Hunt for Justice

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Hunt for Justice Page 14

by Vernon, James R.

  "You don't like me."

  The statement caught him off guard. Well, the woman was direct. He had to give her that.

  "I don't like how much influence you're exerting over Ezzy."

  "Ezzy is old enough to make her own decisions."

  "Yes, you keep saying that, but age does not always bring wisdom. What you have to remember is that Ezzy grew up in one of the richest households in the realm. She was sheltered from the reality of our realm and is still learning how harsh and unforgiving this world really is. In that aspect she still is like a child. A very impressionable child."

  "All the more reason for me to be her instructor. After all these years, it doesn't seem like you've done much to educate her about how to navigate Ven Khilada. Her first thought when a problem arises is to throw some money at it."

  Nolan held back the biting retort that almost leapt out of his mouth. As much as he hated to admit it, Shayua was right. He had let her get away with a great deal. As much as he talked about keeping her head on straight, he never actually pushed his ideas on her. By the Abyss, he hadn't really impressed upon her how much he disliked her current path. He was taking the roundabout way by talking to Shayua instead of her. Worst of all, he couldn't think of a valid argument against what she said.

  "That may be true," he finally admitted, "but I don't want her education to include murder and revenge. Ezzy already has a great deal of pent-up anger over what happened to her family. All it will take is a little push to change her hunt for justice to one of revenge."

  "Is that what you think I'm teaching her? To seek revenge and kill those that have wronged her?"

  "Isn't that what your goddess wishes?"

  Shayua leaned back in her chair and took a long drink from her cup. Her eyes never left his. Nolan began to shift uncomfortably in his seat under that stare. When the bounty hunter slammed her cup down on the table, he nearly jumped out of his chair.

  "Alright, Nolan Bintershad. Before Ezzy returns we need to come to an agreement. First, we must acknowledge that I know as little about your beliefs as you do about mine. We should not let our ignorance affect how we interact with each other and Ezzy."

  "Agreed. I won't think of you as a brute and a killer, and you won't think of me as a frail know-it-all."

  A small smile touched her lips. "Exactly. And to alleviate some of your fears, know that when given the option of capturing a bounty dead or alive, Avien'zia would rather her hunters take a prey alive. That is the idea I have pressed on Ezzy and will continue to promote. I want her to take this Ean fellow alive just as strongly as you do."

  "That does make me feel better."

  "Good, then the last thing I ask of you is to let her find her own way. If becoming a true devotee to Avien'zia is not what she is meant to do, it will be made obvious to us all. But do not try and hinder her from discovering her own path one way or another. Only two people can make that decision. Ezzy or Avien'zia herself."

  "I can manage that, as long as you do not try to keep secrets from me." He raised a hand as she leaned forward, a scowl appearing on her face. "What I mean is that any decision or plan that involves her and our next course of action should be discussed as a group. Not decided between the two of you and then told to me after the fact."

  "That is acceptable. Shall we make a pact on it then?"

  Nolan hid his hands underneath the table. "I don't think blood needs to be involved to seal this particular deal."

  This earned a great bellowing laugh from the woman.

  "Not every deal involves the merging of blood. Again you show how little you know about my goddess and our practices."

  "Oh. Well then." He felt his cheeks start to color. "A handshake?"

  "Yes, a simple handshake will be fine."

  "Good," he said, extending his hand. "I wasn't sure that--"

  He cut off as Shayua spit on her palm and extended it towards him. Although her face had taken on a serious look, her lip trembled as if holding back a smile. Shaking his head ruefully, he spit into his own hand and then grasped hers.

  It was at just that moment that Ezzy walked up to them.

  "Should I take this as a sign the two of you will stop going at each other's throats?"

  "Yes," Nolan replied.

  "Less than before at least." Shayua said at almost the same time.

  "Good, because we have much to do. Let's order some food, rest our feet for a moment, and then it's time to work. The day is still young, and we have a Saniteal to find."


  An Improper Welcome

  "Alright, if you are both finished eating," Ezzy said, rising from her chair. "Let's get going."

