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Tainted (Vastow Vampires Book 1)

Page 20

by J Johnson

  I sit on the bed after combing the room again for anything to use to get out or at the very least a weapon to use against him. Sadly, I find nothing. He bolted the bed to the floor. So I can’t even move it. I heard him leave earlier in a car but couldn’t see it, which confirms my thoughts that this is the back of the house. With the other man not being here, I’m afraid of what he’ll do to me. He made it clear the first time that he wanted to do more, but Jeff kept him from it. Just the thought makes me want to hurl.

  Hours later, I hear a car again. It’s dark out now, so I’m praying that Zane finds me soon. Like now. I listen to see if I can make out anything, but the only thing I hear are footsteps coming closer. I back up as far as I can across the room and wait. I will die first before he lays another hand on me. When he comes through the door, I scream at him.

  “Get out! Stay the fuck away from me!”

  “Ashlyn, love. It’s me.”, Zane says, breaking through my screaming fit. I run to him and jump in his arms.

  “Oh, thank God. I thought you were him.”

  He kisses me on the lips and sets me down.

  “I need you to do something for me.”

  “Okay. Anything. Get me out of here and I’ll do anything.”

  He looks down but doesn’t move. He doesn’t break it and I know he can. Why isn’t he breaking the chain?

  “It’s okay, love. I’m going to get you out of here, but I need you to do something first. He won’t hurt you. I promise. He won’t get the chance to hurt you.” I take a deep breath and try to calm down. I’m not sure what he wants me to do. All I know is I want the fuck out of here. Now. “Did he say if he was coming back tonight?”

  “Yes. He said he had a few things to do, but he was coming back to take what he wanted.”

  Zane’s nostrils flare, and his grip tightens on my arms. “Ow, Zane, easy.”, I tell him, trying to break free.

  He loosens his grip some and takes a deep breath. “Sorry. I need you to stay in here until he gets back.”

  “You want me to what?”

  My breathing gest faster and my heart feels like it’s going to pound right out of my chest. He shakes his head at me.

  “It’s okay, love. He won’t hurt you. I won’t let him because I’ll be here with you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Zane? I don’t want to stay here. I want to go home.”

  “I’m going to hide somewhere and wait for him to come back for you. I know this is hard for you, but if we want to get this guy, this is the fastest and easiest way. I tracked you here because I put a device in your phone, in your necklace that you always wear and on your car. He ditched the car and the phone, but not the necklace. It’s here somewhere.”

  I hug him. “Thank you.”, I breathe.

  “He’s an older vampire, so he’ll be able to smell me if I’m anywhere inside this house. I’m hoping he can’t tell that I’ve been here, although it’s possible. If you leave, he’ll know you’re gone before he ever sets foot in here. I know this is hard and I’m sorry that I’m even asking, but when he comes back in this room with you, I need you to keep him occupied for just a moment. Just long enough that I can sneak up on him. It’s the only way I’ll be able to catch him, and if he knows I’m coming, he’ll run. He is older, but I think he’s weaker than me. The older we are, the stronger we become, so it makes no sense that he’s been hiding from me. He should be able to defeat me, but something must be wrong. I don’t know for sure.

  “I’m going to open the window so I can hear you better. When he comes in… I’m so sorry love. When he comes in try to keep him talking. I’ll be outside waiting, and I swear to you I won’t let him hurt you again. I will be here before that happens. When you see me, run to the bathroom, and close the door. Promise me you’ll do what I say, love. Promise.”

  “I promise.”, I mumble. I’m still not sure I’m hearing him right. Stay here? With the freaky psycho? Uh…

  “I don’t want you to see anything. I don’t want you to see me that way. He will die today, and I don’t want you to see it.” The vehemence in his tone towards this man scares me, but the protectiveness towards me makes my heart swell.


  He kisses me again before letting go and backing towards the door.

  “You can do this. I know you can. I will be right out there in the tree line, watching and waiting. I will get you out of here unharmed. You believe me, don’t you?”, he asks.

  I nod, but he doesn’t leave right away. He’s having a hard time leaving me here. I can tell it’s taking every ounce of willpower not to break me free and take me away.

  “It’s okay, Zane. I can do this. I trust you.”, I try to reassure him and me. He nods and walks out the door.

  I’m not sure how long it takes Dave to get back, but it feels like hours. If it has been, then it’s only a few hours before sunrise, which worries me. I don’t know where we are or if there’s a safe place for Zane to go if the sun rises before we out of here. I’d like to know how this guy walks in the sun. That would be an exceptional gift for Zane. Maybe that’s how I can keep him occupied. Ask him questions.

  When I hear the car pull up my heartbeat accelerates. I run to the other side of the room and wait, although I’m not sure why. It’s not like I can outrun the guy. I keep having to remind myself that Zane is here, and he’ll save me. I have to keep this guy occupied, just long enough for Zane to sneak up on him, which means he might touch me. I gag just thinking about it.








  I brace myself for what’s fixing to happen and run it through my head again. Keep him talking and try not to get attacked. I glance at the window to make sure it’s open for the thousandth time. He steps into the room, takes one look at me up against the wall and starts laughing.

