Axton (Four Kings Empire Book 1)

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Axton (Four Kings Empire Book 1) Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  “I dream that you’re pulled under,” Axton said, making her look up.


  “I pulled you out of that water, but for a split second, I didn’t think I was capable of doing it. You slip through my fingers, and you’re pulled under. I don’t help either of you,” he said.

  “You dream about it?”


  Could she have been wrong about him? About all of them?

  She pressed her lips together, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Nothing made sense to her right now.

  “Would you like the alfredo?” he asked.

  “I’d love it.”

  “Right, let’s talk about something more interesting.”

  “Oh yeah, what is that?” she asked.

  “What you’re going to do with the remainder of our date.”

  The waiter had brought them over a bottle of wine. She watched him as he poured the clear, sparkling liquid into her glass.

  “I figured we could go to a club. I love to dance. Really love to dance.”

  “You do.”

  “Yes, and it’ll be the perfect way to work off all of these calories,” she said.

  “Funny, I can think of another more useful way.”


  Taylor was like two different people. Axton enjoyed his meal and watched the façade slowly slip. Of course, it helped that he’d plied her with a lot of wine.

  Wine, jokes, and good food.

  Gone was the woman pressing her tits against his arm, not that he minded that so much. He’d rather liked it in fact, feeling her against him. She had an incredible body. All full hips, large tits, the perfect hourglass figure. The dress she wore showed off her body to absolute perfection. She’d always been a bigger woman even in high school. Food was her weakness.

  What he found interesting was the way she’d pull a little on the dress as if she wasn’t comfortable.

  The more he looked into Taylor’s life, with the PI doing a thorough background check, the more he knew something wasn’t right. He’d never been wrong about anything like this before, and it was only a matter of time before he found out the truth.

  When he made to pour her another glass, she covered it up and shook her head. “I’ve had more than enough, thank you.”

  “Another glass won’t hurt.”

  “I’m not going to have another glass. Besides, I think we’re getting to the part of the date that’s mine.”

  He paid for their meal and refused her money as she tried to pay.

  Walking out of the restaurant, he was moving toward his car when she pulled him away.

  “No, not yet.”

  “Where are we going?” he asked.

  “Come.” She took his hand in hers. He watched as she removed her heeled shoes, and she suddenly dropped about four inches. Her eyes were once again level with his chest. She tugged him in the opposite direction of his car.

  Following her as they quickly ran across the road, he couldn’t believe that she’d gone without her shoes and was tempted to stop as she opened up the gate to the center park.

  She stepped off the hard path, onto soft grass. “That feels so good.”

  “I thought we were going dancing.”

  Taylor pressed a finger to his lips. “If you’re quiet, you’ll hear them.”

  “Hear what?”

  “Them.” She winked at him, her finger over his lips, and then he heard it. The soft sounds of music. “There’s a small band that plays on the opposite side of the park. I think they got a contract or something with the city to offer tranquility or something like that. It’s beautiful, and I love coming here.”

  It was already dark. He saw a couple of people walking, hand in hand, gazing up at the stars. He’d passed the park many times. Not once had he taken the time to visit.

  She released his hand and held hers up in the air. “I love coming here. It reminds me a little of home.”

  “You miss King’s Ridge?”

  “I miss the time I was there, growing up. Doing the whole adult thing gets boring after a time.” She spun in a circle and stopped to smile at him. “Do it.”


  “Let go, Axton. Surely there’s someone there that can relax for you. Right now, you’re not the boss.” She stepped up to him, placing his hands around her waist. “You’re just Axton, no one else. Come on, for me. This is my portion of the date.”

  He rolled his eyes. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Prove you’re not a stick in the mud.”

  “And how do I suggest you do that?”

  She threw her hands up in the air and spun. “Try it. Come on, Axton, relax. Nothing is going to hurt you.”

  He didn’t want to. Watching her do it, he felt like he was seeing the old Taylor. The one that hadn’t lost anything.

  One night wouldn’t hurt.

  Throwing his arms up in the air, he copied her. Closing his eyes, he spun, and when he turned full circle, he stopped, opened his eyes, and found her smiling at him.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “It could have been worse.” He tugged her close, wrapping his arms around her. “What are you up to?”

  “What’s wrong with having a little fun every now and again, Axton? You don’t need to be so serious all the time.”

  She pulled away from him but grabbed his hand at the same time. “Come on.”

  Before he knew what was happening, she was pulling him through the park and they were running. Light filtered on the ground from the lamps, and he kept looking to check her feet. He didn’t want her to hurt herself.

  Suddenly, she stopped, resting her back against a thick tree trunk. “That was fun.”

  He was shocked to find that he was smiling along with her. “Yeah, that was fun.”

  He stood right in front of her, placing a hand against the rough bark. She tilted her head, her long, black hair falling back. “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you. You clean up rather nicely yourself.” She placed a hand on his chest. “It’s nice to get you out of the office. You’ve not growled at me once.”

  With his other hand, he placed it at her hip, loving the feel of her curves, especially as she released a little gasp when he did touch her.

  “You like it when I touch you.”

