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Duncan Page 12

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Just drive around until we get word they have Pam back at the compound.” Jared informed him while he tried to help Slade.

  “Hasn’t she been feeding?” Slade demanded.

  “I don’t know,” Jared replied. “I mean, I thought she was feeding with the others.”

  “Well, I think it’s safe to say you thought wrong,” Slade mumbled looking down at Jill who had started to calm down, her eyes focused on his. “You back with us?”

  She nodded, her frightened eyes open wide. “What happened?” Her voice was raspy and rough.

  “Have you been feeding?” Slade asked her, easing the pressure slightly on her chest.

  Her eyes shifted away from his. “They don’t like me,” she whispered.

  “What? Who doesn’t like you?” Slade asked, confused.

  “Never mind,” she replied, not realizing she had actually spoken her thoughts out loud. “I’m fine. Please let me go.”

  “You’re not fine,” Slade growled down at her. “You’re starving and could have killed an innocent because you decided not to be responsible and feed.”

  With surprising strength, Jill knocked his hand away from her chest and sat up. “I said I’m fine.”

  “And I said you’re not.” Slade reached for her, but before anyone in the car knew what was happening, Jill opened the car door, jumped out rolling to her feet taking off. “What the hell!” Slade sat stunned for a second before he was out the door after her.

  Sid and Jared looked at each other shocked. “Did that just fucking happen?” Jared turned, staring at the empty backseat. “Yep, it fucking happened.”

  “Guess the cat’s out of the bag, or should we say the vamp’s out of the car.” Sid shook his head in disbelief. “You better call and let the others know. I’ll turn around.”

  Jill ran hard and fast zipping down side streets and back alleys. She didn’t know or care where she was going. Horror at what she had almost done spurred her even faster. She had almost killed an innocent. She would be kicked out of the Warrior program for sure, and what would happen to her then? Her family wanted nothing to do with her. She would be alone, and that terrified her more than anything.

  Turning down another alleyway, Jill skidded to a stop. “Crap,” Jill whispered. Looked like she picked the wrong alley.

  Ten men stood in a circle, engrossed in something until Jill’s shoes slid on the gritty concrete. “Hey!” One shouted as the others looked up locking eyes on her.

  “Sorry, wrong alley.” Jill took a step backwards until she saw a woman kneeling in the middle of the group of men. Glancing back up at the men, she noticed they were a mix of humans and vampires.

  The man who spoke was vampire, his golden eyes glowing in the darkness. “You got that right, little girl.” He nodded to one of the men who grabbed the woman dragging her toward a car. The woman tried to fight, but the man tossed her around like a rag doll.

  The woman’s eyes met Jill’s briefly; she was human. Jill’s attention went back to the other men who started moving toward her as a group, the one who spoke in front.

  “Holy shit. Luck is with us tonight, boys. We got us a half-breed.” The man laughed clapping his hands together. “And I thought it was going to be a light night. We are going to make bank.”

  Jill kept quiet, thinking of her options, which were few. She noticed that three of the human men had stopped and were edging away from the vampires who pressed forward. Okay, that left five full-blooded vampires; the other full-blood was busy with the woman. Was she ready for this? Probably not, but she wasn’t going down without a fight.

  His eyes roamed her body stopping on her stomach, his grin widened. “You’re the pregnant half-breed.” He looked over at the others slapping one on the back. “She’s the one.”

  Her hand going automatically to the pillow still securely tucked in her shirt, Jill frowned, not knowing if that was going to help or hurt her. By the look of glee on the vampires’ faces, she didn’t think it was a plus.

  “Listen, I need help.” Jill searched for a solution to her current situation while repeatedly cursing herself for jumping out of the car. What the hell had she been thinking? “I’m running from reporters and need to find the VC Warriors. We got split up.”

  Fear flashed in a few golden eyes at the mention of the Warriors, but the obvious leader snorted. “Honey, just stick with us.” He stepped closer making Jill step back. He cocked his head at her action, a not so nice smile curving his lips. “We can keep you safe and get you out of the city. Don’t seem the Warriors are doing a very good job. Heard they were a bunch of pussies.”

