Chasing Shadow Demons

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Chasing Shadow Demons Page 20

by John Moore

  When I walked into my condo, Sophia was packing her bags to leave. “Alexandra, I have some bad news. The prosecutor in Mexico has filed terrorism charges against Tom. They have a hearing tomorrow to increase his bail. I need to be there to see what I can do to help. Things are going to get messy, I’m afraid.”

  I was afraid to think how things could get any messier than they were now. Poor Tom. I wanted to scream and break down in tears, but I feared I’d make matters worse for Piper. I couldn’t get on the plane with Sophia either, though my heart longed to. I had to deal with Jaeger, Butler, and Victor. I told Sophia about Jaeger’s comments. She looked at her feet and shook her head side to side. “He’s after you, Alexandra. For some reason he wants you out of his way.”

  Piper cowered in the corner of the kitchen and began to cry. “It’s me he wants. Victor wants me, and Jaeger wants to use me to get to Victor. I am causing all of this trouble. It’s why I ran away in the first place. I should have stayed in California and never contacted you. I hate myself for doing this to you and Tom.”

  My heart fractured into small pieces listening to this tiny child consumed with guilt. I began to cry along with Piper. Even battle-hardened Sophia sobbed. I reached out my arms and brought her to my chest, holding her for a tearful minute.

  “None of these problems are your fault, dear. Sometimes life isn’t fair. When tragedy strikes you need your family next to you to help you overcome the trials of life. We are a family. I will always be there for you. You didn’t cause Victor’s criminal acts. The evil inside him has taken hold and controls him. The same is true of Jaeger. He is so obsessed with putting Victor in jail as revenge for what happened to his parents many years ago that he’s blind to anything but evil. We are victims of their greed and rage. We must stick together as a family, and we will see this through. Evil only triumphs when good people do nothing. We are going to fight them together.”

  “I hear what you are saying, but I still feel guilty,” she said.

  Sophia finished packing and said, “My flight leaves in three hours. How about we go eat and then you can take me to the airport.”

  Since neither Piper nor I had eaten all day, I suggested we go to Whole Foods. Good food was what we needed to change our mood. I wanted some chicken in curry sauce so bad I would have sold an arm to get some. Piper wanted a spinach salad. Strange choice for a teenager, but she loved them. Must have been the hippie genes passed down from the Sanders side. Sophia had eyes only for the paella. Good thing our New Orleans Whole Foods believed in diversity. The food was excellent. I added Tabasco to my curry to spice it up more than normal.

  We dropped Sophia at the airport. I resisted the urge to quiz her about what Tom might be facing, not wanting to upset Piper anymore. I could always text her after she got to Mexico. Piper and I went back to the condo and passed out in the bed. We both knew I was going to have to deal with Ms. Butler and Inspector Jaeger tomorrow.

  Chapter Twenty-Four:

  Legal System

  “Wake up, Alexandra. I’ve brought you coffee,” Piper said as she crawled into bed next to me. “Maybe if we start the day off differently, things will get better?”

  Yesterday was so bad, things had to get better. Or, at least I hoped they would. My thoughts turned to Charlotte. I wondered if she was OK. She just lost her job and a dear friend. We both had to put some serious effort into the stevia company if we were going to be successful. Neither of us knew how to run a business. We had to learn fast if we hoped to succeed. How could I focus on business though, with my family and myself in such jeopardy?

  I checked my blog and saw that many more young women were going missing in New Orleans. Their disappearances had to involve Victor and the Dixie Mafia’s ongoing war for control of the dark side of the city. Who was looking out for these poor unfortunate women? No one.

  “Do you think Tom will be OK?” Piper asked. “I am worried about him.”

  “Yes, I don’t think anyone will hurt him. Sophia will find a way to help him,” I replied.