  “I like a lot of things.”

  She moaned as he pressed his cock against her stomach.

  “Why do you keep teasing me? You’re messing with the wrong man.”

  He stared into her blue eyes, so tempting, so dangerous. He wanted to lose himself in her gaze and never come back out.

  “What’s the matter, Axton? Can’t handle the heat?”

  “You think you’ve got what it takes to mess with the boss?” he asked. Moving his hand from the tree, he sank his fingers into her hair, tugging on the length. She groaned hard, her body softening against him. He pressed his thigh between her legs, not even caring that anyone saw them. All he cared about was her.

  “So far you do a lot of ordering around, Axton, not a lot of follow-through.”

  He cupped her cheek, using his thumb to tilt her head back, staring at her lips. They were so plump. “These would look good wrapped around my cock.”

  She ran her tongue across her mouth. “You want my lips on your dick?”

  Gripping her hair, he tugged her to the floor so that she knelt before him, her mouth in alignment with his dick. Opening the front of his pants, he reached inside and pulled out his cock.

  “Look at you, Axton Farris in the park getting his dick out. Whatever would people think?” she asked.

  “What about Little Miss Angel? Taylor Keane, on her knees, mouth ready to take my cock. You tell me what people would think.”

  She wrapped her fingers around his length, flicking the tip with her tongue. “Why don’t you stop thinking what others would and tell me how to suck your cock.”

  Tightening his hand around her hair, he s
aw her eyes dilate and heard the gasp in her voice. Pressing the tip of his dick to her mouth, he thrust inside, watching his length disappear. The warm, wet heat wrapped around him, swallowing him down until he hit the back of her throat.

  She moaned, the sound vibrating up his length, tightening his balls. It had been a long time since a woman sucked him, and fucking hell, Taylor was everything. She kept her teeth at bay and worked her tongue like it was made of magic. Thrusting his hips, he slammed into her mouth, using the tree to hold himself up as he fucked her mouth.

  He stared down into her eyes. Taylor was looking at him, moaning as she did so. He heard a couple of people passing, and he groaned. Her eyes grew wide, and he wondered just how wet her tight little cunt would be. Would she be dripping for him?

  “When I come, swallow every last drop. You don’t let any escape and I’ll let you come, right here, right now.”

  She worked her hands and mouth over his cock. Pushing her hand out of the way, he continued to work her mouth, hitting the back of her throat each time. The first couple of times she gagged but finally got used to his invasion.

  Her lips did look so pretty, the way they stretched around him, trying hard to take as much of him as she could.

  In. Out. In. Out.

  His length glistened with her saliva.

  She slurped him up, and he saw stars when her throat swallowed him down.

  He was so close. Gripping her hair tightly, he fucked her face, not holding back, giving her everything, expecting her to take all of it.

  When he finally came, he pulled out so only the tip was inside her and watched as she swallowed every last drop. He quickly released her hair and felt her neck, feeling her work his cock until there was nothing left, his seed completely drained with her magical lips.

  Stepping away, he watched as she licked her lips, removing every last trace of semen.

  Helping her to her feet, he pressed her once again against the tree.

  “My turn.”

  “You don’t want to take this elsewhere?” she asked.

  “No. I want to watch you come apart, right here, right now.”

  Kneeling down on the ground, he lifted her leg up, tracing a finger inside. Finding her panties were already soaked, he tugged them from her body, pocketing the evidence. They were going to be his trophy for the night.

  Sliding a finger through her slit, he touched her clit, giving it the lightest touch before moving down to plunder inside her tight heat. She cried out his name. Her fingers sank into his hair as he leaned forward and licked her pussy. She tasted so fucking good, just as he knew she would. Spreading her lips wide, he sucked her clit before tracing down to where his fingers were fucking her.

  She was so tight and wet. Staring up at her, he saw her head was thrown back, her chest heaving. She looked so sexy and so wanton. This was how he wanted to remember her and never forget. How he’d imagined her to be.

  So giving.

  Once again, another couple stepped past them, and this time, she gasped. More of her sleek cream covered his fingers, and he smiled against her cunt. His little angel liked the thought of being caught. She was no innocent, and he fucking loved that.

  In that moment, he wondered what he could do to push her over the limit. To test her boundaries. To see what else she was capable of.

  He wanted it all.

  Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he brought them back, teasing her anus.

  She moaned this time.

  The people had already passed, which was a shame. He wondered if she’d make him stop or to keep on going? Not that he’d stop in the first place. He wanted to feel her coming on his tongue, riding his fingers, and giving him exactly what he wanted, and there was no way he’d stop that. Not now, not ever.

  “Please, Axton,” she said.

  Sliding his fingers across the puckered hole of her ass, he continued to lick and taste her sweet clit as he teased her, seeing just how far she’d be willing to go with him. She’d already surprised him by not pushing him away. He liked it. He wanted to push her to places that she never for a second thought she’d go. Teasing her ass, he pressed against the tight ring of muscles at the same time he bit down on her clit, bringing her just the right amount of pain that made her gasp. He watched as her hands covered her mouth, trying to keep the scream inside. He didn’t want her to hold back.

