His Jailbird (Mafia Made Book 3)

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His Jailbird (Mafia Made Book 3) Page 10

by KL Donn

“Damn, I thought the mood swings were over,” Maso grumbles as he leaves.

  “Don’t kill him,” Pace laughs.

  Donato only shakes his head as he walks out.

  “Cara mia, you’re pushing it with that temper of yours.” Domino stands as the door closes behind me.

  Without a word, I storm over to him, nudging him back into his chair so he’s sitting again, which is not easy. He’s a large man.

  “Quit fucking pushing your luck with me, Nicola.” His growled threat no longer worries me.

  Sitting on his desk, I place a foot on each of his thighs and drag him closer by pulling on the arms of the chair. “Remember that first night when, behind closed doors, you commanded me to call you daddy?” I can see by the darkening of his eyes, he thinks I’m mocking him.

  I’m not.

  “Are you trying to fucking test me?” His hands flex with his anger as I shrug.

  Leaning in closer, so our lips are only a breath apart, I whisper, “Soon you’ll be called Daddy everywhere you go.” I count the seconds in my head as he processes my words.


  It takes eight seconds before his lips are slamming over mine with such carnal possession that I can’t think straight. My heart is beating so rapidly in my chest, I’m afraid it’s about to burst out as his hands move up my bare thighs, pushing the skirt of my dress up to my waist.

  The sound of his zipper lowering makes my ears ring, and when he rips the panties from my body, my head drops back. His lips move along the column of my throat, sucking flesh between his teeth as he slides lower. Moaning deep in my throat, Domino drags me closer to the edge of the desk, where I feel his hard length brush against my thigh.

  Shivering when he mumbles, “say it again,” against my breasts, I lift my hands to stroke through his hair, tugging at the strands so I can catch a glimpse of his eyes.

  “You’re going to be a daddy.” As soon as the words pass my lips, he plows into me, forcing a scream up my throat from the shock.


  I knew, obviously, but it hits differently coming from her mouth instead of my brother’s. Hearing Nicola confess that she’s carrying my baby did something to me. Flipped a switch to claim her all over again.

  Everything over the last few weeks has been flying by so quickly that I haven’t been able to confront her about the bomb Santi dropped before we went in to rescue her, only to find she’d rescued herself. Finding her in the middle of the road, bloody, barefoot, and in nothing but my shirt and ripped robe, my dick had never been harder. I took her so roughly that night that I thought she might kick me to the curb.

  Not my Nicola, no. She’s tough as fucking nails and will kick ass proving it. Like now. Her body is languid for me. Relaxed and inviting. Taking every pounding inch of my cock while holding my stare, daring me to fuck her harder. Begging me to tell her how much I fucking love her.

  And it hits me, balls deep, lost in absolute pleasure, that I haven’t said the words to her yet. Words she’s likely been waiting for since the moment I slid inside her body that first time.

  “I fucking love you, cara mia. More than I ever thought I could love someone. I’ll never let you go.” I don’t give her a chance to respond as I drop a blistering kiss on her swollen lips.

  Sucking the breath from her mouth, I swallow her rapturous moans as her fingers dig into my shoulders, forcing me closer.

  Dragging her mouth away, Nicola licks up my jaw and bites down on my earlobe before hissing, “I love you too, daddy,” with a giggle. “That is so much dirtier now.”

  Christ. She is going to do her damnedest to get me worked up over this every fucking time she says it now.

  “Nice and quiet now, cara mia. Take daddy’s cock and let me enjoy this pussy.” Her grin is breathtaking as she lays back on the desk, raising her hands above her head and closing her eyes. Arching her back, my dick slips deeper, hitting that spot inside her that drives her crazy.

  Her body shivers and shakes until finally, gloriously, she lets go with my name screaming from her lips. I’m quick to follow her, closing my eyes as the ecstasy rolls through my body, tensing my muscles and damn near blinding me in the process.