  If they only knew, Jill thought with a snort. “I appreciate that, but they’re looking for me now. I’ll just head back the way I came. I’m sure they’re close.”

  “I don’t think that’s her.” The vampire on the end had stepped closer looking at Jill.

  “What the fuck you mean, that’s not her.” The main vampire pointed to her stomach. “She’s fucking pregnant, isn’t she?”

  Knowing it was about to get nasty, Jill turned to take off, but wasn’t quick enough.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He grabbed her arm with one hand as the other reached out to touch her stomach. Jill tried to avoid contact, but his grip was strong, and her not feeding had made her weaker than she should be. His hand sunk into the pillow she had hidden under her shirt. His golden eyes turned dark as he reached under her shirt pulling out the hospital pillow she had used.

  “I knew it,” the other one growled. “I told you it wasn’t her.”

  The one holding Jill leaned down holding the pillow up. “What the fuck is this?” he growled so close she felt his breath on her face. “What kind of game are you playing?”

  Jill knew it was do or die time. Words from the Warriors came back to her in a rush of instructions, but Sid’s words rang true in her current situation, ‘When all else fails, fight dirty’. Leaning her head back, she thrust it forward with all her might head butting the vampire. Before she could take off, another vampire stopped her. Struggling to get away, she kicked, scratched and punched anything that got in her way.

  “You bitch.” The vampire she head-butted grabbed her by the shirt throwing her across the alley by the car.

  Doing her best to land and roll out of the fall, Jill grunted when her sore shoulder made contact with the hard concrete. Okay, pain sucked. Pushing herself off the ground, she caught sight of Slade standing in the shadows. Shaking her head in warning, she missed the booted foot that kicked her hard in the leg.

  “Get up, bitch.” The leader picked up his leg to kick her again.

  “I wouldn’t suggest you doing that.” Slade stepped out of the shadows, taking in the situation as he walked right up to the vampire standing over Jill.

  “Who the hell are you?” The vampire who she had head-butted turned around. “You’re asking for trouble. I suggest you leave and save yourself a lot of trouble.”

  “Step away from the woman or die.” Slade’s black eyes narrowed in warning.

  The vampire shifted nervously, and then snorted. “I think you’re way out numbered to be giving orders, asshole.”

  Slade cocked his head. “I’m not talking to them. I’m talking to you. Step away from her or die.”

  “Fuck you.” The leader leaned closer to Slade to say those words, stepping on Jill’s leg.

  Slade spun, his leg kicking out so fast the vampire never knew what hit him as Slade’s size 14 met the side of his neck, cracking it instantly. “No, fuck you,” Slade spat.

  “Watch out!” Jill warned. Another vampire came toward his left, but Slade stuck his hand out grabbing him around the throat without looking.

  “You guys sure you want to play?” Slade said to the others as the vampire in his hold made gasping gurgling sounds. Slade squeezed even harder.

  Car lights lit up the alley. Jared jumped out of the car before it even stopped, Sid not far behind.

  Looking down at the vam
pire, who wasn’t quite dead jerking on the ground, his neck at an odd angle, Jared toed him with his boot. “This one piss you off, doc?”

  Catching sight of another getting ready to take off, snapped Sid to attention, his eyes glowing. “Go ahead, run. Bet I catch ya.”

  The vampire stopped. “We didn’t touch her.”

  “Get on your knees with your hands behind your head,” Jared ordered opening his phone. “Now!” he shouted when only one did as he was told.

  Slade tossed the one he held next to the rest of them.

  “There’s a woman in the car.” Jill stood limping her way over to check on the woman.

  Out of the shadows, the vampire who had taken the other woman grabbed Jill wrapping his arm around her neck dragging her a few steps back. Jill struggled, but he was too strong.

  “Back the fuck up or I’ll rip her throat out,” he snarled, his fangs gleaming. He looked at the others on their knees. “Get up and get in the car!”

