The Iron Admiral: Conspiracy

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The Iron Admiral: Conspiracy Page 20

by Greta van Der Rol

  “Hurry, Allysha,” Saahren said.

  “It’s going as fast as it can.”

  Saahren fired a shot up the corridor. The hiss-zip echoed, bouncing off the walls. The footsteps stopped.

  “You two go first. I’ll follow.” She rubbed her elbows. They ached from where she’d fallen.

  Saahren and Roland both had to stoop, feeling their way under the arch. The footsteps started again,

  approaching from where they’d come but tentative.

  The men were gone. Pulse pounding, she slipped in behind them and closed the door. It ground closed

  in slow motion.

  “Let me past,” she said to Saahren. In this monochrome world his face was a white mask, his eyes


  “I can’t see a thing,” he whispered.

  “It’s okay. I can. And I know this place.” She edged past him and then Roland. Pain had etched lines on the journalist’s face. A dark stain had appeared on the makeshift bandage.

  “Are you all right?”

  Roland nodded. Allysha didn’t believe him. “Hang onto my belt. Saahren, you hang on to Roland’s. It

  won’t be long.”

  She kept the pace slow. She’d said she knew this place but she’d been little more than a child when she was last here. The others shuffled along behind her, the sounds of their feet loud in the tunnel. The journey was worse for them. They wouldn’t be able to see at all. Even for her, there was very little light.

  Unlike the main passages, this branch was wet with slime, uneven and damp. The cold seeped through

  Allysha’s wet clothes. More than once, one of the two men slipped on the wet rock. Roland stifled a

  moan as his injured arm banged against the wall.

  At last the tunnel ended in a slime-covered rock face. Allysha groped to find the opener, recessed in a crack filthy with mold that stuck under her fingernails. The door slid open smoothly enough, to a larger space.

  The darkness was lighter, at least for Allysha. Saahren and Roland would be as blind as before but they would sense the extra space, the change in the air currents.

  “Stay here. I’ll find a light.”

  If she remembered correctly a motion sensor was placed next to the door, ten meters away. The light

  came on when she’d barely taken three steps.

  Light pierced her eyes. She frowned and blinked as Roland sighed with relief. They were in a natural

  cave, its stone floor dry and dusty, evened out here and there but not decorated. The ceiling disappeared into the darkness above the light. Dust-covered wooden storage bins and wine racks lined the walls.

  Nobody had come in here for a long time.

  “This is the secondary wine cellar,” she explained to Roland and Saahren as they straightened cramped muscles.

  The stain on Roland’s bandage had spread. Despite the cold, perspiration had gathered on his upper lip and his face was pale and drawn. Allysha’s eyes met Saahren’s. He was as concerned as she was.

  “There’s a spring over here.”

  A trickle of water tinkled out of the rock into a small pool. An ornately decorated cup, incongruous in this natural setting, stood on the pool’s rim. Saahren filled the vessel and gave it to Roland, who sat on the raised edge and drank gratefully.

  She took her techpack out and searched for a data point to work with. A short scan and the device

  locked on to a port in a room a few meters away through the solid rock. She probed into the security

  system and her heart sank. “They’ve found out about the lander. They’re looking for it.”

  “Can you get to Tyne, Roland?” Saahren asked.

  Roland nodded and pulled out his comlink. “Keep your sensors on sweep, Tyne. They’re gunning for

  you. Head for the sky if they get close. But be careful of that ptorix frigate. We’ll be in touch.”


  Saahren tried to put an arm around her but she flinched away from him. “How’s your throat?” he said.

  Allysha hadn’t really thought about it. “Okay. It hurts to swallow—but at least I still can.”

  “Where to now?” he said.

  “We can follow the tunnels out to the sea cliffs. Tyne can winch us up.”

  Roland’s face paled even more. “The cliffs? Above the ocean?”

  “I didn’t say it would be easy. But it’s a better chance than trying to go up through the university


  “How far?” Saahren said.

  “From here, maybe five hundred meters.” Hardly the triumphant return to Carnessa that she’d imagined.