  Even though I told Piper Tom would be OK, I didn’t really believe it. I’d learned money spoke loudly in politics. Hell, it screamed in Louisiana, twisting values and laws. I could only imagine how bad things were in Latin American countries if my experience in Colombia with political corruption was typical. Tom was in real danger of going to prison or worse. Every cell in my body wanted to go to Mexico to be with him. I had to fight the urge as hard as I could. He would want me to look out for Piper. I pinned all of my hopes on Sophia.

  Mr. Swartz had emailed me yesterday. He needed to see me. I’d forgotten to give him my burner cell phone number. Piper and I had some fresh blackberries from Whole Foods for breakfast. When we finished I phoned Mr. Swartz. He asked me to come to his office as soon as I could and bring Piper. He wouldn’t tell me why, explaining he needed to see me in person. I had a sinking feeling he had bad news for me.

  We took the short drive to Mr. Swartz’s office. It was a typical summer day in New Orleans. The sun was slowly roasting the plants, churning out eighty-three-degree waves before ten o’clock in the morning. Yes, as everyone felt compelled to say, it was going to be a hot one. The bleached blond weather babe predicted a high temperature of ninety-eight degrees. The air was still and heavy. Air conditioners worked overtime to cool offices, homes, and cars. I worked hard to keep myself cool from all of the heat generated by Victor, Jaeger, and Ms. Butler.

  We were greeted by the friendly receptionist and quickly escorted into the conference room. Mr. Swartz joined us with a single set of papers in his hands. He sat across the table from me and drew a deep breath before speaking. He wasn’t his machine-like self. He seemed a bit unnerved. Before he could speak the first word, we were joined by Mr. Amato.

  “Alexandra, I’m afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have asked Mr. Amato to join us. Before you and I speak I’d like you to listen to what he has to say,” Mr. Swartz said. “You may want Constance to leave the room while we talk.”

  Piper slowly hooked her arm in mine and snuggled up against me. She looked up into my eyes, shaking her head from side to side. She wanted to stay in the room with me.

  “I know what you have to tell me is bad news or Mr. Amato wouldn’t be here. Her mother and father kept her in the dark for too long about matters that directly impacted her life. My parents did the same to me. I will not repeat their mistake. Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us.”

  Mr. Amato was much more composed. His expression was compassionate. “Ms. Lee, you hired me to defend Susan McAllister on the murder charges brought against her. Ms. McAllister is my client, not you, even though you paid my fee. My duty is to protect her rights and defend her against the charges leveled against her. You and I do not have attorney-client privilege. I have had an ongoing dialog with the district attorney’s office since I took the case.

  “I have been advised by the assistant DA they are about to charge Ms. McAllister and you with letting the premises for prostitution. The police, under the direction of Inspector Jaeger, have questioned several women at the center who claim you and Ms. McAllister forced them to turn tricks while they lived at the center.”

  I almost swallowed my tongue. “What the hell are you talking about?” I yelled. “Which women said that? It’s a complete lie.”

  “Please,” Mr. Amato said, “let me finish. The police have not disclosed the names of the women yet since no charges have been filed. The police also claim they’ve examined Ms. McAllister’s computer and found emails from you and her setting up dates with several men. The authorities are searching for the men as we speak. The forensics team dusted the keyboard for fingerprints and found yours on the keys. It is possible the police may charge you as an accessory to murder.”

  I sat, stunned. “How could anyone think I could do any of these things? They can’t be serious. Will you represent me, Mr. Amato, if they arrest me?”

  “I can only represent you if both you and Ms. McAllister waive the conflict of interest I have. You see, there may come a time when they offer one or the other of you a deal to testify against the other. I would have to resign as attorney for both of you. You and Ms. McAllister would have to get two new lawyers. She has already agreed to that condition. Will you?”

  “Yes, I absolutely will. Mr. Amato, neither of us has done anything wrong.”

  “Please, Ms. Lee. Do not say anything more right now. With Constance and Mr. Swartz in the room there is no attorney-client privilege and they can be compelled to repeat what you say. We’ll talk at a later time,” Mr. Amato said.

