The Birth (The Black Wing Book 1)

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The Birth (The Black Wing Book 1) Page 24

by Yvette, Miriam

  “What can you hear?” urged Rat.

  I slapped the back of his head. He yelped, and pulled back like a scolded child.

  “You want to get us into trouble?”

  Rat shook his head, sulking. I was prepared to scold him some more, but the door creaked. My heart jumped, I heard every cell mate pick themselves up to their feet. I followed the same movement and walked to the back wall, the corner where we release our bowels.

  “They fucking heard us.” I whispered.

  Rat’s loud mouth needs another slap, but my fear of the puritans controlled me.

  “What’s going to happen?” whimpered Rat.

  There’s hardly an oil on the door, it screeched so loud, my teeth are about to shatter. Nobody wants to stand in the same corner we release our bowels. Every prisoner left the ventilation in the bars and withdrew to the back wall. No one is allowed to be near the bars, and we learned that rule real quick. One rebellious prisoner stood near the bar to snarl at Colin and Ethan, he was shot in the head that second. Colin and Ethan know we smell like road kill, and they don’t want us near them

  I assured Rat that if he stayed quiet, no harm will come to him. The door opened completely, Rat jumped, and scooted over to our waste. Even he was smart enough not to get near the bars. I held my breath from the stench our feces, the fowl aroma is shrinking my lungs to shriveled old raisins. Their footsteps caused a dark echo within the prison hall. Everyone kept their eyes on the floor, the worst thing you can do is draw their attention.

  Across our circled prison, I saw Michael, and Samuel standing in their manure, just like us. They bowed their heads, and flatten their lips. No one wants to be on Colin’s hit list. Sure, the idea of dying is more welcoming than this place, but the puritan’s way of death is a torture that keeps us on our best behavior.

  “We heard someone, who is it?”

  That voice. The universal sound of evil intent. We all know this one. Colin.

  “These sinners need to be taught some lesson.” continued Colin. “Abundant One, can we execute the one who spoke?”

  His name forced my primitive desire to dig my nails on the cement wall. The bastard who started of all of this is right here, the leader of this cult, the Abundant One. With obedience, I brought my eyes on the floor. Apart from Colin and Trent, I hate the Abundant One the most.

  When we heard them walk across the cell, I peeked at him. His long white beard fell over his white robe. I saw him was a month ago, and yet he still wears the same priest-like garments that hang loosely off his sleeves. He always stands on a slanted posture, with one shoulder slightly hanging lower than the other. His spine resembles a dead plant, desperately bending forward for water. He’s creepy in every way possible. Even the sound of his voice gives me the chills. The Abundant One sounds like a century year old man, but his face is wrinkle free. How can a frail old man with a growing white beard resemble a young teenager? Nonetheless, this minister is evil.

  “Technology.” said the Abundant One. “There is nothing wrong with technology, everything is composed of it.”

  I can hear his light footsteps, it’s barely noticeable when compared to Colin and Ethan.

  “Science, and Machinery.” he continued. “To detect, identify, relate, and investigate the matters of all life. There is nothing wrong with knowing.”

  The Abundant One is strolling around the prison hall, unaffected by our stench. Colin and Ethan kept a safe distance.

  “The mistake!” he hollered. “The mistake is that man cannot hold the power of knowledge as if it were a right. Just because you know how an animal feeds and mates, you think controlling their existence is a benefit? No! Neither can you do the same for technology, but this belief in advancing through machinery is a deadly sin. You cannot replicate the laws of a human cell into a machine. Mankind is the ambassador of flaws, and that is what you create. Pitiful, puny, flaws.”

  His words brings my bones to shrink, I hope the ceiling would crush me right now. Every time I hear one of his speeches I’m agitated, like he robbed my soul through his charismatic tone. He once walked around the cell floor for an hour just to tell us how condemned we are. Sometimes, I believe him.

  “Do you know why you are here? You are here to repent for your mistake. In order to atone, you must perish. When your blood falls on the soil, the earth will regain its right over you. It will suck you dry, and send you into the depth of the inferno.”

  Rat has been mumbling to himself nonstop. Whenever the Abundant One visits to do his usual speech, Rat will fall on his knees to pray. Rat’s a slow thinker, that’s the best way we can describe him. But there are those rare times when he reverts into another person, perhaps the person he used to be. Rat let his knees remain in shit swiftly mumbling verses of the Bible.

  “Psalm 118:6. ‘The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’ Psalm 112:1 ‘Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.’ Deuteronomy 31:6 ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.’”

  “Keep it together.” I whispered.

  I respected Rat’s tendency to suddenly quote the Bible, especially in this situation. He didn’t hide his fear like I did. He shivered, and wept like a child openly crying out to his God. Being the oldest prisoner, Rat lost his marbles long ago. He’s been here so long, we believe he grew a double personality, the only clue of who he was comes from his unshaking faith.

  Colin’s gaze locked into our cells with a smile. How I wish I could drive a vehicle over him and run him over—again and again. I often daydream about punching Colin’s distorted nostril back in place. He doesn’t fall short on being recognized as the son of the devil. The Abundant One didn’t need to lift a finger to corrupt his mind.