  “Let her go or-”

  “Or what…die?” The vampire mocked Slade as he leaned down licking the side of Jill’s face, a crazy look in his eyes.

  As soon as the vampire leaned back up, a hole appeared in the center of his forehead, his body weight falling on Jill, taking them both to the ground. Slade put the gun back in the waistband of his jeans under his jacket, as the echo of the gunshot faded.

  The other vampires who had started toward the car dropped once again to their knees, hands behind their heads.

  “That was fucking awesome.” Sid grinned then mocked the now dead vampire. “Or die? Then BAM the bitch is dead! God, I love this shit.”

  Jill kicked and pushed trying to get the dead weight of the vampire off her. Slade reached down lifting him off her without a grunt, tossing him to the side. “Check the woman in the car,” Jill told Slade.

  “Sid,” Slade called out. “Check on the woman.”

  Jared stood guard over the other vampires, still talking on the phone.

  Slade knelt down in front of Jill. “Where are you hurt?”

  “I’m not,” Jill replied not looking into his eyes. “There were three human men here also.”

  “Stop playing Warrior for a minute, and tell me where you’re hurt?” Slade growled helping her to her feet.

  “I’m not hurt.” She grimaced, putting weight on her leg. “I’ll be fine in a minute.”

  “No, you won’t.” Slade’s eyes narrowed. “And do you know why?”

  “I don’t want to talk about this right now.” Jill turned to check on the woman Sid was talking to.

  Slade spun her back around. He scooped her up. “I just killed two men. You are going to talk about it, and it’s going to be right now.”

  Flashes went off making the alleyway look like a disco dance floor with strobe lights. Reporters swarmed the place taking pictures of everything.

  “Is it really against the law for us to kill reporters?” Sid growled as he stood in front of the woman he had been interviewing.

  “Sloan is going to be pissed.” Jared frowned.

  “What’s new?” Sid flipped off one cameraman with a smile. “Just another day at the office.”

  Chapter 16

  Pam, Duncan and the others had pulled into the compound when the call came in. Damon gave Nicole a quick kiss before running out the door.

  Sloan passed them on his way out, glaring at Duncan. “You coming?” His tone and glare indicated that he expected him to get his ass in gear and in the van.

  “No.” His tone was final.

  Sloan growled before slamming open the door. “You’re lucky I don’t put you on report.”

  “Duncan, please go.” Pam urged him seeing the indecision in his eyes. “I’m fine. They need you. This is your job. It’s what you do.”

  Adam had walked out to see what was going on. “Go ahead, man. Me and the others are here. We’ll lock up tight and watch some movies or something.”

  “They’ve got this,” Duncan replied, his stubbornness stamped across his face.

  Pam let go of his hand. “If you don’t go, I’m leaving.”

  “No, you’re not.” He reached for her hand again, but she pulled it away.

  “I will not come between your job, and the other Warriors,” Pam replied, just as stubborn. “I’m fine, and if anything happens, someone will call you. Now, go.”

  Duncan shot everyone an evil glare as if it was their fault. “Don’t leave the compound.” His eyes softened when they came back around to her.

  “Not even a toe out the door.” Pam nodded. “Now go before Sloan does put you on report, whatever that means.”

  In front of everyone, he gently grabbed her face, pulling her to him. “I’ll be back soon.” He kissed her softly, his thumbs caressing her cheeks.

  “I’ll be here,” she replied when his lips left hers. “Be careful.”

  Duncan looked like he wanted to say more, but nodded before he turned running after Sloan and Damon. Stopping, he looked at Adam. “Lock this door. No one comes in.”

  “Got it.” Adam followed locking the door behind him.

  Pam watched Duncan jump in the van, which took off before he even had the door closed.

  “Come on.” Nicole put her arm around her. “You get used to them running off like that. Let’s go find a movie or something. You hungry?”

  “No, I’m good,” Pam sighed. “Just want to sit down for a while.”

  “Hey, Adam,” Nicole shouted. “Get some popcorn flowing.”

