Undisputed (The Undisputed Series Book 1)

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Undisputed (The Undisputed Series Book 1) Page 16

by Aaron L Speer

  “Well I don’t, but maybe I’m not supposed to. I tried. I don’t know what it’s like for you to have to deal with this, but you’ve gotta understand that this doesn’t just affect you. You aren’t the only one that suffers. It’s impossible for me to spend time away from you after that. Any day could be it. Do you get that? You’re like a ticking time bomb, and here I am following what I thought was my dream.”

  “This is your dream, Owen.”

  “The only dream I have is looking at me, and I feel like you’re slipping away. I never had fear before. I could’ve lost, I could’ve gotten bashed. I didn’t care. Now, all I can think about is, every minute I’m away from you could be the minute I get the phone call no one wants to get. And yesterday you asked me to do the hardest thing in the world, make it easier for that very thing to happen.”

  His hand gestures were getting more and more forceful, and Tegan caught both his hands and gently held them. “Baby, stop. Don’t do this to yourself. This isn’t what I wanted, not at all. I want you to be happy. I want us to be happy. I just don’t want to live, wallowing away in a hospital. I’m not giving up. I’m drawing a line in the sand. I’m deciding how I get to live. That’s what you need to do; decide that you’re not going to let life tell you how to live. Who do you want to be? Not what, but who.”

  Owen swallowed and brought her hands to his mouth, pressing his quivering lips to them. “I can’t lose you... Maybe I don’t know who I am anymore.”

  Tegan brought herself closer to him, and swallowing a bunch of tears, gave him a soft kiss. “You’re the man I love, and you’re a fighter. So, do what you do best: fight. Win. But not for me. Do it for you. Before I was in your life, you would’ve trained like a madman and gone in and kicked this prick’s cunt in. I know that.”

  “But you are in my life now.”

  “So, that means there’s only one difference. Your fight is just beginning. Mine is over.”

  “Your...what?” Owen asked before it quickly dawned on him. “You got your results?”

  Tegan had tears streaming down her cheeks. Her lips trembled just like her jaw. “I beat it, Owen... I’m OK.”

  Owen felt every beat of his heart as he repeated her words in his head. He glanced up to see Fiona’s face shining with tears, looking overjoyed. Robert, too, the hardest man on the planet, had glistening eyes. Finally, Owen allowed himself to believe it and hugged Tegan, breaking down as he did so.

  Tegan gently nestled Owen’s forehead into her chest, cradling him. He held her in silence for a few minutes on the gym floor before softly thanking her. He vowed to do the only thing he could promise: his best.

  * * *

  There were hugs; there were handshakes. There were apologies, all around. “Now look,” Robert said, addressing all in the room. “As wonderful as this news is, let’s be realistic. The people trying to bring Owen down will, no doubt, know the good news by now. Their plan to use Tegan against Owen has backfired, which is great, but they are bound to have a plan B.”

  “Until we know what that is, we have to work on what we can work on, right?” Fiona asked. “Good. Coz I know exactly what to do.”

  All eyes were on Fiona, who had the floor, pacing slowly. “To pull this miracle off, we have to do the last thing he would be expecting you to do. The obvious strategy.”

  “What?” all three in the room asked collectively.

  Fiona rolled her eyes. “Everyone knows that bastard is gonna wanna kill you quick. He knows, even in that egg-shaped head, that you would be crazy to stand toe-to-toe with him. He’s too strong. He knows you’d fight defensively, tiring him out. Keeping your distance. It’s so obvious, he’d be expecting you not to change. Surprise him. I’m saying we do the defensive strategy and have an added bonus. Using the Cage.”

  “How do you use the Cage?” Tegan asked. Though by the faces on the others, only Fiona knew what she was trying to say.

  “Look, that gorilla’s first punch is always a straight right. Doesn’t matter if he takes two seconds or twenty. That’s his move. You can tell by the way he gives two quick shuffles of his shoulder before launching each punch. Knowing it’s coming, though, is way different to stopping it. So, the idea is, back into the Cage wall. Make him miss, and every time he does, his fists slam the metal. Given his bulk to twist and deliver, his hooks are at least a second slower.”

