Sunny and 75 (Volume 1)

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Sunny and 75 (Volume 1) Page 3

by Metal, Scarlett

  “Good, one was nearby,” he muttered and walked to the driver. “Make sure she gets inside her room safely. Don’t leave until she’s inside,” he instructed him. He turned to me before he left. “I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  “Thank you again so much.” I said as I got inside the shuttle.

  He nodded and smiled. We took off before I could say much more. While I was riding, I realized I didn’t even get his name and I didn’t give him mine.

  I smiled to myself; despite the excitement tonight, this trip suddenly got a bit more interesting. Maybe this bartender could be the distraction I needed.

  Chapter Four ~ Aiden

  I couldn’t get her out of my mind the rest of the night. I was so pissed I never got her name. I watched her the whole time she was in here, stealing glances at the pictures on her camera when I could. She was really talented. I wanted to ask her about them but I didn’t want to seem like a crazy stalker.

  When that rich asshole came in with his friends and gave her a hard time, I had a bad feeling. Alcohol and guys who didn’t know what the word‘no’ meant was a bad combination. I shuddered when I thought about what might have happened if I had gotten there even ten minutes later. I hoped her wrist would be ok. I wanted to hunt him down and beat the shit out of him for hurting a woman, but I would let management handle him. I placed a call to them as soon as I got back to the bar after seeing her off safely. They assured me they would take care of him.

  We were pretty busy all night and it was well after three AM before I closed down the bar. There were the usual girls there, flirting and vying for my attention, wanting to use me for some vacation fun. Slumming, as I jokingly referred to it. Tonight, I wasn’t interested, even when one offered up herself and her best friend. I had never turned down a threesome before, but I had a feeling tonight I would just think about the dark-haired girl I had rescued the whole time.

  I flicked off the last light at the bar and began the trek to my villa on the other side of the beach. My mind was so haunted by the girl with the camera. I had so many questions. Where was she from? Why did she look so sad when I asked her how long she was staying and if she was alone? I probably shouldn’t have even asked that, but the words left my mouth before I could stop them. What was she running away from?

  “Hey Jason,” I said, noticing my friend up ahead of me. It looked like he had a late night too. He stopped and I jogged to catch up with him.

  “What’s up, man?” He greeted me. “What, no trust-fund bunny tonight?” He asked, looking around. “Are you having an off night?”

  “Fuck no,” I shook my head as I fell into step with him. “I’m tired.”

  “I heard about what happened tonight with that asshole who wouldn’t leave a girl alone. Crazy night.”

  “Yeah, he was something else. I called and they were going to kick him out but I’m going to check in the morning.”

  “Is the girl ok?”

  “Yeah, rattled some and he did hurt her wrist, but she insisted she was ok.”

  “It was a good thing you got there when you did.”

  “I know. I have no doubt he was going to drag her to his villa no matter what she said.” My blood was boiling again. I was never going to get to sleep. Maybe I should go for a run.

  We got to his villa and stopped to say goodbye. An image from the place next door caught my attention. Through a small crack where the curtains hadn’t closed all the way, there she was sitting with her legs crossed in front of her on the couch, her laptop perched on her bare legs. She still had on her tank top and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun. She was biting her lip and looking at the screen with intense concentration.

  “What the fuck are you looking at?” Jason asked and turned around. “Are you being a peeping Tom?”

  “It’s her,” I murmured and turned my head in case she caught me. After what she’d been through tonight, she didn’t need to be scared by some pervert looking in her window.

  “Who?” He asked, trying to get a peek.

  “Knock it off,” I smacked him in the stomach.

  “Ouch!” He clutched his stomach. “That hurt. You were looking. Why can’t I?”

  I leaned in closer; if we caused too much more commotion out here, she was going to hear us. “That’s the girl I saved tonight,” I muttered through clenched teeth.

  “Ohhhh!” He said. “She’s cute.”

  “Yeah she is.” I looked over his shoulder again, stealing one last look.