  Nolan tried to protest, but his mouth was full of a juicy piece of pig meat. Thankfully, Shayua spoke up.

  "Slow down, girl. If this Saniteal is here, he won't suddenly disappear because we took too long to eat."

  "He might..."

  "Ezzy," Nolan said though a mouth full of pork. Holding up his index finger, he indicated for her to wait. After he swallowed, he continued. "Shayua's right. Let us enjoy our meal without feeling rushed. You did say I needed my rest after all."

  "Glad all it took was a handshake for the two of you to gang up on me."

  "When we both are speaking with wisdom," Shayua said in a lecturing tone, "it is not us 'ganging up' on you."

  "I could just go out on my own if you two are going to be difficult--"

  "Stop pouting," Shayua said, slapping the table. "It is a ploy by the weak willed to manipulate the even weaker willed. It will not work on us."

  It had worked on Nolan. Quite a few times to be honest. Probably would have gotten him moving in this situation as well. His stomach thanked the bounty hunter as he grabbed another slice of pork. Shayua was handling this well, no need for him to speak up.

  "Fine, fine." Ezzy returned to her seat. She grabbed a slice of meat off of Nolan's plate and bit off a piece. "I suppose a few more moments wouldn't be too painful."

  "Glad you can act like an adult."

  Although Shayua had gotten what she wanted, the woman frowned at something behind both Nolan and Ezzy. She was certainly strange. Didn't matter to Nolan though. He ate another slice of meat and washed it down with some ale before speaking.

  "So, who is this contact we're going to see?"

  "The local blacksmith." Ezzy leaned in and lowered her voice. "The woman's name is Syla, and she has been a loyal employee of my family for years. My father bought her loyalty a long time ago. He provided all of the funds for her to set up her shop here and used the smithy to keep track of the Janpair family up until he died."

  "Ezzy," Nolan said, leaning forward as well, "you do realize that the smithy hasn't been paid by your family in quite some time. It's doubtful that she would remain loyal after her meal ticket has stopped."

  "Not everything is about money, Nolan. Anyway, do you know how hard it is to set up a new show when the Janpair family owns the town? Even without a seasonal payment, considering everything my father did to help her get started, she owes him--owes me--her undying gratitude."

  "Most things in this world are about money, Ezzy. People are quick to abandon their past loyalties when it makes their present a little easier and their future look more profitable."

  "You're just a cynic. It's not like I'm asking her to kidnap the man or break into the Janpair home. All I'm going to do is ask her if she knows anything about our Saniteal and if this Iacane fellow is still in town."

  "Still, maybe it would be best if we ask a few other sources. I noticed there is a healer set up in town. Surely a Saniteal would seek him or her out."

  "Oh really? Would you seek out a maker of puppets in every village you visit?"

  "Of course not. To compare what I do to a simple toy maker...oh, I see."

  "Exactly. Any Saniteal I've met has looked down on healers and their use of plants and potions to cure injury and disease instead of magic. You certainly won't find him--"

Quiet," Shayua hissed.

  "What?" Ezzy pulled back. "What's the matter?"

  "There is a great deal more people here at the inn than when we came in."

  "So?" Ezzy turned and surveyed the room. "All I see are men in work clothes, probably taking a break from their jobs to get a quick drink and a meal."

  "Then why are so many carrying weapons?"

  Nolan swung around. Sure enough, over a dozen new men were now spread about the various tables, and each one had a weapon clearly displayed just as Shayua said. Most wore a short sword or long knife at their waist while a few had brazenly placed their weapons on the tables in front of them. Each one was making an effort NOT to look in their direction. All of the patrons that had been there when they first arrived were gone as well.

  "Ezzy, I think Shayua is right. Something here isn't right..."

  Just then the doors swung open and the most bizarrely dressed man walked in. He wore a red and orange striped coat that looked as if the same person that had painted the inn used the same orange to put stripes on a red coat. His pants were grey in color and hung loosely from his legs as if they were two sizes too big for him. They swirled about as he walked, almost like a dress. Greasy black hair, parted in the middle, framed his face. He strode into the room wearing a broad grin as he moved straight towards their table.

