Witchy Woes Book 1: Tamara

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Witchy Woes Book 1: Tamara Page 5

by Michelle Hasker

  As she finished sliding the condom on, his hands latched onto her waist.

  "Are you going to put me out of my misery, Woman? Or are you trying to kill me?"

  "Both.” She grinned as she raised her body. With a wink, she sank on him, taking him in inch by slow inch until he growled and tightened his fingers painfully.

  "Please, Tam. Please!"

  Deciding he'd suffered enough, she lowered herself until he was buried deep inside her and there was no more to take in. Then she began to move on him. Slow at first, then faster as her magic built up too quickly and her body began to tingle. As much as she wanted to draw it out and make this a memorable experience for them both, she couldn't. Her body demanded release. Screamed for it.

  Pressing her hands against his chest, Tamara rode him harder and faster, listening to the sounds of their lovemaking and feeling the orgasm building. She tightened on Dante and leaned back, crying out as the orgasm swept over her, leaving her shuddering in release. Dante's shout let her know he found his release, and she collapsed on top of him, burying her face in his neck.

  "I can't move,” she whispered. “I can't feel my legs."

  Dante chuckled as he rolled her over and slowly pulled out. He kissed her on the forehead, then removed the condom. He wrapped it in a tissue and disposed of it, then climbed back in bed and pulled her close.

  "Are you going to stay the night?"

  "If you'll let me."

  Tamara nodded as he kissed her again. She fell asleep listening to the even sound of his breathing, and wishing things could stay like this forever.

  * * * *

  A loud ringing interrupted the most wonderful dream. She was in the middle of the forest under a canopy of flowering trees with Dante.


  "Yes?” Why does Dante's voice sound cold and remote?

  "Phone. And he sounds impatient."

  Phone? The ringing. Tamara rubbed her eyes and looked up at Dante. Judging by his frown he wasn't a morning person.



  "Eddie?” Tam sat up. What the hell is my doctor doing calling me at—she glanced at the clock—eight o'clock in the morning?

  "Sorry to call you this early, but I was looking over your charts last night and wanted to talk to you. I just looked at the new batch of films from your visit a few days ago, and compared it to the one in the hospital and the ones before that. Can you come back in for another set of pictures?"

  "Why? Is something wrong?"

  "I don't know yet. I want to double-check that there isn't a problem with the film or that the pictures were placed in the wrong file."

  "Okay. I can be there in an hour."

  "Thank you."

  "No, thank you, Eddie. Good to have someone like you caring for me."

  She reached over to hang up the phone and noticed the look on Dante's face.

  "Eddie? You're already in a relationship and yet you still went out with me and slept with me last night?"

  "It's not what you think.” As she tried to think of a way to explain it without telling him about her cancer, she realized this was her way out. Let him think the worst of her. At least then he'd have a chance at finding someone healthy to spend the rest of his life with.

  "What is it then? Only someone very important to you would call you this early in the morning and be sure of his reception. Was he angry that I answered your phone?"

  "No, he—"

  "Well he should be. He shouldn't be willing to share you with anyone else. I know I wouldn't if you were mine."

  "But I'm not yours. So I guess you should get dressed and get on out of here.” Tamara prayed her tears stayed hidden as she met his gaze and held it for as long as she dared.

  Dante turned away first and grabbed his clothes, pulling them on haphazardly. “I'm so angry right now I don't even want to speak to you."

  "What's to be angry about? We're two people with fire magic in common. We shared a night of spell casting followed by lovemaking. It's my fault for not realizing you aren't like most men."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "You know, into one-night stands and all. Most men only go in for that kind of thing."

  "Then I guess you're right. I'm not like most men,” Dante growled and stormed out of her room without another word.

  She held back the tears until she heard the front door slam shut. Then she curled up in a ball and cried for her true love. If only he hadn't found her while he was at the hospital. If he'd never seen her, neither of them would be hurting right now.

