Sweet Convictions
Page 16
Work’s taking forever today. As it is, I cannot stand my job and despise my boss. He’s such an arrogant knob-fuck. The concoction of dick-head boss plus an assortment of contrasting emotions and severe build-up of anticipation is about to tip me over the edge. I feel like I want to cry, laugh and scream all at the same time. I feel like I’m on the verge of combusting. I count down the minutes to the end of yet another shitty day in the office of fluorescent hell.
Back at home and my evening ritual starts:
Laptop switched on;
Kettle on;
Boys fed;
Boys cuddled;
Computer still logging on...
Quick pee;
More furry cuddles;
A quick cuppa soup for tonight – too excited and nervous to eat much
Fucking computer’s still logging on. Must buy a new one!
Water poured, soup stirred
More attention demanded from my boys
More attention given
Ding, ding, ding goes the computer. Finally!
Sit down
Typing commences
Already there’s a message from Mark. I go back to where I was and what I was doing at the time of his email. I was rolling down my window and hurling road rage abuse at the 4x4 driver who thought he could bully me out of the way with his ridiculous sized car. How wrong he was. After all, I was a woman on a mission – a woman who had just ditched further hours of damnation in order to get home to her haven of food, comfort, unconditional fuzzy kitty love and possible cyber-sex.
My heart pounds faster and a smile elongates across my face. The bugger’s fortunate enough to work all of around twenty minutes from home where I’m an hour and a half of gruesome traffic away from mine.
Mark: Hello my gorgeous blonde bombshell. I missed you the rest of today. I hope you had a good one and I’m looking forward to chatting when you get in. Thinking of you always...preferably naked...but I won’t go into that yet ;)
I respond with first of many hours’ worth of exchanges tonight. Although, we really should get an early night. I can’t look like shit tomorrow.
Gemma: I'm blushing—all over!
Mark: oh yeah? all over huh?
Gemma: not AAAAALL over ya dirty thang!
Mark: hmm
Gemma: but i AM tingling all over!!!!!!!!!!
Mark: Well imagine how you are gonna feel when I get my hands on you
Gemma: oh dear God! BRB
I put him on hold and run to my bedroom, rip open my treasure chest and unshackle my vibrator from the restraints of tangled wires, ropes and feathers. I’m feeling hopelessly horny. Okay, so actually I’ve had the thought of sex in the back of my mind all day. Quivering with a contagious energy I kneel down on the floor, leaning up against the bed and switch it to high. Fucking hell I’ve needed this. Shivers shoot through my body from the immediate coldness against my clit. I gyrate over it, teasing myself; touching and pulling away – faster and slower. I quiver as the vibrations instigate a tremor in my mind and shudders throughout my body. It doesn’t take me long at all as I visualize Mark going down on me with what I hope will be a warm, adequate and pleasingly compliant tongue. Oh. My. Fucking. Word. My head becomes dizzy as I give in to my bodily contractions and quickly attempt to slow my breathing. My earlier smile has now converted into a wickedly content smirk. My head still spinning but I hurry back to my chair and continue responding.
Gemma: You’ll never believe what I’ve just done...hence the slight delay in responding...hehe
Mark: what have you done then naughty? Had a sneaky glass of vino? Gobbled half a cake? Lol
I swiftly become bashful and elude from blurting the words from my filthy mouth.
Gemma: Haha, none of the above...I might tell you later
Gemma: God Mark you're really doing something amazing to me! Not in a sexual way – Okay maybe a little hehe. But seriously, I've not caved like this to ANYBODY, even tho guys have asked me out or tried chatting me up, no matter how they’ve persisted, I've not wanted to even bother to get to know them since we started talking. You've done something so crazy to me! If this weekend goes well I'm warning you, I could fall for you a LOT faster than you think or might even hope
Gemma: there! I said it!
Mark: I know I am the same!!
Gemma: wow is all I can say
Mark: I feel right about this
Gemma: so do I!