  "Good evening, wonderful guests! Welcome to Shade." His voice was high pitched and contained an accent that Nolan couldn't place.

  "It's barely midday, sir," one of the seated men said.

  Not breaking his stride, the garishly dressed man backhanded the man who spoke as he walked by him.

  "Quiet, fool. It's rude to correct your betters. Now, where was I? Ah yes! Welcoming our new guests!"

  He stopped a few paces from their table and gave a mixture of a bow and a curtsy at the same time. When he rose again, he looked at each of them in turn, his eyes wide and not focused. When his attention landed on Ezzy, his smile somehow grew.

  "Lady Ciantar! Quite the pleasure to have you in our quaint little village. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bavian Toll. I am the Janpair family's first man and your welcome party rolled into one. My employers have sent me down here to greet you and invite you back to the family estate for some pleasantries."

  "A pleasant offer--" Nolan began, but the strange man cut him off, grabbing his hand and shaking it vigorously.

  "And you must be Nolan Bintershad, the famous Thaljori! Well, not as famous as the one who bonded that behemoth in Rensen, huh? But still well-known amongst the elite of the realm. I'm sure now that the Ciantar family can no longer pay for your services, you are looking for permanent employment? I have no doubt that the Janpair family would be happy to put you on the payroll. Unless of course you have already started to lose your mind?"

  "Now wait a minute..." Ezzy began but the man just kept on talking.

  "And who is this tall, crimson drink of water?" He bowed again as he directed his question to Shayua. "Your skin tone is simply breathtaking. Is it paint or have you simply spent too much time out in the sun? Or maybe it's something altogether different. Ohhh, please tell me you've been touched by the Abyss. Those silly Seekers always kill people corrupted by the Abyss before anyone gets the chance to see them. So probably not that. Are you the bastard child of some gross mixing of the races?"

  With a growl, Shayua quickly stood up, her chair crashing into the wall as she kicked it behind her in the process. Every single man in the room was on his feet in an instant, weapons in hand.

  Bavian let out a laugh and Nolan began to wonder about the man's sanity. If Shayua towered over him wearing the same look of pure rage, Nolan would already be out the door or at the very least standing behind all of those other men and their weapons. Even knowing she was more or less on his side, Nolan wanted to take a few steps back from the woman. Bavian, on the other hand, looked like he didn't have a care in the world, and it reflected in his voice.

  "No need to worry, old chaps. Our red giantess here won't be a problem, although it does look like she can't take a joke. Unless of course something I said was the truth? Too much sun? Are you a mutt?"

  "I'll show you a mutt..."

  Shayua was around the table before either Nolan or Ezzy could make a move to stop her. She threw a punch meant to floor the man, letting out a grunt as she swung. The man stepped out of the way with ease, barely shifting his body. With a growl, Shayua sent a few more punches his way, but the man continued to dodge them without showing any sign of distress. When Shayua took a moment to pause, the man applauded her, that same stupid grin painting his face.

  "My, my," he said, not the least bit out of breath. "You are an aggressive...well I'm not sure what you are. I can see the human parts, of course, but what else makes up such an interesting girl?"

  Shayua ignored his words and took up a more controlled fighting stance. Nolan watched her and kept an eye on the rest of the room at the same time. The other men scattered around the room had put their weapons away, although they remained standing. Most also wore a smile or smirk that made Nolan even more uneasy. What did they know?

  "Oh, I've got it!" Bavian continued. "I can't believe I didn't think of it before. The strange skin color, the mindless aggression, and of course the two little tusks poking out of your mouth to say hello. You must be part Shadaer Umdaer! Fascinating! I do hope it was your mother that was Shadaer, as I can't see how a human female could have survived a night with one of those beasts--oooof"

  Shayua landed a kick directly to the man's chest. The force of it, besides knocking the wind from him, sent the man rolling backwards in a blur of red, orange, and grey. He knocked over tables and chairs in his wake, eventually coming to rest a good fifteen or so paces from where he had been standing. Bavian laid there on his back for a few moments, barely moving. Nolan actually felt bad for the man. Clearly he wasn't in his right mind.

