As the two glanced over at Javy tap dancing on top of the log, Katherine said, “Is what he said true? Do you think she’s our sister?”
“I don’t know,” Layla answered as she shrugged. “Let’s ask her.”
“Heather, can you come over here a sec?” Layla asked.
Heather had been holding on to Katherine’s horse, petting its mane. She had been doing her level best to not look at Javy. Mentally she had been contemplating Anna’s death and her own mortality.
As Heather approached, Katherine said, “Heather, I wouldn’t worry about your manager. He didn’t mention her when he was bragging, I’ll bet she’s fine. Don’t waste your time thinking about him either. We’re just having a bit of fun with him before we call the police.” She paused for a second before adding, “We have to ask though, is any of what he said true? Are you our sister?”
Relieved, Heather reached into her back pocket, produced a folded piece of paper, and handed it to Katherine. “That’s my birth certificate. Your father told me to go get the original when he came to California.”
Shocked at the statement, Layla said, “You met our father?” Layla asked. “What the hell is going on?”
The two scanned the official document and saw Heather’s given name listed as Heather Nicole Simmons, born February 1, 1996. Further down they read Jessica Elizabeth Howard and Josiah Grant Simmons on the parental lines
“White was my mother’s stage name, mine too. She took my grandmother’s maiden name when she became an actress. Mom got pregnant with me the night Dad saved her life over in Bosnia. He came to California for her funeral. I think he also came to find me.”
Gurgling sounds began to emanate from the oak and the three turned to see Javy dangling with the log lying on its side.
Heather said, “This wasn’t how I envisioned meeting you, officially, but I’m glad you forgot your camera.” As she surveyed Javy’s jerking spasm riddled body for a few moments, she added, “He deserves it.”
Javy’s head had turned a dark shade of purple and his eyes were starting to bug out and bleed from their sockets.
“Think he’s had enough?” Katherine asked.
“Yeah, better cut him down,” Layla replied.
Katherine began untying the rope from the sapling as Layla said to Heather, “We’d love nothing more than to watch this little freak swing, but none of us are going to prison for it. We’ll let the state do it for us. I just wanted him to know what it feels like when you think you’re about to die and there isn’t a single thing you can do about it.”
As Katherine walked by, coiling up her rope, she added, “I’m not doing time for this drug addled moron.”
The three cautiously approached Javy with their weapons drawn. Once they were satisfied that he was alive, but unconscious, they removed the noose and tied him to the oak tree with a series of constrictor knots.
While Layla was finishing her knot, she asked, “So the photographer thing, you knew who we were the whole time?”
“Pretty much,” Heather answered. “I didn’t know how to find our dad, but when he was in California he showed me a picture of you two. Then I saw him on TV at the hearings this morning.”
Heather watched as the two checked the horses and said, “Are you guys headed back to your farm?”
“Yeah. We need to call the Sheriff,” Katherine answered then asked, “You wanna ride?”
“Can I? I’m pretty exhausted,” Heather replied matter of factly.
Smiling, Katherine replied, “Hop on.”
Satisfied with Javy tied to the tree, the three mounted the two horses and rode the remaining distance back to the farm. On the way, Heather detailed their fathers visit to California and the conversation they had. She explained how she tracked him down only to be turned away by their mother. Javy hadn’t lied about any of it. Layla and Katherine just listened. Once inside the barn, they quickly unsaddled the horses, brushed out their coats, and placed them in their stalls with water and feed.
“You ready to meet your father? Officially?” Katherine asked.
“You don’t think he’ll be mad? Me just showing up like this?” Heather asked, starting to second-guess her decision.
“Seriously? He basically told you how to find him. Besides, he has a lot of explaining to do,” Layla answered.
The three headed to the front porch and entered the house expecting to see Evan, and maybe their father. What they didn’t expect to see was the Sheriff, Evan, the Martinez family, and Josh examining a relief map of the Hocking Hills region over the dining room table.
“What took you guys so long,” Evan demanded to know.
“We were waylaid,” Layla answered. She then turned her head and said, “Come on in.”
Heather crossed the threshold and in to view of the others.
“Heather? What happened?” Josh said as he surveyed her battered face.
“Hi, Dad.”