Mark: it all just feels so...right
Gemma: totally
Mark: You have got inside my heart already and I dont understand it. I feel naive and silly in one respect but on the other I have never felt so optimistic and excited about anything in my life as much as I am about meeting you
Gemma: yep you've nuzzled right into mine as well! It’s like every wall I've built around me has come crumbling down from the word go with you! I don’t understand it either, I almost don’t trust it and I certainly don’t like that I've opened up my heart so much—I feel so vulnerable
Mark: Me too
Mark: But I wont hurt you, I promise that
Gemma: you can't say that babe...nobody can. Seriously, don’t—but thank you for having good intentions xx
Mark: I am a man of my word and yes, I can because I trust myself more than anyone else. I know you are just not used to it
Gemma: Oh great! I’m actually feeling quite emotional from what you've said! And you're so right about me not being used to it. I mean most people at the start of a relationship have the best intentions, but they don’t always work out and that’s why I find it so hard to accept. It would take time for me. But saying all of that, with you, for the ODDEST reason, I honestly feel that I would be able to trust you and believe what you say to me. It’s mental especially considering I don’t trust ANYBODY!
Mark: I am not everybody else though.
Mark: I put everything I have into the things I want to nurture.
Gemma: as do i
Mark: 180%
Mark: you are so beautiful. Not just to look at but inside your heart. I am astounded by you
Gemma: and I never thought a guy like you even existed! I began to think you were all married up with kids or that the selection of ‘fish’ I’d been left with were the ones that were gutted and tossed back in by the girls who didn't want them haha
Gemma: glad you were tossed back in tho! haha
Gemma: obviously taking away the hurt you felt. I'm just so grateful you weren't right for each other
Mark: Now that I have found you (or you have found me) I am really glad too hun. I never thought a woman existed like you, Thank you for being on this earth when I was here too
Gemma: you're welcome! same right back at you sweetness
Gemma: Well, after that mush, I’d better get outa here. Got lotsa tidying up to do before you get here tomorrow and unfortunately, I don’t have the day off as you do. Have a good sleep xx
Mark: 1 more sleep baby! Just a few hours and we’ll finally get to hold each other xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mark: Night Baby XXX
A number of hours of tossing and turning and what feels like around 3 minutes’ sleep I’m finally dragged kicking and screaming into Friday. I need more sleeeep! Quickly remembering that it’s the start of what I’m hoping will be a remarkable weekend. Either that or it’s gonna go completely tits up.
There’s not a hope in hell that I can face eight hours of my boss’s egotism today. Three hours is just about my limit before I someday find myself shoving him out the third floor window; and even that’s pushing it. I absolutely refuse to have him put me in a foul mood today so I pull a fast one pretending to be unwell and manage to leave at midday. Yeehaaa. I eventually arrive home just over two hours later. Fucking lunch time traffic and inconveniencing accident bollocks.
I shit, shower and shave; pluck, spray and moisturise; tan and enjoy a sneaky drink, and tan some more. Mark’s due to arrive at my doorstep around half eight. It’s still hours awa
y. Argh! I’m ready with nowhere to go and nobody to see for another six long hours.
I put on a film but my mind drifts. Okay, so maybe I should have stayed at work. At least that would have kept me busy and a little saner than I’m feeling at the moment.
“Right,” I smack my thighs and lift myself from the sofa. “I’ll go to the shops. I need stuff. I don’t know what stuff but I’m sure I’ll find some stuff I need and want when I’m there.”
Two hours, one shitty candelabra, four silver candles, some table sprinkles, more stock of wine, vodka, brandy, mixers and some very fattening snacks later, I find myself daydreaming in a quaint little coffee shop sipping a skinny caramel mocchiato through a straw. I’m contemplating what I should do next to kill the time.
I snap out of my daze looking down at my arm and notice my home tan job is a pretty pathetic one. It’s patchy and uneven. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It’s awful. How the fuckety hell did I not notice that before? Mid-panic, it appears in front of me like an angel gradually descending down from heaven above – a tanning boutique – my golden goddess saviour. I leave some change on the table, gather my bags of non-essentials, and head over to book a booth. I investigate my arms a bit more and lift my top to check if it’s taken on my stomach. Of course, it hasn’t.
