love was not meant for her.

  “So what are we expected to do at this get-together?” Lizzie asked

  “I have no idea. I am just so grateful to you for coming. I know there are one or two others that can speak with sign language, but I am most comfortable with you.” Lola took her friend’s arm as they followed the tall Liaison to a ballroom. He motioned for them to enter.

  They stopped just inside the doors and looked around in awe. The whole place had been decorated top to bottom. There were flowers everywhere and banners were hung saying “Happy End of the Year Celebration!”

  “I am so glad you guys could make it!” Prima Cassie called out as she came forward to greet them. She looked directly at Lola and asked, “How was your trip back to Katiera?”

  Lola signed, “It was fine. I was a little tired but I rested. What did you need us to help with?” Lizzie translated for her.

  Cassie smiled. “I followed most of that. Ren and I are trying to learn sign. We thought it would be good for the girls to know too but I think they have caught on quicker than me and Ren,” she laughed. “We are pretty much done with decorations. We’re just making final decisions on the hors d’oeuvres and desserts. Oh, and the cocktails.” She motioned them to follow her over to a large round table where the other women were sitting.

  Lola knew most of the women there since they were mainly part of the Prime family. There was Prima SandELa, the matriarch of the Prime family and her niece, Prima AriELa. Prima Captain Jaxon who is mated to Prime Commander KydEL. Prima Medic Kat mated to the youngest brother, Prime Medic SydEL.

  Next to Jaxon sat the soon-to-be Prima Lieutenant, Lucy Daniels, who is due to mate Prime ConEL, AriEla’s father. The previous Katieran Legal Adviser to Earth affairs, Lindsey Carreli, who is now mated to Prime Leader KadEN of Kiljor, was there. She smiled and sat down next to Dr. Rose Garrett, the therapist who had helped her so much after her rescue from the Morins. However, there was one woman she hadn’t met that sat on the other side of Dr. Garrett.

  “Everyone, I think you all remember Lola Marquesa, she is now mated to Leader LarIS from the Colonial Planet,” Cassie introduced her to the other women. “This is Dr. Elizabeth Connell who has been instrumental in educating the Earth refugees on board the transports coming from Earth to Katiera.”

  “Hi ya’ll! Just call me Lizzie.” Lizzie smiled at everyone.

  Cassie used sign language to ask Lola if she knew everyone. When Lola responded that she didn’t know the one beside Dr. Garrett, Cassie then introduced them. “Lola, let me introduce you to our newest member of the medical staff here. Dr. Jenny Sampson. She is a Reproductive Endocrinologist.”

  Dr. Sampson smiled at the two women. “Please call me Jenny.” She made sure to look directly at Lola so she could easily read her lips. She was probably warned ahead of time about that. Lola was grateful. It was awkward having to try to explain that to people. She felt a little more relaxed about it. She looked around and there were no children present. She knew Cassie had two toddlers and that SandELa had a step-daughter and a young nephew. Cassie must have noticed her looking around.

  “We are children free for a few hours tonight. My girls are being watched by their security Liaison,” Cassie explained.

  “Their manny takes such good care of them,” Jaxon laughed.

  “Shut it, Jaxon.” Cassie tried to sound firm but she couldn’t help but smile.

  “Manny?” Lizzie asked curiously.

  “Yeah, male nanny…manny,” Jaxon chuckled.

  “Please don’t call him that to his face. It would hurt RocKO’s feelings.” Cassie warned her. Jaxon just snorted. Cassie rolled her eyes.

  Lola couldn’t help but smile at their antics. It was clear the two had been close friends for a long time. She felt that way about Lizzie even though they had only met almost two years ago. They seemed to connect immediately.

  The waiters brought out trays with food on it. Some of them were things Lola recognized from Earth like fried string cheese and twice baked potato wedges. The other items were Katieran origin. She knew the round white fritter tasted like chicken nuggets. The Colonial planet had those too.

  “So I wanted to make sure there was food to represent all four nations: Earth, Katiera, Kiljor, and the Colonial Planet. Even the cupcakes will have flavors from each planet. The cocktails are a little harder to do than I thought they would be. We don’t have the same liquor here that is on Earth. We have to use Katieran Juice for a lot of it.” The waiters brought out trays next with different colored cocktail drinks.

  Jaxon went to reach for one but Cassie slapped her hand away. “No, ma'am. You stick to water until after that baby is born.”

  Jaxon pouted. “A sip won’t hurt.”

  Kat agreed with her. “Just a sip should be fine. But not much more.”

  Jaxon sipped and gave Cassie a devilish smile. “Besides, I am going to have you try out each and every one of these drinks on my behalf.”

  Cassie gasped. “You are cruel.” Jaxon winked at the group and Lola knew they were in trouble.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Shall we get started?” Prime Leader RendEL asked, closing the door to the meeting room. He looked around to make sure everyone that needed to be there was present.

