Sunny and 75 (Volume 1)

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Sunny and 75 (Volume 1) Page 10

by Metal, Scarlett

  I turned my head and kissed the top of her head. “I hate to end this perfect afternoon, princess, but we better head back. I have to be to work in a bit.”

  She sighed in disappointment but there was a smile on her face. “Promise me we’ll come back here soon.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at her request. “I promise.” I took her hand and we swam back to where our clothes were. I got out first and slipped on my shorts quick before helping her out. I noticed the way the water trickled down her body, especially on her breasts, and I had half a mind to throw her back in the water and fuck her again, work be damned.

  I hadn’t missed a day of work since starting here though and I couldn’t do that to Jason. Evenings were our busiest time and missing even one person made a difference. I would have to wait until after work to have my way with her again.

  I helped her get her clothes on and began the way out of the little alcove. Neither of us said anything and I wondered what she was thinking about. We reached the Jeep and I helped her in, leaning in to kiss her before getting in on the driver’s side.

  “Thank you for showing me your spot.”

  I fastened my seatbelt and smiled at her. “You’re welcome. There are a few other places around here I want to show you, but that is by far my favorite.”

  “I could see why,” she nodded and glanced down at her hands before looking back up at me. “What happened back there was really something else. I’ve never had an experience like it.”

  “Which part?” My heart started beating hard in my chest. I hoped she didn’t regret what she said.

  “All of it.” She paused to take a deep breath. “I realized today that I have never been in love before you. I thought I loved Patrick, and I guess in a way I did, but it’s nothing like what I feel for you. When we made love back there…” She trailed off, her face getting red. “It was so intense. I don’t know how to explain it but it was almost like you were touching my soul. I think I finally understand what it means for two to become one.”

  I reached out and took her hand. “I have been thinking the same thing but I didn’t know how to say it.” I shook my head and chuckled softly. “You’re so much better at this feelings stuff than I am.”

  A soft laugh escaped her lips. “I don’t know about that. I have been thinking about how to say it since we finished making love. I was worried I wouldn’t make any sense.”

  “You make perfect sense to me, Julia.” I reached up and cupped her face, stroking her cheek with my thumb. “I love you.”

  She reached up and touched my arm. “I love you, Aiden.”

  There wasn’t much to be said after that. I started the Jeep and drove the trail back to the main road. I reached over and offered her my hand to hold. She took it and I took my eyes off the road for a second to smile at her.

  I was happier than I had been in years. I never thought I would find another woman to give my heart to after Becca died, but fate brought me Julia. I had to travel to another country to find love again, but it was worth it.

  We pulled into the resort and I parked the Jeep. We got into the golf cart we had taken over that morning and I headed back to our villas. I didn’t want to part ways with her, even for a little bit.

  “Are you going to come see me tonight at work?” I asked as I drove slowly through the resort.

  “Would you be terribly disappointed if I didn’t? I am exhausted. You’ve worn me out the past few days,” she giggled.

  “Well of course I always want to see you, but I understand. You stay in and relax. Maybe even take a long hot bubble bath. I’ll even have dinner sent over.” I would miss her but she was right; we had been nonstop for the past few days. She deserved some time to herself.

  Her head fell back on the golf cart seat. “Oh, that sounds heavenly. I can get all rested and you can come over when you’re done.” She nodded down at the camera in her lap. “I want to mess around with the few pictures I managed to take today too.”

  “I can’t wait to see them.” From what I had seen of Julia’s work, she was a really talented photographer. Maybe she could work for the resort taking pictures. I made a mental note to bring that up to her tonight. She would have something to do with her time and we would still be here together. It was the perfect plan.

  I parked the golf cart in between our two villas. “I have to shower and change quick.” I checked the time on my watch. “Too bad you can’t join me.”

  She arched an eyebrow at me. “Yes, too bad.” Her face turned serious. “Thank you for today.”

  I nodded and leaned in to kiss her lips softly. “I’ll see you later tonight,” I said as I pulled away. “Enjoy your bubble bath.”

  “Oh I plan on it, but I’ll miss you.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “I’ll miss you too. Hopefully it’ll be busy and the night will fly by.”

  We got off the cart and I gave her one last kiss goodbye. I watched as she walked to her villa and waited until she was inside. She turned and gave me one last wave before closing the door behind her.

  I rushed into my villa. I didn’t want to tell her, but I was running really late for work. I managed to shower and get dressed in record time. Thank god I had that golf cart there and didn’t have to walk, or I would be really late.

  I glanced over at her villa before I drove off, but didn’t see any sign of her. She was probably soaking in a hot bath already or passed out cold in bed. I couldn’t wait to get back here after work and be with her again. Even though I just left her fifteen minutes ago, I missed her already. I could never get enough of her.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when I arrived at the bar. It wasn’t very busy yet and no one even seemed to notice I was late. I even had time to call over to one of the cooks and have a special meal sent over to Julia’s villa before it got busy.

  The after dinner crowd seemed almost double tonight and I was working up a sweat as I served drinks. I was friendly to the women that hit on me, but made it clear I wasn’t interested. It was a major change from a few weeks ago. Now all I could think about was Julia naked instead of which girl (or even girls) I would go home with at bar close.