  Slumping back in my chair, I pull her into my lap and bury my head in the crook of her neck, whispering my love in her ear. Ensuring she always knows exactly how I feel.

  “Next time you tell Santi or any of my other brothers first, though, we’re going to have issues.” Ignoring my threat, she pats my chest and kisses my neck. It only takes a few minutes for her to fall asleep in my embrace.

  For the first time since meeting my little jailbird, I feel the world shift beneath my feet, acknowledging that my loyalty isn’t just to the Morello’s or my family’s name, but I was brought home for this woman.

  I’m here to be hers every bit as much as she is mine.

  Epilogue Two


  About Eight Months Later.

  It’s too early. I’m not ready. We’re not ready. I’m supposed to have a few more weeks as an incubator. I haven’t even picked the color of the walls yet!

  “Cara mia, you have to breathe,” Domino soothes in my ears as he sits behind me, holding my legs spread eagle for everyone in the room to see my goods. “Stop holding your breath, Nicola,” he snaps this time, and I begrudgingly let the air whoosh out of my lungs.

  “Shut. Up,” I hiss at him as I bear down, attempting to push this bowling ball out of my vagina. Pain like nothing I’ve ever felt assaults me before I experience intense relief and then a tiny cry.

  “She’s here,” I whisper, letting all my weight rest against my husband’s chest.

  “He. You mean he.” Domino is dead set against having girls, while I don’t care either way. I just want a healthy baby.

  “Here we go. A beautiful little boy.” The nurse places our son on my chest, and through my own sweat and tears, I feel an unexpected wetness slowly dropping onto my bare shoulder.

  Gazing up at Domino, I see tears in his eyes as he stares down at our gorgeous little boy. “He’s fucking perfect, just like his mamma.” While kissing my cheek, his focus remains on the infant in my arms as his fingers caress the boy’s face.

  Growling as I hand the baby back to the nurse so they can clean him up and get me cleaned up, Domino nearly snatches him back before I catch his hand. “He’s fine, Domino.”

  As soon as my pregnancy began showing, Domino had a hard time letting me out of arms reach and was quick to convince me to tie the knot. Not much convincing was required, however. In truth, I wanted to be his wife. But he has the same look in his eyes now as he did on our wedding day: possession and ownership.

  “Go with him,” I encourage as another nurse helps me sit forward so he can get out. Appearing torn at leaving my side, I smile and shoo Dom away to follow the baby to another room.

  After a time, the door opens, and Posy comes in.

  We moved back to Catania four months ago after finding ourselves spending more time there than in Palermo. Posy and I bonded almost immediately, and even though Domino runs security for the Morello family, he and Natale are closer now than ever before.

  “You look amazing!” Posy gushes as she lifts the pillow behind my back. Excitement vibrates her body as she waits for details.

  “It’s a boy.” I can’t hide the ecstatic sigh in my tone. I’m deliriously happy. After everything that’s happened in my life, I know I’m right where I’m meant to be.

  “I can’t wait to meet him. Natale followed Domino with the baby, and your parents should be arriving soon.” I never once hesitated to address Santo and Evelina as Papa and Mamma when they suggested it. They’ve always been the perfect parents to me.

  Leaning back in the bed, Posy chatters away about Gia and her own pregnancy while I close my eyes. Exhausted, I can’t help but feel complete in a way I never understood. For as turbulent as my life was, this was never the happy ending I thought I would be granted. I’ll be grateful every day of my lif
e that I was purchased at an auction by a complex man wanting to do the right thing.


  Staring down at my newborn son, my first son, my love for Nicola only grows deeper. She granted me a miracle so selflessly, and I couldn’t be more grateful to her.

  With such a large family, the day was busy for us all. Natale and Posy left once my parents and brothers arrived. Everyone fell immediately in love with the little bundle of dark hair on his head. Just like his mother.

  We still haven’t decided on a name yet. Nicola has struggled with choosing one for either sex the entire pregnancy, but I know once she finds it, it’ll be perfect.

