Hope, Heartbreak & High Heels (HHH)

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Hope, Heartbreak & High Heels (HHH) Page 16

by Sheryl

  “Can we have everyone’s attention please?” Mr. Worthington’s voice boomed over the microphone. The room felt silent and turned to face the dance floor where he and Mrs. Worthington stood.

  “Ezra, Aimee. Will you join us please? And you too Ms. Durand.” The three of them stepped into the light. “My wife and I would like to thank all of you for joining us here tonight to celebrate the engagement of our son Ezra to the very beautiful Mademoiselle Aimee LeFleur here. Ezra and Aimee have been together for a few months and we’ve never seen our son happier. Aimee is the perfect girl for him and we are thrilled to have her as a daughter. So Ms. Durand, Aimee; welcome to the family!”

  Everyone broke out into applause. The girls and their dates next to me stood up and cheered loudly. It was a genuinely nice speech and I could see a hint of surprise on Aimee’s face as Mr. and Mrs. Worthington hugged and kissed her and her Maman. I know they’ve always had their differences, but maybe this was the start of a brand new chapter.

  The band started playing and everyone formed a circle around the dance floor as Ezra and Aimee danced together. As the beats quickened, a few more couple joined them. Latisha, Vivek, Anya and Andrew left the table to go dance. They asked me to join them but I told them I’d join them in a bit.

  Although I had my doubts about Andrew, he seemed like a nice guy and was extremely attentive towards Anya. They seemed really happy together. He always called her or texted her, and made sure he saw her at least a couple of times a week. And tonight they were stuck to each other like glue. Something must have transpired because they were in their own little world, exchanging smiles and kisses.

  In comparison, Latisha and Vivek had always been an ideal couple but in a totally modest way. They were never physically expressive in public but one could tell from their conversations and smiles and little exchanges that they were a good, comfortable fit.

  I sat at the table and watched the couples move to the music. I had to admit it was nice. It was nice to have someone by you, to talk to, to joke with, to dance with and always have. It was times like this where maybe a relationship didn’t look so bad; so unappealing.

  “Can I have this dance?” A redhead with grey eyes stood before me and held out his hand. Then again, who needed a relationship?

  “Sure,” I placed my hand in his and he led me to the dance floor.

  He twirled me around and we danced to a few songs. His name was Terrance and he was a good dancer. Quick on his feet and very graceful. We exchanged pleasantries and I found out that he was a family friend of Ezra’s and worked in management consultancy downtown.

  After a few more songs, we paused to catch a breath. We walked towards the bar.

  “So, Eva… ” Terrance began.

  “So Terrance…” I mimicked.

  He laughed. “Call me Teddy please. Are you having a good time?” His grey eyes twinkled but they didn’t have the same charm as a pair of greenish-gold eyes that kept me awake at night.

  “Yes I am. What about you?” I took a sip of my soda.

  “Absolutely. What if I were to say that I don’t want it to end?” he winked.

  I looked at him confused. “What do you mean?“

  “Can I see you again sometime? I mean after tonight of course.”

  My smile dropped. “Umm…thing is…I can’t really…”

  “Oh I’m sorry. I should have assumed someone as beautiful as you would have someone,” he apologised.

  “No…it’s not that. I mean I don’t have anyone. I mean I am single,” I quickly explained.

  “Phew. Thank God. I was afraid I’d have my face punched in by someone here tonight,” he joked. “So then what is it? Do you not like me?” he teased.

  I laughed. “No, I just don’t date. Not my thing.”

  “Yeah right. There has to be some story behind that,” Teddy smirked.

  “No story, I’m just busy focusing on work right now and don’t have the time to date around,” I deflected.

  “That’s a load of bull and you know it, excuse my French. People who generally use work as a reason not to date are usually just hiding something. Or someone. Either way, even if I can’t get another date, can I at least have another dance?” he held out his hand again.

  I smiled and returned to the dance floor with him. But my mind lingered on his words. Was it true? Was I running away from someone and just using my past and my career as an excuse?

  I couldn’t deny my attraction to Daniel. Or the fact that I really enjoyed spending time with him. So then what was it that prevented me from accepting his request and going on a date with him?

  He had always made it easy for me. Approached me first. Asked me to lunch. Invited himself to Latisha’s birthday party. Tricked me into going for drinks. And now again, he had left the door open and the ball in my court. He had left me with the option of going on another date or telling him about my past. And yeah, I could always back out and do neither – there was no gun to my head. He had told me he would wait for my reply. But why was I so scared of opening up and letting him in?

  Was I running away from my past or was I hiding from a potential future?

  40 – AIMEE

  Everything had been perfect – the venue, the food, the guests… I was so happy Maman had been able to make it.

  “Everything ok?” she asked me as she took a seat beside me. Her tall, slender body looked amazing in the black satin gown she wore.

  “Yes Maman,” I reassured. “Just resting my feet.” She took my hand in hers.

  “You know I’m very happy for you right?” she studied me with her green eyes; another similarity between us. “Ezra is wonderful and I know he’ll treat you well.”

  I gazed at Ezra who was dancing with his Mother and nodded.

  “Aimee you have always been confused. You always jumped between boys that treated you well and boys who you found passion with. Ma cherie, this is marriage. And Ezra is the correct choice. Believe me.” She had a way of reading my mind and addressing my unspoken issues.

  “So you don’t think that I’m settling?” I asked hesitantly.