  Piper was wiping the tears from her eyes as she listened. I was scared to death but tried to hold it together. Mr. Swartz’s complexion turned pale as Mr. Amato left the room, leaving him alone with Piper and me.

  He timidly directed his eyes to me and said, “Alexandra, I’m afraid there is more bad news. The Department of Family Services for the State of Louisiana has filed an intervention in your lawsuit to gain permanent custody of Constance. They have gotten an order signed removing her from your and Mr. Sander’s custody and placing her in foster care. You must turn her over to the state as soon as we finish talking.”

  Piper bawled out loud, taking large breaths of air as her chest heaved with each crying spell. I put my arm around her and hugged her as close as I could. “How can they do this? She doesn’t even have her clothes with her.”

  “We can bring her things to her tomorrow. I am so sorry for you, Ms. Lee. I know you are taking good care of Constance. We have to prove it to the court. The state has made some very serious allegations against you and Mr. Sanders. The judge must have felt placing Constance in foster care was the best course of action at this time. Let me show you the petition the state’s attorney emailed me.”

  Mr. Swartz slid the petition across the table to me. Piper stood behind me to read along. The document contained a great deal of legalese which I didn’t understand, but the main allegations against me were as plain as day. I read each one out loud as if I were a hangman reading the charges against a condemned man before I pulled the lever to drop the trap door.

  “Alexandra Lee and Tom Sanders have placed the minor child, Constance Sanders, in danger by the following more particular but not exclusive acts:


  Cohabiting in a dwelling with only one bedroom forcing the minor to sleep on a couch while they sleep together without the benefit of marriage.


  Placing the minor child in danger by allowing her to stay in said dwelling, which was the scene of a violent confrontation with a known murderer whose murderous actions were directed at Alexandra Lee.


  Associating with a convicted felon currently recuperating from injuries suffered in an alleged drug deal gone bad. Allowing the said felon into the dwelling with the minor child present.


  Taking the minor child to a facility from which they said Alexandra Lee and co-conspirator allegedly ran a prostitution ring.


  Taking the minor child to the facility though a resident was murdered and the director, Alexandra Lee’s alleged co-conspirator, was arrested and charged with murder.


  Alexandra Lee and Tom Sanders failed to adequately supervise the minor allowing her to run away to Los Angeles, California, placing herself in grave danger.


  Tom Sanders is currently incarcerated in a Mexican prison charged with, inter alia, eco-terrorism.”

  I’d read enough. Mr. Swartz sat in his chair with his face in his hands rubbing his eyes. He moved his hands to his temples and said, “I’m not going to lie to you, Alexandra, the situation is very grave. We have to get the evidence necessary to refute these allegations the state has made. The court is not going to place Constance in your custody if there is any chance she would be in danger.”

  “I understand. Can I have a few minutes to speak with Piper alone?”

  “Sure,” Mr. Swartz said. “I’ll go into my office and call Family Services to pick up Constance.”

  As Mr. Swartz left the room, Piper buried her face into my chest. Through tear-soaked, muffled tones, she said, “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “I know. This is something we must do. Don’t worry. I will never let them take you from me. I will fight till my dying breath to beat these trumped-up charges and get you back. We have to think with a clear head now. You are tough. I need you to keep it together. We can communicate through my blog. You can use the code name Penny to communicate. You can hack into my site and set up a private communication between us. You have my burner phone number. Don’t give it to anyone except Tom, Jess Johnson, or Sophia. I will need your help fighting these SOBs. If they arrest me, contact Sophia Garcia and get her to help clear these charges. Can you do that for me?”

  The tears in Piper’s eyes were replaced by determination. She said, “I will. No way they are going to keep you in jail if I can help it. I’ve lost my mother and father. I can’t lose you too.”

