Impact Imminent_The Kylie Rhoads Space Adventure Continues

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Impact Imminent_The Kylie Rhoads Space Adventure Continues Page 22

by M. D. Cooper

  Bubbs’ voice came in response.

  Kylie wasn’t a big fan of dead.

  Bubbs replied.

  Kylie asked.

  Bubbs said.

  Kylie asked as she slowly walked down the concourse toward her ship.

  Bubbs proceeded to explain about the damage to the asteroid and that Rogers and Ricket had gone to Chimin-5 to bring back a team with the skills to stabilize the rock.

  Kylie said when Bubbs was done.

  Bubbs replied, and it took Kylie a moment to realize the woman was joking.


  Bubbs replied.

  Kylie replied.

  Kylie finally reached the north docks, and took the lift to their platform, breathing a sigh of relief as she laid eyes on the Barbaric Queen. The feeling wasn’t yet the same as seeing the Dauntless—that ship was like her first true love—but knowing her new girl was safe and sound filled her with relief.


  Kylie knew that Paul’s trail was growing cold, but now it seemed that Blondie’s assassination attempt might have put all of Chimin-1 in mortal danger.

  Just when I thought I was righting my wrongs.

  Bubbs paused for a moment, as Kylie reached the airlock and cycled it open,

  Bubbs had a point. Up ‘til now Kylie had considered—and dismissed—the idea of contacting Tanis Richards. Kylie wanted to be triumphant when she made her call them. ‘Yes, I did find Paul. Yes, my mission is complete.’

  That’s what she wanted. Not more screw ups.

  If Tanis pulled her off this mission, told her she couldn’t continue the hunt for Paul because of the mistakes she’d made…. Kylie didn’t think she could honor a command like that.

  And the last thing she wanted to do was to make an enemy out of Tanis or Sera. She had a suspicion that they weren’t the type of people to let betrayal go.

  Kylie said.

  The airlock door opened and Kylie shuffled inside, nearly collapsing in the corridor as she hobbled toward the medbay.

  * * * * *

  Kylie let out a long sigh as she lay down on the upgraded medtable the ISF had installed.

  She sent it a command to do a full diagnostic on her body and closed her eyes as her flow armor ran off her, leaving her naked as armatures extended from the table and began scanning her.

  Marge advised.

  Kylie replied.

  Marge laughed.


  Kylie closed her eyes, not intending to fall asleep, but when she opened them again, her HUD showed that twenty-five minutes had passed.

  she asked Marge.

  Marge laughed.

  Kylie chuckled and noted happily that nothing seemed to hurt. She debated opening her eyes but decided to enjoy just a few more minutes of relaxation.

  Kylie knew she’d feel a lot less anxious when the repair crew arrived back on Chimin-1.


  Just then, heavy footsteps entered the room and Kylie opened her eyes, pulling herself up on her elbows to see Bubbs approaching.

  The large woman was smiling—sort of—and held an orange and white striped tabby cat in the crook of her gun arm.

  “This is Mr. Fizzle Pop. I thought he might make you feel better,” Bubbs said. “It always works for me.”

  Kylie hefted the big cat, not that she’d call him fat, at least not with Bubbs present. This guy was either a good mouser or very spoiled. She placed the cat on her lap and scratched under its chin a few times. The cat replied with a hearty purr.

  “I do feel better,” Kylie said

  “AGAIN, ASSHOLE,” the cat said, staring angrily at Kylie.

  She startled, holding her hand right above him so he had to hop up to get a rub.

  “He calls everyone that, don’t worry.” Bubbs gave Kylie a genuine smile. Possibly the first one Kylie had seen. She wasn’t used to seeing Bubbs’ eyes shine with a happy sparkle, but it was a beautiful sight to see. This was a woman who really did love her cat.

  “He makes the world feel normal even when nothing is,” Bubbs said. Kylie didn’t know much about Bubbs’ life before the Barbaric Queen but it didn’t take a great leap of imagination to think it had been rough.

  “Have you had him a long time?”

  Bubbs shrugged. “Fifty-five years or so.” Kylie almost choked, and Bubbs snickered. “Rejuvenation techniques are rare for pets, but not unheard of. I spare no expense for family.”

  She headed toward the door and Kylie watched her go. “Your cat….”

  “He’ll leave when he’s had enough of you. He won’t bite. Much.” Bubbs glowered on her way out and Kylie got the distinct impression that she was being played with.

  She peered down into the cat who was working on taking a nap. “You’re an old softy, aren’t you? Just like your owner, no doubt.”

  The cat opened one eye. “SHUT UP.”

  Kylie grinned. She thought she might like having a cat on board.

