The Birth (The Black Wing Book 1)

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The Birth (The Black Wing Book 1) Page 17

by Yvette, Miriam

  “You Lenurs scare me.” I admitted.

  Avalon smiled, attempting to look less scary.

  “Here I thought you humans were the scary ones. You treat this land like it cannot be wounded by the defective objects you craft. The nutrition consumed in your bellies is grown and alternated thoughtlessly. Your creatures are killed in ways we Lenurs could be heavily imprisoned for. Your wars and your entire lives revolve around currency. The young are lost, the old forgotten, and parents no longer have time. Possessions are worth more than the undying fate to meet the Creator. This world is so corrupted, but you rather live in that corruption than be freed by the truth. ”

  “Okay—fair enough.” I let out.

  Her speech convicted me, I have lived in my problems too long to worry about where this world is heading. I wish I could do something, but I wonder if that’s what everyone says.

  “The moment I touched your belly, I have begun the transfer.” revealed Avalon. “I need you to remain calm.”

  The sun has started to set, and sky is turning gray. Avalon has stopped talking to me, it seems all she wants to do is concentrate. Her head sunk low, exposing her long neck. I told her if everything was going alright but she dismissed it.

  A prickly feeling came on my spine like needles. The temperature is growing hot, my jacket feels like it’s engulfed in flames. The strangest part is when a drop rolled down my cheeks. I touched my cheek, they’re tears.

  These tears are not mine, this submerging immersing feeling isn’t me, and rather they belong to someone else — to Avalon. She looked up at me, and a stream of waterworks have flooded down her cheeks. It seems like Avalon’s thoughts are connecting to me. Our awareness of each other is separated by a thin delicate curtain, if I moved it, I will not just feel Avalon’s pain, but her joy, and sadness.

  The prickling sensation only escalated, the temperature around me, has started to feel like a boiling pot of water. I moved my collar in hopes of letting some cold air in.

  I thought Avalon would start chanting like a witch, but she kept silent. There’s not the slightest proof to make me believe in magic. Is this is what she meant by her abilities being secret only to her? I ran across another sensation, this one is small—barely there. It wrapped me with a voice holding no sound. The voice repeated continuously. If I’m not mistaken, it’s a real word.

  “Serenata.” I muttered.

  Avalon’s eyes dotted out.

  “That’s her name!” she exclaimed. “We are linked!”

  Overwhelmed, I laughed at the beauty of our emotional connection and she laughed in response to mine. I can almost drink the feelings, but not without tasting some bitterness. Avalon grew even more focused. If we really are linked in some way, then I want to know more about Avalon. If I venture outside of my thoughts into hers, I can locate things she couldn’t explain. The knowledge came to me instantaneously. This information is quick, I absorbed for more.

  According to her awareness, Avalon has out-lived many human lives, many were spent with her grandmother. This new piece of information is not enough. I dug deeper, and opened more gates. I want to know more, and she submitted them to me. Among her memory lane, a hurt began to fill up inside me. It’s a deep dark secret Avalon has never told a soul.

  In exchange for Avalon’s life, the Emperor’s advisors had her grandmother sentenced to death. Her parent’s didn’t just die in battle. They were aware of Avalon’s imprisonment in the Empire. It was during their combat with the neighboring enemies, that their own comrades turned on them and killed them. Once again, the mastermind are the Emperor’s advisors. These awful advisors want to get rid of the special gene in Avalon’s blood, but doing so is a hard task. That is why Avalon, without her knowing at the time, was the only candidate capable of eliminating her twin brothers.

  Because Avalon has lived so long, dying is new to her—terrible in fact. I brushed her thoughts away like the curtain that they felt. When Avalon grunted, I opened my eyes and finally saw an unordinary sight. Her hair is beginning to resist gravity. I closed my eyes again, hoping I wouldn’t distract her.

  “Lola.” interrupted Avalon. “You’ve been through a lot.”

  I paused.