  Mr. Swartz returned to the room to tell us the Department of Family Services was on their way to pick up Piper. She was being remarkably strong. She’d seen so much turmoil in her short life. She was treating the current situation as just another chapter in the book of life. I wasn’t faring so well. My tears started flowing when Mr. Swartz said the state would be here in a few minutes. I realized the difficult position I was in. The police had a fairly solid circumstantial case mounting against me. The state’s intervention petition in Piper’s custody suit made me and Tom look like unfit caretakers. I had the real prospect of going to jail, and so did Tom.

  Ms. Butler arrived at Mr. Swartz’s office with a social worker and a deputy sheriff. I kissed Piper and they took her away. My mind was reeling. My whole world was turned upside down. I just wanted to go home and cry. I left Swartz’s office and headed to my condo.

  I arrived at my place to find Zach and Maddy camped on my front steps. Zach had a gauze bandage wrapped around his head. He had two black eyes, and one was swollen shut. Maddy helped him to his feet and escorted him into the kitchen.

  “We apologize for barging in on you without calling first,” Zach said. “Your phone went straight to voice mail every time we called. I needed to talk to you, so here we are.”

  “It’s OK,” I said halfheartedly. “I didn’t have any plans. I don’t mean to be rude, but I’ve had a really bad day and I just want to go to bed.”

  Maddy sensed my tension and asked if she could get me anything. She offered to go to the store for me or order some take-out. I explained the highlights of the day or more accurately the lowlights.

  Zack shook his head side to side. “I’m not surprised. You are caught between some powerful, warring factions. They have no limits to what they will do to get what they want. Jaeger may be the most dangerous of them all. Even the Dixie Mafia has its limits. After all, they have to live here after the war is over. If Victor wins, so does he. Victor has to play according to the dark side of the city’s rules. But Jaeger is obsessed with putting Victor in jail, and he doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. When it’s all over, he will just leave and go back to Germany, leaving all the carnage behind. He is a very dangerous man.”

  “What do you need to talk to me about, Zach?” I asked.

  “When I met with the Scorpion he told me all about your visit to Colombia. He said you made him lose face with his men. Some kind of macho thing I guess. He is committed to supplying drugs to New Orleans. As you know he graduated from Tulane University. His son is a freshman at Tulane, majoring in chemistry of all things. So he wants to spend time here. He has chosen sides in the war. He is with Victor. Alexandra, he hates you. His men beat me till I couldn’t walk. They would have killed me had he not stopped them. He said
he was letting me live so I would be able to give you a message. He’s going to get you.”

  “He’s going to get me?” I asked. “What the hell does that mean?”

  Zach paused for a few seconds to muster his courage to deliver the next line. “He said he wants to cut your head off and put it in a box and send it to your boyfriend, just like Camila. I’m not quite sure what he meant, but that’s the message he wanted me to give you.”

  Zach and Maddy told me they were leaving town. We exchanged phone numbers, promising to keep them private. They left me by myself. I was once again all alone. Really alone. Piper was in foster care and Tom was in jail. No one was going to help me fight this battle. This must be what it felt like to the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae. The odds were stacked against me. My only choice was to fight to the death.

  I got on my knees to pray. I asked my two guardian angels to help me find a way through this mess. I threw the prayer to the heavens then went to bed wondering if I’d be arrested or killed tomorrow.

  Chapter Twenty-Five:


  There is something about the morning that has always inspired me. Maybe it’s the freshness of the plants covered with dew or the gradual spreading of the sun’s light. Whatever it was, I really enjoyed the refreshed state of mind I woke up with. I sipped my coffee at my kitchen table wondering what this day would bring. I had choices. I could go to work for Victor. My troubles would vanish as soon as I agreed to his terms. I could snag Piper and leave town. Or, I could stay and fight. The only thing I couldn’t do was nothing. So, Alexandra, which is it going to be? Fight or flight? You have to decide soon or the demons will decide for you.


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