  “Are you going to share him or what?” Santi prods from beside me as Nicola is in the shower, getting refreshed with a nurse’s help.

  Handing my son over to my brother, I study him with worry. After everything went down with the Salvatores and Santini, he had to return to America for a couple of months, and when he returned eight weeks ago, I noticed a difference in him.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?” It’s the first time I’ve asked him directly, but he can’t walk out on a conversation this time.

  “Dishonorably discharged.” The words don’t belong with the smile on his face as he gazes upon his nephew.

  “What the fuck for?” My words are stunted, but my anger is real.

  Looking me in the eye, he cocks his head. “You know why, Domino.” For his entire adult life, Santi has been in the Army special forces and does excellent work.

  “Why is it a problem now?” But I know the answer.

  Me. My association with the Morellos.

  “I don’t mind. I’m going to work with Maso and Donato, maybe even Pace. I can still do good in this world, Dom. Just like you have managed to. And who knows, maybe I’ll have a beauty dropped on me the same way you did.”

  Letting it go because he doesn’t seem nearly as upset as me, Nicola comes out of the bathroom in a robe and fuzzy bunny slippers, appearing exhausted.

  After kicking Santi out, I hand her the baby as she settles in bed to feed him. Watching my son suckle from her breast is the strangest sensation.

  “It’s weird that this turns me on, right?” My fingers brush through her hair.

  “Only if you try feeding from me too.” She gently laughs as her head reclines back and her eyes close, but the idea has merit. I just won’t tell her that.


  The End!

  Thank you for reading His Jailbird. I’ve loved writing this series and I really hope you’ve enjoyed it. Curious about the brother’s? Go on, flip the page, see what’s next. I promise you won’t regret it ;)

  You can find a complete list of my books, along with series lists and reading orders on my website.

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  What’s next?

  Coming June 14, 2022

  His Fight: Mafia Made Book 4

  The Cardarelli Brother’s

  Preorder is available now: His Fight

  From USA Today Bestselling Author KL Donn comes an all-new mafia series with dark elements, co-written with Award Winning Author E.M. Shue. His Fight is book 4 in the Mafia Made Series.

  Her fight becomes his, and Santi won’t let her go.

  Santi Cardarelli has spent his adult life fighting for the freedom of a country that betrayed him. Dishonorably discharged because of his familial ties, Santi is back in Sicily and moving on. Or trying to anyways.

  Becoming a part of the family business, Santi sets about doing what he’s always sought to do: protect those who can’t protect themselves. So when a young woman finds herself on his doorstep, bruised, afraid, and ready to give up, Santi steps in without question.

  She’s the one thing he never knew he was missing.

  Tormented and fighting for her life, Amalia Russo is on her last rope and desperate for help. Ready to succumb to her fate, she tries one last time and goes to the Cardarelli family at the suggestion of an old family friend.

  Rumors around Sicily are the Mafia that was once feared, now helps in ways the authorities won’t or can’t. With her ex hot on her tail from Tuscany, Amalia knows that if Santi Cardarelli turns her away, refuses to come to her aide, death will be her only option.

  Ready to claim the woman who is knocking on death’s door, Santi will burn down the entire island to ensure her safety, but will Amalia allow him to take on a fight that isn’t his own, even if she did come to him for help?


  This is a dark romance with aspects of physical and sexual abuse, and graphic violence. Proceed with caution. While each book can be read as a standalone, readers may find more enjoyment in chronological order.

  A look inside His Fight

  Mafia Made 4, The Cardarelli Brother’s

  Chapter One


  Tuscany, Italy

  Staring at the reflection of the alarm clock on the ceiling, I wait until one minute before it’s set to go off before leaving bed. I have a routine. Every day, it’s the same thing. Same time. Same…everything. There can be no deviance or consequences will follow.

  5:59 AM.