  There was finally a quiet moment and I was doing a little bit of cleaning behind the bar when Jason came along. He sat down behind the bar and I gave him his usual favorite beer.

  “How’s it going?” I asked as I grabbed a rag and cleaned the bar counter in front of him.

  He took a long drink and set the bottle down in front of him. “Good. Busy as usual, but good.”

  “Yeah, there seemed to be a lot more people here tonight. A new group must have come in today.”

  “I think so,” he agreed and took another drink of his beer. “How are things with Julia?”

  “Good,” I replied, looking at him with a grin. “She’s amazing.”

  “Didn’t I warn you that some day you would find someone to tame you?”

  We both laughed and made small talk when he slapped his hand on the bar. “I just remembered something. I was looking for the two of you earlier today.”

  “You were? What for?” He had my curiosity piqued.

  “It was weird, but some guy came today and he was looking for Julia. We called her villa but there was no answer. I knew you were off so I figured you were together.”

  “Yeah.” I stopped wiping down the bar. Who was looking for her? “We did some exploring off the resort today.”

  “Cool. I didn’t tell him where I thought she might be. I just said she wasn’t available. I remembered that issue with a guest she had earlier, so I didn’t even tell him where she was staying.”

  “Good.” I swallowed hard, a feeling of dread coming over me. “Did you manage to get his name?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I think he said it was Patrick.”

  “Shit,” I muttered. What the fuck was he doing here? I had to let her know before he found her.

  I was about to tell Jason I was leaving for the night when about thirty people arrived. There was
no way I was getting out of there now.

  As I served the guests their drinks, all I could think about was how perfect this day had been. Now it was going to be ruined by the arrival of Julia’s ex-fiancé. He had to be here for no other reason than to win her back. That was just my luck now that I had opened myself up to her. Fuck me.

  Chapter Thirteen ~ Julia

  The last few days with Aiden had been glorious but I was exhausted. I hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep and my body ached in places I didn’t even know it could ache after all the lovemaking we did.

  I was in no way complaining – at all. I was happier than I had ever been in my life and for the first time, really in love. I didn’t know what that meant for us, but I didn’t care. For once, I wasn’t being practical or playing it safe. I was following my heart and my heart was full of love for this sexy island bartender.

  I was drawing a bath when I heard the golf cart start up. I watched him drive off to work, already missing him. I smiled and shook my head; I was as bad as a sixteen year old with her first boyfriend.

  Maybe this was how love was supposed to feel though. It certainly hadn’t felt that way with Patrick. Sex with Aiden certainly was nothing like sex with Patrick. A dull ache formed between my thighs as I recalled our last lovemaking session. It was full of an intensity I never imagined possible and I had almost been afraid to climax, positive my body was going to shatter from too much pleasure.

  I stripped out of my tank top and shorts and redid the messy bun on top of my head before climbing into the steaming hot tub. I sighed with relief as I sat back and my muscles immediately began to relax. I leaned my head back against the edge and closed my eyes. The only thing that would make this bath better was if Aiden was in with me.

  I dozed off for a while and when I woke up, the water had cooled down and my fingers were shriveled up. I let the water out and got out. I dried off and put on the plush resort robe. As I was tying it shut, there was a knock on the door. I peeked out the window and noticed it was someone from the resort with a tray. It must have been the dinner Aiden ordered for me.

  I opened the door and when I caught a whiff of the food she was holding, my stomach started to rumble. Sleep and food were two things I didn’t get a lot of since hanging out with Aiden, but that was okay.

  “Mr. Aiden sent this for you,” the young lady said in broken English as she held out the tray.

  “Yes, thank you so much.” I took it from her. “Hold on one second.” I put it down on the table in my villa and found my purse. I rummaged around in the bottom and found a couple dollars to give her.

  “For you.” I held out the bills for her and her face broke out into a smile.

  “Gracias,” she said with a nod. “Have a good night.”

  “You too,” I beamed back to her and shut the door. The delicious smell of dinner filled the room and I detected a hint of garlic. I hoped he sent me something from the Italian place we went to.

  I was thrilled to take the cover off of the tray to find a huge piece of lasagna and some garlic bread. I found a bottle of water in the fridge and was about to sit down to eat when there was another knock on the door. The butterflies went into overdrive in my stomach hoping that it was Aiden done with work early.

  I lunged out of my chair and didn’t even bother to look at who was there before I opened the door. My jaw hit the floor. In front of me, right here in Punta Cana, was my ex-fiancé Patrick. He was leaning against the doorframe with his polo shirt and plaid shorts, his sunglasses stuck in between the buttons of his shirt. His brown hair was slicked back like always and I couldn’t believe I was ever attracted to him.

  “Hello, Julia.”

  The End

  Read more about Julia and Aiden in part 2, coming September of 2015.


  Thank you to every reader that’s taken the time to message me about my books. You are the ones that keep me going.

  Thank you to my family for sticking with me through the rough times. I love you!

  Thank you to the Metal Heads. You girls are always there for me no matter what.

  Thank you to Heidi. You make me laugh and I love that I can trust you with anything. I’m proud of all of your hard work and strive to be more like you.

  Thank you to everyone that read this book. I appreciate all of your support.

  Contact Me


  [email protected]









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