  She hoped her childhood recollections would be enough to get them out.

  Saahren helped Roland to his feet. She led them to the far side of the cavern where the light didn’t reach and skirted a massive stalagmite. “It looks like a shadow, but it’s a gap. It’ll be tight, but it widens.”

  Saahren looked at her and the gap. “I hope so.”

  He went first, squeezing his tall frame in sideways, scraping between the rocks.

  “Come on, Roland.” He held out his hand. “If I can, you can.”

  Roland tried his best to swallow the groan as his arm was crushed against the wall. Allysha felt for him and wished there was some other way. She followed herself, her slight body hardly hampered, although

  she’d slipped through more easily when she was thirteen.

  High, but narrow and smooth, the tunnel was little more than a cleft in the rock where running water had carved a path. A breath of air brushed her face, redolent with the ocean tang of salt and ozone. And just at the limit of hearing, the dull boom of waves pounding the cliffs. Grey light gleamed in the distance.

  The mouth at the end of the tunnel opened onto a ledge high above the sea. Allysha peered out, her hair whipped by the wind, and ducked back inside.

  “Where’s Tyne?” she asked Roland.

  He took out his comlink and called the lander. “He set down on the cliffs a bit further up, out of sight. He says there are people where we were before, waiting.”

  Allysha nodded. “That’s further down than we are now. This ledge is halfway down the cliff face. I used to be able to scramble up from there.”

  “Even if you could do it, Roland can’t,” Saahren said, coming to stand next to her.

  Allysha looked up at his face. “I don’t think I’d like to try it in this weather. I was hoping Tyne could bring us up from the ledge.”

  “He’ll need to know where we are.”

  “I’ll send him a signal. Thing is, as soon as I do that, the searchers will see it, too.”

  “Okay. We’ll get out on the ledge, then send the signal. Roland, you’ll go first, then Allysha, then me.”

  The wind howled. She sidled out of the cave onto a guano-covered ledge barely one stride wide.

  Wind-driven rain slashed her skin with ice cold needles. Two hundred meters below waves boomed onto

  boulders, flinging salt spray to mingle with the rain. Phosphorescent foam sucked back out to sea. She squinted up over her shoulder at the cliff top. At least any searchers would be reluctant to climb down the cliff face in this gale. She set her back to the storm, sheltering the techpack with her body and sent her signal. Water dripped off her hair, trickled down her jaw line, insinuated itself under her coat. She couldn’t remember when she felt so cold.

  A whine cut through the noise of the storm. She peered into the sky, looking for the lander’s squat form but the rain obscured her view.

  A sinuous shape swung down from the darkness, gleaming with its own light; a sturdy line with a harness attached. Saahren helped Roland into the harness, securing the fastenings at the front. He held out his hand. “Give me your comlink.”

  Roland handed it over. The line went taut and he swung off into the air.

  Sooner than she had expected, the comlink crackled. “Saahren?”


  “We’re sen
ding the harness down. You’ll both have to come up together. They’ve called in a patrol ship from Ullnish. It’s on its way.”

  Saahren grabbed the harness as soon as it appeared, swung the webbing around his shoulders and

  beckoned to her.

  She took a step, slipped on wet rock and teetered, flailing, on the cliff’s edge. She scrambled for

  purchase, her heart in her mouth, her eyes fixed on Saahren’s horrified face as he lunged toward her. The limestone crumbled beneath her feet.

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Saahren latched both arms around her waist as she began to fall. The momentum drove them both over the edge, above the dizzying drop to the churning water far below. She screamed, her eyes round with fear. His shoulders slammed into the harness and her weight slammed against his arms. “Hold on.”

  He clung to her as they swung away from the ledge. The force of the wind caught them and carried them back toward the rock face. He’d never felt so helpless, swinging around in a gale to be smashed like a bug on a mountainside. He tried to angle his body so he could kick away from the cliff with his feet if he needed to. A huge wave crashed into the rock face far below, sending plumes surging toward him.