  Slipping from the covers I’m careful not to jostle the bed as I tiptoe into the bathroom. Shutting the door slightly behind me, I turn towards the shower. Just as the alarm goes off, I turn the warm spray of the water on and like clockwork, as soon as the temperature is even, he walks through the door.

  Naked as the day he was born, I’m the same. I know better than to lower my eyes by now. He likes me to look straight ahead. I can’t hide any facial expressions this way. I can also see everything he’s feeling as soon as he walks in the room. Like now, as he stares at my nude form, the blood on my thighs, the bruises on my body, the bite marks on my breasts, he grins. Satisfied with himself for marking me.

  “Perfection.” He murmurs lovingly as he reaches a hand forward, grasping a nipple between two fingers and twisting until I flinch. The backhand comes quickly. I knew it was coming. I’m never prepared. “One day you’ll learn.” Bartolo’s grin is gone. In its place is a glare promising more retribution later. “Go make breakfast. Don’t screw it up.”

  Without a word, I wait until he’s enclosed in the glass dome before shuffling out of the room. Slipping on a shirt and pants, I resist the urge to hold a hand to my cheek. With each beat of my heart, it pulses with pain. Copper fills my mouth with the taste of blood.

  From the day we met two years ago, until the first slap six months later, I’ve grown victim to his abuse. Bartolo Parisi was charming with a handsome smile and quickly stole my young, foolish heart. With each back hand, each punch, every tug of hair, he broke me down into a meek woman and isolated me from the few friends I held onto after high school and pushed out my father’s best friend who treated me like his own daughter from the time of my parents demise when I was sixteen. My father was never a very clever man. He broke too many laws. Schemed one too many times and his life along with my mother’s was the price to pay when he couldn’t pay back a loan shark.

  I lived with Alfred after their passing for two years, and then I met Bartolo. I was smitten and not going to listen to anyone that told me he was bad news. After becoming isolated from everyone, I’ve had very little courage to try and gain freedom. The few times I tried early on he beat me until I couldn’t move and was completely dependent upon him for everything. Now I’m obedient. I do as I’m told, when I’m told.

  I’ve learned how he likes things done. What’s expected of me as he works during the day. And beyond all else, dinner must be served as soon as he walks in the door. The outcome if I fail his daily checklist isn’t pleasant and I do my best not to think about it.

  Placing a hot plate of eggs, sausage, toast and coffee on the table as he enters the kitchen, I offer him a smile as he sits and inspects his food. A slight nod is all I get, indicating I can ge
t my own breakfast now. Dry toast and a small glass of milk. He doesn’t like it when I put on weight so I don’t eat nearly as much as I should and more often than not, I feel the effects from my lack of nutrition.

  “I’ll be home late tonight. There’s a meeting at the firm I can’t miss. I’ll call when I’m on my way.” He looks up from his seat to ensure I’m listening. I nod and offer another smile. Wishing he would stay out all night. Maybe if he were gone for longer than a few hours, I’d have the courage to leave. “You need to run to the super market today?”

  I stand straighter at his question. “Yes, we’re nearly out of milk, eggs, the bars you like. I made a list.” Picking it up, I wait for him to hold out a hand before placing it on his palm.

  Perusing the list, he offers it back before reaching into his pocket for his wallet and handing me a credit card that’s used for just this purpose. “Make sure you keep the receipt.” There’s a warning in his eyes as my fingers touch the plastic.

  “I will. If they don’t have something I need, I’ll take it off the list.” I once dared go to another store when the local one was out of eggs. I suffered broken fingers after he took a hammer to one hand.

  Finished with his breakfast, Bartolo leans over to kiss me on the cheek he slapped earlier and leaves out the door without another word. I take my first easy breath as I hear his car backing out of the driveway.


  About the Author

  Hey, I'm Krystal. I write as USA Today Bestselling Author KL Donn. I'm stoked you've grabbed one of my books and I really hope you enjoyed the story!


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