  “You like her,” he grinned at me.

  “Whatever,” I dismissed him. “I don’t even know her name.”

  “You totally do. That’s why you didn’t bring a girl home tonight. You’re interested in her.” He crossed his arms across his chest, a smug grin on his face.

  “You’re fucking ridiculous. I’m going home to bed.” I turned on my heel and headed a few buildings down to my villa. I was relieved she was so close so I could keep an eye on her at least until I knew for sure that jerk was gone.

  I unlocked the door and went inside. He was wrong; I didn’t like her. How could I when I knew nothing about her? I sighed and got a beer out of the fridge. I needed something to calm me before I could fall asleep. I loved Jason like a brother, but he could be a dick sometimes. He didn’t know what he was talking about.


  I didn’t sleep at all that night. I kept thinking about her and that long, dark hair. What would it feel like? I wanted to thread my fingers through it and kiss her – kiss away the sadness from eyes. I got hard when I thought about the way her tank top clung to her breasts.

  Unable to sleep, I finally got up around eight. It was going to be a long day. I went for a run on the beach where I ran into Jason and he asked me to work one of the swim up bars today. Since I was up, I figured why the hell not. Maybe I would see her. I had to find out her name somehow today.

  I took a shower after my run and was leaving my villa in a hurry when I almost walked right into her.

  “Hey, how are you?” I asked casually, not wanting her to see how happy I was to see her.

  “Good.” She looked up at my place. “You stay here?”

  “Yes, I live on the resort,” I replied, trying to be subtle about checking her out. She had on a swimsuit and cover up and was carrying a beach bag. She had her long hair up in some sort of mess on her head like the night before.

  “Cool,” she nodded. “Nice perk.”

  “Yeah,” I replied, trying to tell if she was wearing a bikini or not. Her damn cover up was too dark to see through.

  “Headed to work?” She asked, adjusting the straps of her bag on her shoulder.

  “Yes. I’m picking up a shift at one of the swim up bars today. If you’re headed that way, you should stop by.” So I can see you in a swimsuit and all wet. My cock jumped at the thought.

  “I could,” she nodded. “Can I walk with you?”

  “Sure, let’s go.” I walked slower than normal and took smaller steps so she could keep up.

  “My name’s Julia by the way,” she said.

  “I’m Aiden,” I stopped and held out my hand. She took it and smiled shyly when I shook it. “It’s nice to meet you.” She was nothing like the stuck up bitch I imagined her to be the first time I saw her at breakfast.

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” she said softly.

  “Where are you from?” I asked as we began to walk again.

  “Chicago,” she replied. “You?”

  “Me too,” I murmured, hoping she wouldn’t ask me any more. I didn’t talk about back home with anyone.

  “Small world,” was all she said.

  I didn’t say anything and we spent the rest of the walk in silence. I was too afraid to ask her anymore about herself for fear she would ask more questions about me. She would go home eventually anyway, so it was best to keep this light and leave all the heavy stuff out of it.

  “Well, here we are,” I said when we arrived at the pool that had the swim up bar I was
working at. We stopped at a chair she could relax in all day – right in view of the bar. I kept telling myself it was so I could make sure no one was hassling her, but it was also because I enjoyed looking at her; she had a kick ass body.

  “This spot is perfect,” she said and set her beach bag down. She reached for the edge of her cover up and I found myself holding my breath in anticipation of what she was wearing underneath. She pulled it up over her head and tossed it on the chair and I almost let out a groan. It was a tasteful and simple silver string bikini, but she looked fucking hot in it. I was tempted to reach over and pull the strings loose. My cock twitched in my shorts; I had to get behind the bar before she noticed my growing hard-on.

  “I’m heading to the bar over there,” I pointed to the swim up bar in the pool. “Come on over and I’ll buy you a drink.” I winked at her and smiled.

  She laughed and it was the most beautiful sound; I decided to make it my mission to make sure she laughed a whole lot more while she was here. “The drinks are included, silly,” she shook her head at me.