  “No way! Romance is fun when you are young but marriage requires something more secure and reliable. It requires commitment. Ezra will keep you safe. Trust me. I married for passion and look what happened,” she shook her head, as if trying to shake away bad memories.

  I gave her a hug. “I know Maman. Sometimes I just wonder you know? What if I find something better later on?”

  “Cherie, this is love. This is the choice you’ve made. You wont find something better unless you go looking for it. You’re the one that has to be completely satisfied with your decision. No one else can help you with it,” she reasoned.

  I gave her a hug. Talking to her was always comforting and I knew she understood what I was saying. Or not saying.

  “Hello! What are mother and daughter whispering about here?” Ezra sat down beside me.

  “Only about the charming new gentleman in our life,” Maman smiled. “Ezra, I am vraiment happy for the two of you. And I’m confident that you will take care of my little girl.”

  “Always Maman, always. Your little girl is my princess now. I promise you that I will always try my best to give her everything she wants and needs,” Ezra reassured.

  “I trust you. Well, I’m going to go get a drink. I’ll see you two later.” She got up and left.

  “Everything ok?” Ezra asked with a concerned look.

  I held his face between my hands and kissed his scrunched up forehead. “Yes, yes. Don’t worry so much.”

  “Well, now I’m officially allowed and supposed to,” he winked. He rubbed his thumb along my engagement ring. “I can’t believe you’re mine. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.”

  “Well, I am the luckiest girl in the world,” I kissed him. “Thank you for everything. For all of this. It’s really…magical.”

  He kissed my forehead. “Well it’s only the beginning. I want to make each day magical for
you. You deserve it.”

  We sat there for a while. Holding hands. Basking in our happiness and taking in the scene before us. Everyone seemed to be having an amazing time. I really should thank Ezra’s parents and express my appreciation. They had put together a wonderful party.

  “Where are your parents?” I asked Ezra.

  “Somewhere here. Probably socialising. Why?” Ezra answered distractedly.

  “I wanted to thank them for everything. Tonight was perfect,” I explained.

  Ezra turned to look at me. “That’s a really sweet thought. I’m sure they would like that. I can come with you if you want.”

  I shook my head. “No this is something I want to do alone. I don’t want them to think you asked me to.”

  “Sure. Why don’t you go talk to them now? The guys are calling me over anyways.” He waved to a group standing by the bar.

  “Ok.” We got up. Ezra walked off and I watched his retreating profile.

  I really was lucky. To have him. To have all of this. Ezra really believed in me and our relationship; enough to propose to me this soon and make it official. Maman was right. As fun as passion and romance and sparks were, they weren’t the sorts of things a marriage was based on. A marriage was based on trust, respect and understanding. Hearts and flowers were just the superfluous trimmings on the cake; fun but expendable. And it was time I realised this and stopped wondering whether there was something else out there.

  I walked over to the Worthingtons. I waited till they were done with their conversation and then I tapped Mrs. Worthington on the shoulder.

  “Hello, dear. Are you enjoying yourself?” she asked.

  “Yes, very much so. I wanted to talk to you about something…” I started. They looked at me expectantly.

  I took a deep breath and put on my most confident voice. “I wanted to say thank you. Merci beaucoup. For this beautiful party and the very touching toast. I know that we’ve never hit it off but it really means a lot to Ezra and myself that you’ve been so supportive of our decision.” I waited for them to say something.

  “Well, we had our doubts. But we’re hoping that this can be a fresh start and you’ll prove us wrong,” Mrs. Worthington admitted.

  “I will. I really do love Ezra. I promise I’ll keep him happy,” I reassured them. They gave me a hug. I really did feel like I was getting a clean slate. If they could give me a chance, I should do the same.

  As another couple approached them and engaged them in conversation, I slipped away. I didn’t blame the Worthingtons for their scepticism. I guess they just wanted the best for their son. At least they were giving me a chance.

  I spotted the girls taking a break at their table. I walked over to them.

  “Hey guys, having fun?” I asked.

  “Blast!” Anya answered. The others nodded. ”What about you?”

  “Definitely. I can’t believe this is my engagement party!” I shook my head. It still hadn’t sunk in fully.

  Tish smiled. “Well believe it and enjoy it. Because you deserve it.”

  “I can’t believe how much is going to change over the next year! We’re all going away over the holidays. Soon Tish will be married and you will too Aim!” Anya whined.

  “And from the looks of it you could be next,” Tish winked at Anya. She blushed. Mon Dieu! She had it bad.

  “So that leaves me. Alone. In the loft,” Eva pouted.

  “Well you never know…” I teased her. For the first time she didn’t argue back and just stayed silent. That was weird!

  “No matter what, we’re always going to be best friends. It doesn’t matter how far we move or where we go,” Anya resolved.

  “And we’re just going to have to make the most of the next six months!” Eva proclaimed.

  “Agreed,” I said. Tish nodded her head.

  “Tish, can you hand me my clutch please?” I asked her. Tish handed me my black satin bag. I checked my phone.

  “Who’s going to be calling you tonight?” Tish teased. “Anyone that could is here with you.”

  “Just habit…” my voice trailed off as I read through the new text message in my inbox.

  “What’s wrong?” Eva frowned as she noticed my face whiten. The others got up.

  I held out my screen for them to see.

  From: Jed Clarkson

  Time: 10:15 P.M.

  I’m in New York.

  Can we talk?

  Don’t worry, the girls aren’t done yet!

  Keep a look out for the sequel coming to you in 2014.




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