I charge urgently into the shop.
“I’m going to need thirty minutes please,” I ask as I dig around my purse for the fiver I could have sworn I saw in there earlier.
“Oh for fuck sake, seriously?” I mumble angrily...at my purse!
“Um, sorry we don’t have tanning beds, we only do spray tans.”
“Oh right, my stupidity. It does say that all over the window after all,” I laugh at myself.
“Do you take cards by any chance?”
“Yes, not a problem. It’s an extra fifty pence for card fees though. Is that okay?”
“Sure, go for it.”
“That’ll be room three. First right and second left. Your technician will be with you shortly.”
I reach my booth and undress. There’s a knock at the door and a very striking six foot something woman saunters through locking the cubicle behind her.
“Hello there, my name is Celia and I’ll be your spray technician for the next half hour.”
“Hi,” I say rather intimidated by her beauty and large jutting breasts. I turn to the mirror and notice that in my rush, my top had somehow slipped down and is now revealing one of my nipples from beneath the constraints of my blue lace bra. Shit, no wonder the girl on reception was smiling so much. Blushing, I begin to adjust myself, whilst thinking there really is no point. After all, in order to get an all over tan, I am going to have to completely disrobe. Nipples, clit and all.
Celia does the pleasantries and asks me questions as she preps her equipment and tops up her spray gun whilst I stand there trying yet again, to idiotically cover up. Well you do feel fairly vulnerable standing stark naked in front of a complete stranger. Thank fuck I’ve shaved!
“Okay then, would you like to step into the tent now?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure.”
“Right, so as you’ve had one of these before, do you know which shade you’d like?
“Yep, I’ll take the darkest please, but can it be the one that I can wash off in an hour though please? I have a date tonight.”
“Absolutely,” she says as she moves in for a closer look.
“I notice you’ve got a bit on already. It may not absorb as well as it should then. Are you happy for me to continue?” she checks with me.
“Yes, er, I know. Sorry, it was an emergency last minute attempt today which I’ve completely botched up! Should have bloody done it last night!”
She gently massages my hands with a pre-tan lotion. Her touch sends shivers through me – probably just the cold.
“You know to expect it to be a little cold, yes?”
“Yep, it’s the worst part but just do it. Do it, do it, do it” I say as I shut my eyes, breath in, hold my breath and wait in anticipation for the bleak spatters of colour to hit my shivering goose pimply body. Oh god, the hell we women go through to look good.
Tans are so annoying. Yes, I know, worth it in the end, blah, blah, blah. It’s the whole, stand here, lift your arms, spread your legs, twist your leg, bend your knees to a 90 degree angle, stand on your head, turn this way, turn that way. I feel like a robot and look like a disjointed break-dancing twat! The only good part about it, other than the end when I look like a golden beauty, is how horny I feel. I know right?! As perplexing as it can be, especially if it’s your first time; whenever I’m naked, I instantly feel like fucking.
I notice that Celia’s wearing a white t-shirt...and, get this...no bra! Who does that at work?! Although, who cares right now? Her nipples are peaked so much they look like they could dial one of those eighties rotary dial telephones. She’s so sexy!
I can see Celia discreetly attempt to look down at my pussy. I guess not prudently enough if I manage to catch her in the act. I smile to myself. Hmm.
“I bet the guys who tan here often try their luck with you,” I fill in the silence. But why did I choose that to say? I make her sound like some easy slag!
“Sometimes, yes. Most know by now though I’m actually lesbian.”
“Really?” I say a little too over excitedly.
“Oh right so...right...Okay.”
She laughs. For some unknown pathetic reason, I’m dumbfounded by what she’s just told me. I’m as shell shocked as if she had just said that she has a dick and a vagina! She’s lesbian, not alien for shit sake!
“Does that make you uncomfortable at all?” she quizzes.
“I can always call someone else to take over if you’d prefer?”