  A glance at the clock showed it was half past eight. She'd wasted enough time crying. She had to get over to the hospital for MRIs, CAT scans, and whatever else Eddie ordered.

  From habit she rose and brushed her teeth, then climbed in the shower. Scrubbing furiously, she tried to blot out images from last night. Images of Dante and his hands and how good he'd made her feel. How it had felt like nothing she'd experienced before. Pushing those thoughts aside, Tamara turned off the hot water and stayed in the shower until the cold water made her skin blue.

  The rest of the day moved in a blur. She made it to the hospital by nine and had the tests completed by lunchtime. She called Camryn and asked to meet her for lunch in the cafeteria. Camryn had agreed eagerly since she was there for tests herself. That in itself was odd. Camryn was one of the healthiest people she knew.

  Once she reached the cafeteria, Tamara looked around but didn't see Camryn anywhere. She jumped when a hand landed on her shoulder.

  "Hi, Tam. I just got here. Want to get our food first?” Camryn headed over to the line without waiting for an answer.

  Tamara laughed and followed her. “Sure. Although, I don't have much of an appetite."

  Camryn's eyes flew back to her so quickly she was startled. “Why? Has your cancer spread?"

  "Um.” Tam winced. “I don't really know. Eddie was evasive. He said I needed to have all the pictures redone. He thought he either had the wrong films or they'd been developed wrong, or something."

  "How odd."

  "Why were you here?"

  Camryn looked around before grabbing a tray. “I'm not sure. I haven't been feeling all that great since the spell fiasco. At first I figured it was just guilt and depression. Guilt for failing all of you and depression for hurting everyone and failing to do something right."

  "Oh, Camryn. What's wrong, Hon?"

  "They're not sure. I'm just generally under the weather, so tired all the time. I've been through a battery of tests already but they haven't been able to figure it out. I've even lost weight. Of course I'm not complaining about that."

  Tamara shook her head and reached for her wallet as they reached the cashier. She led Camryn over to a table in the corner and reached for her hand. “What else is going on? I feel like there's more here than just what you told me."

  Camryn's eyes filled with tears and she looked away. “I...” She sniffled and dug in her purse, pulling out a tissue.

  "If you can't talk about it, it's okay. Just know that I'm here for you. We're all here. I'm sorry we wrongly accused you of making the spell backfire on purpose."

  "I do understand why you and the others thought that, but I really didn't do it. In fact...” She pursed her lips and looked around before leaning close. “I tried to refuse a spell giving me good health, right?"


  "Remember the others?"

  "Love, money—"

  "Steve dumped me. He packed his bags and left. I lost my job. I'm about to lose my apartment because it had been a joint lease. I've been sick and miserable, and have this horrible rash. That's why I'm wearing long sleeves and pants all the time. Every spell I tried to reverse, was not only reversed but put on me. I did a spell for love, and I lost mine. My spell for beauty is gone. Not only do I look worse then before I cast that reversal spell, but I'm not even close to what I used to look like before I joined that coven."

  "This is why we warned you not to
mess with magic. If only we had found you before your old coven did."

  "I wish that, too.” Camryn picked at her food. “What am I going to do, Tam?"

  "I don't know, Sweetie. But you can stay with me if you need to. Hell, my house is paid for. Maybe I can will it to all of you to do with as you please when I'm gone.” Tamara pushed her plate away and closed her eyes.

  "Don't say that, Tam. You're not going to die. They found a lump. Did they verify it was cancer?"

  Tamara nodded. “That's why the extra pictures and scans. They were making sure it hadn't spread, etcetera."

  "I'm sorry, Tam. That really sucks. And now you had to get them done all over again?"

  Tamara nodded and looked away. She couldn't stand to see the pity in Camryn's eyes. As she looked across the room her gaze locked on Dante. He was there with the little girl. Sunny. Why had they come to the cafeteria? She looked away, but not before the child saw her. What were the odds the little girl remembered her? Apparently good since she dragged Dante over to their table.

  "Hi, Tam. Sunny saw you over here and wanted to say hi."