  They veered away, out over the open ocean. Thank the Spirit. Tyne must have moved the lander. He linked his arms together under Allysha and hung on, muscles aching. Who’d have thought such a light weight could be so heavy?

  He peered up, past the line.Hurry, please hurry . His shoulders burned.

  A square of light appeared above them, with Roland in the doorway, waiting, operating the winch.

  Even before Saahren’s legs were inside, the ship began to move.

  “Police ship’s coming.” Roland closed the hatch. He was white-faced, clearly in pain. “Melching’s on her way with the ship so we can rendezvous sooner. It’ll be close, but we’ll make it.”

  His arm around Allysha, Saahren stumbled into a seat, eyes on the view screen. The police ship from Ullnish was fast in atmosphere but the gale would reduce its speed.Queen of Tyrone was closing rapidly and the lander just needed to keep going up. But the race would be close. The police copter’s slim shape grew larger in the view screen. He couldn’t afford to be taken into police custody.

  “Tyne, if that police ship is going to intercept, Melching will have to shoot it down.”

  Allysha slumped in her chair, her chin on her chest. Hopefully she hadn’t heard him.

  “Understood. I’ve told her. I’ve racked up the power as high as I can. I’m hoping we’ll make it but it might be a bumpy ride.”

  “This is the police. Alter your course to the heading given and shape to land.”

  Tyne ignored the instruction. Just a little further and they’d be through the cloud cover, above the atmosphere and out of the copter’s reach. A bright beam of energy seared past the lander’s port side.

  The ship rocked.

  “Change course now. You won’t be warned again.”

  Damn and blast. He really didn’t want to do this. “Tyne—”

  A missile screamed down through the cloud cover, locked onto the police copter. The ship slewed, dropped and commenced evasive measures, jibing and weaving. Saahren kept his eyes on the sensor vision until clouds intervened. “Tell her to call it off.”

  The sensors switched to heat, the copter a large bright blob, the pursuing missile closing fast. He hoped the instruction came in time but if it didn’t, well, he’d have to live with it.

  Thank goodness. The police copter shot ahead. The missile dropped into the sea and exploded, sending up a massive water spout.Queen of Tyrone’s bulk appeared above them, its bay door open and ready.

  The lander slowed, throwing him into the harness. He winced. His shoulders would be sore for a time. As soon as they’d docked in the airlock, the ship headed for space.

  Tyne came through to help Roland, leaving Saahren to bring Allysha on board. In the hangar he peeled off her sodden coat, picked her up and carried her to a seat in the passenger cabin, where she lay on her back, eyes closed.

  Tyne returned with kaff, handed a steaming cup to Saahren. He took it gratefully. “Where’s Roland?” he said, taking the seat beside her.

  “In the medical room with Preston,” Tyne replied. “Are we expecting trouble with that warship?”

  “I don’t think so. I can’t imagine the authorities on Carnessa alerting it, can you?” But even so, the space station might have its own reasons for stopping them and send a fast cruiser, especially after their encounter with the police copter.

  “No, I guess not,” Tyne said.

  On the screen the space station was a point on the far edge of the planet’s limb. The ptorix warship in its higher orbit approached from the opposite side. The seconds ticked past. The ptorix frigate loomed closer, sunlight sparking off its weird tentacles.

  “Ptorix warship is scanning,” announced the ship’s IS.

  No call, no intercept.Queen of Tyrone plunged past, up out of Carnessa’s orbit, approaching its moons.

  Saahren sighed with relief. Headquarters now, to end this mess. Leonov had had the data for quite a while. Maybe he’d found something else.

  “Home and clear.” Tyne’s voice oozed relief. “Where to now?”

  “Malmos. But meantime, she needs treatment.” Saahren’s gaze slid down from her white face to the angry bruises circling her neck. He should have her seen to. But he had to contact Fleet. She would live.

  Right now, his job was more important. “It’s not life-threatening but she isn’t comfortable. I need to contact Fleet. Can you get her to the med center?”

  “Sure. Preston should be finished with Roland now. He’s had some medical training.”