  Avalon has been prying into my feelings. She too searched through my feelings like I did to her. I immediately felt naked. I don’t want her to see how horrible my husband, and family treated me. Now it’s too late, in a matter of seconds Avalon drew in the timeline of my painful life, to the few things that made me laugh.

  “Don’t be so frightened.” said Avalon. “You don’t realize it now, but you are no longer the person you thought you were. You are strong now.”

  Unexpectedly my stomach began throbbing, my baby is starting to twist in inside belly. My ribs are getting punched and shoved—my organs are smashed and cornered. I held on to my knees to keep myself from falling. Whatever is happening, it’s causing a lot of stress to my baby, Avalon continued, she’s focused on her task.

  “Please, stop." I begged. "It hurts.”

  In a way, my body doesn’t want to welcome the soul of an extraterrestrial. The unwanted touch of Avalon’s hand gave me goose bumps. Avalon barked in pain, she bit her lip and to keep her composure. My baby reacted in union with her throbs of pain, shoving and kicking every time Avalon made a wounded expression. It’s as if my child’s soul is being defiled, evaded, and raided by the presence of a stranger. If so, then how will I be forgiven? What must I do in the future so that none of this turns into a complete mess?

  Within seconds, the cold temperature returned. The warm connection with Avalon disappeared. Her hands pulled away from me and she fell on her back. Her eyes gazed at the remaining orange sky mixing with the dark clouds. She looks like she froze, like she’s dead. A pool of blood emitted between her legs soaking her clothes and the sheets I brought. Her body has miscarried her baby, a small tiny baby, no bigger than my hand.

  The natural glow in Avalon’s eyes have dimmed, they’re no longer sparkling. Her tears grew and rolled to her ear. She looked at me this time, and smiled.

  “Thank you.” she wheezed.

  I can’t even tell her you’re welcome. My body has never gone under such stress, and my baby didn’t like it one bit. Her gratitude cannot replace the hard within my womb.

  “It was nothing.” I replied, finding there is no decency in that.

  “It’s not for what you did.” she said, correcting me. “Those years I spent in the mountains of Sei, I felt very alone. One of the things I wanted the most was a friend. In the Empire, nobody fulfilled that role. I thought the idea didn’t exist, but my wish came true. We didn’t grow up together, and yet I know your entire life, as you know all of mine. In my heart, I’m content. I have finally—finally found a true friend.”

  Every few seconds Avalon’s body twitched and settled. The rapid reflexes are starting to scare me, it’s the movements my hamster did before it passed away. I took her stillborn baby, just lifting tiny body hurt, she’s so small and frail. She looks like any other developing baby. A large head, and tiny body. I placed the baby into Avalon’s arms. She immediately wrapped her frozen child and kissed her forehead repeatedly.

  “I’ll keep her with me.” shivered Avalon.

  “We should bury her.”


  “Why not?”

  Avalon is in no mood to explain. Her eyes pressed at her lifeless baby, she examined every inch of her. The sun has set and the temperature significantly dropped. I asked Avalon about her jolting body. It looks like she’s being electrocuted.

  “Don’t be alarmed, I’m in shock from my miscarriage.” she said “I plan to stay alive until you have a safe delivery.”

  “You’ll wait another month?” I said hopeful.

  “I am more capable of waiting now than I did trying to preserve two lives. I have performed a difficult, intolerable task. With Serenata no longer with me, I will sustain my own vital organs until your child is born.”

lon reached out for my hand, when she took them, she pressed my hand towards her forward. It’s a sign of gratitude.

  “Although I stand at death’s door, I can’t help but wish we could talk more. I’m starting to wish you were a Lenur, if we met as little girls, we would have so much fun in the Mountains of Sei. Now my time is cut short, I have live for a long time, but I’m still petrified of the idea of dying.”

  “Don’t you worry about being alone.” I said. “I will visit you tomorrow—”

  That instant it looked like a lightbulb has turned on Avalon’s head.

  “No!” exclaimed Avalon.