  “Oh yeah,” I grinned back. “I’ll buy you one anyway.”

  “Get to work,” she shooed me off, still smiling as she sat down on the chair. I gave her one last glance and went back behind the bar.

  The day went fairly fast; I wasn’t used to working the swim up bar and had no idea it was so busy. I also got to work with a different crew than I normally did, so it was a nice change of pace.

  Julia came out to have a drink every once in a while and every time my cock would get hard at the sight of her tits in that bathing suit top. It sure as hell wasn’t cold, but her nipples were always rock hard and poking through the fabric. I wanted to capture them between my teeth so bad I ached. I was thankful for the bar between us so I didn’t grab her and pull her against me.

  When she wasn’t sitting at the bar by me, I kept tabs on her. A few times I caught her eye and would smile or wink at her. She would always return it with her own smile or wave. I almost went to her a few times when guys came by to talk to her, but she managed to get rid of them fairly quickly. If she wasn’t interested in meeting guys while she was here, did she have a boyfriend back home? A husband? Did that mean she wouldn’t be interested in me that way? It seemed like with every question I got an answer to, I had five more.

  Near the end of my shift, she came out one more time. Her cheeks were flushed from the booze she’d been drinking all day. I made her go get something to eat a few hours ago or she would probably be passed out by now.

  “Today’s been fun,” she said after taking a long sip of her drink. She loved the fruity drink of the day. “Well, maybe not for you since you’re working.”

  I wiped off the bar, stalling since I was unsure of how to answer her. I decided to go for it. “It was fun with you here,” I smiled at her. “I’ve enjoyed getting you drunk.”

  “Oh my God,” she gasped and clasped her hand over her mouth. She removed it with a shrug. “I am a little drunk, I guess,” she giggled.

  “Mmhmm,” I replied and leaned across the bar so my face was closer to hers. I planned to use her relaxed state to get a few answers and see if I could get a vibe from her that she was as attracted to me as I was to her. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone?”

  “I’m on my honeymoon,” She blurted out and finished her drink. What the hell? She told me last night she was here alone.

  “What do you mean?” I asked slowly, backing away from her.

  “It was supposed to be my honeymoon trip. I was supposed to get married almost a week ago but I caught the asshole fucking some other woman the night before,” she said, waving her glass for another drink.

  “Wow,” I said, and grabbed her cup. “I’m sorry,” I said as I filled it. She deserved to get drunk after that. I handed her back her full glass.

  “Oh, it’s no big deal,” she shook her head and waved her hand. “He was a controlling jerk anyway. I dodged a bullet.” She took another long drink. “I should send that girl a present for saving me from a lifetime with that a-hole.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s one way of looking at it.”

  “I had to get the fuck out of there fast and I saw the tickets on the counter, so I grabbed them and here I am.”

  “Here you are,” I murmured softly. That guy had to be some sort of an asshole to mess up marrying a girl like Julia. What a dumb fucker.

  I watched her sip the rest of her drink. So she really was alone. Time to go for it.

  “What are you doing tonight?” I asked.

  “What?” she replied with a slight slur when she looked up at me. She was really into that drink; I was almost a little jealous of it.

  I put my elbows on the bar and leaned forward so our faces were inches apart. “What are you doing tonight?” I asked slowly, enunciating each word so she didn’t miss a single one.

  “Oh.” She set the drink down. “Nothing. Dinner I guess and then I don’t know.”

  “Come spend the night with me while I work at the bar by the beach,” I suggested.

  She licked her lips nervously but then nodded. “I could do that.”

  “Good,” I pushed myself up off the bar and flashed her a smile. “Now let’s get you back to your room. I think you could use a nap.” I left the bar and stood by the side of the pool, watching her swim back over to the steps. She walked out of the pool slowly, holding on to the railing tightly. The water dripped from her skin and I wanted to lap it up with my tongue.

