Sex, Love, and Aliens, Volume 2

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Sex, Love, and Aliens, Volume 2 Page 20

by Imogene Nix

  “Are we stopping?” she asked, slightly out of breath.

  “I think it best,” he replied. “Stay here, and let me make sure there aren’t any animals claiming it.”

  Freya did as he ordered, because she was exhausted and doubted she had the energy to fight off anything more ferocious than a butterfly. He had let her keep the TEV blaster, but truthfully she hadn’t had that much practice with it and felt awkward holding it. No way would she be able to actually hit a target.

  Moments later Kory came out of the cave and beckoned for her to join him. The dark interior was dank and chilly, but all she cared about was sleeping. Her stomach rumbled, and although she wanted to ignore it, Kory raised an eyebrow.

  “You should have told me you were hungry,” he admonished.

  “I’m more tired than anything.”

  He pointed to her chest. “I have a few more protein bars in my tunic pocket.”

  Freya patted herself down and discovered a few thin bars in the inner lining. She pulled them out and handed one to Kory. “I’m observant, aren’t I?” she replied sarcastically. “I didn’t even know these were in here.”

  She opened one and took a bite. Kory ate his without much regard.

  “How come you’re the one out here, and not this Niah you mentioned?”

  “Niah is our leader,” Kory said after he swallowed the last of his bar. He’d eaten it in two bites. Freya was only half-finished. “He is too valuable to risk on minor missions.”

  “You said he was the first.”

  Kory nodded. “There are fifty-two of us in all, all hybrid scientific experiments that survived the death period.”

  “Death period?”

  “You were right about the process. The body dies for three days and then…we are resurrected. Mainly through TEV technology, but also by an unusual enzyme in Niah’s blood, as I mentioned.”

  Freya couldn’t contain her shiver. “I don’t like the fact that you died.”

  “I don’t either, because I was reborn as this,” he said, and pointed to his face. “If I could be the Kory you once knew, the Kory you once cared about, then I wouldn’t hesitate to go through the change again. Reverse what’s been done. I’d die all over again.”

  She placed a finger against his lips. “Don’t say that.”

  He captured her hand and entwined their fingers. “The love I had for you, Freya, wasn’t that of a boy, but of a man. I know I’m not the person you remember, a man that you could possibly love in return. But I want you to stay with me. I vow to always protect you. Provide for you.”

  She shut him up the only way she knew how to...with a kiss. The rest of the protein bar forgotten, she leaned over and placed her mouth over his, feeling slightly awkward at taking the initiative. The kiss was brief, almost stagnant, and she pulled back in uncertainty when he didn’t respond. They stared at one another for a moment. His eyes darkened, and he stared at her mouth for a long time before shifting closer. Suddenly, he loomed over her. Hunger and longing set her nerves tingling with anticipation.

  Just when she thought it may be too unbearable any longer, he collected her hair in one hand and yanked her head back, not causing pain but allowing him better access to slide his tongue up her neck, taking nibbling bites along the way until his mouth met hers. His tongue swept in to duel with hers, as if he were trying to exert some type of dominance. But Freya was more than happy to surrender to such bliss.

  When he broke the kiss, they were breathing hard.

  “Do you believe me, Freya? Because this can’t happen unless you believe me. I won’t use you like that.”

  “There’s only been one person who ever made me feel like this.” She cupped his face and stroked her fingertips over his cheeks. “My Kory.”

  He closed his eyes, bent his head, and rested his forehead against hers. Freya breathed in his scent, an intoxicating blend of male and raw sexuality, which brought back so many memories that she almost cried. Yes, this was her Kory. The desolation that had practically overwhelmed her began to drain away. Her parents were still gone, but she had her first love. Her arms encircled his neck, allowing his body to press into hers.

  “I want you, Freya,” he murmured next to her ear as he nuzzled the hairs at her temple. “I want you in all the ways a man can want a woman.”

  “I’ve never done this before, Kory,” she admitted.

  He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “Neither have I.”

  Her eyes widened. “But we’ve been apart thirteen years—”

  “I never wanted anyone else.” He flashed a small, chagrinned smile. “I’m not saying I didn’t take care of certain needs myself, but I never had the desire to settle for second best. And anyone else would have been just that.”

  While staring into her eyes, one of his hands moved down to cup her breast. Like before, he squeezed it through the shirt. Rubbed her nipple. She bit her lip as pleasure coursed through her body and chased all her previous tiredness away. Over and over he touched her through her clothes, and she soon grew impatient at the material that kept them apart.

  “Kory,” she moaned.

  His name upon her lips seemed to stimulate him, because it only took a moment for him to undo her pants and ease his calloused fingers inside, sliding through the curls and into her wet heat. His finger dipped inside her pussy, and for a second she tensed, but when he found a rhythm, the fire in her blood quickly escalated. Kory gave no mercy. He traced the moist path of her clit as his palm applied just enough pressure to make her writhe. In and out his finger moved, and before she knew it, an orgasm flushed over her, robbing her of breath for a few moments. Freya rode it out, humping his hand that still teased, desperate for more.

  “I want you, Kory,” she said, when she was able to speak.

  “Oh, Freya. I want you too.” He kissed her lips. A lingering mesh of lips and tongues that pierced her heart. “But if we take each other, we’ll belong to each other. I will lay down my life for you.”

  Tears flooded her eyes. Her body just experienced something soul shattering, but his words were a benediction. A marriage vow.

  Freya cupped his face, stared in his eyes, and pledged her own vows. “And I will lay down my life for you,” she said.