  “On it.” Adam grinned. “Come on, Tess. Help me with some drinks.” Tessa and Adam headed toward the kitchen.

  “You guys don’t have to babysit me.” Pam rolled her eyes. “I’m a big girl.”

  “Honey, we aren’t babysitting you. This is an every night occurrence when our men go out on the job. We stick together until they come home safe.” Nicole ushered her into the game room. “Welcome to the life of being in love with a VC Warrior.”


  Slade parked outside the exit door by his new office. Jared had him take the car since Damon, Sloan and Duncan were bringing the van. Walking around, he opened the passenger side door.

  “I can walk,” Jill grumbled when he opened the door to pull her out. Slade’s face was stone cold as he reached in plucking her from the car.

  Once at the door, he held her with one arm while getting his key card out of his pocket. Sliding it, the door clicked. Holding the door open with his leg, he put the key card back in his pocket then headed inside to his office.

  Jill held on to his neck trying not to look at him. She hated when people were mad at her. It had always been that way. It drove her crazy. With her family, they weren’t mad at her for being a half-breed; they were scared of her and didn’t want to be anywhere near her, but Slade was mad. He set her gently on the table, but his touch left her abruptly.

  “Listen, I’m sorry.” Jill scooted further back on the table wincing when pain radiated up her leg. “I shouldn’t have run off like that.”

  Slade didn’t say a word, not even a grunt as he pulled off his leather jacket tossing it on a chair.

  Knowing without a doubt that he wasn’t going to take her apology, she frowned getting ready to hop off the table and leave. She had caused him enough problems since she met him; she was done causing him anymore. Just like her family. They didn’t want her around, so she disappeared. She would do the same with him.

  “If you get off that table, I’m going to blister your ass.” Slade’s back was still to her, but his voice stopped her cold.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.” Slade finally turned around, his face still set in stone, beautiful carved stone. “Move off that table and your leg will be the least of your worries.”

  “You wouldn’t,” Jill replied, but the look in his eyes said he would.

  “Don’t test me, Jill.” Slade reached out to touch her shoulder. “Did you damage your shoulder?”

  “No.” Jill jumped when he
hit a sore spot proving she was a liar.

  His eyes narrowed. “What about your leg?” He ran his hand down her leg with pressure and frowned when she jerked. “I guess that’s fine also.” His tone was sarcastic.

  “You know what?” Jill pushed him away before sliding off the table. “The good thing about being a half-breed, actually the only good thing about it is I heal fast.”

  “Not if you don’t feed.” Slade shot back blocking her way to the door. “You’re strength is compromised by your choice to not feed when you need to.”

  “You know that’s none of your business.” Jill side stepped, but he side stepped with her.

  “None of my business?” Slade’s eyes darkened slightly making Jill step back. Slade pressed forward. “You almost killed an innocent. When confronted about why you haven’t been feeding, you put everyone, including yourself, in danger by jumping out of a moving vehicle, and if that’s not bad enough, you find yourself in the middle of God knows what, where I have to kill two men. So yeah, this is my fucking business.”

  “I said I was sorry.” Jill knew without a doubt her time with the Warriors was over. “I’ll go pack and be out of here.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Slade yelled finally losing his cool.

  “I screwed up, okay,” Jill yelled back. “I put everyone in danger, you said so yourself. I can’t be trusted, so I’m taking myself out of the program before I’m put out.”

  “You need to feed, Jill,” Slade demanded.

  Frustrated beyond belief, Jill felt all the rage of being turned and losing everything come bubbling to the surface. “I know that, dammit. Don’t you think I fucking know that?” She threw her good arm in the air. “But who the hell do I have to feed from? The other half-breeds have those bitches they feed from. All those women want is to mate with a Warrior; they want nothing to do with me, and believe me, the feeling is mutual. I got the message loud and clear when I went to them the first time to feed.”

  “But that’s their job. They get paid by the council to take care of…”

  “Male Warriors and half-breeds, not some chick that’s trying to keep up with the boys,” Jill shot back.


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