  Marge’s voice was rushed and her tone clipped.

  Kylie perked straight up.


  Kylie asked simply, feeling a rush of excitement mingled with anger.


  Kylie was starting to understand how the station had fallen to ruin. With no NSAI to manage things….



  Kylie was about to reply, when Bubbs interrupted.

  Bubbs’ tone was grave,

  When it rained, it poured.

  Marge replied.

  Kylie activated the call display and her vision filled with the smug face of
Raynes. “Had enough yet, Captain Rhoads?”

  “Enough? And here I thought we were just getting started. I killed your men, I have control of your lab. I—”

  Raynes laughed. “Bravado and grandstanding. People are sick, dying, and if my plan goes unchecked, more will die, but if you agree to my terms, I’ll provide you with the anti-virus, the cure that can save these people.”

  Kylie drew a deep breath and knew dealing with Raynes—while it might save a few people—would hurt more in the long run.

  “Forget about it, Raynes.”

  “Oh, come on, you haven’t even heard my offer yet. Don’t you at least want to hear what it is before you make your decision?” Kylie felt like she’d just been double-dog-dared in a schoolyard.

  “Fine. I’m listening.” To Marge she said,

  Marge asked.

  “I need my ship, the Winthrop. I know you have eyes on it, and that your ship could take it out. But you let me have it, and give me safe passage, and I’ll give you the cure you need to save the people in the hospital. Not only that, you’ll get Winter back. I know how much he means to you, Captain.”

  Marge said with a wink.

  Kylie snorted. “I don’t think letting you go is in the cards.”

  “C’mon, Rhoads. You know as well as I do that the AIs will bring nothing but trouble and war to humanity. We’ve forgotten how to do things for ourselves. You and I shouldn’t be fighting. You should be my ally in all this.”

  “If you think that’s true, then you know nothing about me.”

  “Fine.” Raynes’ eyes narrowed, throwing daggers at her through the Link. “You won’t do what’s needed to save humanity—or even those in the hospital? What about your crew? Rogers and Ricket are walking into a trap. Don’t you care about them?”

  Kylie pushed herself upright, startling Mr. Fizzle Pop, and causing him to run off her lap. His claws making Kylie glad the medtable had reapplied her flow armor.

  “Explain yourself, you bastard.”



  STELLAR DATE: 11.05.8948 (Adjusted Years)

  LOCATION: Access Tunnel 3E

  REGION: Chimin-5, Hanoi System (independent)

  It took more time than they’d have liked, but Ricket finally managed to get through the double blast doors and into the chamber beyond where twelve men and women stood ready to fight to the end.

  The room was a ‘Safety Vault’, a compartment the miners could retreat to if something happened in the mines. Rogers bet that none of them had ever expected that something to be their own chief of police turning on them.

  Or maybe they had. A lot of crazy shit went down in the fringe.

  “We’re here to help,” Rogers said, lowering his rifle and raising his left hand. “Well…we’re here to get your help. Both, I guess.”

  A tall man—who matched Jim’s description—stood in the forefront of the group of miners. “Who are you?”

  Rogers stepped forward and offered his hand, which the man shook after only a brief hesitation. “First mate Rogers of the Barbaric Queen. We’re docked on Chimin-1. The station has suffered structural damage and we need your help. There was an explosion in Mine 317.”

  One of the women groaned and Jim shook his head. “I always said we needed to shore that mess up. Was it something that madman Raynes did?”

  “More or less, yeah.” Rogers nodded as he looked around at the miners. “So, do you think you and your crew are up to a little overtime?”

  Jim glanced back at his team. “We’d do anything for Chimin. It’s why we ended up stuck in here. We refused to help Papote and their crazy plans to take on the AIs. I won’t see Chimin used for political gain, Mr. Rogers. If all you care about is helping the people—”

  Rogers nodded. “I do. It’s all either of us care about.”

  “Then we’ll do everything we can, no matter how long it takes.”

  Rogers reached out and clasped the man’s hand. “Take the shotgun back. We’re going to make sure no one else is trapped here. We’ll circle back and join you.”

  “You took the shotgun?” Jim asked, his gaze alternating between Rogers and Ricket. “You must have been desperate. There’s an emergency shuttle one deck below the platform, we’ll take that and leave you the shotgun for your return trip if you don’t mind.”

  Rogers glanced at Ricket who shrugged. “I kinda liked taking the shotgun.”

  “Oh, and when you get there, look for Bubbs. She’s taken over management of Chimin City for the time being.”

  “Bubbs?” Jim asked.

  Ricket nodded, a smile on her lips. “Don’t let her gun-arm scare you. She’s more bark than bite.”