  “Wait a minute. You want us to back ourselves into a tight space against the most dangerous fighter in the world?” Robert asked. “That’s insane.”

  “So is an MMA number one contender with no ground game, but you made it work.”

  “That is to gloss over the fact that I refuse to hit people when they’re down.”

  “Which, in this sport, is ridiculous. Anyone that tries to fight him hits his forearms, and they’re like granite. If you do manage to get him off his feet, you could go a long way to winning. But on his feet, he’s devastating. You can’t be caught fighting his fight. He’ll kill you.”

  “I got this far without it. I’m not going to change my thinking just for this fight. If I get him down, I’ll let him get back up.”

  Fiona looked about ready to scream but forced the instinct away as Robert took a phone call and walked a few steps out of earshot. “OK. Look. Do you trust me?”

  Owen looked at all the faces in the room before settling on hers. “Yes.”

  “Good, but we are going to have to learn to trust each other. All of us. Without it, we’ll fall apart. I know I can do this. I know we can do this.”

  “Yes, but adjusting and tweaking isn’t the same as a complete overhaul. We have to work with each other, not against. Help me, please. But don’t ask me to stop being who I am and doing what got me here. I can’t do that. You’ve been right before. You know what you’re talking about, but I’d rather lose doing what I’ve always done than lose out of fear by changing.”

  Fiona registered his words, letting them sink in, “OK. You got it.” She turned to Robert. “You OK?”

  “OK? What?” Owen asked before Robert joined them. Looking gravel faced.

  “Well...we know their plan B,” Robert said, looking at Owen. I just got off the phone with a detective. He said the woman that made the complaint against you at the gym the last time you were here is going ahead and pressing charges.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  “I wish I was. You said you did nothing, and I believe you. But you know the media is going to go to town on you for this. We have to nip it in the bud now.”

  “What are you suggesting?” Owen asked.

  “Make her an offer she can’t refuse.”

  “No. I’m not paying her a single cent.”

  “It happens all the time, son. There are some things that go away if you just throw money at them. It’s not perfect, but it works.”

  “I don’t care. I didn’t do anything, and I won’t act like I did. That’s like an admission of guilt. I’ll worry about it after the match.”

  “That’s the thing. You can’t. After the cop called me, I got a call from the promoter. They won’t let you fight until you clear your name. It makes sense. They did it to Diaz as well. It’s standard practice but especially when it comes to allegations of sexual assault.”

  “What about innocent until proven guilty?”

  “They don’t want to be seen giving a blind eye to a creep, rewarding someone like that. Zero tolerance.”

  “So, what the fuck am I supposed to do?”

  “You have to give a statement to this cop. He’ll tell us where to go from there. Stay away from that gym where she works too.”

  “Does it have to be now?”

  “He’s waiting for us.”

  “Fuck me dead,” Owen replied.

  “Owen, come here for a sec,” Tegan said, indicating just to the right of her seat. Grabbing his hand when he reached her side, she spoke slowly and clearly, “I need you to look me in the eye and tell me nothing happened.”

wen held her hand a little tighter. “I swear, I didn’t do anything.”

  “Then stop worrying about me and go fix this. I’ll be alright.”

  Owen gave her a light kiss and left with Robert. Tegan waited for a few seconds before turning to find Fiona who was flicking through her phone. “Have you got plenty of fuel?”

  “Fucking Who Daily has already posted the story about this bitch. Jeez, it doesn’t take them long, slimy fucks... What? Yeah, but don’t worry I’ve got loads of parking time left. It’s probably best I’m not on the road anyway. I want to find this bitch and jam my foot up her snatch.”

  “You know where she works?”

  “I know where Owen shot the commercial, yeah.”

  “Can you call it for me and give me the phone, please?”

  Fiona wanted to know what this was for, clearly, but didn’t ask. She found the number and handed Tegan the phone after also finding out through an article that the woman’s name was Emily Hobson. Tegan called the number. “Hello, Body or Bust. This is Emily. How can I help you?”