  "Hi. Is it true you're a witch? My mommy says there's no such things as a witch and that you are just pretending. Are you pretending?"

  "I'm not a witch, Honey. I'm Wiccan, which means I practice Wicca. It's a religion, Sweetie, not black magic or dark arts. So your mother is correct, I'm not a witch in the sense that you mean."

  Camryn giggled through her explanation, and Tamara wanted to kick her.

  "Miss the food so much you came back to eat?” Dante looked ready to bolt, so why was he making idle chitchat?

  "Oh no, she had more tests. Guess they screwed up on the last batch."

  "Tests for your burns?"

  Camryn laughed. “Tests for her burns? No, for her cancer, silly."

  Tamara smacked her. And immediately regretted it. What was done was done. She could no more take back the slap then Camryn could unsay the secret she'd told.

  Gasps echoed in her ears. Tamara stood up blindly and grabbed her purse. How the hell could Camryn have so casually mentioned her cancer like that?

  "Tam, I'm sorry! I thought you'd told him!” Camryn shouted.

  "Tam! Wait!” Dante's voice gained on her as she headed for the exit. She hoped Sunny slowed him down so she could leave. The last thing she wanted was pity from him. Or another argument about this morning.

  "Dammit, Tamara. Wait a minute!” Dante caught up to her and grabbed her arm. He spun her around and pressed her up against the wall.

  "Where's Sunny?” She looked around, hoping the urchin would keep him in line.

  "I left her with her father in the cafeteria. Were you planning on telling me you had cancer?"

  "Why would I? We'd just met."

  "We might have just met a few days ago but you know there's a strong connection between the two of us. Where's your boyfriend? Why isn't he here with you? You shouldn't have to be alone."

  "I am alone. I prefer it that way."

  His eyes narrowed and she realized her slip.

  "The phone call this morning says otherwise."

  "Look, Dante. I like you a lot, but there could never be a relationship between us anyway. I'm dying. You need to go find someone else to court."

  "Dying? You're dying?” His face paled so quickly she was afraid he'd pass out.

  "Not that it matters. It was just a one-night stand."

  "Maybe it was for you. For me it meant so much more."

  "Even if that is true, now you know why it wouldn't work out between us.” Tamara fought back tears. She sounded so mean, but there was no room in her short life for him. There was no way she could handle being with him and knowing she was dying. Knowing that he'd be left alone to suffer once she was gone. And suffer he would. Their love was strong and true and meant to be. Soulmates. He would never get over her.

  "We need to talk.” He grabbed her arm and looked around. “But not in here. Go for a walk with me."

  "No. There's nothing else for me to say."

  "Tam, please. Just give me five minutes.” He looked at her with such sadness and longing that all her fight left at once.

  She drew in a deep breath and sighed. “Okay. Let's go for a walk.” She pulled free and headed for the door. At least if she didn't touch him she should be able to keep her emotions under better control.

  "I didn't mean to upset you. It just caught me by surprise. You're so young. So beautiful. So full of life."

  "What does any of that have to do with me dying? People younger than me die every day. People more beautiful, too."

  "I just can't believe it. I thought—what does your boyfriend think of all of this?"

  "I don't have a boyfriend, okay? I'm sorry I lied to you even if it was a lie of omission. I neglected to deny your accusations, but I can't outright lie to you. That was my doctor on the phone. He needed me to come back in for more tests."

  "At eight in the morning?"

  "Something he saw on the batch of pictures last night after I was released bothered him. He waited until the earliest time he could call me."

  "Tamara.” He sighed and tugged her up against him. He rested his chin on the top of her head and squeezed her close. “You shouldn't have to go through this alone."

  "I do have my friends. My coven. I'm not alone."

  "But you are. Even when you were in there talking to Camryn you kept yourself stiff and erect. You looked like two strangers talking, not close friends. You haven't even realized how much you've distanced yourself from everyone, have you?"

  His words repeated in her head, and she hated that he made sense. She was just preparing everyone for her death. It would be easier on everyone, if they pulled away now and moved on without her.