November 1st, 2022 – November 22nd, 2022
Gregg spent the better part of three weeks recuperating in Birwa Berwari’s house on the outskirts of Chammah. Her husband, Samal, and their eldest son, Huner, had carried Gregg across the Great Zab River on her instructions. She had stated that Gregg was a noble an honorable man. Her word was not questioned.
Gregg spent most of the first week sleeping. When he was awake, he spoke very little and mostly observed the interaction of the family. He ate voraciously for every meal and estimated that he had lost close to fifty pounds from his once muscular frame. His physique more closely resembled the scrawny pimple face high school graduate that had enlisted twenty years earlier instead of the grown man he remembered the last time he saw himself in a mirror.
Unaware of Emily’s involvement in the committee meetings, Gregg tried several times to reach Emily via the village’s SAT phone. At every turn he was thwarted. Her cell was no longer in service. Due to the high volume of calls requesting interviews after the hearings, she had disconnected the number. Gregg couldn’t call the house line because, much like the rest of the United States, the Chastain’s didn’t have one. He attempted to contact her at work too, but that went straight to voicemail. If he could get his hands on a computer he might be able to send her an email. Unfortunately, northern Iraq didn’t seem to have an electronics store handy.
After Gregg regained enough of his strength, the Berwari’s arranged to have him taken to the nearest coalition outpost. While the roads near Chammah were passable, they were a far cry from the interstates that crisscrossed America. The thirty-kilometers jolted and jarred his body for close to two hours before they reached the outskirts of Mosul. Given the condition of the road and the checkpoints, what should have been a reasonably short jaunt seemed interminable.
Once his identity was confirmed at the United States checkpoint, Gregg was spirited to the infirmary. He was hooked up to numerous solutions to rehydrate and nourish his ravaged body. While he lay there, he was scanned for tracking devices. The debriefings began immediately from his hospital bed. Gregg recounted everything he could remember about his six months of captivity.
He gave them the names and descriptions of every person he had come into contact with, especially Suhrab. He provided the approximate location of the cave he had been held in as well. The topic of the prisoner in the next cell was glossed over until Gregg recalled phrases like ‘leveling the playing field’ and ‘he has been appropriately placed’. Each were dissected and analyzed for hidden or alternate meanings.
When he reached the part of his story that dealt with the nuclear weapon launch vehicles and the scopolamine, he was put on the first transport and shipped to Germany.
Once he was in Europe, Gregg was introduced to the most experienced shrink they had in the PSY/OPS division. This group was utilized in an attempt to reconstruct Gregg’s altered state of consciousness given the torture techniques. The Colonel was able to confirm Gregg’s suspicions that he had most likely been drugged in preparation for his
transport. The doctor said it wasn’t uncommon and that this was a known insurgent countermeasure against an attempted escape.
After several sessions of the typical couch therapy, and some panel discussions, the array of doctors suggested that they try something a little unorthodox. Gregg was subsequently asked to agree to hypnosis. The prevailing thought was that the technique might allow him to better recall his ordeal in more detail. Gregg agreed.
All he wanted to do was give them what they needed so he could get home and find his wife.
28th Amendment
Section 1.
No person shall be elected to the Senate more than once, and to the House more than three times, and no person who has held a Congressional Office, or acted as a Member of Congress, for more than one half of a term to which some other person was elected to Congress shall be elected to a Congressional Office more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding a Congressional Office when this article was proposed by the Constitutional Convention, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding a Congressional Office, or acting as a Member of Congress, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding a Congressional Office or acting as a Member of Congress during the remainder of such term.
Section 2.
This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Constitutional Convention.
29th Amendment
Section 1.
Congressional Members shall receive Compensation as set by their home states but shall not exceed seventy-five thousand dollars per year for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. Compensation may be adjusted once every ten years and there shall be no distinction in pay whether the Senator or Representative holds a position of House Leadership. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.
Section 2.
Any Senator or Representative being tried for any offence, whether felony or misdemeanor, shall have their pay suspended until the conclusion of said offences in a court of law. Should a Senator or Representative be convicted of any offence, whether felony or misdemeanor, then that Senator or Representative shall forfeit all back pay, rights, and privileges associated with their duly elected role and shall be barred from returning as a member of either House at any future date or from holding any Office under the United States.
Section 3.