  “Oh, sweetheart. There’s nowhere to run or hide. This time I’m going to add a few new things to our sessions.”, he says as he approaches me.

  It takes everything I have not to scream then. He stops right in front of me and sniffs.

  “You smell like him.”, he growls. “Take off your clothes.”

  I shake my head no.

  “Take them off!”

  I take off my clothes but can’t get my pants around the chain. He’s growing impatient, so he reaches down and rips them off. I’m now standing here in my bra and panties, just like last time. Only this time we’re alone together. Jeff isn’t here to reign him in.

  He rakes his gaze down my body, then grabs me and yanks me toward the bed. Holy shit. This is it. I’m fighting him on instinct, but he easily overpowers me and throws me down. I have tears running down my face. God, please let this work. He sits on top of me, fully clothed, thank God, and I scream. I scream so loud that it startles him, and he laughs.

  “No one can hear you so there’s no point. There isn’t anyone within a hundred miles of here.”

  Where the fuck is Zane? Oh my God, something happened, and he’s not coming.

  He yanks a knife out of his back pocket and before I scream, he cuts me from my neck down to my naval. The noise coming from me is blood curdling. If anyone were to hear it, they’d definitely know it’s not normal. He bends down and licks the wound, tasting my blood. I feel him harden beneath me and I gag uncontrollably. He unbuttons his shirt, rips off my bra and lays down on top of me. Our skin is touching and it takes everything I have not to vomit all over him.

  “So hot.”, he mumbles. He pierces my neck with his fangs, taking my blood. “So good. You taste so good. I wonder what he’ll do
when he does find you. If he finds you. You are his mate. I’ve heard of vampires casting their mates aside because they’ve been violated. I wonder if he’ll do that to you.” His cock jerks and he moans. “To think that I could have that kind of power. It’s exhilarating.”

  “Dave. Please.”, I beg. “Let’s talk. Just for a little while.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about sweetheart. I know what I want and I’m going to take it and you’re going to like it. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be screaming my name and forget all about him.”

  He stands up, never taking his eyes off me. I try to get up but he pushes me back down on the bed. The next thing I know, my panties are gone and so are his pants. We’re both naked. Tears stream down my face as I silently beg Zane to come on. If he isn’t here in the next few minutes, I’m done for.

  “Please.”, I try again. “I’ll give you whatever you want but not like this. Let me at least shower first.” I spout off anything I think will help save a few minutes. He tilts his head, studying me. “You don’t want me like this smelling like him do you?”

  “Actually, I do. It makes it that much more exciting. Knowing I’m taking something from him. My mark will dominate his and every vampire will know that you’ve been fucked hard by not one, but two of us. They’ll know what a slut you are.”

  What the fuck is taking him so long? Where is he?

  “How do you walk in the sun?”, I ask. “If I’m going to be your new pet then at least tell me something about yourself.”

  “It’s easy really. A small vial of liquid is all it takes.”

  “Where? Where did you get it?”

  I watch as he starts stroking himself. At least this time he’s not beating on me.

  “It doesn’t matter. You’ll never see the outside of this place to find it.” He straddles me again, laying his cock on my stomach. “So sexy.” He runs his finger across my nipples and moans. “Look at them. Hard and erect. For me.”

  “No you idiot.”, I hiss. “It’s because it’s fucking cold in here. It’s not because of you.”

  Big mistake. He backhands me across the face then holds the knife to my neck.

  “You will respect me sweetheart. Or I will teach you how.” He runs the knife down between my breasts, cutting me again, then bends down to lick the blood. When he takes one of my nipples into his mouth, I close my eyes and force myself to be still. The last thing I need is for him to beat me to death. “Mm. I was going to drag this out but I can’t wait any longer.”

  “No.”, I beg. “Please don’t do this. ZANE!!!” What is he doing? He’s not coming. Again. “ZANE!!”

  “He isn’t here.”, he chuckles then moves down my body. He yanks me to the edge of the bed and stands between my legs. I sit up again attempting to get away from him but he hits me knocking me back. “That’s it. I want you to fight.” He strokes himself faster. “Come on. Get up Ashlyn. Try to run.”

  I don’t know why, but I do exactly that. I know what he wants. Pain. He hits knocking me back down on the bed. The knife he’s holding slices into my inner thigh right below my vagina. He strokes himself faster, moaning and grunting, until his seed shoots out of him landing on the fresh cut he just made. He rubs it in, mixing blood with semen.

  A fresh new set of tears roll down my cheeks. This is it. The man that claims to love me isn’t coming to save me. Just like last time. I can fight this monster with everything I’ve got but he’ll win. My only option is to let him have what he wants and hope he doesn’t kill me in the process.

  I force my body to relax and close my eyes. A vision of a nicer, more beautiful place enters my mind, as I make the room and man around me fade away. If I thought it was going to be that easy, I was mistaken.