  Tegan hung up, got up out of her chair, and steadied herself. “I need you to drive me, babe.”

  “What do you mean? Where?”

  “That gym.”

  “Fuck yeah, let’s go.”

  “I just want to talk to her.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You talk, and I’ll throat punch the stupid thunder cunt.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Fiona pulled up outside the gym and immediately pulled off her earrings. “Hold my shit.”

  “Babe, we are not going to throw down with this woman.”

  “Speak for yourself. Victims of real abuse are drowned out and ignored, but this twatsickle gets paid off for some made up dinky dink story? I’m gonna kick her twat in until it fucking twiddles.”

  “Wait,” Tegan said calmly, holding Fiona’s arm. “I need you to go in and upset her enough so that she has to go home.”

  “You want me to what? Upset her? Like, piss her off?”

  “Whatever you have to do. I can’t talk to her here. Too open. I need her one on one.”

  “Still sounds like you’re getting ready to smash her.”

  “Even fully healthy, I couldn’t and wouldn’t.”

  “You serious?”

  “Very. If you can’t do it, I understand. We can—”

  “Can’t make a scummy bitch cry? Who the fuck you talkin’ to? You just leave it to Fifi and wait right there.”

  Tegan watched Fiona walk into the gym. By the time Tegan had reached for her bottle of water, taken a few large gulps, put the lid on the bottle, and placed it down on the floor, she heard screams and shouts. Fiona was being moved outside rather forcefully by two burly looking trainers. She was screaming a foul-mouthed tirade at someone inside that Tegan couldn’t see but knew to be Emily. Eventually, Fiona had been moved back far enough into the parking lot that continuing the performance would be stupid. She gave both trainers the finger and moved away, walking slowly to the side street, hiding behind a wall, waiting for Tegan’s signal.

  Once the trainers had gone in, and no one would see which car Fiona owned, Tegan beckoned her over.

  “That was quick.”

  “Too easy, drill sergeant.”

  “What the hell did you say?”

  “Nothin’. She’s just a pussy. I just started out saying, ‘Excuse me, I’d like to talk to the key member of staff here called Emily.’ She asked, ‘Me? I’m a key staff member?’ I said, ‘Yes. Not important or valued, mind you, but key as in everyone gets...’” Fiona twisted her wrist like she was unlocking a door. “‘...a turn.’”


  “Then I showed her my credit card and said, ‘Sorry, do you take cheques, or do I just swipe this down your sin cave? Do I get frequent flyer points if I use payWave over your clit?’”

  Tegan placed a hand over her mouth.

  Fiona checked her makeup in her mirror and said casually, “Then she had the nerve to say I’m rude and demand I leave. That brought tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. Who I called pimp one and pimp two. But she really lost it when I asked her how much money she’d made to sell out Owen Gasnier. Who wouldn’t fuck her with a dog’s dick, as he has standards. He only fucks humans, and she don’t qualify.”

  “Oh, Jesus, Fifi.”

  “Don’t feel bad. Bitch messed with my man.” Fiona closed her makeup and glanced at Tegan. “Sorry, our man.”

  Tegan smiled. “We are sharing him, are we?”

  Fiona said, “Pfft. You have that whole true love, once in a lifetime bullshit, yadda yadda. But I...” she said, raising her eyebrows and continuing in a mock-serious tone, “I have his soul. Why would I give that up for six inches?”

  Tegan sucked her lips in a touch, saying nothing. She knew what Fiona was trying to do. She shook her head quickly as Fiona glanced at her.

  “Seven?” Fiona whispered.

  Tegan shook her head again.

  “Eight?” Fiona asked, her eyes widening.

  Tegan looked at her and shook her head again, slower. Fiona sat back and pretended to burst into tears, smacking the steering wheel, throwing a tantrum. “I wanna swap!” she whined.

  “Shit. Is that her?” Tegan asked, spotting a female employee, heavily distressed, leaving the gym, raking through her bag for her keys. “Get down,” Tegan hissed. If Emily saw Fiona in the car waiting, they’d have to deal with cops and the whole plan would crumble.