  "You don't know what you're talking about."

  "I don't?” He cupped her chin and forced her to look at him. “I love you, Tam. Love."

  "You can't. We have only known each other—"

  "For a week,” he finished. “Several days, whatever. I do know you and I do love you. Your deception this morning threw me for a loop, but the fact you have cancer isn't going to keep me from you."

  "Are you crazy? Why would you want to be with someone who's dying?"

  "Because I love her. I love you. Admit it, Tam. There is something here between us. I dunno if it is strengthened because of the magic or what, but I'm not letting you go. Not without a fight."

  "I don't think you understand. I'm dying, Dante, dying."

  "Maybe. Maybe not. I mean, have they tried everything?"


  "Have they tried everything? Every day they are coming up with new and improved ways to help people. Maybe there's something they haven't tried."

  "So far I've only been diagnosed."

  "What treatments has he set up for you then? I can get off work to come with if you need me to. I know they'll take a lot out of you."

  "Have you ever lost someone to cancer?"

  "Nope. But my mom beat cancer. I pray you can, too."

  "Sorry, Dante. My mother and grandmother both lost the war. I saw what it did to my father. There is no way in hell I'm going to do that to anyone."

  "Ah ha.” He grabbed her tighter and kissed her forehead. “That's what you're doing. Pushing everyone away so no one will hurt when you die. Well you're wrong. You're hurting them by pushing them away. Let them decide if they want to stick it out with you. How long has the doctor given you?"

  "Well, we're waiting to see if it's spread and if that is the only spot where I have the cancer."

  "So he didn't actually tell you that you're going to die?” Dante's grip tightened painfully.

  "Not exactly. But no one in my family has survived. It's inevitable. I don't need him to tell me I'm not going to make it."

  Dante growled and pulled her up against his chest. “Is your doctor here in this hospital?"

  "Yes. Eddie Ramirez. Why?"

  "Because we're going to see him right now.” Dante pulled aw
ay from her and clasped her hand firmly in his as he led her to the main desk. He hesitated by the greeter and looked at Tamara. “Are you going to take me to his office or do I need to ask for assistance?"

  "No! If you insist I'll take you there. Just don't cause a scene."

  Dante smiled grimly and gestured for her to lead on. He still had a tight hold on her hand so it wasn't as if she could get away from him, and even if she did, where would she go? If the crazy man wanted to watch her die, shouldn't she let him?

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  Chapter 6

  "Doctor Ramirez will see you now.” The receptionist smiled at Dante before she looked at Tamara again. “I like your friend, Tam. Is it serious?"

  Dante winked at her and wrapped his arm around Tamara's waist. “As serious as it can get."

  Tamara groaned, but she secretly loved the way he made her feel. She really did want someone to love her. Someone who made her feel compete. And happy.

  "This is perfect timing. Oh and you brought a friend. Good.” Eddie stood in the doorway studying Dante. “Come back to the office. You saved me a phone call and another appointment."

  Dante squeezed her hand, and together they followed Eddie to his office. It was light and cheery, painted a pale yellow and filled with flowers, probably to cheer up his patients. Tamara was sure it usually worked, but not today. Not on her. She took a seat next to Dante and waited for Eddie to say what he wanted.

  "If I may, Doctor, I'd like to discuss the reason we came here before you get into Tam's results."

  Eddie looked at her.

  "If we don't let him have his say he will keep going on and on until we do."

  "Fine. Go ahead."

  "Tamara has the idea that she's dying. And she's pushing away all her friends so they won't have to see her suffer."

  "Damn it, Dante.” She turned to him. She'd known he'd say something, but did he have to be so blunt. So smart?

  "Is this true, Tam?"

  "I lost my mother and grandmother to cancer, Eddie. I don't have to be a genius to figure that if I've got it, I'm a goner."

  "Actually, there are so many different things we can do that we couldn't do five, ten, fifteen years ago. We can do things today we couldn't even do last year."


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