No Senator or Representative shall, upon the expiration of the term for which he or she was elected, or having reached the maximum allotment of terms, shall function as an officer, consultant, or lobbyist, paid or other, of a firm, corporation, or organization functioning within the recognized territory of the District of Columbia and having business with Members of either House. Senators and Representatives shall be permitted to perform the functions of, and hold certification and registration for, officer, consultant, or lobbyist in their home state without restriction.
Section 4.
This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Constitutional Convention.
Useful Resources
The Declaration of Independence:
The Constitution of the United States:
United State Congress:
United States House of Representatives:
United States Senate:
Aquaponic Systems:
Case Orange Report:
GMO Bioluminescent Detection:
GMO Information:
American Hydroponics:
Crop King:
Medicinal Food News:
Root Cellars:
Stock Market Circuit Breakers:
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds:
My Patriot Supply:
Organic Heirloom Plants:
Bear Flag Trading Company
Bulk Food Supplies:
Food Insurance:
Prepare Wise:
Wise Company:
End of the American Dream
If It Hits The Fan Blog
Living Off the Grid
Preparing for SHTF
Survivalist Blog
Survival Blog:
Survival Cache:
Survival Spot | Survival Blog
The Survival Mom:
When the SHTF
Willow Haven Outdoor
Winds of Change
AMTRAK System Map:,0.pdf
CSX Railroad System Map:
Norfolk Southern Railroad System Map:
Foreign & Domestic, Part II: Hannibal Ad Portas
September 2014
I hope you have enjoyed Foreign & Domestic, Part I: When Rome Stumbles and will consider picking up the second part of the series in Part II: Hannibal Ad Portas. I have included the Introduction and Chapter 1 for you to enjoy.
Basilia walked over and immediately began examining Heather’s injuries. As she looked her over, she said aloud, “This swelling will go down in a couple days, but these cuts and abrasions need cleaning. Josh, where’s your med kit?”
“Upstairs. I’ll show you,” he replied and escorted the pair to the medical supplies stowed in the bathroom cupboard.
When he started to make his way back toward the group in the living room, he heard Layla explaining what had happened.
“Javy followed her from the movie set – ,”
All heads immediately snapped in her direction.
“WHAT!” her father said forcefully from the top of
the stairs. “Where is he?!”
“Calm down, Dad. We took care of him,” she said as she casually walked over to the map sprawled out on the table. She reviewed it, collected her bearing, and pointed to a spot. “He’s tied up to that big white oak right about here. He’s got a rope burn around his neck and a few extra holes though.”
“You hung him and shot him?” the Sheriff said incredulously.
“Well, yeah. He was beating the crap out of her when we came up on them, so Katherine put a round in his shoulder to get his attention. Then he held a knife to her throat so I hit him again in the other one. After what he did to me as a child, and what he attempted to do to my new sister, the least we could do was give him a dose of his own medicine. Besides,” she concluded, “he deserved it.”
Behind them the front door slammed shut.
Josh was gone.
Chapter 1
Former President Tom Sarkes exited the armored limousine with his usual compliment of Secret Service Agents in front of The Hague’s United Nations Complex. Given his previous position and title, he by-passed security and went straight to the U.S. Ambassador’s office.
Without so much as a ‘Hello’, Tom threw his overcoat and briefcase in a leather upholstered chair, and emphatically questioned, “What the hell have you done?”
“Me?” the Ambassador replied with equal emphasis. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t you the President when we forfeited our Permanent Seat on the Security Council? Wasn’t it you that took a more isolationist stance toward foreign policy? My predecessors and I have been trying to clean up your mess ever since.”
Sensing where and how this conversation was going to go, the Secret Service Agents quietly backed out of the Ambassadors office and discreetly closed the door as they departed. The five Agents then took their standard defensive positions.
“That’s bull and you know it! You and your predecessors have been asleep at the wheel,” Tom shot back. “Bunch of idiots. While you and your wives were off rubbing elbows at every banquet and ball, the British Prime Minister and his cronies have been busy re-writing international finance law. I’ve just spent a week in a dank NSA basement culling over every piece of intercepted communication between that conniving jackass and the heads of every country that owns our debt. Hell, I’ve even read through all of the data provided by the French. It seems that there’s still an ember of hatred for the English, turns out empires never really die.”
When Rome Stumbles Page 31