  “Excellent. Can you also fetch that canister from the hangar bay? It’s in Allysha’s coat. We don’t want it lying around.”

  Saahren headed for the comms room.


  Allysha put a hand to her throat. She could almost feel the anesthetic doing its work, soothing the

  bruises, sucking away the pain. All she needed was a shower, dry clothes and a sleep and she’d be back to normal. Well… when her jarred muscles recovered.

  “Thanks, Preston,” she said.

  He put away the medical kit. “There is little I can do for the appearance of the bruises. You will have a colorful necklace for a time.”

  “I can live with that. I feel much better already.”

  Roland sat on the edge of the bed, his arm treated with synthskin. The color had returned to his face and his eyes had lost that sharp edge of pain. He and Allysha followed Preston out of the tiny medical center.

  “You’re looking better, Roland.” Tyne walked toward them along the corridor. “Do you two know where this canister is that I’m supposed to fetch? Admiral Saahren said something about your coat?”

  “Leave it to me, Tyne,” Roland said.

  Tyne shrugged a shoulder. “Okay.” He turned and went back upstairs.

  Roland took Allysha’s arm and drew her with him down to the hangar. “Now then, what about this canister?”

  “It’s in my coat.”

  “Yes, but what’s in the canister?”

  She ducked around the parked lander and retrieved the sodden coat from the corner where it lay in a puddle of its own making. She dug through the cold, heavy fabric and fished the canister out of the pocket.

  “You know that. It’s a virus, a biological weapon.”

  “But what exactly does itdo ?” He emphasized the last word.

  She straightened, looking down at an innocent receptacle, a slim silver cylinder labeled disinfectant. Her flesh crawled at the thought of the horror it contained. “This virus killed every ptorix on Tisyphor.”

  Roland’s mouth dropped open. “That planet you were on?”


  He considered that, lips curled, brows furrowed. “When you say every?”

  “I mean every. I found the last ptorix mine manager’s diary. He
said every Tor that contracted this disease died. And it’s very, very contagious. It seems none of them were immune.”

  “And that’s in that canister?”

  His voice had a strange inflection.

  “And we’re going to destroy it.” Roland’s face had taken on a predatory look; his eyes cold and hard as a hunting beast.

  Her heart lurched. “Admiral Saahren wants it destroyed. If this gets out, it’ll lead to war.”

  “Yep, you’re right.” He plastered a humorless smile across his face and held out a hand. “We sure wouldn’t want to use it on Carnessa.”

  A tendril of disquiet fluttered in her stomach. The canister clutched to her breast, she backed away.

  Maybe she should have kept her mouth shut.

  “Come on. I can’t dispose of it if you’ve got it, can I?” He advanced toward her, hand outstretched, still smiling that cold smile.

  “You want to use it.”

  His eyes glittered. The façade slipped. “Damn right. The bastards can’t fight if they’re dead. I lost my fiancée’s family—her whole damn family—on Belvista. Filthy, dirty toe rags. They slaughtered them, every one.”

  He was shouting, his face a raging mask. “It’s all they deserve. Give them back a taste of their own medicine. See how they like it.”

  She stepped back, heart galloping. The man was mad; he had to be mistaken. The ptorix didn’t slaughter; they were peaceful. Her back struck the lashed-down lander, which filled most of the bay.

  Nowhere to go. A pulse pounded in her throat, her injured throat. She swallowed, fighting her terror.

  He edged closer, his lips pulled back. “Give the thing to me or I’ll take it off you.”

  “You wouldn’t dare. When Admiral Saahren finds out—”

  “It’ll be too late.” He lunged toward her, grabbing at the canister.

  Chapter Thirty Five

  Ptorix tentacles snaked out and wound around Roland’s waist, tore him away from her.

  Grallaz. Almost sobbing with relief, she sagged against the wall, cradling the cylinder like a baby. Horror pressed down on her. He would have used this stuff. Pictures from the laboratory records rose unbidden in her mind, the experimental ptorix howling in pain as his body dissolved. Horrible, disgusting.


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