  And then Bavian broke out in laughter.

  Nolan watched in amazement as the man climbed to his feet. How could he still be moving? Nolan had seen the extent of the woman's more-than-human strength. A blow like that would have shattered bones if it had hit Nolan. Yet this man was not only getting right back to his feet, he was laughing about it! Bavian brushed himself off and continued to laugh with that high-pitched sound. Glancing at Shayua, Nolan saw she looked just as shocked as he felt. The anger seemed to drain from her face as she watched the man.

  "What power!" Bavian said, not sounding the least bit in pain. "That is certainly from your Shadaer side. Fast too, to have actually hit me. My reflexes are better than any other human I know, but you got the drop on me with that one. You are truly a fascinating woman."

  As the man began walking back towards them, Nolan noticed a glint of light reflect off of something on the back of the man's hands. His first thought was that Bavian had pulled out a blade, but looking closer it appeared that the man wore an array of iron rings on each of his fingers. They looked strange, though, almost as if they were all attached to each other...

  "Now," Bavian continued, "my pretty crimson rose. Let's see if you've also inherited the famous Shadaer toughness."

  Still wearing the same insane grin, the man struck, delivering a punch to Shayua's stomach. Bavian moved so fast that Shayua didn't even make a move to defend herself. She doubled over, gripping at her stomach, before dropping to her knees. And that's when the man unleashed another blow to the side of her head.

  Shayua crumpled forward, her arms and legs limp. She smacked into the ground and remained still other than the intake of breath.

  Ezzy was on her feet, one of the knives used to cut their food in her hand. Nolan struggled to rise as well. Before either of them was up, Bavian was kneeling near the fallen bounty hunter. He had a knife to her throat.

  "Now, now. Let's not do anything foolish." He pointed his free hand towards Ezzy. "And you should certainly leave your Vilathos outside. Can't have it coming in and making a mess like you've done in countless other places.
The inn's owner is a second cousin to the Janpair family. Or maybe it's a third cousin. No, strike that, they aren't related at all, but the inn keeper's wife makes an excellent apple pie that Mrs. Janpair loves... wait, what was I talking about?"

  "What do you want?" Ezzy's monotone voice barely hid the anger behind it. Nolan only noticed it because he knew her so well.

  "Oh yes. Shane and Leya Janpair, heads of the Janpair Hawkpurse family, would like to invite you to their mansion for drinks, dinner, and conversation."

  "And if we are not feeling very social?"

  "Then I'm to inform you that the invitation was an attempt to show some respect, despite the fact that your family has fallen into obscurity. If you want to insult them by refusing, my men and I have permission to 'escort' you up to the house. If it comes to that, the condition you arrive in is of no concern of theirs. Either way, you're going to dinner."

  "Ok," Nolan jumped in before Ezzy's anger came bubbling out and got them into more trouble. "Just don't hurt Shayua, and as soon as we can wake her, we will all go with you."

  Grabbing Shayua by the hair, Bavian lifted her up high enough so that they were face to face. The poor woman was still out cold, despite being lifted in such a painful fashion.

  "This one wasn't given an invitation. I think it would be better if she stayed here and got some rest. I'll leave a few men to make sure she is comfortable. Of course, if your Vilathos was to even take a step from its current position, my men will make sure she never wakes up. Am I clear?"

  "Perfectly," Ezzy replied through clenched teeth.

  "I'll have them kill her. You did get that right?"


  "Slit her throat and leave her for the buzzards."

  "Enough! I get it. Let's go already."


  Bavian released his grip and Shayua dropped, her head bouncing off the floor. He stepped out of the way as Ezzy rushed to her side. She turned the crimson woman over and checked to make sure she was breathing. Cradling Shayua's head, she shot a look at Bavian that made even Nolan flinch. The colorfully dressed man just smiled that insane smile back at her and shrugged his shoulders.


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