  She slipped on her sandals and grabbed her stuff, wrapping a towel around her waist. “I’m all set.”

  I offered her my arm with a suggestive smile, not saying a word. She slipped her hand underneath it with a grateful sigh before heading back to our villas. We didn’t talk the whole way and I enjoyed the feel of her so close; even such a simple touch from her felt good.

  I walked her to her front door. She started to unlock the door and then turned around. “I’ll see you tonight.” She looked up at me, her eyes bright, those luscious lips parted. Did she want me to kiss her?

  I put my hand on her face and leaned down to give her a chaste kiss on her lips. The fruit flavor from her drinks still lingered and the thought crossed my mind to push her inside and give her a proper kiss, but I didn’t want her to think I was taking advantage of her being a little drunk.

  “Can’t wait,” I said softly. Tonight I wouldn’t hold back. “Go drink some water and take ibuprofen.”

  I left her and went to my door. As I unlocked it I heard hers click shut. I went inside and let out a deep sigh. My cock was so fucking hard right now. If this was any other girl I met here, I would have had her pinned to the wall with her bikini bottoms ripped off before she even knew what was happening.

  I didn’t want to be like that with Julia though. I wanted to savor her and take my time. The last woman I was like that with was Becca. I ran my finger over the tattoo on my arm. This was nothing like that. Julia and I were two people that were attracted to each other, nothing more. Soon she would go home and I would be a memory – something she told her girlfriends about when they talked about vacation flings.

  So why did it feel like something more than that?

  Chapter Five ~ Julia

  Aiden oozed sex. All day I watched him sling drinks and interact with customers. He seemed to have a way of making each one feel special. I drank way more than I was used to, but I couldn’t resist going out to the swim up bar to talk to him, especially when I saw groups of women checking him out.

  I had to squeeze my legs together more than once to try to relieve the pressure that built between my legs throughout the day. Even my bikini felt too tight and I caught him looking at my tight nipples that poked through the fabric of my top. I couldn’t help it; being around him put my body on hyper-alert.

  I threw my beach bag on the chair with a frustrated sigh. I so wanted him to kiss me – really kiss me. I guess I was out of practice with my seduction skills. Maybe he was
n’t interested or he thought I was still hung up on Patrick. I snorted. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

  I lay on my bed, not caring I was still wet from my last swim. I slipped my hand into my bikini bottoms, moaning softly when I found my clit already swollen. I was so wet and had been pretty almost all day. I arched and slipped two fingers into my aching pussy, thinking about what sex with Aiden would be like.

  I had a healthy sex life in college – a few one-night stands but mostly I was lucky that the guys I dated were attentive lovers. Then I started dating Patrick. We didn’t sleep together until we were engaged; he insisted we wait. When we finally did it was so disappointing. I don’t think he ever made me come once.

  I bet Aiden would make sure I came every time and probably more than once. I closed my eyes and moved my other hand up to squeeze my breast. I imagined Aiden’s fingers inside me, his hands on my body. There was no doubt in my mind; I wanted him. He was exactly what the doctor ordered to make me feel better and forget about Patrick.

  I moved my fingers faster, my climax building. I bit my lip to keep myself from crying out when my orgasm crashed over me. My back arched up off the bed and my body trembled with each wave of pleasure. Never had thoughts of sex with a man consumed me like this. I needed him tonight.

  I drifted off to sleep for a while and when I woke up, it was already dark. I sat up on the bed in a panic, scared it was too late to go see Aiden. I looked at the clock and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it was only nine. I had plenty of time to shower and go see him.

  I got off the bed and went to my suitcase, looking for the sexiest thing I brought. I didn’t bring too many things like that; seducing a man had been the last thing on my mind when I threw my clothes together.

  “Yes!” I muttered when I found one of my sundresses at the bottom of my bag. It was dark green and accentuated my hair and really brought out the color of my eyes. It was fairly low cut. I hadn’t worn it in forever because Patrick claimed he didn’t like me showing off so much skin. Well, fuck him.


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