  They hadn’t seen each other in thirteen years, but their young love had morphed into something deeper. Stronger. They were adults now with adult needs.

  Their mouths met, then the kiss deepened. His tongue swept into her mouth to possess her, and the change between them was immediate. There wasn’t any hesitation, no coy reserve left at all. He wanted her and she wanted him, so Freya opened for him, her tongue meeting and twirling with his. He withdrew and plunged, nibbled and devoured, until they were breathless. They sealed their promises to each other, their love, with their bodies.

  They tore at their clothing, taking everything off as fast as possible. Freya needed to feel his skin against hers, needed to feel her own softness pressed against his hardness. His beautiful body—all muscle, hard angles, and copper skin—covered hers with urgency. Kory positioned himself between her thighs and draped her calves over his arms. The position thrust her hips up, and all she could do was stare at his large cock as he slid the tip up and down her folds, glistening with a mixture of hers and his juices.

  Kory angled his hips and pushed forward. Pain overshadowed everything for a moment, and he held still as she adjusted to the new sensation of being filled and stretched.

  Kory stopped. “I’m so sorry, Freya.”

  He pulled back, and she saw his intention to leave her body shining on his face, but she grabbed hold of his shoulders. “No. Stay.”

  He shook his head. “I won’t hurt you any more.”

  “Please, Kory. I…I love you.”

  Happiness blazed in his wide, dark eyes. She took a deep breath and tried to relax her body. The pain eased somewhat, but she was still a little uncomfortable.

  Slowly, Kory pulled out, only to push back in again. She kept staring
at him, because she felt like she was going to float up to the sky, and he was the only thing keeping her tethered to the ground. In a matter of minutes, Kory threw back his head, the cords of his neck bulging as he reached that plateau she had reached moments earlier. His face, which had once frightened her, now was a thing of beauty. He collapsed onto her and her arms crept around his neck, holding him close.

  “I’m so sorry, Freya,” Kory muttered as he shifted to lay on his side, facing her.

  “For what?” she asked as she soothed her hands over his muscles. His body was big and hard, but that only seemed to add to her addiction of him because she couldn’t stop touching him.

  “Damn it.” He groaned and closed his eyes. “That was like a minute long.”

  She giggled. He peeked at her through one lid.

  “Great. You’re laughing at me.”

  She shook her head. Her fingers traced his pec, over one taut nipple, and down his rippled abdomen. Just when she began to dip lower, he caught her hand in his.

  “No,” she breathed and lightly kissed him on the lips. “I’m not laughing at you. I’m so happy I could burst. You, Kory, have made me the happiest woman on the planet.”

  Turnabout was fair play, she guessed, when he touched her nipples like she touched his. Desire coiled through her belly, hot and demanding. Freya bent her head and licked a section of his neck. He growled, and a second later, she found herself set astride him, looking down into his lustful, dark gaze. His cock had flared to life, and she rotated her hips enough to have the slick, steel shaft rub through her wet folds.

  “I want you again,” he gasped. “But I don’t want to hurt you if you’re sore.”

  “I want you too.”

  He reached between them and took hold of his dick to guide it into her body. In one swift thrust, he buried himself deep. She arched her back in sweet bliss.

  “I’m never going to get enough of you,” he said. “I love you, Freya.”

  The future was uncertain, but then, it always had been. The TEV would probably fight back, but Freya was ready now. Having found Kory again, her determination had resolved. She was part of this fight, part of this world, and Earth would be free again. Of that, she no longer had any doubts.


  The activity on the mountain was unlike anything Freya had ever seen. She stared in wonder as thousands of humans swarmed in and out of the passageway, the one she remembered escaping through years ago. Interspersed with the humans were TEV soldiers, and she tightened her grip around Kory’s hand.

  He looked down at her. “They are like me,” he said, accurately reading the apprehension on her face.

  She nodded, trying to be brave. Seeing so many TEV faces among her species was still startling.

  “Come, Freya. Meet my brothers.”

  He pulled her along and soon they were surrounded by many big warriors, all greeting Kory as he walked steadily through the throng of men. She sensed their curiosity, but she kept her gaze focused on the ground.

  “Kory, it’s good to see you,” a deep voice greeted. “It was a successful mission?”

  “Yes. In more ways than one.”

  He pulled her forward and Freya chanced glancing up. A tall, black-haired TEV with amazing green eyes smiled warmly at her.

  “Hello, I am Niah,” he greeted.

  Kory’s leader. “I’m—”

  “Freya?” a feminine voice asked, and they all looked to the side.

  Freya’s eyes widened in shock as she saw Bree standing before her. It had been years since she’d seen the other woman, and by the way she held Niah’s hand Freya knew she had to be the wife of the leader. The coincidence was staggering.

  “I can’t believe it,” Bree said. “I thought you were dead.”

  Freya smiled sadly. “Many times I wished I was. I can’t believe you remember me. You were just a little girl.”

  Before she knew it, Freya was enveloped in a tight hug. “Who could forget these red curls of yours? This is truly a day for celebration. I’m so happy you found your way to us.”

  Freya looked over her shoulder at Kory. The adoration in his eyes was there for the world to see.

  “I had help,” she murmured, and winked at him.

  About Beth D. Carter

  I like writing about the very ordinary girl thrust into extraordinary circumstances, so my heroines will probably never be lawyers, doctors or corporate highrollers. I try to write characters who aren't cookie cutters and push myself to write complicated situations that I have no idea how to resolve, forcing me to think outside the box. I love writing characters who are real, complex and full of flaws, heroes and heroines who find redemption through love.

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