  Pushing a finger into her ass, he knew it would burn, but he soothed it out by ravishing her clit. Within seconds she came, giving him that scream he wanted. So beautiful. All of his, given to him.

  She didn’t stop as he finished off her orgasm, licking and soothing her pussy, before pulling his finger from her ass. Using a handkerchief, he wiped his fingers and stood. Licking his lips, he smiled at her.

  Taylor grabbed his jacket, slamming her lips against his, kissing her taste.

  “My place?” he asked.

  “Yes. Please.”

  Chapter Nine

  Ten years ago

  “What did he say?” Karson asked.

  Axton didn’t need to hear Easton’s reply to know what his father said. They all knew what their parents would say if they got a girl pregnant. Not just any girl either, but the “wrong girl.” A girl from the wrong side of the tracks.

  “He told me she was to get rid of it. That I had to encourage her to go for an abortion, as otherwise he’d deal with it,” Easton said.

  “And?” Romeo asked.

  “And I came straight here with you guys. I don’t know what the hell to do.”

  “Simple, get her to get rid of it,” Karson said.

  “When did you become this fucking cold, Karson? That’s my kid.”

  “I thought you were only using her to get back at your dad?” Axton asked.

  “That shit went away a long time ago, okay? I like her.”

  “Wow, someone get out the violins. Easton actually loves someone,” Axton said.

  “Screw you.”

  “No, not screw me. You’ve got to figure this shit out. Do you understand?”

  “I don’t have to figure anything out. I’m not going to ask Carla to get rid of the baby.”

  “Your dad will do something,” Karson said, speaking up. “We all know if he doesn’t alone, they all will together.”

  Karson was talking about all of their fathers.

  “You know the drill. One heir, Easton. And it can’t be with someone they don’t choose.” Axton wished he could say something else, to give his friend better advice.

  “This is bullshit,” Easton said. “She’s pregnant with my kid. I love her. I’m not going to let her get away. I don’t want to let her go. I promised her I’d take care of her. I can’t not do that.”

  Axton stared at his friend, seeing how clearly devastated he was. “If you don’t they’ll ‘handle it,’ and you’ll never see Carla again.”

  “They wouldn’t hurt her. They wouldn’t.” Easton didn’t sound so sure on that part.

  Easton was the only one who didn’t seem convinced about what their fathers were capable of.

  “You’ve got to handle this, Axton. At least talk to him or something. I don’t know. Give me some more time,” Easton said.

  “There’s not a lot I can do, Easton.” He ran fingers through his hair. “Come on, we’ve got to go. They’ll be arriving soon to start the bonfire, and I have no interest in being here until it’s fashionably late to do so.”


  Present day

  Entering Axton’s apartment, Taylor wasn’t surprised by the sheer size of it. Her full place could be fit three times into his. The luxury that surrounded her wasn’t lost on her either. Not that it would be easy to miss. The elevators that also had men waiting to greet them. The security around the entire building.

  Everything seemed perfect.


  And it just made her want to mess it all up.

  Stepping into his main sitting room, she looked over at his floor-to-ceiling windows. That she s
truggled with. Being afraid of heights didn’t help her one bit.

  “I don’t know how you can stand that,” she said, spinning around to see him staring at her ass. “You were checking out my ass.”

  He moved up to her, his hands going behind her back, squeezing the cheeks. “You’ve got a fantastic ass. One day soon, I’m going to fuck it.”

  She cupped his face, pulling him down to kiss his lips. Her pussy was slick, and she felt desperate for more of his dick. She couldn’t control herself around him. He was like a drug to her system, and she was desperate for him, begging for more. Needy for all of him.

  He plundered his tongue into her mouth, and she moaned, sinking her fingers into his hair, pulling his head back as she broke the kiss, nibbling down to his pulse, and the opening of his tux shirt.

  Axton kneaded her ass, drawing her close. She felt the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her stomach.

  Within a matter of seconds, he had her pressed up against the wall, tugging her dress up to her hips. He pressed a hand between her thighs, sliding inside her pussy. She released a moan, this time not doing anything to be quiet. She was desperate for every single part of him, yearning for more.

  He added a second finger, then a third, stretching her out, and she whimpered, needing more, wanting his cock sliding in deep, fucking her hard.

  “I want your cock,” she said, voicing her needs.

  “You’ll get my cock soon.” His fingers withdrew from her pussy, and she moaned as he grabbed both her wrists and pinned them up above her head. She felt the slickness of her own cunt as he held her hands with the one he’d been touching her with. Staring into his dark eyes, she felt herself falling, desperate for him.

  In this moment, it wasn’t about finding out the truth, or trying to win him over, or anything. This was all about pleasure. What they could both give and receive from each other. He turned her so that she was facing the wall. The zipper at the back of her dress slid down, exposing her. He flicked the catch of her bra and released her arms, pushing the dress from her body until it fell at her feet.

  Stepping out of it, she kept her heels on, which she’d stepped back into on the way back to the car. He turned her again with her hands above her head, his gaze on hers. She breathed in deeply, and he started to look down at her body.


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