  Colin tries to behave around company, but put him alone with us, and he’s a monster. The bastard once forced a cell mate consume his own shit, he once broke a prisoner’s arm just because he felt like it—he even used Ryan as a punching bag. When we think his wife isn’t giving him any, he’s hollering around, pointing his gun at everyone’s face. Colin is sick, he knows it, and he likes it.

  Ethan is more focused on the cult and duty than torture. He hardly comes down to visit because his weak stomach can’t stand our odor. Ethan often runs out of the prison to throw up, but right now he’s manning up for the Abundant One.

  “Abundant One, we mustn’t postpone our monthly ritual for that vermin.” observed Colin. “Otherwise these men will think we don’t want to kill them.”

  “Don’t ask the Abundant One for such a request!” scolded Ethan, “We must execute the sinner tomorrow morning, we can’t allow that vermin to continue living.”

  I’m surprised they would mention Shadow, or in their language, the vermin. Everyone’s ear must be perked up like a rabbit. This is important news, but what does it all mean?

  “Enough.” said the Abundant One. “There is no suspicious activity here, let us prepare for tomorrow’s cleaning.”

  He assured Ethan, and Colin on how historical tomorrow will become. With everyone still holding their breaths, their voices slowly fades as the door screeched shut.

  “Is the close clear?” mumbled Rat.

  With no hesitation, we jumped off our pile of shit and scraped the slime off our feet. Everyone rustled back to the bars, to breathe in the musky air. Terrance waves his hand around. Signaling that the close is clear, we can speak. I looked at Rat and scowled.

  “You almost got us killed, Rat. Quit goofing around.”

  “Fucking Rat!” yelled Ryan. “Pull that move again and I’ll shove my fist down your throat!”

  Rat stretched his arms through the bars, and told Ryan that his middle finger is for him.

  “Let’s all get some sleep.” said Samuel. “I have a feeling tomorrow won’t be a good day.” His deep voice soothed my intent to choke Rat.

Do they really mean to execute Shadow?” said Michael.

  His voice is only a child compared to Samuel, the oldest of all. Although Michael is the newest prisoner, his constant torture from Colin should have killed him, but Samuel kept him alive. After all, that’s what the oldest do for the young.

  “Oh well.” said Ryan. “He’s dead tomorrow. It was fun while it lasted guys.”

  “He’ll find a way out!” yelped Rat. “I’m sure of it, right Matthews?”

  “Ay Matthews, tell your damn mate to get real.” said Ryan.

  I ignored Ryan and Rat who started arguing with the rest. I just want to sleep, and numb myself from this place. I don’t care about Rat defending Shadow or Ryan’s disappointment about Shadow’s execution. It seems like everyone forgot about our situation, they’re all too focused on Shadow. They no longer want to admit, or remember that we are trapped in this hell hole.

  Since I’m the only one who actually cares about living, I decided to put my mind to work. According to the puritans, technology is not all bad, unless it’s a type of machinery. That kind of knowledge is a sin to them. In fact, anything that has to do with discovering the world is destructive to them. In my time here, I discovered that every prisoner holds no criminal record worthy of this place. This prison has computer engineers like Samuel, and business owners like Ryan. A dozen are scientists, ranging from fields like biology, chemistry, and physics. The rest, discriminately fall in categories titled as sin, whether it be the skin color or being interracially mixed. Nothing satisfies these puritans.

  The weird one in the mix is Rat. Samuel says he remembers Rat before he lost his mind. Rat was actually the pastor for the small community above us. Then the Abundant One came, and changed everything. I’ve probed Rat with questions, but he wouldn’t share anything related to his past. Regardless of Rat being the insane prisoner, there must be a reason why the puritans want to keep him alive.

  I tried to find a conclusive reason for this organized demonic cult, but everyone has their own hypothesis. Before Shadow came in the picture, we used to be an organized group. We analyzed every guard that stepped foot in this place. From their clothing, we can testify that these people, are not supporters of the modern fashion. They look like a medieval carnival pooped them out. Rat shared that the community above are puppets, following a false leader. He said the Abundant One is a man with evil intention because he uses the word of God to control his followers. I reminded Rat that God is the one who’s allowing us to suffer. Rat insisted that God’s plan are always beyond our ability to understand, the one who’s causing this trouble isn’t Him, but the Abundant One.

  On my first week here, I believed everything Rat said, then I caught on to his uncomfortable behavior. Nobody takes Rat’s word for truth because he’s so mentally unstable. Some days he chatters senselessly to the wall, on some days, he sings gospel music. Rat’s a pain to be with, how I pity him.

  “Matthews, you okay?” whispered Rat.

  For the entire time, he’s been watching me think. It’s a routine he does when I don’t want to talk to him—when I want to disappear from this depressing hell hole.

  “Hey Matthews, you think Shadow will get out?”

  I ignored him, regretting the thought of feeling sorry for him.

  “I don’t think they will kill Shadow.” he continued on his own. “I’m sure they were just saying that to scare us.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I said turning my back towards him. Rat can’t get a hint. I just want to go back to sleep, and forget this place!