  Her eyes darted over the field, glancing at the harmless forest, and the innocent leaves drifting in the air. Avalon confessed something that troubled me, just hearing it make my stomach turn.

  “When I passed Serenata into your child, much of my energy was spent, so much that it amplified a signal across the stars. For those few moments this galaxy shined like a beacon of light. It’s enough for an Elite to trace me, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have already located earth. If they find me, they will eliminate me for treason. Please, whatever you do, do not come back.”

  “Why did you mention this now?!” I exclaimed. “I wouldn’t have help you if there were aliens—Lenurs, hunting you!”

  “I understand your frustration”

  “Frustration?” I repeated. “You’re telling me that apart from my husband, now I have to hide from your galactic justice system!”

  “Elite.” corrected Avalon.

  “Whatever!” I stammered.

  This is some turn of events. My child is safe guarding the only live successor of the Emperor. This isn’t what I want to hear after I put my child in dangers way. Avalon assured me that I’m out of harm’s way. She said the only person who knew she was pregnant was the Emperor’s wife, and she’s perfectly dead

  “It wasn’t important to tell you.” she justified. “I simply assumed you were going to leave and never come back. I’m not sure how swiftly my Emperor sent an Elite. But it won’t be long.”

  Since connecting with Avalon, I now have a clear understanding of her world. Elite’s take roles as executioners. According to Avalon, they’re trustworthy enough to leave Osois. Avalon hinted that she doesn’t know who will be arriving, but she guarantees the Emperor’s advisors will send their best Elite. While it isn’t the time to ask, but I wondered what it is about the Emperor’s advisors that made them hate Avalon so much. Their passion to wipe her entire family is a mystery to me. Their power to do these things without the Emperor’s approval is a frightening thought on its own.

  “What’s done is done.” I paused. “What do I need to do?”

  “You will go home, I will wait right here, and preserve my life until you give birth to your baby. I don’t want to leave this world until I know that you and your unborn are safe. If the Elite arrives beforehand, they will assume I miscarried my daughter and conclude that she died. I won’t hide that the truth that I was with child. This is the information the Elite need to return to Osois. They must not conclude that the Emperor’s only child is alive.”

  “You said this planet is toxic to your kind, so why would they risk coming here.”

  “The Lenur don’t know this planet is toxic yet.” said Avalon. “That is my advantage and disadvantage.”

  Avalon didn’t bring up her status if the Elite arrived. So I asked her what will become of her. She pressed her back near the boulder and took in a deep breath.

  “They will surely send someone strong enough to defeat me in my feeble state.” she concluded. “I’m almost curious to know who it will be.”

  Her reaction troubles me, I immediately told her there is nothing for her to get excited about. Apart from slowly dying, now there’s another force ready to punish her. Knowing how emotionally weak I am, Avalon tried to break a smile. No matter how unfair life is, Avalon only looks in the positive, incapable of submitting into ruthlessness. If only things could be different, if only she stayed in the Forest of Sei. If only the Emperor allowed her to have her child. None of this would had to happen, no one would need to suffer. Avalon’s in no condition to defend herself—the Elite will easily take her life. Avalon waved me down. I have lost myself, inside my thoughts.

  “You must make haste.” she reminded. “Please go, and whatever you do—do not return. If you really value your unborn, never return to this place.”

  For once, we are on the same page. I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. This is really our last goodbye. Avalon’s hand rested on my belly, she smoothed over every curve. A smile hanged on her face.

  “Someday.” she revealed “They will be like sisters—just like you have been to me.”

  “Avalon.” I whispered.

  “It’s time for you to go.” she announced. “Don’t think of me and certainly don’t think of the Elite.”

  Avalon shared with me the same smile when we met. Her peaceful nature is undeniable, genuine, it remains pure—even now.

  “I won’t see you again, wont I?” I said.

  “If you do, it will only be to protect you. I owe you that much. Now you must depart, protect them.”

  I held my tears, I don’t want to think about what’s going to happen to Avalon. Going back to the cabin is now more difficult than I imagined, but I went ahead. Now I have an even powerful duty than before. I must protect these innocent lives inside me. For Avalon, and for me.