  His brother, Prime Commander KydEL, and uncle, Prime ConEL, were there. The Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN with his Commander TylOR. Leader LarIS and Commander AshOR represented the Colonial Planet. There were two more males, one from Kiljor and one from the Colonial planet that stood behind their commander’s seats. Last was a viewing screen set-up with two of Earth’s World Government Military Generals.

  “Prime Leader KadEN, how is the rebuilding of the builds going on Kiljor?” Not long ago Kiljor had been invaded by their common enemy the Morins and many homes were destroyed. People had been homeless until Leader LarIS offered to take them in using unused buildings on the Colonial Planet.

  KadEN leaned forward. “We are almost done with the new structures, thanks to the Katieran engineers that came to help. Transports will be sent starting at the end of this month to begin returning our Kiljorns back home. We are in debt to Leader LariS and all of the Colonists for their hospi

  LarIS shook his head. “It was no problem at all. We had the space just sitting there being unused. The Colony was happy to help.”

  “This was a great joint effort to rebuild. I think it lends credence to our alliance,” RendEL told them. “Now to more urgent issues, the Morins. Commander AshOR, what have been your findings on the other side of the wormhole?”

  Everyone turned to look at the younger male. “There are faint traces of the Morin transport heat signatures just outside the wormhole. It is difficult to decipher which direction the Morins took. The one direct path leading to Earth is clear of the heat signature thus far. But the Morins could have taken a detour that will lead them back.”

  “What of the remaining Morin transport on this side of the wormhole?” KydEL asked TylOR.

  Commander TylOR had been issued the mission to seek out the Morin transport that was still a risk to the Katieran Solar System. TylOR was standing, leaning up he stepped forward. “There are several heat signature paths but when we have followed them they suddenly draw up short. As if the heat signature suddenly cuts off. I have not seen anything like this before.”

  ConEL spoke, “The Morins had been working for years on trying to camouflage their heat signature, making them virtually invisible to their enemies.”

  “How do you know this?” Leader LarIS asked. He could read the male’s mind but thought to let the other male state it for all to hear.

  “The Morin leader would discuss this openly with his scientists in front of me. They never expected me to escape. I never expected to escape. Just as my son, TorEL, knew the Morins’ home world was dead and their population had dwindled down to just a few transports. We believe there are only two transports left of the entire Morin nation. The one that went through the wormhole and the one that remained behind,” ConEL told them.

  “How is it possible to camouflage their heat signature?” Prime Leader KadEN asked.

  It was the Earth General that spoke up over the viewing screen, “For something as large as the transport, it would take multiple steps to ensure they go undetected. First the shape of the transport would need angles all throughout his hull that is mostly flat surfaces. That would be nearly impossible for something so large. Their biggest step would be to lessen their emissions output.”

  “It would make sense then when the trails fade out that they employed something dampening the emissions,” LarIS commented.

  “This means that even though Commander AshOR and his team did not find a trail leading on the path to Earth, the Morins still could be en route,” RendEL said with concern. All the males nodded their heads.

  “I will send Commander AshOR back through the wormhole to continue the search for Morins,” Leader LarIS stated. He pointed to the male standing behind AshOR’s seat. “Commander RilEY will assume command over the Colony.”

  “I think a second transport should go and the direct path from the wormhole to Earth should be cleared of Morin presence,” Prime Leader KadEN spoke. “Commander TylOR will lead the second transport through the wormhole and help Commander AshOR on that side. Commander VadEK will cover the Kiljorn command while he is gone.”

  “I will head up the search on this side of the wormhole for the remaining Morin transport,” Commander KydEL said.

  “Kyd, we talked about this.” RendEL did not look happy. “You need to remain close for Jaxon’s sake.”

  Kyd sighed. He knew this but it was hard giving up command. “I will send Prime Commander ConEL in my place.” He looked over at his uncle who nodded his agreement.

  “We will also have patrols out scouting for signs of the devils,” the general from Earth declared.

  “We have our joint efforts coordinated. After the Year End Celebration, we will launch the new efforts,” RendEL said with everyone agreeing. He nodded and the transmission from Earth was cut off. The meeting should have been over but no one got up to leave.

  LarIS looked at RendEL with narrowed eyes. “What is it that you did not want the Earth Generals to know about?”

  Ren looked over at his brother and uncle. They both nodded his way. “We have had reports of disputes arising from some of the mining colonies.”

  “Disputes? What about?” KadEN asked.

  “We knew not everyone would agree with us bringing aliens from another world here to Katiera to breed. But I never expected there to be such hatred directed toward the decision.” RendEL ran a hand through his dark hair. He looked to Kyd to explain the rest.

  “We had received messages warning us to remove the alien infection from our home world. At first we brushed it off expecting some resistance but that it would die down after a little time,” Kyd said.