  Emily pulled out of the car park and headed off, and the two girls followed her. It wasn’t a lengthy tale either. Emily stopped her car in a small car park at the top of Coogee Beach. Tegan waited until Emily had gotten out and then slowly followed. Fiona stayed in the car with only a small protest. This wouldn’t work unless they were one on one. Tegan found Emily on a park bench, completely alone, sobbing so hard her shoulders shook. Tegan gently eased herself opposite her.

  “Hi, Emily,” Tegan started. “Sorry to startle you, but I was wondering if I could have a few minutes of your time.”

  Emily was startled and sat upright, taking in Tegan’s appearance with her beany on her head. “Who are you?”

  “I’m a friend of Owen Gasnier’s.”

  Emily rolled her head and groaned as she rose. “So, he sends another one... Jesus Christ Almighty.”

  “He doesn’t know I’m here.”

  “Fuck you,” she replied, walking away.

  “I know you’re lying, Emily.”

  This made her stop and turn around, to which Tegan offered gently, “Can you please sit down? I just want to have a chat.”

  Emily, very reluctantly, sat down. “If you threaten me in any way, the cops will be called.”

  “Do I look like I could threaten you?”

  “What do you mean, you know?”

  “To answer your question, I need to tell you a quick story. Many years back, a girl went to her parents claiming a priest touched her. Made her do things to him, that kind of thing. Now, I wish I could tell you that she was believed. But she wasn’t. Her parents took her to see the priest. Made her sit in front of him and recount her story which was then completely twisted and dismissed. Her parents shunned her for shaming them. So did everyone she had the guts to tell, bar one person. Her sister was the only one that believed her. Her sister vowed to bring him to justice and to protect her from that day on. A year later, she committed suicide. Why am I telling you this? Because I was that sister. I was in the room that day when the story was recounted to that vile pig. I saw the look in his eyes, and I knew he was lying. The same way I could tell my sister wasn’t. The story has a tragic ending. And it’s because of stories like this, where the victims aren’t believed, that people can’t get their courage up to tell their own stories. There are years and years of it. And you’re making a mockery of those real struggles.

  “You said you know I’m lying. Is it just the look on my face?”

  “That and the look on Owen’s when he denied it. How long do you expect to keep t
his up? You and I both know nothing happened. I just want to know why you would do this? Has he wronged you somehow? Do you want attention?”

  “Want attention? That’s a laugh. I’ve been hounded by press all week. They follow me everywhere. Today is the first day I’ve had peace. And only because I swapped my shift at work.”

  “What did you think was going to happen, given who he is?”

  “I don’t know, OK? I just... I don’t know.”

  Tegan sat up straighter, looking her in the eye. “Emily, from what I can see, you haven’t thought this through at all. You don’t know me. But I’m going to ask anyway. What’s going on? That crying I just saw wasn’t because you’ve had a bad day at work. You’re cracking. And for what?”

  Tegan let the words sink in, and Emily looked like she was close to the breaking point yet again. “I can’t do this anymore.”


  Emily sighed the answer, “Yes. It happened the day of the contract signing. We were all there afterwards, and this guy came up to me. He said he’d give me fifty thousand to sleep with Owen Gasnier. Like I was going to pass that money up. But it didn’t happen. Then he said he’d give me a hundred and fifty thousand to say Gasnier exposed himself to me. That’s it. That’s all I had to do. I was broke, so I said yes. Was it wrong? Yes. But you tell me the same thing when you’re a single mum with two kids under five, and suddenly there’s over one hundred fifty thousand in your account, just as promised.”

  “So, it doesn’t matter whose life and reputation are destroyed as long as you get paid?”

  “Maybe it’s different to you coz you’re living in la-la land. But for us working mums, we see people everywhere making money who lie, cheat and steal. At some point, you realise morals don’t pay your bills. But I... I’m not sleeping. I haven’t touched that money because I’ve been too scared. Now, the press is following me home, following my kids at school. And I’m terrified of this guy coming back if I don’t use it or if I make a retraction. What if he targets my kids? God.”


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