  “What if Shadow is here to save us—?” he added. “What do you think of Shadow?”

  “Dammit Rat!” I yelled “Will you shut up already? Shadow doesn’t exist! He’s never going to exist, he’s just a figment of your imagination! Everyone here needs to get back to reality! There are puritans outside this prison who abducted us, and you’re hoping this man is going to just fly out, and escape? So what if he does—what’s going to happen to us when that happens? I’ll tell you what—we are still going to be right here, rotting until were executed! Soon we will be no different than rattlesnakes on a pike, drying out in the sun—we are all going to die! Oh, but nobody cares about that—everyone rather know what hand Shadow scratches his butt with!”

  My throat ached from shouting, so I left it at that. I expected Ryan to give me a few hateful remarks, but no words came. I silenced them all. A sense of guilt got me for hurting everyone’s optimism. Rat who curled into a ball, and soundlessly hugged himself. Now he’s the one interested in sleep. I laid back down, and apologized to them in my mind, I’m too much of a proud man to apologize out loud.

  To preserve my sanity, I did the usual routine, and recalled my own identity. My name is Matthews Nealson, I’m an archeologist, a missing professor to a University, a son to divorced parents, and a father of three. My wife is a faithful woman, and my friends have been in my life for decades. From this viewpoint, it doesn’t seem like a bad life to have. Before I became imprisoned, I thought I had an unfulfilled life. Now I see how very wrong I am. I’m beginning to wonder if my family is looking for me. If I ever leave this place, what will I say to them? If I die, what will they say about me?

  Those—puritans, the bastards! They think they’re so clever. When Trent and his men abducted me, they covered my face to keep me from knowing my location. But they took me for a stupid man. I know where we are, and it’s not Utah. I’m an archeologist—I have studied environmental areas for years.

  We are located in a hot dessert only the state of Arizona can give.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Rat’s Plan

  “Did I just imagine this?”

  Rat shook me violently. I gasped for air thinking I had been drowning in water. It’s common to wake up like that since our oxygen is often recycled. Rat’s dirty hands covered my mouth, I was angry by the smell of his dirty fingers, but I sustained myself because his hands trembled. I moved his hand aside, and promised not to yell. He informed me that Ryan, and Terrance had passed on a strange message, there are strange noises coming out of the.

  The light had been shut off, only a speckle of light seeped through the cracks of the door of death.

  “Shadow’s going to be executed today Matthews, don’t ya remember?” he chuckled.

  “So what?” I said yawning.

  “You said he doesn’t exist, but he does!” exclaimed Rat.

  “Your crazy friend is right.” called Ryan.

  He informed me that Terrance heard Ethan command a working guard to get the vermin out of the nutshell.

  “You know the only way that door can be open is by making a huge racket. Well, we heard it.” said Terrance. “Shadow is no rumor, he’s real.”

  “You’re saying that on the emphasis that the nutshell opened.” I replied.

  “Who do you think was there the whole time?” added Ryan. “When did you see any of us get transferred there?”

  “It’s Shadow.” answered Rat, his hands clasped together.

  After the harsh comment I gave them, I can see why they are focused to make me believe them. I often looked up to Terrance for putting up with Ryan as I put up with Rat, but even he believed in Shadow.

  “You gone nuts.” I replied.

  “Maybe it’s just a new comer.” chocked Michael.

  His voice sounds frail, something doesn’t sound good with the kid. It could be another one of his fevers.

  “Well look at the bright side.” I said. “At least none of us will be executed this month. Rather than killing the guards, let’s hope this Shadow has the brain to kill the Abundant One. Without their leader, maybe they’ll let us go or something.”

  “You’re full of shit.” said Ryan “We’re dead anyways, if you guys want, I’ll volunteer for next month.”

  I scowled. “At least I have hope for something more real than your imaginary friend, shithead.”

  With no warning, the door creaked open. The surprise was so sudden, everyone instantaneo
usly withdrew to the back of the wall like cockroaches exposed to light. I felt my stomach turn from the acid in my body, the scent of shit didn’t help. When the green lights blinked on, I shut my eyes and listened to the heavy footsteps of a single person. Heavy steps that only one person would make. Colin.

  “Good morning my friends!” he sang.

  He’s in a good mood, a mood worse than his bad one. Unlike the Abundant One, we can look at Colin, otherwise he will bully us for not giving him attention. I raised my head, and saw the glitter in his brown eyes, and his mustache smashed against each other by his beard. Colin, you bastard.

  “I know, I know, you boys are disappointed aren’t you? The Abundant One said there will be no need for the purging at the end of this beautiful July. But do you actually think he would let you off the hook while I’m in charge? Wrong! The time for execution come, and one of you has to go—surprise!”

  Colin reached for his glock 45 and fired. I don’t know who he aimed, my eyes shut themselves the moment I saw him pull out his gun. I kept my knees from falling to the ground. My urge to hide was like the time I broke my mom’s favorite mug all over again. Colin flipped his gun and aimed it at Michael.

  “Oh I know you!” he exclaimed. “You’re Ralph’s stepson! My how you’ve grown!” he chuckled strolling closer to Michael.


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