  Rogers shook his head at Ricket who met his gaze. “What? She is nice.”

  Jim and his crew filtered out of the room. “So you two fought your way through all those Papote goons to get to us?”

  Ricket nodded. “Rogers is more than just a pretty face. You should have a clear run to the dock but let us know if you run into trouble.

  “You got it,” Jim replied as he set off with his team.

  Once the miners were out of earshot, Ricket asked, “So how much longer do you want to run around in the creepy-semi abandoned asteroid?”

  “We can just do a cursory sweep, make sure there aren’t any more of Raynes’ people here—or Raynes himself.”

  “You think Winter could be here?” Ricket asked, her brows raised high.

  Rogers nodded. “Maybe. A number of mining operations shuttles left Chimin-1 not long after the time Bubbs says Winter was taken. Could have come here unnoticed.”

  Ricket sighed and gestured for him to lead on. They worked their way through the asteroid until they came to another locked door. Ricket worked her magic—much more quickly this time, and in less than a minute, the door slid open.

  Inside were a few pieces of mining machinery, supply crates…and a cryostasis pod.

  “Interesting,” Rogers whispered as he and Ricket entered the room. They checked the corners, looking for any more Papote zealots before approaching the pod.

  The moment his eyes settled on the contents of the stasis pod, Rogers was filled with relief.

  “Winter!” He’d recognize that macho albino’s ugly mug anywhere.

  “Vitals were strong when he went under,” Ricket said as she checked over the pod’s readout.

  “Unthaw him,” Rogers ordered.

  “Are you—” Ricket began to ask but she saw the serious look on Rogers’ face and keyed in the command.

  The pod began its work, reviving its occupant, and a minute later, the cover slid open. The moment it cleared his face, Winter’s eyelids snapped open, his pupils, contracted, and he began to scream. Back arching as he struggled against his mods.

  Laura warned.

  “Winter!” Ricket placed her hands on his friend’s shoulders, Laura’s words not making sense until he felt how taut Winter’s skin was.

  What the hell was wrong with him?

  Laura said quickly.

  Rogers pushed Ricket back, shoving her out of the room, and slamming the door shut. He turned back to Winter, to see his friend’s skin splitting open along his forearms and face. Probably everywhere else too.

  He rushed to the stasis pod where the green gas flowed over the edges, drifting through the air in a deadly haze. Rogers remembered his flow armor, and directed it to cover his face, praying that it could filter this gas out, and that he hadn’t been too late.

  Even though the gas had grown thick, the armor’s enhanced vision led Rogers to the pod, where he keyed in the command to put Winter back in cryo.<
br />
  Rogers peered into the pod, where the green gas had frozen, right along with Winter, falling across him like snow. It was impossible to know if his friend had survived the process.

  Ricket said.

  Air was sucked from the room and the green gas went with it. As the room cleared, Rogers saw the readout on the pod that showed a successful cryo-freezing process. With the green gas gone, Rogers opened the door back up for Ricket.

  “Why did you do that?” she asked angrily. “Why did you throw me out of here? I could’ve helped you.”

  “I needed to seal Winter back up. It was the only way to save him.” Rogers turned his back to her and Ricket grabbed his arm and yanked him around.

  “I don’t need your protection! I’m here to help, not to be pushed away like that.”

  “You couldn’t have helped. Activating the pod is a one-person job. There was no reason for both of us to stay in the gas.”

  “And you just decided it was you?” Ricket asked, her eyebrows raising.

  “First mate, remember? It’s my job to take the risks. Besides, with any luck our armor would have filtered out the toxin.” Ricket gave Rogers a level stare, and he knew that she doubted he’d protected himself in time. Even so, she didn’t bring it up. Optimism in the face of danger.

  “Let’s find an a-grav pad so we can bring him back to Chimin-1,” Ricket said with a definite quiver to her voice.

  “We’ll be all right you know…either way. We’ll find a way to beat this thing,” Rogers whispered.

  “You saw those people in Facility 99. Do you really think there’s any fighting this thing?”

  Rogers nodded. “We’ve been through worse—” He glanced at Winter’s torn flesh. “Well, at least stuff just as bad.”


  STELLAR DATE: 11.05.8948 (Adjusted Years)

  LOCATION: Chimin City Hospital ER

  REGION: Chimin-1, Hanoi System (independent)

  On top of the workers from Facility 99, the Chimin City Hospital was now dealing with a deluge of injured from the lift crash and the subsequent explosion.

  Kylie walked through the ER, trying not to feel guilty over the people lining the halls in various states of triage. What she was worried about more was the message that Rogers had managed to get out of Chimin-5.


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