“Oh god, no, not at all. It doesn’t bother me in the least. In fact, I’m bi-sexual so it makes two of us stuck here, alone in this private little room,” I say cheekily.
“Oh, really? Well in that case, let’s continue shall we?” she says with one eyebrow lifted as she bends down to switch on the spray machine. At the flick of the button there’s an ear-splitting clack and the power goes off, lights and all. The only light there is are the dim blue upright floor lights beaming up from the laminate floorboards. They must be on a different circuit or some technical bollocks to that affect.
“Oh don’t worry, this happens all the time. And even as often as it does, it still always somehow takes someone about twenty minutes to turn it all back on,” she says annoyed.
“No need to stress. I’ve got nowhere to be in a rush, so I’m happy to wait,” I comfort her.
“Thank you my love. Well I guess I’ll take a seat and chat with you for a bit. Can’t leave you here alone in the dark now can I? That wouldn’t make me much of a professional would it?!”
She places a towel on the floor and kneels down in front of me. I notice her sneak another peek at my shaven pussy as she lowers herself. Now I feel really vulnerable, so I shimmy about and align my face with hers and she smiles.
“It was a pretty good view from down here—you didn’t need to do that,” she says slyly and confidently.
Did she really just say that?
“My apologies for spoiling your view. Would you prefer that I stand again?” I reply audaciously. If I’m not mistaken, I think she may just well be flirting with me. Oh I do hope I’m right!
“I couldn’t possibly ask you to stand in front of me whilst I take in the sensuous contours of your arousing, curvaceous body.”
“Really?” What? I have to ask!
“Most definitely! I’m not making you feel uncomfortable am I?”
“No, quite the opposite actually,” I assure her as I raise myself back to standing exposed in front of her.
I admire her from above as she looks approvingly up at me. Her nipples are standing to attention, as are mine. My pussy is tingling and I can only hope hers is too. Oh wow, is what I think is about to take place, really about to happen? Fuck I fucking hope so!
; I’m feeling a little flushed as I see her lift herself slightly. Her nose is in line with my aching pussy.
“I can smell you,”
HUH? What the...
“Mmm, I love it. Your scent, a trace of want, the essence of desire,” she says as she sniffs in. Oh right! That! Is this a little odd or is it just me? Fuck it! Let’s see where it goes – aroma and all.
My pussy is wet and I can feel my juices trickling down the inside of my leg.
Celia leans forward and places her hands on my hips as she shuffles forward on her knees. She pulls me closer as I swallow hard and crouch down to kiss her. She gently guides my face out of her way and I feel the warmth of her breath close to my pussy as she trails her tongue up and down the inside of my thighs before energetically flicking it back and forth across my clit, eventually burying it inside my saturated cavity. Fuck me, that’s a long tongue!
My nipples stiffen and the goose-bumps multiply. I remain standing tall and run my fingers through her soft glossy hair as she contravenes every policy and rule in the company book. Still licking me, she slips two fingers inside my warm wet pussy as her thumb slowly circles my hardened clit. I take hold of the back of her head and pull her in even closer. I can hear her struggling to breathe.
I place my hands on her shoulders and lower myself, my face parallel with hers. I lift her t-shirt over her head and lay her back on the towel. I trail my nails along her neck, down the middle of her torso and back up and over her tits. I squeeze them together and lift her head forward. I want to see if she can lick her own nipples. Oh my god she can. The lucky bitch! I take that as a favourable challenge and sit over her chest – her breasts squished between my legs and return her head to an upright position. She’s going to have a seriously sore neck after this. Do I care right now? Not likely.
I’m the accommodating type so I push a couple of rolled towels behind her head to help as I tell her to lick my pussy between her tits. Oh god the sight from up here is staggering. It turns me on so much that I come within seconds of her licking. I travel my twitching body down to her legs, quickly freeing her of her sandals and leggings. Shit, her body rocks. Sweating already, I clamber about for my bag, pull out my golden egg and switch it to high as I lean in between her legs and place it on her clit.