  “But it didn’t?” LarIS was already going through both Kyd’s and Ren’s minds for details. If there was a hatred group it could target his Lola and he would never let that happen.

  “No, it did not die down as expected. It has gotten worse,” Kyd admitted.

  “We are facing a revolt from Katieran Purists. They feel we are tainting the Katieran bloodlines by adding the Earth females. Their leader, OrIN, is claiming to be a descendant of the original Primes of Katiera and he believes he should be Prime Leader.”

  “He is a fool. Without the females from Earth our people would slowly die out,” KadEN declared.

  “I agree but it is a growing situation that we will all need to be aware of and keep watch on. If these purists are against mingling of the bloodlines, they will also target Kiljor and the Colony,” RendEL told them with concern.

  “We will join in the efforts to control this faction before it escalates,” LarIS said with confidence. Everyone nodded their agreement.

  “Well, I think we are done here. Would anyone like to join me for a drink?” Ren asked.

  “Sir, we have a situation in the ballroom,” a lieutenant called after speaking into his comm link.

  That is where Cassie and the other females were gathering. He stood and started to rush toward the door. The other males followed him out. “Who is causing the disturbance, lieutenant?”

  The lieutenant looked uncomfortable and his face was shading pink. “Prima Cassie and some of the other females.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ren stepped into the ballroom closely followed by the other leaders and commanders expecting to find their females being threatened. What they found before them was surprising. It brought them all up short and they froze in place while they took it all in.

  The females had music going on. Jaxon seemed to be the one in charge of playing the music. Three sets of females were dancing together on the dance floor. Lola was dancing with Lizzie. The short Cassie was dancing with the much taller Lucy. Dr. Garrett was dancing with Dr. Sampson. AriELa was perched up on one of the tables balancing glasses on her head. Lindsey was helping her and laughing when a glass would fall and shatter. SandELa was laying underneath the table and she seemed to be sleeping and making a strange noise through her nose. Kat was the only one that was sitting in a chair but she seemed to be more slumped and halfway falling out of it. All of this was strange but what made it even more so was with the exception of Jaxon, AriELa, and SandELa…they were all in their underthings only.

  Ren wiped his forehead and growled. He didn’t want other males to see his Cassie almost completely bared. But none of them were paying attention to Cassie because they had their own female to worry over.

  “What’s going on?” Leo Carreli came barreling into the ballroom. “I was told there was a disturbance.”

  TarAK and Syd were right behind Leo. When the males entered the room they all froze in place when they saw the scene before them.

  “What in Kitana is going on?” Syd demanded.

  “That’s what I want to know!” Ren glared at one of the waiters.

  The waiter looked embarrassed. “Sorry, Prime Leader. They were testing out the cocktails and didn’t realize the concentrated Katieran juice was much stronger than normal.”

  Syd we
nt to his mate and took her vitals with his medic scope. “Just inebriated.” He checked on SandELa and Lindsey. “They don’t have as much alcohol in their system. They are more exhausted and need sleep.” He went back to his mate and lifted her up into his arms. She would have a headache in the morning.

  KadEN went over to Lindsey who immediately turned into his arms as he lifted her off the table. TarAK reached for AriELa who planted a firm kiss on his lips. ConEL tried to pry Lucy out of Cassie’s arms only to have Lucy start dancing with him. He ended up having to lift her up and throw her over his shoulder.

  Leo had to get down on the floor to pull his mate, SandELa, out from under the table. She was heavier now with her pregnancy weight but he still managed to lift her into his arms and a lieutenant helped him as he carried her out of the ballroom. AshOR and TylOR fought over who would take Lizzie and she said a very unpleasant word at both of them and fumbled her way out of the door herself. TylOR followed after her to make sure she was okay.

  Lola was swept into her mate’s strong arms. “AshOR, I charge you to take those two back to their suites,” LarIS ordered, pointing to Dr. Garrett and Dr. Sampson. The females each took a side and leaned against AshOR. He gave them a charming smile, not at all upset with his new assignment. All the inebriated females were taken out, leaving just Cassie who was still dancing solo and Jaxon who was making scratching sounds with the music.

  Ren walked over to his mate and grabbed her to make her stop dancing. “Cassie, what in Kitana are you doing?”

  “Dancing, silly.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed her body against his. Ren groaned with desire and was disgusted with himself for his reaction. He should be livid not aroused.

  “Jaxon Malone, you have some explaining to do.” Kyd glared at his mate with his hands on his hips.

  “Why is this my fault?” Jaxon asked innocently.

  “Because it is always your fault.” Kyd tried to remain angry and serious. But it was hard not to laugh. Seeing Cassie trying to dance with Lucy in their lacy underthings was one of the funniest things he had ever seen. He wished he had taken video images of it so he could tease them about it later.


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