  Chapter Twenty

  Back Home

  “In one month, my child will be born.”

  1st of November

  36 weeks and 1 day pregnant

  The entire morning my windows vibrated like a haunted house. A strong wind current passed through, howling on the cracks of the cabin. I spent my entire morning in the living room. I sniffed the vapor swirling from my cup of hot cocoa. Last night, I was up late, worrying about Avalon. Sleep deprived, my body forced a yawn for the third time.

  After leaving Avalon, Kinoki and I had a lot of trouble finding our way back. Not only was the dusk creeping in, but the crows have returned from their scavenging in the city. We trespassed their territory, and they had no trouble letting us know. These black flying reptiles harassed us out of their territory. Among them, lurks a crow twice as large as the other ones. The feathers on his left wing were ruffled. When we found the crater they stopped chasing us.

  Kinoki leaped over the crater and ran towards the truck. She couldn’t be happier to see her lifelong enemy. I quickly inspected the catarelia, the living rock Avalon used to travel to space. It’s as I suspected, the catarelia has shrunk to three feet. In such a short time, this once massive space rock, has diminished into a small size. Avalon said, the rock represented her health, and if she dies, it will soon become naked to the human eye.

  I want to visit Avalon, but I’m not allowed to do that. The Elite are coming for Avalon. It’s hard to believe the Emperor is so merciless to Avalon. Even if he made that rule to not have children, didn’t he love Avalon just a bit more than the rest? When Avalon and I connected, I felt her love for him. He was sweet to her, but he also caused her a lot of pain. I snapped out of my thoughts, Avalon told me not to think of her and what’s to come. I sipped my hot cocoa, in obedience to that. Just then, my phone rang a notification.

  Tomorrow. Appointment with Dr. Graham @ 11 a.m.

  I read the details of my appointment and couldn’t help but smile. I’m nearing the end of my trimester. Within four weeks, I will cradle my baby in my arms.

  “Where’s mother?”

  The window vibrated behind me, I looked through the porch window, there’s no visitor. The only sound in this cabin is the sound of Kinoki’s teeth crunching on her kibbles in the kitchen.

  “I miss mother.”

  The voice is tiny, barely there. I left the comfort of my sofa, abruptly placing my hot cocoa on the coffee table and spilling it.

  “Hello?” I called out.

  Kinoki greeted me, thinking
I called her. I walked through every room in the cabin. The windows are making an eerie sound by the strong current of the wind. Sleep deprived, I went to lay down in bed.


  That is no wind, and I am not exhausted. This thing knows my name.

  “Are you…Serenata?” I called out.

  How is it possible? Avalon never mentioned she could communicate with her daughter. She didn’t even give me instructions on what to do. All I remember is the lullaby she sang, and the tales of her past. If my guesses are correct, that would mean that Avalon can outwardly speak to her daughter.

  “I’m here.” I tested.

  “I’m scared”the voice recoiled.“Mother is alone.”


  “Your mother is strong.” I replied. “She is alone because she wants to keep us safe.”

  I’m starting to suspect that Serenata knows the fate her Avalon is waiting. In one month, my child will be born, and Avalon will no longer be with us. Unless the Elite show up, that is the plan. My desire to return to bed hasn’t change. After all, my appointment with Dr. Graham is never a pleasant one. I pushed myself to sleep, the road is always a long one.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Dr. Graham is Frustrated Again

  “Dr. Graham grumbled, and folded his hands on his lap.”

  2nd of November

  36 weeks and 2 days pregnant

  During the check-up I’ve worried something abnormal was going to show up. Whatever Avalon did during the braightnos transfer, it gave my baby a traumatic shock. With my relief, Dr. Graham had nothing to report, everything is normal. We returned to his office to discuss the last four weeks of my pregnancy. During this time, he looked at me suspiciously—like something is different about me, but he can’t point out what.

  “Have you been getting enough sleep?” he asked.


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