  A sharp piercing pain breaks through my utopia. He stabbed me. The son of a bitch stabbed me in the leg. A scream erupts from my throat, which is what he was after. He climbs on top of me again, trying to position himself. I squirm beneath him, hitting and scratching wherever I can but it only fuels his mission. He enjoys me in pain. He enjoys the fight. Without it, he wouldn’t be able to finish.

  “Yes.”, he growls. “Fight baby.” He pierces my neck again, sucking hard. I fight him as I feel him trying to enter me. Over my dead body. He’ll have to kill me first. I’m not sure if he’s a mind reader or not but he mimics the same thing. “I will kill you or bring you to the brink of death, then fuck your body. It makes no difference to me. I love a good fight baby but I can do it without it as well. So why don’t you be a good little girl and take what I’m giving you. You know you want it. You’ve wanted it since we first met.”


  He grabs my hands and pushes them above my head, holding them down. The look in his eyes tells me it’s over. He’s going to get what he wants. He’s going to take it from me. With his other hand, he positions his cock over my entrance and looks me in the eye.

  “This is might hurt a little.”, he smirks. “Which only makes it more exciting for me. The more pain I cause, the more intense it feels. You ready baby? Cause I am. I’ve thought about this moment since the first time I met you. It’s going to feel so damn good.”

  I close my eyes and brace myself, waiting for the intrusion. But it never comes. His weight is gone suddenly, and I hear yelling.

  “Go, Ashyln!”, Zane yells.

  I take off running to the bathroom but not before I notice Zane’s appearance. He looks like he’s been in a fight with a lion. His clothes are ripped to shreds and he has gashes everywhere. I crouch down on the bathroom floor and peek through the door.

  Dave grabs Zane and throws him. He hits the steel beam I’m attached to and falls to the floor. I feel the vibration through the chain on my ankle. Zane flies across the room on top of Dave pummeling him. Dave tries to get away, but Zane is so angry that he doesn’t stand a chance. Older or not, Zane is fixing to kill him. They are moving so fast I can barely keep up with what’s happening.

  “I told you I’d fucking kill you for touching her.”, Zane spits at him.

  Dave laughs and everything happens in slow motion after that. Zane stands him up and in one swift move, literally rips his head off. Dave’s body falls to the floor and Zane holds his head in his hand. There is blood everywhere. He drops the head and turns to me. He looks like a rabid beast.



  His fangs are fully extended, his eyes are glowing and he looks like he’s ready to attack me. He takes a step forward and I take a step back. The man staring at me right now isn’t my Zane. This man is different. Dangerous and angry.

  Something in his expression calls to me but I can’t explain what it is. Right now all I know for certain is that I’m scared. I’m scared that I won’t be able to bring him back to me. I have to get through to him, though. I slowly walk towards him, ignoring Dave’s severed head on the floor and put my hand on his face.

  “It’s okay, baby. He’s gone. You saved me.”, I tell him.

  He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, but he can’t seem to get his anger under control. I don’t know what he needs or wants or even if I can help him. I’m afraid to make any sudden movements for fear that he’ll hurt me. Not intentionally, but right now he isn’t himself. He almost seems angry at me.

  “Zane.”, I whisper. “What do I need to do?”

  “Go wait in the car.”, he growls. Literally.

  I waste no time doing as he says. About an hour later, he finally comes out of the house looking normal again.

  Oh, thank goodness.

  When he reaches me, he hesitates before speaking. “I’m so sorry you had to see me do that love.” His expression is pained. “I didn’t want you to see that.”

  “It’s okay, Zane. You saved me.”

  “You still should have never had to see me do something like that, though. I’m truly sorry.”

  “Look.”, I start. “I’ve known for a while what you were capable of, and I’m not scared. I’m
not scared of you and never will be. What you did saved my life, and I don’t see you as any less of a man. I love you.”

  “You feared me.”, he mumbles. “In there. Before. You were. I saw it in your eyes.”

  “No. You saw me scared of what was happening to you. Scared because I didn’t know how to help or even if I could. I wasn’t scared of you. I know you will never hurt me. Not intentionally. Let’s go home.”

  He nods but says nothing else. The whole car ride home he’s quiet and I don’t push him.

  “I have a surprise for you.” I’m still half asleep when Zane whispers beside me. “Wake up, love.”


  “Get dressed. There’s someone here to see you.”

  “Who is it?”, I grumble, not wanting to wake up, especially for a visitor. Unless it’s a hot celebrity, which I probably shouldn’t say out loud.

  “It’s a surprise. We’ll be in my office when you’re ready.”

  He disappears through the door, leaving me to wonder what the hell he’s done now. He goes overboard with surprises sometimes, but my curiosity gets the better of me. I make myself presentable since I don’t know who this surprise visitor is. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but what I find isn’t it. A short, older, bald man is sitting in front of Zane’s desk talking to him. Both of them look up at me when I enter.

  “Ashlyn.”, Zane stands up. “I’d like you to meet Mr. Fellway. Mr. Fellway this is Ashlyn.”

  “Nice to meet you dear.”

  He stands and extends his hand out to me. I hesitate, knowing that I’ll probably see his death or some other big part of his future. His thoughts try to make their way into my head, but I fight them and to my surprise, it’s harder this time for some reason.


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